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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Yeah, that might still be an issue! I'll be there regardless though. Hi, thanks for stopping by. That's a good shout with the beating, I will give it a go when I next get in the gym! Also I'll see if I can preview Starting Strength on Amazon, that would be handy. You're not me are you? Exactly the same situation with my Mrs!
  2. I was having that conversation with someone at work the other day; I find it really weird that some people will eat some meat but not other parts of the same animal. Then again I guess that other people find it equally weird that I will eat offal.
  3. Huge win there, both on the weight loss and the life benefits it has given you. Congratulations mate!
  4. Not sure what was supposed to be embarrassing about that; looks like classic Wolfie to me . Loved it Wolfman.
  5. Ok, definitely possibility, let me look at flights and accommodation tomorrow. Roughly whereabouts in Dublin are you staying out of interest? Also, do you have a plan for getting from Dublin to and from the race? I'm not sure what the public transport situation around there is but it's a fair way out.
  6. O.o is that a pun...? Great job on the 10k man, the pace will come but completing it is a huge milestone. If you're stuck with the gym you can get day passes to a lot of places; there's a company called pay as u gym which collate a lot of them. Not ideal (or cost effective) to have to pay for a 1 day gym pass but as a last resort the option's there.
  7. Same here on the uneven planks, done without EC. Tried 1 burpee and my back shouted at me so doesn't look like that's happening
  8. Cool. I've got one friend who's a definite and a couple of maybes as well. 1. Thanks, you're far too kind! 2. Cheers, thanks for the tip, I'll give it a go tomorrow. I'm glad they look easy because they certainly don't feel that easy!
  9. Really envious of your journal; nah have to get myself something that cool when this one runs out. I loved your idea of pushing yourself to wear those shorts in public and tying a reward to it to make it happen.
  10. Ouch, sorry to hear about the pipe burst and the paper clusterfuck thing. I think you're over-thinking this. Yes there are some barriers in the way of you getting up in time to yoga/meditate, and yes you will sometimes miss your bed time due to circumstances outside of your control, but if you want to do this just give it a go and see how it pans out in reality. It might not work, and if not that's fine, but if you keep thinking of all the potential problems that may come up you prohibit yourself from even trying. Sorry if that comes across as a bit preachy, but I've been really guilty in the past of not trying hard enough/at all to make stuff work because I've over-thought it and already decided a thousand ways in which I will fail.
  11. sorry but I completely cracked up reading this bit!
  12. Yeah, it's not that bad whilst you're moving to be fair, though I do find I'm breathing a lot heavier than I might be in warmer weather. And yes! Good man. @Charlie_Quinn that makes 3 so far, 4 if your hubby can come, so should be able to make a team
  13. Ouch! Glad you're alright man, good on you for doing the workout regardless.
  14. Your food always looks so nice! I just wanted to drop by to thank you again for teaching me to make mushroom "toast", it was excellent:
  15. Jarric


    Glad you're still here, and I just wanted to add my voice to all those saying we are here for you. If there's anything I can do, or if you just want to talk, please message me.
  16. Found you! How's the end of your week going?
  17. Cool, let's do it! I'll get on to a couple of my friends and see how many I can get. Mrs probably won't join; she doesn't like running or camping (although she does like beer)! Got my parkrun in, and it was fucking cold! Car was registering 1*C when I drove up. Pretty slow today but I got round and quite enjoyed it. How was yours? Yes! Cheers for the help. Yeah, it's definitely a high-bar squat - that's how I learned it so I stuck with it. I might have to give low bar a go and see if that feels better. ===== Stats at W1D4 Eat - i. 4/4 - ii. 5/4 - iii. 5/7 Sleep - i. 5/7 - ii. 5/7 Lift - 3/3 Like it - 5/7 Daily Dare Score - 16 The Captain - 13/30 Not much else to report for yesterday. Saw a collection of very weird bands last night with my dad and had a few beers, was a nice night. Today I have a list of things to do to be productive, and I want to catch up on here, so we'll see how I go.
  18. Awesome, they're one of my favorite bands. Have you seen them live? I've seen them twice something like 12 years apart, plus a festival set in between, always good. And I certainly enjoyed it anyway, I was actually laughing out loud on the train watching it
  19. I LOVE The Offspring. What album? You sir are utterly amazing!
  20. How about for unexpected drinking sessions you take out your cash when you arrive, work out how much you need for the drink limit, and then fold the rest in half/put it in a different pocket or something. That way when you hit your limit you'll be immediately aware of it and be forced to take a second to think before buying any more. I've never tried this, just a thought I had a moment ago. May be challenging when buying in rounds or on a tab.
  21. I have never seen such a perfect description of how I feel in social situations. I don't have an answer for you I'm afraid, but I do sympathise.
  22. Hi all, can you please look at this squat form check video for me - any help would be massively appreciated! I know it doesn't look right, but I don't know what to do to solve that. Is there something I can be doing to improve form here, or is the weight just to heavy for me?
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