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Found 2 results

  1. So I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about numbers (go figure, I'm an accountant)...my birthday falls right in the middle of this challenge (October 31st, i will be 49 for those wondering ) so of course i hear all the "it's just a number" stuff...which is true to a point. People say that about weight too, doesn't matter to who you are as a person. also true...but it's more than a number as well. With the number of years that add up to my age also comes a lot of experiences, some wisdom I would have to say, along with heartbreak, pain, joy, and definitely lessons learned. One of those lessons is if I knew it was this difficult to change the number that adds up to my weight, I would have made better choices, maybe learned better self control, and refuse to let someone else derail me from what I need to do. But I digress, I'm trying not to let the lack of support I have at home derail me any longer. I have a goal of getting where I want to be by my 50th birthday. I want to be able to run (yes run) a 5k, I want to complete a 10k, and I want to start looking to do a 1/2 Marathon. I want to lose about 45 lbs, or fit in the size I could wear when I weighed that just 7 short years ago. I want to be well on my way of having our debt paid off, by this time next year I want to only have the house, cars, and the big CC left, and the CC should be over 1/2 way there, oh, and the student loans...I'll work on those after I get the rest done. So, in order to meet these goals this is what I'm going to do: - Continue eating as I have been, down 18 lbs so far! I want to get under 200 this challenge, even if its only 1 lb - Start working out again. I want this to be habit and second nature. Also, get to the gym! - Pay off 'one more' thing...I 'snowball' our debt to try to get it eliminated. I had this done for the most part then we bought the house, and everything we needed for it, etc...happened and it got a bit out of control, just need to continue working it till it's gone. In true RES fashion these are my upcoming 5k's Sunday 10/28 - Evergreen Pumpkin Run 5k Saturday 11/3 - Florida Brain Tumor Walk Saturday 11/3 - First Coast AIDS Walk Thursday 11/8 - GOTR Practice 5k Saturday 12/1 - Girls on the Run 5k Saturday 1/12 - Best Damn Race 5k Various other 'want to do's' that I will add if I sign up to do them!
  2. Hello all! I am new here and wanting to introduce myself! I am hoping that this forum will help me with accountability and motivation, so here goes! I am a 28 year old special education teacher from Minnesota. I've been working on losing the same 30 lbs for over two years with no permanent success. I want to change that this year. My goals: * Lose 30 pounds. This will get me back to what I weighed at my wedding (4 years ago). I could stand to lose more than that, but I'm starting with 30 so it feels manageable. * Gain flexibility. My hamstrings. The WORST! * Gain endurance. I want to be able to run a 5k again without having to train. * Gain strength. I would love to be able to do a pull up or 3 without the assistance of a machine * Do another Whole30 in January and then maintain paleo until 30 lb goal is hit. * Hit up a few actual yoga classes a week at a local studio. I'm currently too self conscious to go in there, as I'm worried about being the fattest and the least flexible. Building up to this with yoga at my gym and PiYo. My nerdy side: * Grew up on Nintendo video games and am still a hardcore gamer today. Favorites include Skyrim, The Last of Us, and Dragon Age. * Trekkie as a child, original series all the way! * Obsessive fantasy/sci fi reader. You name it, I've read it. Favorites include Pat Rothfuss, Tad Williams, and Robin Hobb. * LotR is my jam! I saw the first LotR film 11 times in theaters.... and read the whole series before I was out of elementary school. * My house is decorated in Mario wall decals.... because I am a grown up and I do what I want! * I played text based role playing games online in my teens, and if that wasn't nerdy enough I also wrote my own RPG stories with a bunch of people on a Terry Brooks forum. * I'm hardcore in to board games like Betrayal at House on the Hill, Zombicide, and Cosmic Encounter. I am trying to blog about my progress on my newer blog, http://minnesotaprimal.wordpress.com/so please feel free to follow me. I'm still learning to navigate this forum, so if there is a progress board somewhere maybe I will start a thread to track mine. I'm excited to join the next challenge and get to know some fellow nerds!
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