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  1. Hi! I forgot to do a post this challenge. So I'll just chat in here and post workout updates like ya do.
  2. Hellloooo! Your friendly neighborhood flipperdoo is back for more lifting, mobility, gymnastics, and vegetable eating. Same bat time, same bat channel. I've added an intentional outdoor time goal to this challenge. Given that it IS spring, I imagine it will be relatively easy to complete as long as I remember that I am making it a priority -- and that I tough it out and go for walks in the drizzle when the weather is not so nice. 😝 I also want to be able to take full advantage of our yard and porch as the weather warms... plus maybe start to plan actual social events, pending how the vaccine rollout goes in the next month or so as everyone in the state becomes eligible. 🤞 1. Train: 4x lifting and 1x gymnastics or "other" workout weekly 2. Mobilize: Dedicated upper back/thoracic mobility work 1x and hip mobility work 1x weekly 3. Outdoor time: Accumulate 3+ hours of outdoor time during the work week 4. Vegeetabuls: Big serving of vegetables 5x per week 5. Spring cleaning: Get through my outstanding to do list + add more to it with a focus on improving the apt and our outdoor spaces (porch and backyard) It's Easter this weekend, which I almost entirely forgot about! But I ordered a ukrainian egg decorating kit (with the wax and dyes) to do this weekend with my roommates and a BFF. I'll also probably pick out a fancy braided bread to make. And I'm thinking lamb. I've been leaning into making extravagant holiday meals this pandemic and don't intend to stop now. 🍽️
  3. This is going to be a challenge, probably. I don't know. WHAT AM I EVEN DOING?!?! Other than losing my shit about still being in my house over and over again. This is my chaotic energy the last few months: Brain dump: Well, I am strength training. I am trying to go to gymnastics once every two weeks. I have been doing a poor job of making space for flex training and yoga. I have been sometimes doing handstands. I have not been walking as much as I like to. I am definitely not running until the spring. I could probably eat more vegetables and fiber. I could probably journal more consistently. I could spend more time outside (I have great winter gear). Hm. I will transform the above dump into a challenge format by next Monday.
  4. Hi all! I'm your friendly neighborhood (sometimes) fliperdoo who has only actually done gymnastics once since March, but really wishes she did more. Most of my goals for 2020 were related to gymnastics feats and lifting progress, but not being able to spend much time in a gymnastics gym + 4 months of being unable to lift made most of them rather unattainable. I instead shifted my sights to running a half marathon, which I did a couple of weeks ago at a pace surprising even myself. 🎊 But, since then, I've gone on just one, single run. Without a goal in sight, my desire to run has completely waned, so running is off the goal table (but I may sneak a few in here and there). My gym has rolled back access due to the recent COVID spike, but I think I've finagled enough of a schedule to pursue real strength gains again. However, I've noticed that I've been having a bad time with squatting and my bad shoulder has been acting up again for the last three weeks. I CAN DO THINGS TO FIX THIS. 1) Mobility work 2x per week -- I have a program to follow and a friend of mine wants to do some sessions together, even, so I have NO excuse not to get back into mobility work! I think it'll help my body feel better in general and be helpful for my eventual return to gymnastics. 2) 1 weighted shoulder PT exercise in each lifting workout + 1 dedicated ankle PT session a week -- My shoulder still feels really crummy and I did roll my ankle twice during my half-marathon prep, so I should start helping them again. 3) Yoga OR handstand workout 1x per week -- Mostly in here to focus on my breathing 😝 4) Go to a gymnastics gym 2x over this challenge -- My team has access to two gymnastics workout spaces but the practices are only on the weekends, both are quite far away, and I do not have a car. HOWEVER, I have been given the offer of a ride from a couple of folks and now that I'm no longer doing long runs on the weekends, I definitely have the extra energy and time to re-dedicate to brushing off my gymnastics skills. Let's hope it goes better than this:
  5. HELLO ALL-GUILD DARLINGS! Merry Liftmas! Your friendly neighborhood flipperdoo here with fewer flips unfortunately, but activity a-plenty. I'm planning on running my first half marathon on December 12 or 13 (depending on which day looks to have better weather)! That's it. That's the goal. Hahah. Just kidding, just kidding. There will be other goals. WHAT ARE THEY? TBD.
  6. (I made a joke about looking cool while walking away from the tractor tires I was flipping for a conditioning workout on Saturday, and a friend photoshopped some explosions for me. It is AWESOME. Hahahha.) Hi Assassins! It's Raptron, your somewhat lapsed gymnast GL who is still lucky to be able to lift and otherwise leave the house. This is going to be a pretty straight forward challenge unless I wind up going wild on the TBD goal below. I could try to bring back more intentional hand balancing practice, start trying to regain some flexibility, order takeout less... there are certainly many things I could chase, I'm just not sure what is going to really draw me this time around. 1. LIFT: get stronger 3-4 times per week ( 💪) 2. RUN: run 2x per week (I keep failing here!) 3. BIKE: bike 1x per week as a way to get somewhere or just for fun (winter is coming) 4. GYMNASTICKY: train gymnastics related skills and abilities 2x per week
  7. We're going to focus on staying outside. It's still a pandemic, but I'm on Phase Social Distance and Chill rather than Phase Lock the Doors right now and will continue to do that. I am going to try keep enjoying the summer weather before we're back to fucking Zoom happy hours because it's too cold to go outside and too unsafe to hang out with people indoors. 🙃 1. Talk to you all about lifting because I like to. 2. Bike exploration. Go somewhere new on your bike 1x per week (minimum of 10 miles round trip). Maybe see about resurrecting Adventure Club! But on bikes this time! 3. Listen to the man and do knee PT or run as prescribed. If this improves, consider asking about a half marathon training plan. 🤓 4. Spend time in green spaces at least 1x per week. 5. Dip into a body of water or pool 1x per week. 5. Read 30 minutes a day. (Outside MY mind -- in other people's minds 😜)
  8. The world is still in full on pandemic mode and you're telling me it's time for another challenge?! I'm supposed to have GOALS? And actually work toward these things? 🤔 HOWEVER, time continues to move forward so I guess we better also keep moving forward. And for the past few weeks, I've been taking that pretty, uh, literally. I'm running 3-4x per week and have been doing a pretty good job of progressing pretty gradually. I don't like running and after 7 weeks of running, I still don't like it. But I can make myself do it and as such an active person who loves both goals and tangible progress, it's giving me things to work toward that have obvious and clear improvements. Especially compared with the handstands I've also been working on over the past two months which I could tell you are better? maybe? 😝 I've been approaching this whole thing week by week and I'm going to continue to do so. However, I've been chasing the same things week-to-week, it turns out. Jogging 3-4x per week Pull-ups and chin-ups 3-4x per week Handstand practice and drills 5-7x per week Flexibility practice 2x per week Leg strength training 2x per week I've been killing it on the top 3, but the bottom 2 continue to be challenging for me. I haven't found something that works to really incorporate them into my new schedule of being in my house most of the got-dang day. But, that's the name of the game, right? A challenge?
  9. Hi! Y'all know what's up. It's another 5 week challenge in the neighborhood. My work extended the mandated WFH policy until May 4 (though we all know it may go longer than that). This challenge, I will be trying to establish a good baseline for spending the majority of my time at home: keeping up my productivity, trying to build well-established boundaries so I don't work too much, creating a (temporary) new normal for workouts, and finding the methods of socialization that work best for me in these weird times. I haven't really NAILED any of these things yet, so until I figure out what works best, I'll be doing weekly / daily goals instead of overarching ones. 👍
  10. Aghhh, hi friends! Sorry I've been out for the last couple of weeks. Things have been hectic, which I know isn't a real reason not to be here because things are usually hectic in Raptronland, but I have done a bad job of making the time to be here. And I cannot miss the 10th Anniversary Challenge, agh! So here, I am, with some brief updates and a new challenge! I'm still your friendly neighborhood flipperdoo, who spends most of her time doing gymnastics, lifting, going out with friends, or actively trying to recover from one or all of the three. I finally snagged a job offer around the start of the year after many months of actively searching and started at the beginning of February, the day after I got back from a spur of the moment trip out to London to visit a very good friend of mine from college. I picked up a life-sapping lower respiratory infection that made me sleep a lot and sound like death, but I'm mostly over it despite some residual lung residue. What am I doing this challenge? Well it's gymnastics season (oh yes, I compete in gymnastics as a fully grown adult, mostly against college kids), so let's pick all-gymn related goals. Go over the vault - Vault 1x per week, attempt half-on/half-offs at least 3x over the course of the challenge Free the hips - Free hip circles and/or hip circle drills on uneven bars 2x per week, attempt free hip + kip + toe-on connections 2x per week Connect the series - Work on any acro series on beam 2x per week, front walkover ab training 1x per week Condition the body - Conditioning 1x per week. JUST DO SOMETHING. Where did I come from? Oh boy, my NF history. My very first challenge, back in the summer of 2013 (oh my god) was about GYMNASTICS TOO. I had just found a cool gymnastics gym that catered mostly to adults and was excited about jumping back into the swing of things. I've been firmly on board this adult gymnastics train since then, honestly. I took a couple of breaks from competition, but it has been a fixture in my life. I also wanted to start lifting back then and it ALSO became part of my regular schedule. Even with injuries, I don't think I've taken more than a consecutive week off since I started and it's because I love it? I have had you guys along with me the whole way. I used to spend a LOT of time in the old IRC channel with a whole NF crew, most of whom don't spend a ton of time on the forums anymore, but some of whom became my lifelong friends. My real life hangs with NF people have included in-house powerlifting meets in Texas, obstacle course races across New England, GORUCK events in Boston, bar visits with folks across the country (and internationally), and introducing me to amazing, local folks I love to spend time with whenever I can like @RisenPhoenix, @CourtnieMarie, @The Tin Man, and even @Knightwatch when we invade his lands. NF helped me rediscover that it is okay to TRY, it is okay to fall, and it is even okay to fail. I, like many folks on here, suffered a lot from perfectionism and fear of not being great at something as soon as I tried it. This community helped remind me that you can't learn anything if you up and quit at the first signs of struggle, that failure is where growth comes from, that it isn't so bad to fall if you have people to help you get back up. I've learned so very much about myself and what works for me. What were my very first goals here, though? Let's see. 😂While legitimate goals that I made great strides toward, I've found that the mindset and mentality gains I've built in my years here have been far greater than any physical ones. I think they will be longer lasting and overall more beneficial to my health than my new booty. And I have you guys to thank for them.
  11. Hi, I'm Raptron. I had a big year last year (had my first year being a truly single person since 2008, moved into a new apt with random roommates, facilitated new cat friendships, went to a bunch of weddings, took a lot of weekend trips, got super into spending too much money on tattoos, hit the job search for months, etc.). Now, I am in the final stages of negotiating a job offer at a new organization that will be a big change in just about every way. And otherwise my life progresses at its usual breakneck pace. The holidays are dead! Long live MY HOLIDAYS! 🎊 What's going on this month ⭐ 1/11-13: Friend visiting from out of town ⭐ 1/16-22: Visiting Mexico City (including ✨my birthday ✨ on 1/19~) ⭐ 1/30-2/2: Maybe YOLO to London to visit one of my besties ⭐ 2/3: Possibly starting a new job?? Gymnastics season is having a bit of a late start this year just because of how the meets are shaking out on the schedule. As it stands right now, I don't think my first one is until late February. There is a mock meet on Jan 11 that I am considering skipping because of my friend's visit, but idk, we'll see what happens. My focus in the gymnastics world is trying to get skills and routines ready for competition. My lifting gets a final peak before I transition to a new, lower intensity program to go alongside the ramp up of gymnastics season. I don't have any life-y resolutions right now or significant themes/trends I'm trying to pursue yet, so it's just going to be trying to save some money after the hemorrhage that was the holidays. 1. Lifting Test new bench 1RM Run 2 more weeks of weird double deadlift progression Pick a new program to run after CDMX (I have a couple ideas, but just need to settle on one) 2. Gymnastics Free hip circle drills 1x per week (trying to connect to a toe-on directly) Back handsprings 1x per week on whatever beam Floor routine with tumbling at least 1x per week 3. Living a life too full (and too broke) Only buy a breakfast food 1 work day/week Limit dinner out to 2x/week (when not traveling) Make 1-year late highlight video of the shenanigans from the 30th birthday scavenger hunt last year Plan out what the heck we're doing in Mexico City Maybe book that last minute trip to London, if you're actually doing it
  12. Hello, hello, hello! Raptron here! I'm so excited we're all playing together this December. If you don't know me, I'm a gymnast and powerlifter that gets distracted by all of the shiny things like bouldering, acro yoga, pole dancing, even a dang 5k here and there. I've got a good handle on most of the things that are important to me, but still love challenges to socialize with y'all and add in a few things that I'm either slacking on or want to add into an already packed schedule. 😀 1. Balancing fun: play with hand balancing and hand balance transitions 2x per week 2. Bench accessories: lol, get swoleeee! you can't get swole if you keep skipping accessory work 3. Back handsprings: do them on the balance beam at least 1x per week 4. Be festive: seek out winter-related activities each week (holiday parties, pop-up markets, cozy drinks and christmas movies, etc.) The last goal is a softie because I'll definitely already be doing that, but it helps keep this whole thing more festive! Side goal to NOT buy more than uh... 2 new holiday dresses. They're sparkly! Or velvet! And burgundy and forest green are color faves of mineeeee. It is a difficult side goal. 😜
  13. Hi! I'm Raptron, your friendly neighborhood flipperdoo. I competed in my 3rd powerlifting meet a couple of weeks ago and got my big 300# squat finally, hiked a mountain (or what passes for one in New England), and did some sporadic traveling last challenge. With the meet out of the way, I don't have any excuses to stay in what passes for one rep max shape. So, here we are! I don't really have a theme, I just like alliteration. Maybe I will be rewarding myself for doing the things I already plan to do with the things I'm already planning to buy myself during the post-Thanksgiving sales. MAYBE THE REWARDS WERE THE FRIENDS I MADE ALONG THE WAY -- YOU GUYS!!! D'AWW. Soooo, what are we working on? Well, how about we pick some adjectives I want to describe me by the end of this challenge? 1. Competent Practice new floor choreo outside of the gym 2x per week Run new floor routine in practice at least 1x per week, even if it's just part of it Vault 3x over the challenge Back handsprings on balance beam every practice 2. Fit Conditioning-focused workout 1x per week (can be an add-on to a lifting workout, but must be REAL EFFORT) 3. Steady Hand (or other) balancing practice for funsies 2x per week -- random partner acro or pole classes also count! 4. Profesh Apply to 5 new jobs THAT ACTUALLY APPEAL TO YOU per week HMMMMM, this might be a bit too much. Maybe it's just enough! TUNE IN TO FIND OUT!
  14. Hi, I'm Raptron. I flip, I dip, I lift, I drift, I drink, I think! I have a powerlifting meet coming up on October 12, and my number one priority to prepare for that is to SLEEP MORE!!! I'm including lifting as a goal too just so I feel like I'm reporting back to you guys about my lifting workouts for a reason. 1. Lift Lift 3-4x per week, leading up to the meet Take a proper rest in Week 5 -- and do that free pole class you have a pass for! 2. Sleep Obey bedtime 5 nights per week (9+ hours on the weekend will also count for this!) 3. Hunt Real job search efforts with job applications submitted at least 3 days/week 4. House Bonus points for upgrading my bedroom: getting things framed, hanging framed things, hanging a plant, impacting ceiling hooks, buying a rug, etc.
  15. Hi, I'm Raptron! One of your friendly neighborhood flipperdoos. I'm in the middle of a hot, hot summer of action, but still trying my best to make time for gymnastics, lifting, friendships, prepping for a road race, bachelorette parties and weddings, non-wedding related travels, etc. Things are going to be a little wild the next few weeks: 7/31 - 8/2: Overnight work retreat 8/2 - 8/5: DC trip with childhood friends 8/9 - 8/11: Tennessee for gymnastics camp 8/17 - 8/19: Cape Cod for 7 mile road race on Sunday 8/31 - 9/2: Bachelorette weekend in Rhode Island 9/7: Wedding (local) 9/8 - 9/12: Possible trip to ??? for my friend's birthday I also have signed up for a powerlifting meet on October 12. Once the 7 mile race happens, I'll have 8 weeks to meet prep, so I can't really be slacking before that either! I need to be in a good spot to get my prep in gear. And finalize what I want my meet prep approach to really look like. I'm in something of an in-between program at the moment. With these things in mind, I'm going to try not to lose my mind. I love a fast pace and I love travel, but I can't ignore the things I have on my plate -- mostly my workouts, the fact that I'm trying to get a new job before the year's out, and maintaining sanity by saving downtime to digest my thoughts, try to divine my feelings (we're pretty estranged), and work on some personal projects. 1. Jog at least 3 times before the 7 mile race 2. Lift 3x per week 3. Journal 2x weekly + write 2x weekly (planes are a good place for writing!) 4. Work on new job applications 2x per week And that's that! Given my schedule, I may not be updating at the normal frequency this challenge. But, I'll do my best and I have a good record of sticking around.
  16. I'll just be reusing my goals from last challenge. But, you know what, it gets things done. 1. Lift your lifts 3-4x per week. Not that I won't, but it's nice to check off the box when I do. 2. Shenanigans take three 1x per week. Continue finding something fun/unconventional/goofy movement-wise to do every week. 3. Write 2x per week. It is outside drinking season again and my Guide to Daydrinking project is calling to me. Random creative writing or poetry prompts also count! Plus musing about gymnastics, videos of dumb stuff, pictures of food probably, etc. Y'all know the drill.
  17. 1. Lift your lifts 3-4x per week. Not that I won't, but it's nice to check off the box when I do. 2. Shenanigans take two 1x per week. Actually find something fun/unconventional/goofy movement-wise to do every week. (Maybe @KB Girl and I can collab? :D) 3. Write 2x per week. It is outside drinking season again and my Guide to Daydrinking project is calling to me. Random creative writing or poetry prompts also count!
  18. I am not turning 50 years old (as some of you may remember, I just turned 30 in January), BUT... THIS IS MY 50TH CHALLENGE ON THE FORUMS. WHAT? HOW EVEN? AM I OKAY? Let's take a breath and relax for a minute. I think this calls for some reflection, but honestly, I just feel like I need to get a challenge up and running! Reflections to follow! I just wrapped up my 5th club gymnastics national-level competition as a competitor and 6th in general and ALL OF THEM have been while I have been on these forums. Wild. Wild. Wild. Wild. I don't have videos to share just yet, but I should have them later. What are we working on THIS TIME? (The same thing we do every night, Pinky...) 1. Lifting Pick a program to last at least 8 weeks Commit to alternating 3 days/week and 4 days/week [or realize that won't work for me] 2. Offseason shenanigans Film a dumb bodyweight or gymnastics challenge every week for fun 3. Eat in more Eat 4/5 weeknight meals at home Eat at least one real dinner or lunch at home on the weekend 4. Talk about the last 5.5 years of my journey and THINK AHEAD Post at least one update a week about something in the last 50 challenges Reflect on what's been working for me and why, share my thoughts with you guys
  19. Hi friends! I'm Raptron, I am a grown-ass woman who does gymnastics with a team of likeminded adults, lifts weights, loves food and drink, and generally overbooks herself with social engagements. My gymnastics national competition is April 12, 2019, which very nicely coincides with end of this challenge. What's on the horizon: 3/15-3/17 - quick trip to NYC 3/24 - Gymnastics meet (last one before Nationals!) 3/30 - Season send-off party / big team event / debuting the 2019 hype videooo (that I have to make) 4/11-4/17 - Nationals & post-competition vacation in Florida A lot of the things from last challenge actually went really well, so I'm just going to carry them over for the next 4-ish weeks. Maybe I'll consider what life holds for me when the season ends along the way, but mostly I'm just here to grind it out and do my very best in our two remaining meets. 1. Comp season strong Vault 1x per week High bar direct connections every other practice Beam routines every practice 2. Don't break the bank Limit meals out and/or 2+ drink nights to 6x between March 18-April 10 3. Hold yourself together Shoulder PT 2x per week Ankle prehab 1x per week Pelvic floor control drills 3x per week (90/90 breathing, intentional relaxing, pri squat things, etc). 4. Write it out Some sort of creative writing practice 2x per week
  20. Gymnastics season continues! This time... WITH A VENGEANCE... and ice capades?!?! I'll continue to strive for 2-3x per week of lifting, 2-3x per week gymnastics, and yoga 1x per week. More weeks will probably shake out to be 3 gymnastics/2 lifting than the other way around, which is good for the season. BUT, that isn't the goals. That's just like... what I do because I like to do it. What are my GOALS? Okay, well this is what is going on -- Upcoming Events: 2/16 - Local gymnastics meet 2/22 - 2/24 - Vermont gymnastics weekend w/a meet on Feb. 23 3/9 - 3/12 - LA trip w/meet on Mar. 11 3 meets! With that in mind, most of my focus will be on improving my gymnastics routines and skills over the next 4-5 weeks. Beyond gymnastics, I'm going to tackle a bit of financial reprioritization. I've spent a lot of money in the last couple of months with the holidays, moving-related expenses, and front loading some of my travel purchases into the start of the year. But, my #1 extraneous cost category is food and drink (you don't even want to know how much I spent last month). Meals out and/or 4+ hours of $12 cocktails... add up to a lot. And while I generally love and cherish these experiences, they can take a bit of a break this month. Because there are two trip this challenge, I'm going to focus on reducing that spend during everyday normal time. Finally, I uncovered my journal from when I was 13-14 and I talk a lot about how much time I spend writing for recreation/personal entertainment. I do only a little right now in the form of poetry mostly, but I'd like to get back into it! I have a lot of "what's the point if it's not going to be good/no one is going to read it" feelings about it now that I apparently didn't have back then. I'd like to tap into that self-assurance that any use of my time that pleases me is a good use. 1. Upgrade season Must practice 2 of the 3 at each gymnastics practice on beam - front walkover + round-off on floor - fhs front pike front tuck on bars - free hip into flyaway on high bar Vault once per week Spend time on active splits drills once per week 2. 5s isn't conditioning like 10s is Conditioning focused THING 1x per week 3. Food and beverage maximum Do not exceed 6 dinners/lunches/2+ drink "meals" out between Feb 11 - Mar 8 Cap of 1 breakfast pastry per week 4. Write Set a timer and write 2x per week -- can be characters/story for D&D, poetry, or a new project!
  21. Hi, I'm Raptron. I'm really good at staying active and maybe have a problem with recovery... sometimes. I mean is it a problem, really?! This challenge, I will channel some of my inner Salem Saberhagen, from Sabrina the Teenage Witch and be... lazier. 1. All the sleep Aim to be IN BED by 11 pm on 4 of 5 weeknights per week 2. All the eats 4/5 work lunches per week must have (at least a fistful of) protein, green vegetables, and a starchy grain or other carb-dense food One weekend meal must meet the above criteria 3. Pamper thyself Schedule a massage Heavy shoulder PT exercises 2x per week Pick one thing for my Christmas "treat yo'self" gift (this is more to head off the usual "well I might as well get something for meeee" trend I fall into every year) 4. Do what makes you feel good One yoga session per week Meanwhile, I'll still be gearing up for gymnastics season and our first competition on December 8th, participating in a lifting mock meet on December 15, running a 5k on Dec. 1, trying to get more cardio-focused conditioning in, and otherwise staying up to my usual shenanigans.
  22. Let's keep this challenge a bit simple this time around too. I'm coming off of my powerlifting meet this past weekend and starting the slow ramp-up to gymnastics season. I want to be a bit more deliberate this time around to make sure I get in good shape without compromising myself with injuries. My first gymnastics meet isn't until December 8 (and we are usually about 60% ready by December) so I'm not in a big rush to go all out just yet. My stamina is in a bad place, so I'm going to add that in to get started. The pulling goal is because I've been neglecting them all year and I think I might be back in a place where they'll be helpful to bring back into my routine. House decluttering is because now that it's getting cooler outside, I'll be home more and having so much STUFF in my field of view stresses me out. Heart rate raiser Run stairs or go for a jog (or other cardio activity) 1x per week Don't fall to your death Chin-ups or pull-ups 2x per week Exorcise the house Throw away clutter from one room per week (bedroom, bathroom, office, and kitchen)
  23. Hi, I'm Raptron. I do stuff like gymnastics, lifting weights, drinking cocktails, making cakes, running around sometimes... and I HAVE A POWERLIFTING MEET ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13. So I guess this conveniently scheduled challenge will be all about that. I've got a SINGLET to wear and a place to wear it -- though I do want to alter it and/or buy a new one because the one I used for my last powerlifting meet is too tight on my thighs. Oh, so very tight on my thighs. What am I going to do about it? 1. Do workouts 2. Do pec mobilization "And season?", you ask. "What season?" Well our new gymnastics team leotards also just arrived and the first meet there is December 8 (unless we go to some Virginia Tech meet, but ha). THE SEASON OF SPANDEX. Plus, Halloween's also coming up and there's usually spandex involved... I don't know. I can't think of a theme. Or other goals. But I'm here!
  24. Hot dog, hot damn, I've got a LOT going on this challenge, socially and travel-wise. I'll only be home the final weekend (Sept. 8-9) as it stands right now and that's not even a guarantee because my BFF's birthday is around then and she might want to do something. We've got 1 weekend of gymnastics camp, 1 river float weekend, and 2 weddings. It's gonna be GREAT, but that means my goals can't really be ALL that ambitious. Let's have some fun. Bench it Bench accessories or shoulder work every lifting workout Offseason fun Do fun or dumb exercise challenges 1x per week (can be a flow, a hard balance, some weird skill I saw on instagram, etc.) Saving green and eating green Only 2 allowances for eating out Monday - Thursday over the course of the challenge Keep the PROGRESS in work in progress Work on Guide to Daydrinking 2-3x Work on Underdark Campaign 2-3x Rejigger my monthly budget categories At least 1 driving practice (can be a weekday!)
  25. 1. Balancing Classwork Hand balancing participation in the Crow PVP Do 3 accessories with lifting workouts 2. Avoid the Freshman 15 Salad Club salads 5x per week Monitor late night snacking (personally, not really in this thread) 3. Adult-ish Responsibilities Keep up driving practice weekly as possible (aim for another 4 practices) Clean out kitchen drawers (again) Dishes 2x on weeknights (you can't cram all your dishes on SUNDAY all the time, okay?) 4. Extra Curricular Activities Bonus points for running Bonus points for working on the Guide to Daydrinking Bonus points for signing up for an aerial arts sampler class Bonus points for going to the ninja gym
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