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  1. Life has held a lot of changes for me lately. Thankfully, I hope, most have been for the best. What I want for myself is to be a better person. I want to be stronger, smarter, more thoughtful, and more in control of my own life. Sometimes it is only too easy to say "tomorrow" but we shouldn't. Tomorrow isn't always an option. Today I turn to Rent, a fantastic musical, to embrace the theme for this challenge. This challenge I live in the moment and I work to make myself better right now. Get your tushy to the gym 3x a week With the new work schedule this is going to be MUCH harder than it used to be. In an ideal world I will still get p at 5:30am like I did at the old job but instead of leaving for work at 5:45 I will leave for the gym instead. Keep in mind, I am not a morning person and am pretty afraid to fail this one. Still, 3x a week at any time is better than nothing and again, a mix of weight training and running. Plus, at least 1 hour of Yoga a week. 18 total gym visits + 6 Yogas! Str +2, Dex +2, Sta +2. STOP EATING TAKEOUT, for serious, it makes you feel like poo This last week I haven't wanted to cook when I get home at 6:30. 6:30 pm is really late for me, so I've been picking up food. Plus, since I'm not cooking then I'm not taking leftovers for work, so I'm going out again at lunch. This must stop, my wallet and my tummy are both against this. So, cook at least 3 dinners a week. Preferably paleo dinners (but lets not get carried away here.) 18 total dinners! Cha +3 Develop your mind as much as your muscles I've always been the brainy/nerdy/not-athletic person. All you here on NF probably understand this. However lately I haven't been challenging my mind nearly as much. It is great to be able to do stuff physically that I never imagined but I can't just do that. I want to write about 30 different journal prompts through the course of the challenge to make myself think. 30 total journal entries! Wis +3 Muscles, mind, and money... In the past I have set goals to not transfer monies from savings and to not use my credit card. They carry over to this challenge but they don't really need to, NF challenges past have done their job and not using those and planning monies better has become second nature now. This time I want to not only be on the defensive, I want to be proactive. I owe lots of monies (student loans, grumble grumble) and I hate that. This challenge I will pay off at least $1,000 of debt! Seriously, I want to see the numbers on my loans shrink and I want to feel more in control of my life. $1,000 total! Con +3 Bonus - the Jitters goal Jitters the clown, a man I'm very lucky to call a friend, has inspired me to do a bonus goal of 6 random acts of kindness (RAKs) this round. We spend so much time working on and for ourselves during these challenges that I feel like maybe it will be good to focus on others a little bit. I'm not sure what these RAKs will be but I'm thrilled to do them and to give Jitters the opportunity to comment "Nice Rak". (We all know that it is coming). 6 RAKs total! I'm not awarding myself any points for this, because I feel like this is a reward in itself. However I am inserting the caveat that if I fail this goal, no matter how I do on the others, I get no points for any of the other goals. Thank you for all being here for this, you are so wonderful!
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