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  1. So, I really don't have much to detail my challenges because I'm at work. BUT I wanted to add a quick bookmark thread to save my place and let you guys know I'm here! In a nut-shell my current Master Quest is to complete 1 unassisted pull-up. Challenge 1: Stay on pull-up program on phone doing band-assisted pull-ups. If I can stay on track this will garner me 3.0 Strength. Challenge 2: AMRAP dips every day. If I can stay on track, this will garner me 3.0 Stamina. Challenge 3: Sit-ups program on phone. I've decided I'm going to work on planks. Every day. Initially, I might just see how long I can hold it and then (hopefully) progress up to wall-planks! For this I have 3.0 dexterity points on the line. I will give myself whatever percentage of 3.0 points based on the percentage of days I did this. I'm really just getting back to basics with this challenge. Fitness Quest: Get back on track with protein & veggies! Keep protein over 100g/day and keep sugar under 30g/day. I will track this on the LoseIt! app (feel free to friend me, send me a PM). I will give myself 3.0 Constitution points. Again this will be a percentage of 3.0 based on the number days I kept my numbers between those lines. Life Quest: Finish the biography on Rutherford B. Hayes. (Part of epic quest that I really need a thread for!) I will give myself 3.0 Wisdom points for this one. I'm starting the challenge already on page 225 and I have 340 left! To keep track of my progress, I'm keeping a spreadsheet on Google Docs. I <heart> spreadsheets!
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