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  1. Chapter Two: A Tribute to Survival! They say I am just a few weeks away from taking on full-time Runner duties, but I feel like I still have so far to go. Finish this D: It's never finishing is it??? Challenge Theme Song: Movitvation: Mission Goal #1: Zombie Preparedness Training (+ 5 STA) Tribute: Grizzy, Runner5, Scurry, and all the other Rebel Runner 5’s I met last challenge out to save Abel Township I'm not quite able to run a full supply mission on my own yet, so I must continue my endurance training with Sam and the doctor. Complete week eight of Zombies, Run! 5k training app Continue with 3 runs/week for remainder of challenge Bonus Quest! 100 badass points: Run the “exercise trail†in Orphund and try each station. Completed! 100 badass points awarded Mission Goal #2: Bodyweight conditioning for better evasive maneuvers (+ 3 STR + 2 DEX) Tribute: Syren, bgvanbur, BarefoodDawsy, and all other Scouts who made a point to add strength training during the last challenge to improve their focus My running has improved, but running alone isn't enough to secure survival against a zom. Full body conditioning will assist me in headkicks, fence jumping, or pulling myself into a tree. Begin Convict Conditioning, 2 x 3 exercises a week Day 1--Pullup, bridge, handstand Day 2--Squat, leg raise, push up Bonus Quest! 100 badass points: Perform a freestanding head- or handstand by end of challenge. Completed! 100 badass points awarded Mission Goal #3: Reconnect with things that remind me I’m human, not zom! (+ 1 CON + 2 WIS) Tribute: MissMormie, Quentin, MirGSS, and all other Rebels who improved a fun skill, found something good, or did something fun last challenge Going out with Runner 4 reminded me that it's important to keep ahold of my humanity. Many of the other survivors at the base rekindled an interest or found time to be grateful in the past several weeks, and I should aim to do the same. Knit something: A new cowl for me Read a book: A Short History of Nearly Everything Bonus Quest! 50 badass points: Dancewalk on Hauptstrasse for 60 full seconds. Diet Side Quest: Slay the chocolate dragon! Max of one chocolate bar (or ice cream lollie) a week). Life Quest: Champion a cause for the survivors of Abel Tribute: Hammlin, 18ck, LorenWade, and all other rebels who make charity work an important part of Self Even with the runners going on daily missions, there is a lot to be wanted at the base. I will find a way to raise awareness and bring in more supplies for an important cause. (+ 2 CHA) Organize a donation drive for a charity meaningful to me. Bonus Quest! 250 badass points: Raise $500 USD for my cause Metrics and Pics! I'm still tracking my body changes on this spreadsheet. The link should take you to the Google doc. I'll try to take better quality pics this time around! Will have them up in the next day or so. Front... Back... Left Side... Right Side...
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