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Everything posted by aj_rock

  1. Do you know what it is you do that comes off as creepy?
  2. On the contrary you odd quark, 2k runs are much much much less fun than sprints. Especially when you're still trying for a PR time. Even for the elite, a 2k run would still take around 8 minutes, and most of those minutes are VERY uncomfortable.
  3. My lord I only just found your challenge thread *grumbles* GET THOSE RUN TIMES. I don't care if you require more gear than Pistorius, I wanna see it done If anything, you'll be the fastest limper out there. Popular rugger training exercise. Step one: pull your rugby field out of your pocket and spread in an acceptably large area. Step two: avoid the surface of said field entirely and run around the edges. Step three: Run till yo pacemaker gives out on the long sides, jog/walk/crawl as slowly as need be on the short sides. Step four: continue until coach tells you to stop or you lose your locomotive ability. Since I can't yell at you physically without you breaking your bank to fly me to australia, 15-20 minutes should be a good start. Step five: bring your children. Their enthusiasm and childish joy at seeing your attempted cardiac suicide will push you further, get them out of the house, and completely/totally break your spirit. Enjoy!
  4. As the self-titled rugby lord 'round these here parts, I dost command thee to don thy scrum-cap, insert thy mouth-guard, and partake in the wondrous sport of Rugby.
  5. The importance of the small stuff like BCAA and work out timing increases as you approach your physical limits. If you're just starting to work out, training consistantly with a non-stupid diet will give you gains. The further up you go/wanna go, the more you have to dial it in. Can't remember the name of the principle, but you get 80% of the effect from the first 20% of effort. Something like that
  6. Pat's straight pimpin the Warrior Guild. I wonder if there are any ulterior motives for this...
  7. It's verrrry hard to turn down donuts, especially when that's how my co-workers celebrate anything big in their lives (birthdays, raise, etc) And then they get enough for everyone to have two. "Anyone want a third? I DONT WANT A SECOND F***ING DONUT!"
  8. HELLZ YEAH I went to Veld! The Mau5 head is from when I went to see him last November. Definitely skipped my Monday workout after the crazy party last weekend though. I see you were there too apparently. IMO Bassnectar and Gareth Emery stole the show; it broke my heart that they were playing at the same time and couldn't see their full sets I'm also out of town for Wemf v_v Erm, right, fitness. We're in agreement! Just stick to your plan and you should be fine. I too had laughable upper body strength until I managed to string several months in a row of consistant workouts.
  9. A fellow Hamiltonian! Never thought I'd see the day. Anyway, your stats sound pretty similar to mine before I started working out. Just put the time in, eat right, and I could see you down below 200 without even counting calories man.
  10. Oi! I'm still kicking around the forums. Unfortunately I've been rugby game-less for two weeks now, as we got our 'bye' week the week before a long weekend, which are also off. Other than that, I've had nothing to report myself; lifts haven't moved, practice is still more conditioning and fitness than skills, and the whole bloody summer seems to have disappeared in a flash.

  11. Don't sweat it. Four days is nothing in the long run.
  12. There are always options! It's actually a long term project of mine (read, when I get around to it) to create a decision making matrix, based on as many inputs as possible, to determing what diet and exercise works best for you, and the results you are likely to obtain. For example, not everyone responds well to intermittent fasting. Some people really do need to cut gluten. Other people find their immune systems and livers to be indestructible machines capable of handling even the worst taco bell has to throw at them. And then some are lean and muscular despite not really doing anything, but you don't tend to see people like that on fitness websites But yes, depending on your life and what you want to achieve, the possibilities are endless. It's why people disagree on fitness related items, or, as seen on this awesome website, agree to disagree Vitamins and drugs don't count; black coffee is the most often seen drug-like substance consumed on a fast I would recommend following the instruction on the label though, and pay attention to which vitamins you take. Some drugs require food to be taken with them, and many vitamins are fat-soluble, meaning fat should be present in a corresponding meal in order to ensure maximal vitamin uptake.
  13. At least you're learning! Make sure you find out as much as possible about your options though, so you know for sure which path is best for you!
  14. Another creator of shoulder imbalances is former injuries. Dislocations or seperations will create imbalance issues only expensive, long, and painful surgery will fix. Le sigh
  15. My first Elephant Stamp! *tear*
  16. My testing point has always been whether people over or under estimate my weight. If they under-estimate, it can only mean good things I could definitely see someone clocking you at around 175 instead of 20lbs heavier than that. Excellent excellent progress mate.
  17. There's also any number of interest clubs, or team sports, if you're willing to try something new. Definitely thought my life in my old city would be a pain... then I discovered we have a rugby club......
  18. Vit D = 2000??? Unless you're in the dead of winter, you don't need that much. 1000 should be enough, and ideally you would split the dose in two so that you take it with the calcium. Vit D enhances calcium uptake by the body, which is one reason why milk is considered awesome. If you can handle it, moar fish oil. Up to 6 g a day. As for nutrients in teh skins well... phytates are a mild anti-oxidant, although they do bind minerals and pass them through your body unabsorbed. This effect is limited by Vit C though. Also, most phytates are destroyed in the cooking process. Take it or leave it, I don't think many people eat their taters, sweet or not, raw
  19. To be fair, it gives me a lot if time with which I get to play fast and loose with my diet... Between practice and games, I burn through a LOT of food... To my parents' dismay largely, but it's still fun eating myself out of house and home and not gaining any weight
  20. Oh for sure. I only ran it this winter because I was working full time for the first time, and living at home meant I had loads of excess time. Spent probably about 10 hours in the gym any given week. I know the EXACT feeling you mean though, re: not getting the results you want, even if your results are realistically very good. I've given into the temptation to do stupid things in the past, and every time it was more of a step backwards, undoing progress I had made before. Nothing like looking in the mirror come bathing suit season and asking of your flab Y U NO SIX PACK!? The fact that I have to drop all muscle building/fat losing from around April to November every year, giving me only 5 months to really make a change, is exceptionally frustrating. Just stick with it dude. You know you're making progress, and you KNOW you're miles ahead of the pack. Enjoy what you got so far and just keep swimming.
  21. Mir: I'm not sure what your normal work load is, but assuming the rest day work is fairly light I can't see any problems. Hell, personally, days I go to lift weights are 'rest days' in that I eat less. I save the stuff-my-face-athons for rugby workouts, in which burning in excess of 1000 calories over two hours requires loads of extra food.
  22. It's a 7 week schedule of diet and training, with a recommend total break every 6-8 weeks. First two days is hard, almost RFL level dieting. 50% maintenance calories. Also, 2 STRAIGHT days of high rep, low rest work. Full body, 6-8 sets of 15 reps PER muscle group. Heavy compounds NOT recommended. Then hard diet still third day, no training though. Light cardio if you don't hate your life enough. day four has half a day of dieting hard still, then an evening workout. 3-4 sets each group, 8-12 reps. I added my compounds back in at this point, so squats and deadlifts today, but light-ish. After your workout, HUGE re-feed over the next 36 hours. Between the remainder of day 4 and all of day 5, you'll end up over eating by about 20%. The key here is keeping ingested fat low as possible while stuffing your face with carbs. We're looking for glycogen SUPER compensation (muscles become 'over-full' with carbs). Day six, lift ALL the heavy things. Aim for roughly maintenance level calories today. Same for day 7, but no workout. Maybe some cardio in the evenining. And that's UD2 in a nutshell. Basically half the week in a hard cut, with supplementary workouts designed to deplete body and muscle glycgoen in an attempt to ellicit increased fat mobilization and oxidation, and half the week in a soft bulk, starting with a primer workout in order to increase insulin sensitivity in the muscles, glycogen super comp, and a net anabolic state in order to prevent muscle loss/even gain some. Major details: - all workouts are full body, so deads and squats would have to be performed in the same workout (I made pretty good gains in both lifts doing UD2 so it's not that unreasonable) - Like I've mentioned before about SFP, the depleted workouts SUCK. He even states in the book that 'if you don't feel nauseated and dizzy, you ain't doing it right'. Squats while depleted qualify as torture under the geneva convention. - Fat intake is pretty pitiful throughout most of the diet. EFA supplementation is heavily recommended, and success basically hinges on keeping fat intake low while stuffing your face. - IF is not recommended on hard cut days. You typically max out from 50-100g of carbs a day, and eating that all at once will basically slam the fat burning pathways shut, defeating the purpose. - While not for the faint of heart, it WILL work. It specifically mimics the actions of many, erm, 'aids' that body builders use without having to actually use any of them. That about covers it. Damn, as rtalencar said, it's hard to summarize concisely. Here's my TL;DR... it's the Buckley's of the recomp world. Tastes awful, but it works.
  23. Lookin good msuroo! Iffin one should ask me, I would say one is ready for some bulking... get some meat on that frame and you'll *look* MUCH leaner.
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