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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Love the circle design @Starpuck, looks amazing! @zenLara your drawings in the music practice book are really cool! Picture 2/8 for me - I never bother doing monthly spreads so this PvP's definitely inspired me to do something more already
  2. Make a rule to put your running clothes on before feeding the cat? Admittedly the cat might not like it very much, but if you're dressed you're less likely to go back to bed. Also, I am definitely going to steal your spotify playlist when I get on my computer at home; it looks awesome so far.
  3. Pink, obviously! (Well, I just left the default, but it is actually pink ) Awesome! I saw Stone Sour once, but it was fairly early on and I didn't really know who they were at the time. Would live to see them again. I have seen Slipknot ...3 times I think? They are every bit as good as you could imagine and then some. I know, they're pretty cool. Definitely want to catch them this year for a bit of a laugh.
  4. I'm definitely gonna hold you to that man! Jon beat me to it but if you can make a month of it even better! And I'm gonna hold you to that too
  5. Firstly, this is glorious and I am stealing it. No, seriously, see my sig. Also glad you had a great weekend, and look forward to hearing all about it tomorrow.
  6. A wild update appears... Monday, W1D1 To give you some background, Sunday I went to a little private music festival with a few local covers bands playing. I tried to pace myself, but 10-12 hours of drinking took its toll somewhat! So Monday involved a good deal of sleeping and relaxing until mid afternoon. I dropped round to my parents' house to see my mum - she had her first session of chemo last week so I wanted to see how she was doing. She actually seemed really well, a lot better than I was expecting, although I appreciate she may be worse this week. Afterwards I went to the gym just in time to find it shut (damn bank holidays!), so I came home and went for a short run instead. Ended up having a late dinner and a later night. Points: Updated bujo Walked to shop for some fresh air (and, admittedly, soda and snacks) Run - 3 miles + 3 strides, 4 miles in all including the cooldown walk [+5] Stretched Home cooked dinner - pork chops with sweet potato Boiled eggs for 3 breakfasts [+3] No alcohol all day For a total of 13 points. Tuesday W1D2 Back to the new job after 2 days working last week and a 3 day weekend! Not too much to report. Lifted in the morning as a swap for the run I did on Monday; OHP day and I hit my work sets of 30kg (~66#) for 5 x 8. Dinner was a bit junk-y - sausage, chips and baked beans. Snooker match in the evening but I really wasn't feeling it and ended up losing 3-2 in a match I should really have had 5-0. Points: Up with alarm Lifted [+5] Stretched after Walked to work Pre-prepped breakfast (boiled eggs and a banana) Walked home from work Grabbed groceries on the way home Updated bujo No alcohol all day 13 points total again. Not the highest scoring start to this challenge, but it's early days yet.Just gives me more reason to try harder! And finally, a gift for those of you who like Slipknot, comedy songs and lounge music:
  7. Hey, we have pretty similar names. And thanks, on the list! No worries. And no worries about that, seriously thank you Wolfman - you've now got your own colour on my set list! Good shout. I like both of those and my sister loves them both so will definitely make an effort to catch them. Hah, that's brilliant!
  8. Thanks for the shout! My bujo is really very functional and mostly in one colour. Maybe this will inspire me to get a bit more creative though Challenge tracker: And because I've already posted that on my challenge thread, my suggested challenge actions: Also, please all feel free to add me on Instagram. My reward will be knowing that I've managed to keep up with this . 1/8.
  9. Good to have you! Let me check that for you... Yep, there's still tickets. So I'll be seeing you there, right? I never seem to get to watch the wrestling, so I'll try and give that a go. It is pretty awesome Awesome man, thanks for all the suggestions! I'll be adding those to my list. Of those you haven't mentioned - Alter Bridge are SIIIICK and definitely worth a shout. And The One Hundred are a good up and coming band that I'd like to see more of. Oh yes, definitely this. I know! And hiii. It's gone so fast, hasn't it? ====== There will be a challenge update at some point, just trying to find more time to get on here. Soon guys!
  10. That sounds awesome dude! What a great gig! I would say I was envious but, y'know... And please, COME WITH ME!! Seriously, it's awesome every year, so if you ever can make it over to the UK...
  11. No worries! Yeah, I'm definitely keen. May need to give it a couple of months though before I can actually pay for a ticket (it may be a good idea to buy my flights and accommodation for Tough Mudder Ireland first, given that that's in July!).
  12. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I really really want one! This is a really good idea. I need to hit the budgeting properly in the next couple of months, so I may be stealing this.
  13. Probably! I feel you pain, running has been too tough this weekend . Good job on getting out and getting it done though.
  14. So the pose I got was "Birds of Paradise", which I just learned I cannot do: ETA: @Gurdris the Imbiber, that poem was glorious.
  15. I think you've already got past this question, but FWIW I think you should! Volunteering in itself could be really good fun, and it doesn't then compel you to use the credit if you decide you're not up to running the OCR. (Of course, once you have the credit I'll be telling you that you should definitely do the race, but one thing at a time ). Also, now I've caught up (6 pages by day 1 is impressive even for you!) I love your idea of becoming more resilient, and the way your going about it looks really solid.
  16. I'm loving this challenge - it's so happy and it's making me smile. <--Me If it doesn't work, you could make it into a bag pretty easily: http://www.practicallyfunctional.com/how-to-turn-a-t-shirt-into-a-tote-bag-without-sewing/ Pikachu, Squirtle, Charmander, Bulbasaur, Pidgey, Caterpie
  17. Good to have you back challenging Wolfman! What's the concert you're going to?
  18. Following along again. You are a true badass and you're gonna crush this 10 weeks of training.
  19. Heya, following along as ever! This stuff, in particular, is really awesome. I love the idea of defeating your greatest critic and the ways you're going about it.
  20. So excited for you man, wedding coming up, novella completed, you're doing great!
  21. New challenge is (finally) up!
  22. Some of you with particularly good memories might remember that I did a challenge with a very similar title last year. That's because the time has come again when I get to go to Download Festival. First and Foremost As you can see I have an awesome line-up to see in a couple of weeks, so I need your recommendations on who I should check out this year. All recommendations are more than welcome, and I will try and see as many of them as I can! Actual Challenge Stuff Plan For those of you who followed last time, I ran a format based on "actions per day", lovingly pinched from an NF blog article. Basically anything I do which is a positive self-care action - whether that's exercising, eating well, looking after my money, getting some sleep or taking care of my mind - earns me a point. I just aim for as many points as I can reasonably earn every day. Workouts Full workouts count for 5 actions because a.) they're something I particularly want to focus on and b.) they take a lot longer to complete than most other actions. Because of the way this challenge works there's no rigid structure to my main workouts, but there is a plan for these and for some other bits I want to focus on. No penalty for mixing it up or moving things round if I want though! The Plan: Stuff Wot I Can Do So although there's no limit to the different things I can do to earn points, I found it useful to have a cheat sheet of the kind of things that earned points to help get my numbers up. So we have: Morning Routine Evening Routine Stuff to Avoid Stuff I Can Do And that's it! I've been pretty bad at keeping up on here so I will make an effort to be better this go around. Aside from when I'm at Download (Thursday week 2 to Monday week 3) when I will be totally off the grid, earning no points and feeling no guilt about it!
  23. Thank you! And 20 sounds pretty high, but that is for a "perfect" challenge. I'm happy with not hitting perfection, and I certainly don't think the challenge went badly at all, but it's definitely not out of the question to reach that mark.
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