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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. This really surprises me actually - fruit and veg are so cheap in the UK. The cheapest way to live here would definitely to be a vegetarian who knows how to cook. Not just stuff we grow, but stuff that's been shipped halfway across the world too. I've just looked up and avocados currently cost £0.79 each (~USD$0.98). Unfortunately I don't think I've ever bought one!
  2. Still loving this story man, though now I'm gonna have Bon Jovi songs in my head all day thanks to Tommy and Geena! *shakes fist*
  3. Glad you had a good one man. Mine was pretty messy in an alcohol fuelled kinda way, but really good fun. Played poker on Friday, watched rugby all day Saturday, bouldering on Sunday, all great. On an unrelated note I tried a 26 minute nap on the train back from work, after reading the article you linked above, and I've felt so much better for it this evening! Thanks for sharing Wolfman.
  4. Sunday W0 D7 Boot Procedure N/A (weekdays only) Do the Robot Bouldering was done (and was great), but I did not make time for my long run. 1 pass and 1 fail. Robot Fuel There was leftover pizza so I had it for lunch rather than throw it away. In hindsight I probably should have let WW eat all of it instead and had something else, but I didn't think. I did however avoid crisps and chocolate at the club, and instead took a load of fruit there with me. Shutdown Procedure All done, though getting back from the club at half 11 meant bed at midnight 15. A pass nonetheless. Error Reporting Pass - journal up to date. HP: Boot Procedure [O][O][O][X][X] Do the Robot [O][O][O][O][O][O][X][X] Robot Fuel [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][X][X][X][X][X] Shutdown Procedure [O][O][O][O][O][X][X] Error Reporting [O][O][O][O][O][O][X]
  5. Thank you. So do I get one of those every day or...? Thanks. To be fair I run on a Saturday morning, and as Saturday mornings have an unerring tendency to follow Friday nights I often have a bit of a hangover. This was very much another level though. Thank you for your faith, I will stay vigilant on this. And on the basis that I can't make that sound less wrong, I would very much like my first time to be with you . There's just the small matter of there being a very large ocean and a 10(?) hour time difference which might be a slight problem. Thank you. And you're absolutely right, time is too precious a resource to waste.
  6. I just find it really interesting mate. One day I will actually get into D&D and Planescape. one day... ====== So Sunday was a pretty busy day, so I'll talk about it now and do the stats in a bit. Felt surprisingly ok after the day of rugby drinking, if a bit drained, I guess because I got to bed so early. Lots of domestic rangering done, including lawn mowing, supermarket run and batch cooking for the week (WW did Chinese pork with rice for the lunches, it's very good!). Went bouldering with the Captain in the afternoon. He's only been once before in May last year so a lot of my time was spent helping him through some of the easier problems, but I'm impressed that he came and really pushed himself and I had a really good time. After dinner (WW bashed up a classic carbonara) it was off to work at the club. I don't know if I've ever explained properly here, but I have worked at the social club in my home village behind the bar for the past 10 years, since I was 18. For a lot of that time I was on the club committee and for 3 years I was chairman so I got pretty involved in the place. I don't however live there anymore (though it's only a short drive) and I have only been working Sunday nights for quite a while for a bit of pocket money. Anyway for the past few weeks I haven't been working there for various reasons and it's been amazing to have a full day where neither I nor WW are working, and where we're not constantly rushing to get things done before I go to work. So yesterday I handed in my notice. It was a little emotional after all the time I've worked there, but I just need the time right now more than I need the money. One final shift in a couple of weeks and then I'm officially done.
  7. Thanks dude! Thanks, and yes it is. Although in this case probably not a lot better than no time . Yeah, it feels good to say you've done it at least - this one really felt like I might not survive! Yeah, it was a really cracking night. It's just the aftermath of having a weekend that heavy when I have to be an adult the next day is something I no longer want to try and do! Aww, I'm glad he probably went home. I'm also surprised how emotionally invested in that I am. From what I've heard (all of which is from you) I really like the idea of Planescape. It's a lot to get the head round, but the concept of beliefs and actions determining a physical reality is a really fun one. I think you're spot on for the reasons for the smoking - not that I felt depressed or stressed at the time, but those aspects were almost certainly factors in that happening (on top of the alcohol and social aspects of course). And yes, definitely! Dublin is a pretty dangerous place to be staying if you're looking to stay sober and have an early night, so I worry the state I would have been in if we ran the Sunday!
  8. ^ Just wanted to echo this - you did the right thing in going home and well done for doing it. *hugs*
  9. Hey Flea, hope you're doing ok. I also hope your studying focus is better than this cat
  10. My sentiments exactly! ====== Saturday W0 D6 Boot Procedure N/A (weekdays only) Do the Robot Got up and got to Parkrun yesterday. Thanks to Friday night's heavy drinking and late night I had the worst hangover I've had in a very long time. It was not pretty, I walked some of it, and I think I've set a personal worst for Parkrun. But I turned up and completed the distance, so that's something. Robot Fuel So yesterday was Super Saturday, the last day of the 6 Nations (European rugby tournament for those who aren't familiar). In honour of this myself and Hopalong went out into Brighton and watched all 3 matches in various pubs. As a result of being out food was not the best - one fail for lunch (pub burger and chips) and a second fail for dinner (takeaway pizza when we got back home). Both good uses of a variance given the situation but still not helping my HP for the week. Shutdown Procedure Another day of heavy drinking lead to another fail for a disorganised night. Thankfully however we opted to go straight home after the rugby and not stay out drinking any later, so we were home by half 8 and went to bed around 10pm. Error Reporting Fail - I did not open my journal all day. HP: Boot Procedure [O][O][O][X][X] Do the Robot [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][X] Robot Fuel [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][X][X][X][X] Shutdown Procedure [O][O][O][O][O][X][X] Error Reporting [O][O][O][O][O][O][X] ====== Another day of several failures. Additionally I split a pack of 10 cigarettes with hopalong, which was not ideal. I'm going to draw a line under that and move on, it was a fun weekend and I enjoyed it but this is not a lifestyle I can sustain any more. I can't just let the smoking pass however - I will dock 5XP from myself at the end of this challenge in recognition of that.
  11. Friday W0 D5 Boot Procedure Failed - despite having had an early night I tunes off my alarm and slept in. Do the Robot Failed - because I got up late I did not get to the gym. Robot Fuel Managed fine for the whole day, and then mindlessly snacked on some crisps at poker. I was halfway through them before I even remembered that this is a challenge goal. Shutdown Procedure Got home quite late and quite drunk from poker, and just went to bed without doing anything else. Error Reporting Done HP: Boot Procedure [O][O][O][X][X] Do the Robot [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][X] Robot Fuel [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][X][X] Shutdown Procedure [O][O][O][O][O][O][X] Error Reporting [O][O][O][O][O][O][O] Friday was pretty much a fail on all fronts, and on top of that I had a cigarette at poker. Still I had a fun night with my friends, won my money back and generally enjoyed myself.
  12. Yeah, give it a go, it's pretty good. No worries Thank you! Oo yeah, that sounds nice. Dried mushrooms should definitely work in risotto. To be honest I put garlic in almost everything - I love garlic.
  13. Love the challenge, following along as ever
  14. Ok so for @Charlie_Quinn and for anyone else interested, WW's parsnip risotto:
  15. Hey man, great to see you, sorry I missed your last challenge. I have never heard of this game but I'll be following along regardless!
  16. Thursday W0 D4 (still no bold) Boot Procedure Passed. Do the Robot Run day and Runkeeper called for 4x5min fast, with two minutes of slow jogging in between. Here's how it went: Interval - Pace 1 mile - 10'56" 5 min - 8'18" 2 min - 10'02" 5 min - 8'10" 2 min - 10'38" 5 min - 8'34" 2 min - 10'51" 5 min - 8'22" 1 min - 9'40" Given that the fast pace was only supposed to be 8'45" to 8'55" I feel I did pretty well. Total distance including a short walk home was 4.27 miles. Robot Fuel Failed on breakfast (due to being at home and not having considered what I was going to have before the interview): Coco Pops Fruit throughout the day Pork chilli for lunch Ham salad wrap for lunner Lamb steaks with roasted roots for dinner Last of birthday cake and WW homemade rocky road for dessert Shutdown Procedure All done on time. Error Reporting Done HP: Boot Procedure [O][O][O][O][X] Do the Robot [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O] Robot Fuel [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][X] Shutdown Procedure [O][O][O][O][O][O][O] Error Reporting [O][O][O][O][O][O][O] ====== Spoke to my recruitment consultant today - there's some adminy stuff that needs to happen but it seems they are keen to give me a second interview which is cool! Tonight I'm off to play poker with some friends, and probably enjoy some obligatory St Paddy's Day Guinness. And probably lose some money, but never mind.
  17. Thanks you! To be fair he was unloading it (albeit pretty slowly) when I asked him if he was finished, so I kind of invited that upon myself. I was just impressed at the weight, and for 3 reps apparently. Ok, that's pretty cool. On a related note, I really need to play D&D one of these days! I can't, but WW can. I've asked her to send me the recipe and I'll post it here when she does. Aww that story's so sweet. Did she ever find out where he was banished to? And thank you, I felt like a grown up for several minutes that day! Awesome
  18. If you look at his face, even just the gif without the audio, I'm pretty convinced that this is true.
  19. Heya, following along again. Sorry you've been through the ringer, but I will say your adventures always make amazing stories.
  20. I love this challenge already! Following along again.
  21. I feel you on the running speed thing; below a certain pace I get really bored and just want to give up! Following along again. Cat tax:
  22. That Spartan Beast is on my maybe list of OCRs actually, might be tempted to join you at that (though I have a couple of months before I can afford more race decisions!). Well done on the hill sprints, they sound suitably evil.
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