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  1. I think I think too much. Every challenge I try to come up with some new goal, something that pushes me in new ways, something that forces me to reach ever and ever higher. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Reaching higher is good. Reaching higher is how we grow. But if you're always reaching, it becomes hard to take stock of where you are. So this challenge is about stopping to smell the roses a bit. No over-the-top, world-breaking goals. No backbreaking, tooth-grinding workouts. Nothing I'm going to dread doing. Instead, a calming of the ship. An inspection on deck, as it were. #1: Steps. For a while there, my wife and I got pretty good about doing 10,000 steps a day. She's been fantastic about it; I haven't. It's easily within range, and on run days I handle it easily, but on non-run days I tend to make like Elsa and let this one go. So: 10,000 steps a day, five days a week. #2: Track. One of my overall goals around here (or so I say) is losing weight. Which is a goal I've sort of pretended hasn't existed since, oh, I dunno, March. I did well for a while, but then... well, let's not make excuses. I slacked. I'm getting back on the horse a little bit lately, but I haven't been regular about tracking my weight, which means I have no idea how I'm doing. Even just tracking my weight weekly means I'll be thinking more about my choices. Yeah, this goal falls into the "almost too easy" category, but that's kinda the point this challenge. So: One weigh-in weekly, recorded in my little black book and recorded here too, for good measure. #3: Invert. One of the most enjoyable things I've done throughout my challenges and my time at NF has been working on my handstand. I can hold a walk-up facing-the-wall handstand for thirty seconds now, and can kick up pretty easily, too. But I can use more practice. Part of what I like about the handstand is that, when I'm good at it, it'll be a thing I can Just Do Anywhere. So I'm going to practice by going inverted as often as I can every day, whether it's part of my regular routine or not. Of course I'll still be running, too, but I'm still nursing that PF injury, so I won't be setting any additional goals on that front; my primary concern is to keep those runs enjoyable. So, three easy goals this time around. I'll come back around later and set some point values on this stuff. But for now, this is enough to get started.
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