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  1. As an assassin, we need the ability to throw our own body weight around pretty easily. This is still at times a difficult task, considering 175 pounds isn't the easiest weight to throw around. So I am coming to a fellow guild for this challenge (and possibly the next one also, to build up more muscle, I was doing SL5x5 last challenge, but I never really pushed myself like I will do this challenge. How will I do this? Off days will be 1700 calories (Yes, I know what you're thinking. And yes I am aware), gym days will be 2300-2500 calories. So 4x1700 and 3x2500 averaging at about 2000 calories a day with a minimum of 170g of protein and 250g of protein respectively. Until recently (last few weeks), I'm actually starting to fall in love with the appearance of my body, it's the best thing ever and like any long lasting friendship/relationship, I'm aiming to strengthen it. (ha, pun intended) For the fun stuff, GOALS! See this post for updated goals. http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/39213-duality-throwin-around-some-iron-to-be-a-better-assassin/page-2#entry767890 Goal 1 : NOM NOM NOM properly. Eat 1700 calories / 170g of protein minimum on off days and 2500 calories / 250g of protein minimum on gym days Goal 2 : Stronkin' Strong Lifts 5x5, 3 times a week like the plan. M,W,F. Goal 3 : Chemicals For this 6 week cycle I will be taking a few things to help with my progress. Gym days (2 scoops, 2+2 caps and 2 pills), off days (2 scoops, 2 caps and 2 caps). Goal 4 : Zzzzzz..... Get to bed at latest 10pm the day before workouts. Goal 5 : Budgetize Recently at work, we're not doing so good for November, so I need to plan out a budget because they cut us 4 hours a week until Christmas. Template for updates 1 - (1700/170 0/4 - 0/4 - 0/4 - 0/4 - 0/4 - 0/4 - 0/24) - (2500/250 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/18) 2 - 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/18 3 - (2/2/2 0/24 - 0/24 - 0/24 - 0/24 - 0/24 - 0/24 - 0/144) - (2/2+2/2 0/18 - 0/18 - 0/18 - 0/18 - 0/18 - 0/18 - 0/108) 4 - 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/3 - 0/18 5 - 0/1 - 0/1 Legend Red - unbolded = not met yet, but week not done. Bolded = not acheived for the week. Green - bold = acheived Blue are totals Starting Stats Height - 5'11" Weight - 175 lbs (±1.5 pound) LBW - 150.38 lbs Body fat % - 14.07% (kind of arbitrary, not focusing on the number itself, focusing on getting it lower, either if it's right or not) Past challenge start BF% : 17.29% After calculations using http://www.linear-so...com/online.html, I lost 3.22% BF since the start of last challenge! Caliper measurements (Gray = not needed for calculation) 11.66mm Chest 24.66mm Abs 19mm Thigh 10mm Tricep 14mm Subscapular 12mm Suprailic 10mm Midaxillary 9.83mm Bicep 12mm Calf 16mm Lower back
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