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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, I'm looking for people (more the merrier) who'd be willing to form a Facebook group, or text, or email.... Help me stick to my routine and not fall into a funk. My focus is more on mental health than physical, but I am aiming to eventually start doing some hiking, jogging, martial arts, dance, and other stuff. I think my diet is pretty good as is and I'm happy to offer advice on cooking (I'm a pretty good cook). My nerdishness is in being a totally fantasy and SciFi bookworm (I prefer bookwyrm). After all, very little can't be improved with either lasers or dragons (or dragons with lasers?). Also a bit hooked on certain video games... Dragon Age, Mass Effect. I am a history nut, I have a ridiculous amount of knowledge about ancient history and not a whole lot to do with it. Anyways, I don't have much in the way of a real life support system beyond my therapist. I could use some friends to keep me inspired or nag me a little or just chat about nerd stuff.
  2. Hi, I'm Wayward Son, or Darius, or D... whichever you prefer, I don't get too hung up on names or labels. I am currently serving in the US Navy on an aircraft carrier out of North Island, San Diego, CA. Getting ready to separate/retire after 19/20 years of active service. After that I'll be heading to Austin, TX to complete my degree in Psychology and then work on a Doctorate in Counseling. I'm a huge geek: fantasy, sci-fi, star wars, lord of the rings, wheel of time, marvel, witchblade, tabletop roleplaying (that's a huge one for me)... needless to say, tons of stuff. I'm looking for a buddy, someone who needs the same things I need in sticking to my goals for my challenges. Now comes the hard part... some criteria, it's not a lot, but I'm a freak of nature, so bear with me. 1) I would prefer a female partner. I was raised entirely by women and I listen better to them, as I think I'm smarter than most men... yep, fatal flaw, I know. Sue me. 2) I would prefer someone in the U.S. Just because of time zones and roaming charges. Bonus points if you're in California or Texas 3) I would like someone who is going to stick with it. Oh and call me on my bullshit when I start to not stick with it. You do that for me, I'll do that for you. That's it, just three little criteria.
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