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Found 3 results

  1. Hi all! I'm JetsterJay, a new recruit brought here thanks to SunlitSapling and PrinceRobotCat (whose challenges you should also check out!). I've just started getting motivated to get fit and lose weight again, and thanks to a really great group of friends I am the most on track I've ever been To keep good habits going, I wanted to shamelessly steal SunlitSapling's checklist format to make sure that this fitness kick is more than a kick! I think if I can keep going for six weeks on top of what I've already done, I'll be sweet. Most of what I'm doing centres around the ZombieRun 5K training I'm doing (currently on week 3!) so after I tossed around ideas for a theme I realised that zombies was kind of a logical one. Core Missions: Things I must do every week OUTRUN THE ONCOMING HORDES: Do the ZombieRun 5K Training/ZombieRun program 3 to 4 days a week (alternating). BECOME A LEAN MEAN FIGHTING MACHINE: Train with BodBot workouts every other day to cover what cardio doesn't. PROPER RATIONS: Start tracking what I'm eating every day, and make better - more informed - choices about what I cook/eat every day. I got 'EasyDietDiary' app today to help me start tracking this, and I'm aiming to be on target by week three of this challenge
  2. Main Quest Ø As with my first challenge I would like to lose 10 pounds in the next six weeks and 50 over the next year (down to 41). Challenge starting weight is 195.2 lbs. Original starting weight 204.8 lbs. Specific Goals Ø Eat a healthy breakfast and lunch, consisting of one ingredient foods. Adding to this I will eat my dinners on the slow-carb diet with one reasonable cheat day a week. Ø Exercise at least three times a week using my CT-50 workouts and add pilates workouts on these days doing one core, one upper body, and one lower body a week. Ø Run at least twice a week (aiming for three times) in preparation on the Zombie 5K that happens in April 12. Life Side Quest Ø Complete my photo blog for the next six weeks without missing a day. Hope to complete the entire year in 2014. Keeping this goal for this challenge, I fell a little behind this week, still need a little more practice with this before I remove it from my goals. I'm also going to keep my drinking at a minimum this challenge. I cannot be a wino and loose weight! Motivation Ø To get in shape and feel better about my body. I farm part-time and need to be able to lift 50 pound bags of feed. I want to be healthy and happy with myself while getting stronger. Also, now working toward my first 5k!
  3. Hello!! My goal for this mini challenge is to keep on track with my Zombie Run 5K. I started week 4 today but I want a little incentive to keep up the progress. Plus between school ending and constantly picking up extra shifts, a little support would not go unheeded. Goal: Run 3x a week or more. Thanks! And (Insert Appropriate Holiday Greeting Here) Everyone!
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