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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Wow, that's cheap venison, nice one! Glad you enjoyed your Christmas, it sounds really fun. With the jury duty, I have a feeling that you can't use up holiday days when you're on a jury, in the same way that you can't take holiday if you're signed off sick. I might be wrong, but it would be worth looking into online or someone like Citizens Advice Bureau might be able to tell you more. Hope work's better today . ETA: Here's the government advice page on jury service if you haven't come across it already: https://www.gov.uk/jury-service/taking-time-off-work
  2. Finally got round to finishing this over Christmas (I'm a really slow reader). I must of read it half a dozen times, but I picked up on something I've missed every time until now: [talking about the Watch House] "Over the door a motto in the ancient tongue of the city was now almost eroded by time and grime and lichen, but could just be made out: FABRICATI DIEM, PVNC It translated - according to Sergeant Colon, who had served in foreign parts and considered himself an expert on languages - as 'To Protect and to Serve'" I never read the motto properly because of the comment afterwards, but "Fabricati Diem, Pvnc" is Latin(ish) for "Make my day, punk".
  3. Glad to hear you've got the bouldering bug! Have you now got horrible post-climbing DOMS? (I definitely did my first couple of times.)
  4. I'm really sorry to hear you and tour family are going through this *hugs*
  5. Thank you (on both counts) ----- Stats at W3D5 (why won't my phone do bold recently?) Mr Positivity 15/28 Mr Strong 8/12 Mr Sleepy 14/26 Mr Writer 19/28 Daily Dare score: 23 Last night was pretty heavy. Finished work about half 1 (because, Christmas), went out for a few beers with colleagues (ok, 4 beers), had another tin on the train home, dropped in to see Mrs and then went out for a Christmas night out with one of my snooker teams! I may be feeling slightly the worse for wear today, and I did not Parkrun. Mr Positivity says: "Christmas eve is one of my favorite days of the year. For the past 5 years or so a group of friendly geeks I know have organised a meet up for pizza and drinks. They are some of the most amazing people I know and I don't see them often enough, so today I'm really thankful to be seeing them."
  6. Do it! Seriously, it's awesome, definitely give it a go if you can. FYI, this sounds really funny to a brit
  7. So much good stuff here man, excellent news on both counts! The struggle is all too real. I also don't think I've ever successfully got to the end of a recipe without converting a unit for something.
  8. Stats at W3D4 Mr Positivity 14/28 Mr Strong 7/12 Mr Sleepy 13/26 Mr Writer 18/28 Daily Dare score: 23 Didn't get my Mr Positivity update done yesterday. I was having a really good day and didn't particularly feel I needed it. I should probably be doing it anyway as I'm sure it's a better thing with consistency, but there it is. Mr Positivity says: "I had a really great time yesterday catching up with friends I haven't seen in ages and friends I see every week. Today is a day of drinking and partying which I'm really looking forward to. I guess I'm just really feeling the Christmas spirit right now; in hindsight this was the perfect time of year to do this challenge " Since I started writing this I've been to the gym this morning which was gloriously empty after travelling on a gloriously empty train up. Worked up to 77.5kg on my squat (nailed it this time), 32.5kg on my OHP (still struggling with this; missed 2 reps), and 35kg on power cleans (need to look up technique videos for this still).
  9. I know we're talked about this quite a bit recently, but isn't it wonderful to have those "what have I become moments"? May we have many more to come. Have a great Christmas man!
  10. Personally I would say that spending all of the money you have in the world on a mattress is pretty mad, so spending more than all your money on one is completely nuts. And that is what you'd be doing if you bought a mattress on credit. That said I can sleep just about anywhere without issue, so if the bed is causing your fiancée back pain then that is another argument. Also very much this:
  11. (I may have been struggling for a reaction gif here). It most certainly was! Don't know who invaded my head that day, but I'm glad they did. Thanks man!
  12. I know what you mean there. For a couple of years when I got a bonus from work I would pay off a chunk of my credit card (I'm hoping to clear it completely in the next couple of months after having a balance for far too long) and the card company would bump up my limit. Danger was I started thinking about the card in terms of the balance I had available rather than the money I owed on it. So yeah, don't do that!
  13. Do you ever pretend your hosting a cooking show whilst your cooking dinner? I do, but phrases like "you really shouldn't do it this way, but..." and "it probably won't kill you" turn up way too often to make it a success.
  14. Random fact: Monday I squatted 75kg (~165#) for 3x5, and yesterday with that hangover I hit 77.5kg (~170#) for 3 reps to failure. I weighed myself last night and came in at 74kg (~163#), so I can officially squat my body weight for reps!
  15. Thanks! It certainly took a lot out of me at the time! Okay... Thanks! And that's excellent - I knew what the tune was from the first line To be fair, I didn't think I would either. I even got to the point of turning my alarm off and closing my eyes again, but then I somehow managed to convince myself that missing the gym was not worth the extra hour in bed. Oo, now that sounds good! I never watched that show, but it sounds like a really cool, and fitting, idea.
  16. That's excellent, and exactly the right attitude imo. With incline press-ups, depending on the height your going for a sofa or chair can work quite well. At the gym don't feel bad about tying up equipment though; you pay your membership the same as everyone else so you have a right to use equipment how you like. (I can relate, I used to do inverted rows off a barbell on the squat rack and was really embarrassed for a while, until I read more or less what I've posted about on here.)
  17. ohmygodit'ssocute! *ahem* Very nice, well done, jolly good work.
  18. The new quest chain sounds like a great idea, I hope it works for you. What's in your self-care checklist if you don't mind sharing?
  19. Heya, sorry to hear this week didn't start well, but I really hope it's getting better for you *many hugs*
  20. Hope climbing goes well today man (or went well by now I guess?). Stealing this; I've been thinking I'd like to do Juggernaut in a few months time when I stop seeing progress on Starting Strength, but that's a lot simpler to read than the official one!
  21. Stats at W3D2 Mr Positivity 13/28 Mr Strong 6/12 Mr Sleepy 11/26 Mr Writer 16/28 Daily Dare score: 23 Last night was our work team Christmas do. (Quite) a few beers, much much pulled pork and pork ribs, and a game of indoor mini golf made for a really fun evening. It was also really good to get to know everyone a bit better. Got home at twenty past midnight and was in bed by midnight; really needed that sleep! Mr Positivity says: "Following on from my piece about determination yesterday, I got up and went to the gym this morning. After 5 hours sleep and countless beers last night I could have just stayed in bed, but I showed up instead. Yes, it was 30 minutes of me trying not to throw up. Yes, I failed to hit 5 reps on my squat and then chickened out and dropped the weight. Yes, I ran out of time for deadlifts. Still, I am proud of myself for showing up and having a go." More snooker tonight, so potentially another late night/early morning combo, but we're getting there!
  22. Oo, sounds intriguing... And hint at what that theme is? Well, the two are pretty closely related. I think it's accurate, and "iatetheyeti, Queen of Determination" has a nice ring to it.
  23. Absolutely! You are of course the queen of determination, but I will try my best to follow the path . Oh that is so perfect. Thank you man for brightening my morning with that!
  24. Carry on my wayward sooooon.. Well done on getting down to 182, that's awesome! Sorry to hear you've had a hard time of it, but sounds like you're pushing through really well.
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