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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Triple post! Missed the gym yesterday; I made the decision that the extra hour of sleep was more important in the state I was in. No idea if that was the right decision, but it.was the choice I made. I did however manage to reduce some of my workload and generally make progress on my work/life balance, so that's something. Also cancelled snooker and worked silly late to try and catch up a bit. Today I'm on a training course that I'm actually really interested in, so looking forward to that!
  2. Week 1 Stats recap Eat - i. 4/4 - ii. 5/4 - iii. 7/7 Sleep - i. 6/7 - ii. 7/7 Lift - 3/3 Like it - 7/7 Daily Dare Score - 17 The Captain - 15/30 Week 2 Stats Eat - i. 5/4 - ii. 4/4 - iii. 7/7 Sleep - i. 5/7 - ii. 7/7 Lift - 2/3 Like it - 3/7 Daily Dare Score - 24 The Captain - 20/30 So week two started off with a missed lifting session through no fault of my own (I could have made it up later in the week admittedly, but I can't make the trains run on time!). Towards the end I really burned out as mentioned, which hit my positivity goal pretty hard, and took a couple of points out of my sleep goal. I'm so so tired of late, so I really need to focus harder on that. I wanted to share one of the few positivity statements I did do, from Thursday last week: "I mentioned this on my thread in reply to @Starpuck today, but I am so grateful for the community of rebels I find myself in. Without them I would probably have never tried powerlifting, OCRs, Parkrun, meditation, handstands, this list could go on all day. So today I am especially thankful for the advice, inspiration and support that the rebellion has given me."
  3. You beat me to it! Yeah, the place I go the walls are probably max 15' to the top, and the floor is covered in massive crash mats for when you fall off. It's really good fun; I actually can't get enough of it! All the climbs are graded and colour coded so you can see yourself progress through the difficulty levels as you get better, which really helps keep it engaging. Outdoor bouldering is also a thing, but obviously a slightly more dangerous one! Haha, yeah, she deserves it. And you are right of course; I'm hopefully getting better now, and I'm gonna keep pushing forward.
  4. *drools* Anyway, sounds like a good plan with the running, let us know how it goes! What did you get for your tattoo? Care to share an updated pic?
  5. So TM Ireland in July instead then? Ok, it's more expensive with the travel, but you have more time to get funds together... Congratulations on week 2 man, particularly the mileage, that's a lot! You are correct, that is exactly the reason you you do it
  6. Aaaaaand now I'm hungry. I may have to copy this challenge, but just with the game.
  7. Have you seen this article on the Juggernaut website? Seems relevant to your comments on your work week: http://www.jtsstrength.com/articles/2017/01/17/fine-tune-frequency/?mc_cid=2f4545cf08&mc_eid=1c62e11620
  8. Legend, thank you! This is going to come in so useful.
  9. Found you! Following! Also, high tops do suck.
  10. So towards the end of last week the stress of being hugely busy at work and horrible train travel totally got the better of me, and I just shut down. Didn't hit any of my goals Friday evening, didn't cook or clean, just got sausage and chips from the chippy and a crate of beers and drank with Wonder Woman* and watched tv. Stayed up too late too. Thankfully Saturday I had committed to Parkrun in the morning so I had to get up and get on with stuff. About half way through I really wanted to give up and had to talk myself through, so although the time was rubbish I'm happy I ran the whole thing. Worked on my CV a bit in the morning in a bid to improve my work/life balance. In the afternoon I went bouldering and got through the remainder of the circuit I started last week, so happy to tick that one off. Saturday evening I crashed again, so it was a repeat of Friday evening except the chippy was swapped for McDonalds. Today I finished my CV and shot it over to someone, so I at least feel like I'm in control of the situation. It's late now but I'll try and crank out a couple of my goals before bed at least. *Mrs has decided today that she wants to be referred to as Wonder Woman. I may use WW for short.
  11. Excellent, good to have you! Fashionably late is always cool . Welcome! Yeah, sorry, my updating has been really shocking this weekend! Thanks for the nudge, I'll start writing now!
  12. Any chance of a link to this? I'm seriously considering starting Juggernaut, probably from the next 4WC, so it would save me writing my own!
  13. It's Schrodinger's indecision; before you make the decision the potential for both outcomes exists, but once the decision is made the other potential futures must naturally close off. I think the thing to try and remember though is that most decisions aren't actually all that final. What helped me a bit with indecision was having a period at work where the worst possible thing I could do was make no decision at all, and it helped me to develop an attitude of making a decision, seeing how it worked and then reacting to what happened next. That only works though if you also accept that you can't be married to the plan; if circumstances change then the plan may also change, and that's totally ok. Even for a pretty major life decision like moving to a new city I think this applies - you make the best decision you can and deal with it, but if it really turns out to be totally the wrong choice you can always decide to move again, it's not totally set in stone. I'm still not the most spontaneous person in the world, but I hope the above helps to stop agonising about the little stuff. I'm going to say the same thing I always say when someone mentions bouldering: DOOOO IIIIIIT!!
  14. \m/\m/ you are totally right. Snicket sounds like an amazing game! I think the best I ever ended up with was a game of Nerfball, which somehow involved a beer bong? No celebrities made there though! So you'll be coming to Download this year then, yeah?
  15. Good luck to you! I'll be stealing this from C_Q then:
  16. That's really great, thank you! A bit of homework for me to do finding my weaknesses when I next hit the gym!
  17. Hour: Earlier the better, on top of obstacles being clearer it would be nice to finish earlier in the day too. Day: Saturday's great for me. Name: Sounds good. Or how about simply "The Rebellion"?
  18. Well then clearly your mad . No, to be fair I just really need to work on my core strength I think... One day... Looking forward to seeing you back on the dare though, it's always good fun!
  19. Ok, cheers for the tip. Any ideas on specific accessories for this kind of thing?
  20. Cheers guys. I've been having some lower back pain with it, and really really struggling to keep my chest up and not turning it into a good morning. I guess I thought my legs would stop me lifting heavier weight before my back did so that was my concern. Maybe as you say I just need more time under the bar to build that strength though?
  21. That sounds like a really cool gig, I've never seen Axel Rose. Respect for wanting to do it properly though; you miss out on half the experience not camping! (admittedly I have been camping in disabled for the last couple of years as my Dad can't do main camping, which is a similar issue!). I have no idea why quiet camping is a thing though; even without the antics it's under a bloody flight path so it's hardly a peaceful experience!
  22. Go for it man! If you apply and are successful you can ask for more information on how they're setting targets for the temp contract. And then if you don't like what you hear you can always walk away. You're not committing yourself to accepting the job by applying so there's no reason not to apply. TBH I was thinking about applying myself but they want someone registered to work in the US
  23. So I've heard this song 1000 times by cover bands and got so sick of it that I said I'd never listen to it again unless Guns 'n Roses were playing it. Got close enough the other year seeing Slash perform it with Duff on bass and Myles Kennedy fronting: Aerosmith are headlining the Sunday night at Download this year, just saying... Also Prophets of Rage are playing the Friday, which obviously isn't quite RATM, but it's sort-of nearly RATM. Also, I desperately want Hobnobs now!
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