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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. I wouldn't call that miniscule, OHP is hard man! Well done on your 5k PR. If you want an official time I'm sure you could think of something *coughparkruncough*. And a beautiful day here in Mid Sussex too (this thread it getting rather British rather fast isn't it?).
  2. Friday W1 D5 Last night WW was working late, so I went out for a couple of beers with work colleagues, to celebrate it being both Friday and payday. After my couple of beers I checked the trains to find that nothing was running for some reason, so I stayed for a couple more beers. Half way through pint 5 my mother rang me with bad news. Cancer talk in spoiler: Having received this news I had a bit of a mini breakdown. I did have the good sense to finish my pint and then head home rather than staying out. Unfortunately that sense did not survive the 10 minute walk to the train station, where I bought a couple of cans for the trip home. Then I text WW and asked her to order pizza with my card so that she could eat and I could have the leftovers when I eventually got home. Got home and ate those, explained the situation to WW and then went back out to the pub. Thankfully by that point I was running out of steam, so I actually only managed half a beer, wandered the streets for a bit and then stayed up late watching TV (in dutch, because there's nothing like trying to read subtitles when you're hammered). Boot Procedure Fail again. I am now officially dead and this goal will no longer appear in my logs. Do the Robot Fail again. Robot Fuel Used a variance on that pizza (it will work out a double variance as I'm having the leftovers for lunch whilst typing this). Shutdown Procedure Not even slightly. Error Reporting A surprising pass. HP: Boot Procedure - DEAD Do the Robot [O][O][X][X][X][X][X][X] Robot Fuel [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][X][X][X][X][X][X][X][X] Shutdown Procedure [O][O][O][X][X][X][X] Error Reporting [O][O][O][O][O][X][X] ====== Today I woke up and really didn't want to get out of bed. I managed to drag myself up just in time to arrive at Parkrun and find there were no parking spaces. With no time to find somewhere down the road to park and walk back I just drove straight home. Intended to go straight out for a run but instead procrastinated for two hours. I kept my running shoes on though so in the end I managed to force myself out for 3 miles + sprints before I let myself take them off. Was actually nice to be out and moving, and it's a beautiful day here today which helped my mood a little. When I got back I procrastinated for a couple more hours (I'm sensing this may be a theme this weekend), and now I'm having lunch and writing this. I don't seem to have damaged myself as badly as I thought I may last night, so now I'm off to go bouldering (alone sadly) while I have the motivation to move a bit.
  3. It did . But I think you mentioned it a couple of challenges back because I'd definitely started watching it before your Critical Role challenge. Don't apologise though, I love it! (even if I get funny looks when I tell people I spent my evening watching other people play D&D. Oo, well have fun tomorrow - hope it goes well! Yeah, absolutely. As I said, I need to get up to workout anyway, so hopefully I'll manage that at least.
  4. If you have any Irish heritage you can actually get Irish citizenship pretty easily. If not as far as I'm aware Irish immigration policy is pretty open - I imagine getting a visa to work there shouldn't be too bad.
  5. Your description of the moor was beautiful, I really liked reading it. Hope things went well with you starting the application - I'm excited for you that things are coming together on your move.
  6. Is that some kind of record? . Well done on getting it done though.
  7. If you actually need it in order to help you reach your goals, I don't see why you should penalise yourself for getting it. This made me laugh.
  8. I like that. That's a really good way to start the day.
  9. Ok, cheers,that sounds interesting. I may well experiment with this next week and see if it helps. I like the idea of just sliding out of bed and meditating for a few minutes before getting up up.
  10. Well, I'm dead, it was nice knowing you all. Goodbye cruel world! So I didn't get up again this morning, and consequently did not work out again. I wasn't really expecting to die in week 1 so I've been trying to think how to handle this. What I'm going to it consider the goal dead, drop it and re-visit next challenge. In the meantime I'll still be looking to get up at the same time in order to work out, but I won't be tracking this as a goal in its own right. In the meantime, here's Thursday: Thursday W1 D4 Boot Procedure Fail. Do the Robot Fail as I didn't get up. Was feeling really rough in the evening so when I got home I went to bed for half an hour. I then got up and did some yoga, which if nothing else made me feel like I'd have some kind of physical activity in my day. I actually did sun salutations after being inspired by @Xena's thread, and then the Star Wars yoga mentioned on @EricMN's thread (damn tagging not working). Robot Fuel WW got back from work mega late and neither of us could be bothered to cook, so we took a variance and she picked up McDonalds. Shutdown Procedure Didn't get the TV off on time - I was too engrossed in Critical Role - so this was a fail. I got everything else done and got to bed about on time though, so not a hard fail. Error Reporting Pass - journal up to date. HP: Boot Procedure [X][X][X][X][X] Do the Robot [O][O][O][X][X][X][X][X] Robot Fuel [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][X][X][X][X][X][X][X] Shutdown Procedure [O][O][O][O][X][X][X] Error Reporting [O][O][O][O][O][O][X]
  11. Cheers M_S. I've tried a couple of those things - morning radio worked really well for me in the past but now for some reason WW objects to me blaring the radio in the morning two hours before she has to get up *eye roll*. I'm curious about the morning meditation though, what exactly do you do for that?
  12. No worries dude, do keep pushing me - I need it right now! Might try and get creative over the weekend to at least get me into a 5 figure total!
  13. People are hard. Sometimes if you're really not coping and it's too overwhelming the best thing might be to allow yourself some alone time, even if it does mean avoiding something. Just remember to try to use that alone time sparingly - isolating yourself for long periods is never an answer to improving your mental state long term. But once in a while it might just be beneficial if it helps you get through.
  14. Sorry dude, I've spent a lot of this week sleeping and non of it in the gym. Got in 6,048# of pull-ups so far and that's about it. Gonna get in the gym tomorrow, but I don't think I'll be challenging you any time soon!
  15. Can you engineer some kind of emergency Deus Ex Machina just in case? Some random hero to come in, kill the enemies and save the day only to mysteriously disappear himself? Or perhaps if you do get a TPK the party then awaken to find themselves in a dungeon, and realise that their foe has kept them alive but imprisoned them for who knows what nefarious purpose? (I suppose this rather depends on what they're fighting and whether it's intelligent enough to have a motive of this kind). ^ just what I was thinking!
  16. Tuesday W1 D2 Boot Procedure Failed as mentioned above Do the Robot Failed as did not get up on time to do this. Did get in pull-ups - sets of 4, 4, 4, 3, 3 Robot Fuel Passed:- Eggs and a banana for breakfast Fruit throughout the day Chinese pork with rice for lunch Cheese, pickle and pepper wrap for lunner Balsamic glazed sausages, veg and couscous for dinner. Shutdown Procedure Was staying in a hotel so this was a bit different, but done nonetheless. Error Reporting Pass - journal up to date. HP: Boot Procedure [O][X][X][X][X] Do the Robot [O][O][O][O][X][X][X][X] Robot Fuel [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][X][X][X][X][X] Shutdown Procedure [O][O][O][O][O][X][X] Error Reporting [O][O][O][O][O][O][X] ====== Wednesday W1 D3 Boot Procedure N/A - staying in a hotel and not at normal work. Do the Robot Woke up a little late but still decided I had time for a run. Was pretty nervous about running around Milton Keynes as I've never been there before and might get lost, didn't know what terrain to expect, and also at having to walk through the hotel in my running gear before I went anywhere. I got out anyway and 4 miles + 5 sprint intervals + recovery walk + getting a bit list came to a morning total of 5.83 miles. Ironically when I was checking out I discovered the hotel I was in had a gym! So I could have had my planned lift day instead of a run. A* preparation there. When I got home in the evening I got in pull-ups again - sets of 4, 4, 4, 3, 3 Robot Fuel I'm going to stop saying "fail" here and start saying "variance" (á la Tank), as I have planned in two variances per week to my plan. So I had one variance at the conference - a couple of cookies as a morning snack. To be fair if they had fruit I would have had that, but they didn't and I was fucking hungry. I did however skip desert at lunch to keep the day to only 1 variance. Shutdown Procedure Last night was drive home from Milton Keynes (nearly 3 hours), then dinner, then out to snooker. Procedure all done, but got back from snooker late so not in bed until half midnight. Error Reporting Pass - journal up to date. HP: Boot Procedure [O][X][X][X][X] Do the Robot [O][O][O][O][X][X][X][X] Robot Fuel [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][X][X][X][X][X][X] Shutdown Procedure [O][O][O][O][O][X][X] Error Reporting [O][O][O][O][O][O][X] ====== Today I woke up and yet again turned my alarm off and went back to sleep. That puts me on 0HP - I'm saying that's one more hit and the goal is dead. I've always struggled with getting up, but I had been doing so well for a while now that this is really annoying. I do remember being this bad towards the end of my last job, where I'd lay in bed just dreading having to get up and face the day. The difference now is that I'm an adult and I have an obligation to go to work, so although I leave it as late as possible I'm still catching my train and going in. What I'm losing instead is my morning workout, which is bloody stupid because it really improves my day. I'm pinching this from @Miw_Sher's thread but I have to remember: Exercise makes it Better. Finally got a quiet night tonight; gonna try and get an early one and hope to fight my way out of bed tomorrow.
  17. I'm sorry you've been struggling, but I would say it's amazing how much you're pushing through and getting things done. That's a really good point and something I need to remember too.
  18. Wild forest sounds awesome, glad you had such a good time!
  19. In the UK we haven't actually hit the clocks changing yet - it will be on Sunday we lose an hour. I wish I knew the answer, I'm better at getting up than I ever have been but it's still a struggle! Definitely, and it seems to be working so far. The article on Wolfie's thread was from someone who'd found research by NASA for the mid-90s about the benefits of a 26 minute nap, but as I've not seen the original NASA article I've no idea how they arrived at 26 minutes as the perfect number! I have heard before that naps should either be about 25 minutes or they should be 2 hours, but nothing in between due to the way sleep cycles generally run (at 25 minutes you never get into a deep sleep and so avoid feeling groggy, and at 2 hours you complete a full sleep cycle).
  20. I'm getting so into batch cooking at the moment, it makes the week so much easier. And with the added bonus that everyone at work keeps telling me off because my food smells so good it males them hungry! (I'm not joking, this happens daily )
  21. Monday W1 D1 Boot Procedure Failed. Not a good start to the week as I turned off my 05:30 alarm and slept in until nearly 7. Do the Robot Sleeping in meant I could still get to work on time,but much too late to go to the gym. Robot Fuel Passed:- Eggs and a banana for breakfast Fruit throughout the day Chinese pork with rice for lunch Cheese, pickle and pepper wrap for lunner Cheesy baked fish with greens and pesto potatoes for dinner (this was excellent, if rather large) Shutdown Procedure Identical to Sunday: "All done, though getting back from the club at half 11 meant bed at midnight 15. A pass nonetheless." Error Reporting Pass - journal up to date. HP: Boot Procedure [O][O][X][X][X] Do the Robot [O][O][O][O][O][X][X][X] Robot Fuel [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][X][X][X][X][X] Shutdown Procedure [O][O][O][O][O][X][X] Error Reporting [O][O][O][O][O][O][X] ====== This morning I made the same boot fail, and consequently did not run. I need to figure out a way to curb this as I'm already nearly dead on that goal and my exercise goal won't be far behind at this rate. Tonight I have to drive up north (ok, technically up midlands) for a conference and I've got a hotel their over night. I'm taking my shoes for a morning run because I can't keep missing workouts and I won't give myself an excuse. In other news, Wolfe linked and article on his thread about taking 26 minute naps. I tried one yesterday on the train and I felt so much better all evening for it! More research is needed, and as I'm on the train about half an hour from home I'm going to start that research now .
  22. That's such a dramatic way of describing it, I love it! I think that should work. This is very true, and it would be great to get a game together with you three online as well as in person. That said I am reserving any thought of getting into this until I have a new job, one where 20 hours of my week are not wasted commuting! Also will hopefully tie in with WW finishing college as she's getting quite keen now I've got her into Critical Role. @DarK_RaideR I am going to hang on to that link so I can get a look at what you're running however.
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