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Found 3 results

  1. Hey everyone, just heard about NF and knew that it'd be great to help me meet my fitness goals, as well as others. I used to be a police officer and loved it, had to leave for a while and need to get re-certified. I gained a bit of weight, and got out of shape and am working to beat my fitness standards for the police department. I think that Ranger is a good fit, balenced fitness for all the tasks that I will have to do.
  2. My name is Atylanta. I am sort of new to the rebellion-I have followed it for years but haven't been able to enlist because of my young age until now. (I am still struggling to understand the formatting of the forums; please tell me if I'm doing anything wrong) I am thrilled to be joining the Rangers, a guild I have wanted to be with for years. I am young (eighteen), 5' 7" and 125 pounds-slim, fine boned, varying downright skinny and leanly muscular. If I were to choose a race I would probably be an elf because I am tallish and thin. I enjoy a lot of physical activities, but my specialty is swimming. I have swam (swum? You'd think I'd know the past tense of swim by now) for several years and competed in distance and sprint races. I am happy to talk to literally anybody about swimming because my friends are tired of hearing about it. I also enjoy running, weight training, and taking stress naps. I am starting at a university this fall, majoring in epidemiology. I love animals, music, writing, nature, and LOTR. I have a few overarching goals: diversify and expand my workout patterns, increase endurance, and improve agility and flexibility. I am comfortable with intense cardio and moderate strength training but more never hurt. I am also looking for community support-exercise isn't always easy do to some fairly severe chronic respiratory problems and I sometimes get discouraged-perhaps enlisting in the rebellion will help me meet others who have similar problems that they have overcome or managed. I am so excited to finally be part of this community! Thanks for being awesome.
  3. Oh hey Rebellion, I have been reading NerdFitness for a little bit of time now, and I have loved it! I actually have loved it so much that I have decided to just join the community and see what happens. Just as a quick intro, I'm a nerd who is graduating from my master's program like, in three weeks. I have a pretty decent workout routine and I am starting P90X for the third time, hopefully the second time I actually finish it I am looking into getting into trail running and I have a feeling the rebellion will have some tips for me. I would like to be able to continue to do strength training as I prep for trail running. Any tips on trail running prep? I figure this is a good starting place to get such advice Thanks guys, cannot wait to get more involved with the community. Eric Pete!
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