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  1. Challenge 10 Going for Level 9 Where art thou going, Terinatum? Mission Statement for 2014 Consistency! Motivation:: I'm headed in the right direction and I know it. Cook -- twice per week * I cooked more than I thought possible last challenge. In order to stay with the consistency objective, I will continue to do cooking twice per week. Cooking by definition (for me) is any meal I cook that entails more than the microwave, slapping meat on bread or using up leftovers - unless bulk cooking is involved. I enjoy cooking so getting started is the main focus of this goal. The tactic I am taking is managing my 'sense' of time better, leaving me feeling like there is plenty of time to make, enjoy, and clean up a nice meal. Worth - - - 4 CON Grading - - A = 2 meals/wk B = 1- 2/3 meals C = 1-1/3 meals D = 1 meal Run -- use up Alter G punch card * I used some hard earned money and bought a 10 punch card for the Alter G treadmill at my PT place. It's a treadmill that takes a percentage of your weight off so you are running with less weight. When I tried it back in the Fall - weighing 245 lbs - I could run 'forever' at 185 lbs. It felt fantastic. Which is why 185 is now my weight loss goal (by end of 2015). Worth - - - 2 STR, 3 STA Grading - - A = 10 punches B = 8 punches C = 6 punches D = 4 punches Work-Out - - wherever I am * I want to do my at home/wherever Squat- Plank-Push Up routine more often. I like how it was feeling, I want to feel that more often and be willing to do it no matter where I am at night/morning. Overnight pet-sitting can put a damper on my routines and I am determined to keep certain routines going no matter what home I might be in. Worth - - - 3 STR Grading - - A = 3 WOs/wk B = 2-1/2 WOs C = 2 WOs D = 1-1/2 WOs Live - - learn to use a consistent application of time towards my goals * I am starting a new phase in my life on several fronts. First is being single after a 17 year relationship. Next is training to be a well-rounded Pet Sitter Guru - being able to groom, train, sit, and heal with energy. And, I want a place of my own. So - being single - I need to divest certain connections with my former partner (ex sounds horrible!): mostly that means debt. Putting a realistic budget together denoting how my funds will be funneled to maximize my credit rating So - Pet Care Specialist - Make a business plan including forms, plan to enter into training, and seek out possible places to do grooming and training (my own place of business/at the pet's home/rent a space at another facility, etc…). So - my own place - Easier said than done for sure, but I need a road map. List options of 'on my own,' judge the worth of these, and take steps to get there. This is the least SMART goal I have ever had as I don't know what I'll run into and how much time these things may take. So! I will be asking for feedback from fellow rebels and other friends IRL. I will detail my plans each week, describe what I did and did not do, and solicit advice and scoring. Worth - - - 3 WIS :: 1 point per above mentioned phases of life. Grading - - SUBJECTIVE GRADING WITH ASSISTANCE FROM REBELS AND FRIENDS IRL Battle On My Rebel Friends!!!
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