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  1. So, true story - I chose the name Starpuck because... Well it started with an RPG game. (Shocking, I know.) We were just about to start playing Rogue Trader; a FFG set in the Warhammer 40k Universe, and I had chosen the career of Voidmaster. Basically, the ship's pilot. Now I had not seen BSG at this point (and I think we played this game back in 2012) and I was asking friends for suggestions on strong female sci-fi characters. Kara Thrace came up as one of them and I checked out this awesome video of her. I fell in love instantly and realized this was the perfect inspiration. Fast forward a few months and I come across Nerd Fitness. [After one of my hockey teammates wouldn't stop forcing the Cross-fit Koolaid down our throats, I looked up 'nerd fitness' just as a random google search and found one of the stories Steve shared about a nerd just getting healthy. I quickly countered her 'only Cross-fit works' propaganda with, "Or ya know, anything that helps you eat healthy, move more and focus on life long maintainable routines."] I decided then and there that this Nerd Fitness site was like MADE FOR ME! But, I needed a name! A cool name... one that was equally nerdy and sporty, and totally bad ass... And thus... Starpuck was born! As you can see in this picture, I was much 'softer' at this photo shoot, so I recognize I've made lasting changes. (Also, this is my girl, Amanda, AKA Egypt - who also is a nerd/hockey player!) To note; this picture was taken March 3, 2013. The same month as my first challenge with NF. I don't know what I weighed here, or any of my measurements, but you'll see the difference... In this shot (taken) August 2013. Five months. That's all it took to go from ^ to v. I didn't feel deprived of anything, nor tired. Nothing. I just ate super clean, strength trained 3x a week and ran or played hockey 3x a week. I was in the best shape of my life, and I felt great. Oh... and btw, that pic below... I weighed 140lb. But man, it was some lean muscled 140lb! Don't trust scales! (I'm the one on the left) ((Er, I mean the girl on the left. The one on the right is my teammate Poodle.)) And so we go back to the beginning. Largely a recopy from last challenge, which was a throwback to my most successful challenge on Nerd Fitness, just with some added tweaks to goals. Fitness Goals Strength Train: 3X / WEEK Sweat!!! 3X / WEEK Eating Healthy No honeybadger moments. (Might track to get an idea of what I am usually eating, but not track to reach certain cals/macros) Life Goals Budget Related: Keep track of ALL purchases in BuJo. Collect data, find trends. Keep up with the art: Do some art 3-4x a week. Boom. That's it! And it starts on Week Zero (because Old Challenges were 6 weeks, so I gotta go apples to apples here.) Also - if when this works? It will be the first time in the history of ever, that Starpuck achieves weight loss and body changing during the winter months. Today's starting weight sucks. But I had to face the facts: 157lb *waiting for sharks, and kind of splurgy weekend do not help
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