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  1. The story so far.... Years and years ago I started training. I started like many people start, following a bodybuilding type routine, doing dumb things and just generally succeeding despite myself not because of myself. In the intervening years I have been as light as 140 lbs (20 years ago) and as heavy as 270+ (not quite 10 years ago). I've also had injuries including a separated shoulder (20 years ago), ruptured disc (not quite 10 years ago), torn oblique (2 years ago) and plenty of thrown out backs and other minor maladies. In all that time I've spent thousands of hours in training as well as thousands of hours thinking about, preparing for and programming my training. That training has included (in roughly chronological order): body building, powerlifting, grip strengh, strongman, GPP(early Crossfit-like), kettlebell sport. I've also prepared thousands of meals to deliberately alter my weight a body composition. In my current incarnation I'm 36 years old and I weight 215 lbs. For the last three years my training has focused largely on kettlebell sport with the goal of achieving Master of Sport by the time I'm 40. I have paid for and received coaching in person and online. I've competed twice with mixed results but overall, not bad. This new battle log marks a turning of the page. First, I've ended my time with my online coach so I will be doing my own programming again, something I realized I really enjoy. without doing my own programming training loses its attractiveness to me. Second, I have realized that there are certain gains in kettlebell sport I am willing to sacrifice in favor of wellness goals. In this new battle log I will be documenting that work. I will list what I do, but I'll also try to talk about why I am doing it. I invite anyone to ask questions, poke holes in theories and just generally feed back. It is those things that, hopefully, will prevent this from becoming a dangerous echo chamber. So I'm counting on you. Other things I will likely talk about will include: programming, board games, science fiction and fantasy and my life. ADDENDUM I have been using this log for nearly a year and half at this point in time. things are shifting slightly but I have learned I can edit the title an intro to reflect my changing life and priorities. As I sit here it is March the 2nd 2018, I'm 38 and I'm going back into training for kettlebell sport. This log was started when I last walked away from competition and any coaching. I've signed up for coaching again though and will hopefully train smarter than ever before. If you don't care about history up to this point, join me at your thread already in progress.
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