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  1. Rules: - Everything is set inside the Manor. - Pick a character name. - Keep it realistic. - Pick one character's positive/advantage trait. Can be emotional or physical. Is first come, first serve. If someone picks a trait, it cant be repeated. Example: John - Charismatic / Strong - Pick one character's negative/disadvantage trait. Can Is first to come, first serve. If someone picks a trait, it cant be repeated. Example: John - Forgetful / Sickly - You can elaborate as much as you want but any post must be, at least, 5 sentences long. - The moderator (me) will be The Caretaker. The Caretaker is everywhere but has no direct impact on the story, just sets the pace and moves the plot. It can be addressed as he exists in the story. - As soon as everyone starts posting regularly, the total of characters will be set and those would be the players involved. Any other characters won't be included directly in the story and will be dying as casualties along the way. - I will choose a killer from the characters. The killer will be notified by private message and will be immune to death unless he gets discovered. - The plot will extend as much as need it so, keep it juicy. - Alliances can be made but, only if both agree. - If someone gets whacked, is out of the story. - The story ends at sunrise (possibly the duration of this challenge month). - There are 3 possible outcomes: The killer whacks everyone. The killer gets some characters and escapes. The killer gets caught. - No physical interactions will be made between characters unless approved by the moderator. - Any questions, place it in The trading post or PM. -Have fun-
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