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  1. ERMGAH I AM LATE. I don't have a challenge figured, out, so I think I'll do the same thing last time. it.... kind of worked out? stemmed the upwards weight, anyway. got me back in the habit of gymming. MAIN QUEST LOSE FAT. This could be signified by either losing weight, or using fancy schmancy tracking tools (wifi scale, skulpt device, measurements, photos) to double check. * so.... actually compare photos this challenge, hmmm? Goal 1: Exercise More / Don't Break The Chain I need to do something every day. Running, TKD, going to the gym and doing weights, SOMETHING. If I can't do a formal thing exercise for at least 30 minutes (20 if it's running, plus a cool down at the end), these are my options for not breaking the chain: * do at least 5 sets of 100 jumping jacks * go for a real 30 minute walk. Poke-walking counts. just WALK. * hula hoop practice for at least 15 minutes. * other things that are like these things that will be good for me Goal 2: Eat Less / Eat Better STICK WITH THE PLAN, STAN. I did really good last month, keep it up!!! my loseit plan is still set at losing 1 lb a week, which is a 500 calorie / day deficit over where it thinks I actually am. ALSO I am going to start logging half and half in coffee / milk in tea. --> do better at this, I totally skipped it last month. Goal 3: Put the NERD back in NERD FITNESS. Use the tools! Track food, daily weigh, dust off my nutty excel spreadsheet and fill in the last few challenges. ALSO weekly photos weekly measurements weekly or MORE skulpt readings. * do better with measurements. Fix the skulpt. * and most importantly! USE THIS TOOL! the forums are like my A+ Number 1 tool for success, and that needs to include WEEKLY CHALLENGE RECAPS as well as mostly nearly every day daily check-ins! ok let's get on this.
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