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  1. The Storm was coming. The grey stretch of storm clouds gathered and moved forward, threatened to wash away anything the people of Urbanos held dear. Varuna was another breath closer to the dark side. Phytomancer looked at the sky. His brown eyes stared upward, and only he could see Varuna’s glowing form, pulsing blue and silver. Tears ran down Varuna’s face, and once they fell from his chin, another storm cloud funneled into the herd of dark stretch over Urbanos. “It’s cold.†Flashwolf, Phytomancer’s companion said. His beard ran with water. “And look!†A cluster of venti, storm spirits, appeared on the horizon. They looked very mean, and they were approaching quickly. On the west, magicians with the scrolls flashed their lighting magic as golden letters floated around them. “Eat… this… cup… cakes…†Phytomancer’s mind whispered. “Or… cheesecakes… “ That couldn’t be! He had been using much magic, and without training and focus, he would lose to the power of the gods and become a potbelly monster. Phytomancer must fight. Goals: Food: Keep the greens, cut most grains, and limit non-fresh fruit desserts - Eat green leaves everyday - 7 Grainless meals (except rice) per week - 3 desserts per week, and only when it’s social Fitness: Keep the training schedule - 3 cardios a week - 3 strength trainings a week - Keep tracks of everything Magic: Catch up with everything - 20 hours of research a week Mini Quests: Playing soccer against the venti Thai Student Associations around Illinois are having a soccer match next week. I will participate in many physical activities and limit my food. Keep the fire going I will keep my creative fire burning by write creatively—at least 10,000 words will be written within this challenge. Stick with Ranger Mini-Challenges This one needs no explanation. And go Phytomancer!!
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