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Found 6 results

  1. Alright, here are my quests for the challenge. I have a bit of a new excitement and readiness for this months, so no wishing or anything, but I'm going to make this happen. I've already got everything set up in my every day life to make this a success. No running around to do, really. Just the overwhelmingness of classes for this go round. Points this round are going to be based on hours spent for each quest. Quests 1. Strength: Go to the Gym 8 times. -Bonus: Go to the Gym 12 times. 2. Dexterity: Do Yoga 4 times. -Bonus: Go to the Yoga class at LA at least 2 times. 3. Stamina: Walk 84 miles during the challenge. Cataloged by my FitBit. -Bonus: Walk 140 miles during the challenge. -Extra Bonus: Reach Lothlorien in the Walk to Mordor and Back Again... Challenge. ~240 miles. 4. Constitution: Get 168 hours of sleep. -Bonus: Get 220 hours of sleep. 5. Wisdom: Study and or do homework for 56 hours total for the challenge. -Bonus: Study and or do homework for 80 hours total for the challenge. 6. Charisma: Post on the forums 20 times during the challenge. -Bonus: Update my challenge like a battle log, daily for the challenge. Total Points Possible for Each Trait Strength: 1 Dexterity: 1 Stamina: 3 Constitution: 7 Wisdom: 2 Charisma: 1
  2. Okie dokie. Time doesn't stop moving just because we're busy and have ridiculousness going on in our lives, so time to get back to work on my fitness journey. Not to mention one of my classes will start up during this challenge. So here goes. Quests 1. Strength: Go to the Gym 8 times. (2 points) -Bonus: Go to the Gym 12 times. (0.5 points) 2. Dexterity: Do Yoga 4 times. (1 point) -Bonus: Do Yoga 8 times. (0.33 points) 3. Stamina: Walk 100 miles during the challenge. Cataloged by my FitBit. (2 points) -Bonus: Walk 140 miles during the challenge. (0.33 points) 4. Constitution: Drink 1,280 oz of water during the challenge. (1 point) -Bonus: Drink 1,500 oz of water during the challenge. (0.5 points) 5. Wisdom: Complete 5 reading assignments and the video assignment for Newborn class. Complete the initial reading, get the websites set up, do EDGT, and math review for health and restoration. (5 points) -Bonus: Complete readings 6-10 for Newborn class. (1 point) 6. Charisma: Complete 10 journal entries. (1 point) -Bonus: Complete 20 journal entries. (0.33 points)
  3. Challenge 3 Quests Strength: Exercise for 12 hours total. Dexterity: Do yoga for 4 hours total. Stamina: Walk for 14 hours total. Constitution: Meditate for 4 hours total. Wisdom: Do 10 hours total of school work. Charisma: Blog for 4 hours total. I'm going to be an aunt this month! And things have been crazy so I'm running a bit late posting this, but it's up now! And now I'm off to the accountabillibuddies section!
  4. The month of May… This will probably be my quietest month of the year, so hopefully we can get some stuff done. Quests Strength Quests Go to the gym! 12 times Dexterity Quests Yoga 6 times! Stamina Quests Swim 12 times! Constitution Quests Get 7 hours of sleep for 20 of the days. Wisdom Quests Read for at least 30 minutes a day. Charisma Quests Write 4 blog posts. Academy Quests Nutrition: Finish Your Food Log Complete and Outdoor Workout A Hiking We Will Go – Beginner Complete 10 Knee Push-ups 25 Bodyweight Squats Walk a 10k (6.2 miles) Go Swimming 3 Times in a Week Embrace Your Inner Noob Co-op Mode Take a 30 Minute Walk/Hike on a New Trail Swim 100 Meters Without Stopping Complete 25 Consecutive Bodyweight Squats Meditate for 10 Minutes Attend a Yoga Class Try a Guided Meditation Try a New Yoga Style Meditate for 30 Minutes Meditate 5 Days in One Week Attend Class 3 Times in One Week Meditate 10 Days in a Row Hike with a Friend Locate a Geocache with GPS Learn to Use a Compass Go for a 30 Minute Hike Go for an Hour-Long Hike Visit a Historical Landmark in Your Community Visit an Outdoor Landmark in Your Community Take a Snorkeling Class Find an Urban Destination Without Step-by-Step Instructions Take a 30 Minute Walk/Hike on a New Trail Go for a 3-Hour Hike Find a Geocache and Sign the Log/Replace the Item Swim in a Natural Body of Water Paddle a Canoe Find and Outdoor Destination Without Step-by-Step Instructions Visit a Historical Landmark in Another Community Visit an Outdoor Landmark in Another Community Go Snorkeling in a Natural Body of Water Take a SCUBA Class Navigate a Walk Using a Compass and Map Find 3 Geocaches and Find a Geocache and Sign the Logs/Replace the Items Navigate a Hike Using a Compass and Map I know there’s a lot of Academy Quests but I just went through and these are some I’d like to focus on for the entire Summer. As with my last challenge, the Academy Quests are subject to change. Leveling and Statistics if Finished Level Up to 2 STR 2 || DEX 1 || STA 2 || CON 2 || WIS 2 || CHA 1 Time for take two!
  5. Neeko's Adventure! Main Quest My main quest is to get my weight into a healthy range. I want to be overall healthy and strong. I also want to do well in and complete nursing school. Personal Quests Walk at least a mile once a day for 30 days STA 3.26 Workout 3 times a week STR 1.30 Do yoga at least 2 times a week CON 0.87 Go to the library at least 3 times a week WIS 1.30 Study for at least an hour once a day for 30 days WIS 3.26 Nerd Fitness Academy Quests Finish Your Food Log Complete the Recruit Workout Complete a Home Workout Plank Practice - Beginner Complete 10 Wall Push-Ups Complete 10 Consecutive Box Jumps Do 5 Diamond Push Ups Meditate for 10 Minutes Meditate 5 Days in One Week Locate a Geocache with GPS Find a Geocache and Sign the Log/Replace the Item Motivation Around the time my dad was diagnosed with cancer I started to exhibit signs of depression and anxiety. It reached its peak when he passed away. While he was in the hospital though, I re-realized my love nursing. And, after one failed attempt going to physical therapy school, I've started my journey to becoming a nurse. Right now, I'm in my first semester of nursing school and doing fairly well. I know that being a nurse requires you to be in decent shape and good health. So my main motivation is to be healthy so I can be a good nurse and be able to help people the way the amazing nurses my father had, helped him. For this month, my goals are to mainly get myself back into an active lifestyle and to do well in the final weeks of the this semester. Only the main quests that I have listed will be graded. The nerd fitness academy quests are just the quests that I picked out that I would like to complete this month and that I thought would help keep me on track during this challenge. I'm going to be tracking my progress using MFP, Habitica, and FitBit. Grade Scale Quest 1: 30 days = 100% Quest 2: 12 days = 100% Quest 3: 8 days = 100% Quest 4: 12 days = 100% Quest 5: 30 days = 100%
  6. Hello, everyone! I've been in and out of the NerdFitness arena for a few months now. I'm a nursing student and have had a lot of trouble keeping motivated, finding time, and just keeping my sanity in general. I just recently have found my inspiration and motivation to forge ahead. I was excited to come across this forum so I could connect, support, and compete with my fellow rebels. I look forward to getting to know and working with you guys! -Neeko
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