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  1. Grüße aus London! So my last challenge was ok, though I ran it over into the ‘spare’ week due to several over-calorie days that I wasn’t really allowed. I managed to stick to the other parts of it though and came out with a C+ and levelled up I’ve also managed to lose a couple of lbs and a couple of cms off my belly, I think mainly from the walkings (243 total miles) and dumbbells rather than the excessive chocolate eating (you think?) This challenge, which I’ll be doing for nearly eight weeks, up to the point I go to NEW YORK CITY BABY on 6th June, will have the following goals: Eatings Now that I’m within 15lb of my goal (can I get a huzzah?!) I’m switching up the cals to mfp ‘lose 0.5lb per week’ and still adding exercise calories. I’m going to work this a bit differently this time, rather than allowing myself a certain number of days off for the challenge, I’m going to allow myself a day off if I’ve totted up over 1000 spare calories in consecutive days. So if Monday – Friday I’ve been at least 200 cals under goal, I can have an off-counting day on Saturday. I’m hoping this will stop me splurging with all the extra 240 calories per day mfp will give me! Walkings The walking challenge of at least 20 miles in any consecutive 7 days seems to be working well so I’m going to do that again. I’ll get a bonus though if the average miles per day is above 5 (can you tell I’ll be monitoring this in excel again?!) Dumbbells I’m enjoying the dumbbells again, though my last challenge being 3 in any consecutive 7 days meant I HAD to do Monday, Wednesday, Friday every week (d’uh!) so I’m changing this to: Three workouts a week (Mon-Sun) which can either be my dumbbell set of 3x10 bicep curls, military press and bench press (with 2x10kg dumbbells) followed by 1 min plank, OR the beginner bodyweight workout (particularly useful for when I don’t have the dumbbells) Following this challenge I will then undo all my good work by spending a week eating my bodyweight in starch, dairy and alcohol products in NYC, huzzah! Yours ever truly Silmarilliane
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