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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. I love this - like a mini zero week battle speech. Following along again.
  2. Wednesday W0 D3 (bold text does not work today) Boot Procedure Passed - had to get up on time for deadlift day . Do the Robot Deadlift day! Repped out at 13 on 72.5 kg (~170#). That's one phase of juggernaut complete and with all lifts going over 10 reps all my working maxes will go up for next time. Assistance was leg curls, Russian twists, 100 plank shoulder taps for the daily dare, and leg press. I did run out of time on leg press after deloading most of the 500kg the last guy had been pressing from the machine! Robot Fuel All good: Banana and an Apple for breakfast (who forgot to boil eggs?) Fruit throughout the day Pork chilli for lunch Ham salad wrap for lunner Parsnip risotto for dinner WW homemade rocky road for dessert Shutdown Procedure Went out for snooker practice in the evening, but called it early and was home at 22:30. Procedure done and was in bed by 23:10. Error Reporting Done HP: Boot Procedure [O][O][O][O][X] Do the Robot [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O] Robot Fuel [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O] Shutdown Procedure [O][O][O][O][O][O][O] Error Reporting [O][O][O][O][O][O][O] ====== Today has been a busy day! Had a job interview first thing in the morning, which went really well (I think). They took me for coffee so it was really informal, and had a really good chat with them. Also they seem a really nice team to work with. Fairly hopeful that I'll get called in for the second interview at the least. Also finally registered with a doctor today, so if I do have any more diziness issues I will be able to do something about it.
  3. Aww, they are cute, thank you. What are they? I'm eating about 5 meals per day, so probably not blood sugar. Could be sleep. And you were totally right. I could actually eat the whole damn slab of it (24 squares maybe?), so I'm having to be very restrained! Yeah, it's weird, I hadn't been pushing that hard either time. I don't usually have problems with pull ups (I mean, like this, I have problems with stringing more than 4 together) so I'm not sure what to make of it. New shoes are really nice so far, got them out for a decent session today and they're a definite improvement in mud. I've gone for a bit of a jack of all trades thing with the road/trail shoe line, but it works for the routes I'm doing (I hope). Thank you, I've been feeling better since! I hadn't even considered it being neck related - I'll see how the neck feels if it happens again. Hiii! Welcome, and thank you very much . I am - thank you .
  4. I'll hold you to that you know! Thanks for the beer, brother.
  5. Sorry to hear about your neighbour. At least she kept her mind and her wit until right near the end. 2 hour commute each day each way = 4hr/day = 20hr/work week ~ 90hr/month. Running 120mi @ 6mi/hr (I suspect you do it dated though) = 20hr/month 90-20 = 70hr/month or ~ 2'20"/day to eat doughnuts. The maths works and I greatly approve this plan! Also, well done on running in a blizzard, that's some top Ranger work right there!
  6. Personally I like to try and post here with every dare I complete, but it's definitely not mandatory.
  7. I'm guessing you're loving today's dare then? Plank shoulder taps done with EC - these were brutal by the last 30 or so.
  8. Well you inspired me last night to do some pull-ups and add a little more volume - only 2,856# on that though. Somehow deadlift day only came to 8,952# as well! Next I'm starting deload week, so my numbers might start to be interesting after that!
  9. Tuesday W0 D2 Boot Procedure Fail. After Monday's late night I woke up, turned off my alarm intending to get up, and then fell back to sleep. Do the Robot After work I did some pull-ups (sets of 4, 4, 3, 3, 3) to add some volume for Broba's challenge. Not long afterwards I started feeling really strange and dizzy whilst making dinner. By rights my waking up late should have meant missing my run, but when I got home my new shoes had arrived (NEW SHOES!! ) so I had to give them a go. Had a short run around the block to try them out (15 minutes maybe) but ended up feeling weird and dizzy again and had to come in. I'm counting a bare pass on this. Robot Fuel All good:- Boiled eggs and a Banana for breakfast Fruit throughout the day Pork chilli for lunch Ham salad wrap for lunner Boeuf Bourguignon for dinner WW homemade rocky road for dessert (it was amazing! There's still about 88 billion calories of it in the fridge however.) Shutdown Procedure All good - TV off at 10 gave me a nice relaxing half hour to get this stuff done before bed. Error Reporting Done HP: Boot Procedure [O][O][O][O][X] Do the Robot [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O] Robot Fuel [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O] Shutdown Procedure [O][O][O][O][O][O][O] Error Reporting [O][O][O][O][O][O][O] ====== Quick spoiler for today: I'm up on time and it's deadlift day! Looking forward to it - believe I have 72.5kg (~160#) for max reps #whatisthiscardio
  10. Ah, I have heard of Voltron but never seen it. Thank you! I'm discovering that 30 minutes is quite a lot of time for that shutdown sequence, but that may be a good thing to give me a relaxing end to the day.
  11. I haven't the faintest idea what's going on here, but it looks fun.
  12. My sentiments exactly - I love this place. Is that a Power Rangers gif? Man that show got weird... Yeah, it's a difficult line - trying to explain that you appreciate the gesture but that you'd actually rather not have the food. Equally, I try not to buy WW food as a treat because I don't feel like I'm doing her a favour by doing so, but then I feel mean for not getting her stuff *facepalm* I'm actually not sure if I've ever had it - it was a conversation about that that inspired her to make it! Steal away! I'm just hoping they work. THANK YOU <3. And thanks, hopefully I'm on the right track .
  13. Ah, that makes sense. I only do 1 main lift and 3 assistance exercises so what you do looked like a lot more, but I do all the assistance for 4 sets of 12 so I guess that's why!
  14. Following again. 120 miles in a month? I'll never ceases to be impressed by how far you can run.
  15. Definitely following along, that's a great training plan.
  16. Following again man, looks like a good challenge. If you're looking to add random bodyweight stuff during your runs have you considered something like this: http://darebee.com/daredice.html? Just out of interest, how long did that workout take you? That seems like a lot of things to do in one session!
  17. Love the challenge - only you could make the connection between trying to relieve stress and daily burpees . Wishing you all the luck with your stress relief though. That's really rough. It annoys me that it's standard practice for employers to force employees to contract out of the Working Time Directive.
  18. So do I . My waistline may object however. Thanks, and good to see you! I must catch up with your challenge/ Cheers man!
  19. Monday W0 D1 Boot Procedure Yep, up with my 05:30 alarm. Do the Robot Got in the gym for the final OHP day of the 10s phase of Juggernaut. That meant max reps on OHP at 30kg (~66#), and I hit 11. Plus assistance of DB incline press, lat pulldowns and tricep extensions - got in a little late due to train delays but nearly got everything done. Robot Fuel All good:- Boiled eggs and a Banana for breakfast Fruit throughout the day Pork chilli for lunch Ham salad wrap for lunner Puttanesca pasta for dinner Last bit of birthday cake after (homemade by WW so it's cool). WW has also decided if I'm only having homemade snacks she better make some, so I came home to a massive tray of rocky road. Which is very sweet of her, but I can't help feeling it stretches the spirit of what I'm trying to do somewhat! Shutdown Procedure Got home from snooker at 23:35 last night, so it was a late one. Nonetheless the procedure was followed and I was in bed just before 00:10. Error Reporting Done HP: Boot Procedure [O][O][O][O][O] Do the Robot [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O] Robot Fuel [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O] Shutdown Procedure [O][O][O][O][O][O][O] Error Reporting [O][O][O][O][O][O][O]
  20. To be honest I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing but I got some great advice from folks on here which helped. And birthday money and a discount code also helped! Awwww, thank you. Saving that in case I need a cute pic later.
  21. This is gonna be gooood! I'll post my numbers - absolutely no hope of beating you Broba, but I'm interested to see where I come. Monday's numbers were 9,804# for OHP day (it looked even worse when I had it in kg!).
  22. Just wanted to say thanks again for all the shoe advice on here - I pulled the trigger on these ones today. Special thanks to @Charlie_Quinn for your message, it worked thanks!
  23. Thanks! I'm just in it for the robot gifs really ====== Oo, in other news, I bought running shoes and I am unnervingly excited about that! These ones. And they should arrive Wednesday!
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