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Found 1 result

  1. I'm keeping things really simple this challenge. I've had a problem with overthinking everything, making things too complicated, and then becoming overwhelmed by the complexity. So, the action plan is to simplify everything and stop getting in my head so much. 1. Jogging or rucking 3 times/week. I've spent too much time trying to come up with perfect workout circuits, and then the whole thing becomes so complicated that I end up not actually working out. So, instead, I'll be jogging. I still don't love jogging, but there's something appealingly simple about just firing up Zombies, Run, putting on music, and going. If I don't feel up to a run, then I can always toss 10 lb in a backpack for a nice walk. I also pass 4 sets of pull up bars on my jogging route, so I will intersperse 10+ pull ups into my jogging sessions. 2. Batch cooking: Rather than having to think each day about all of my meals and then feeling too lazy or overwhelmed to cook something, I'll make sure I always have plenty of healthy leftovers. The goal is that whenever I run out of or am too bored with my leftovers, I need to fire up the crock pot and make another batch meal within a day. 3. Piano: I still need to record songs, and I still tend to be too perfectionistic about everything. In order to relax a bit more about being a perfectionist, I'm going to post at least 3 piano videos before the challenge is over. It doesn't matter if the songs are a mess. I just have to post something. To be fair, I do need things to be fairly polished, but I also record my "real stuff" on Garage Band, and thus can fix minor mistakes. So, there's no reason to aim for 100% perfection on everything. 4. Procrastination stuff: I've been dragging my feet and coming up with every excuse not to finish a few things. And I need to stop. I have a list in my head of maybe 6 things that I have been failing to finish. By the end of the challenge, I will tackle and complete at least 3 of those tasks. 5. Cleaning: I need to clean more. But telling myself to just clean means it doesn't happen. In the spirit of keeping things simple, I will once again return to Flylady and just follow her plans, with substitutions if I don't find the daily task relevant for my house. I'll still hopefully get into the parkour gym a couple times over the course of the challenge. I'm in a bit of a holding pattern with the parkour, since the gym I prefer is temporarily closed (they're moving to a new location), and I just don't overly care for the other gym.
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