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Found 2 results

  1. I'm coming off of a pretty successful challenge at the beginning of the year, but that is in part because I made my goals super simple and not terribly difficult. I wanted to build a couple solid daily habits, and since I have kept them up without reporting here every day over the last week I suppose that means I'm on the right track so far. So this challenge I am keeping the same format, just adding another daily habit. 1. Hike outside at least one mile per day. I am trying to get ready for longer hikes in the next few months. Last challenge I usually did between 1.5-2.5 miles each day. I can usually make time right after work. I've been wearing a 20-pound weighted pack (with something like these inside) a couple times per week as well, to get used to that. 2. Studying or doing exercises from my Latin language textbooks for fifteen minutes. I'm working out of Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata. Volume 1 is called Familia Romana. I have read up through chapter 26 of 35, but in those last chapters my comprehension is very poor. I've started going back to the earlier chapters and doing more exercises in a notebook, writing a lot more than I had been the first few times through. 3. Strength or mobility work for fifteen minutes. This is the new one. I need to work on these two aspects of physical fitness that I have let slide during the recent months of lock-downs. I'm planning to alternate between a circuit of mostly body-weight exercises and other activities to get more mobile and active.
  2. Hello all. I recently joined up and became a Rebel, and in the first few days I have been nothing but blown away by how this community is put together. I`m FireFace, Aaron IRL, and I`m looking to get into a healthier lifestyle. Eating better, being more active, and losing a good amount of weight. The norm. Going deeper, it is to help stabilize both my mental health and my genetically inherited high BP. I am no stranger to the weight room and healthy activities, but it has been well over a half a decade since I was last in a good,healthy living lifestyle. I joined here because it connected with me the most and I felt that it could lead to meet cool people and be as successful as I can be. I`d like to get to know y`all and hear any words of wisdom you might have for me. Graciously, FireFace.
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