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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Squat form check video - any help would be massively appreciated! I know it doesn't look right, but I don't know what to do to solve that. Is there something I can be doing to improve form here, or is the weight just to heavy for me?
  2. Stats at W1D4 Eat - i. 3/4 - ii. 4/4 - iii. 4/7 Sleep - i. 4/7 - ii. 4/7 Lift - 2/3 Like it - 4/7 Daily Dare Score - 14 The Captain - 12/30 ===== Yesterday I remembered to take breakfast and lunch to work. What I forgot was that I was going out for lunch with some business contacts, so I didn't need to take lunch . I am totally still giving myself the mark for yesterday for taking it, and giving myself a mark for today because it's already prepared at work. Otherwise yesterday was generally good, hit all my goals although I did forget the daily dare. Positivity: Today it's snowing (WTF?) and so Mrs offered me a lift home from the station. I said no, "I'd feel lazy if I did". That's nothing new, I've always been this way, And I'm proud that there's one thing I think I've always had right. I've always preferred to walk if I can, always rather take the stairs than the lift, and I'm very happy about it. ===== Positivity for today: Yesterday I arranged to go bouldering in a few weeks with a work contact/friend. I have a very small group of real life friends and it's difficult for me to make that jump from work friend to real friend, so I'm really glad that I stepped out of my comfort zone and asked him. ===== Also got in the gym this morning. I think squats are what are actually causing the issues with my back, they just feel bad at the moment. Gonna post a video on here and in the form check section shortly so hopefully someone can help?? What I done: Squats: 20kg (~44#) x 2 x 5 40kg (~88#) x 5 55kg (~121#) x 3 65kg (~143#) x 2 75kg (~165#) x 1 65kg (~143#) x 5 Bench: 20kg (~44#) x 2 x 5 30kg (~66#) x 5 40kg (~88#) x 3 52.5kg (~116#): 5, 4, 5 - my first ever missed rep on bench I think! Deadlift: 60kg (~132#) x 2 x 5 70kg (~154#) x 5 80kg (~176#) x 3 87.5kg (~193#) x 5 ===== Also, some people (@RedStone) wanted to see more BuJo, but let me tell you it ain't that pretty:
  3. I really like the sounds of Barrel of Laps, and I think I few of my offline friends do as well. Do you want to put together a team together for it? And yep, I'll be at Parkrun tomorrow. And you too I assume?
  4. Oo, that sounds rubbish. At least you can count it as exercise for the day; I'm sure that comes under rucking! Rest well, I hope the cough clears up soon.
  5. Oh my god it's actually happened! Though I don't think that it's the "Arctic Blast" the Daily Mail has apparently been reporting. That picture is perfect.
  6. Thank you! Back definitely appears to be on the mend Yeah, Warrior run is a definite. Need to plan the rest of the year but there's so much choice! Any recommendations?
  7. All caught up, loving the story! I've also only just realised following this that I've accidentally gone back to the standard 3 goals, 1 life goal format as well. Also, functional BuJo FTW!
  8. Well done man, that's huge jump on your clean PR!
  9. Wow man, glad you guys are ok. As you say sounds like the best outcome possible given the situation.
  10. Love the tat, looks awesome man (and, y'know, painful!). So much this - treating it as an addiction rather than a "habit" definitely changes your mindset on getting through it. And it will get easier too, pretty soon you'll get the moment of "wow, I haven't even thought about smoking in hours".
  11. Well I'm not the best cook, but definitely getting better. I think that comes in at about 1,000 calories a serving though, so an extra 3 bowls might be excessive Woo, good to have you! Cheers man, off to find your insta!
  12. Stripper Song - This is a horrible choice from so many points, but it got stuck in my head and now I can't think of ANY OTHER SONGS Day 10 - my Dad used to make mixed CDs for road trips, usually with stuff like
  13. Sorry your not feeling well. But if you stick to your eating habits and write in your journal today then that's 3/4 goals done, which is pretty great when your ill
  14. Definitely could be worse then! Not that you shouldn't worry about days like that, but you could have done all that, not ran and not got up for the gym this morning . Importantly, was the beer good? Yeah, beer's something like 90% water, so you can log 6.5 pints
  15. I shall make a note to lie more in the future . I don't think there were any benches I could get behind, but I can see how that might work. As I was doing cleans afterwards anyway and my clean is heavier than my OHP it wasn't too much of an issue anyway
  16. Stats at W1D2 Eat - i. 1/4 - ii. 2/4 - iii. 2/7 Sleep - i. 2/7 - ii. 2/7 Lift - 1/3 Like it - 2/7 Daily Dare Score - 12 The Captain - 10/30 Kitchen done last night, breakfasts prepped and made extra dinner to bring to work today. Someone asked for food porn so: Got to bed at 10:35, so very slightly late as I was late making breakfast. I will let myself off this once only. ===== Back was feeling alright this morning (though still not perfect) so I hit the gym. Backed off the squats a bit as I was feeling them in my back and didn't want to push it today, but here's what I did do: Squat: 20kg (~44#) x 2 x 5 40kg (~88#) x 5 55kg (~121#) x 3 65kg (~143#) x 2 75kg (~165#) x 4 OHP (gym was rammed so I had to clean these to start them as I couldn't get a rack): 20kg (~44#) x 2 x 5 25kg (~55#) x 5 30kg (~66#) x 2 35kg (~77#) x 3 x 5 Power Cleans: 30kg (~66#) x 2 x 3 37.5kg (~82.5#) x 5 x 3 ===== Positivity for today: Today I am extremely grateful for my lovely Mrs. Last night I had a bit of a freak-out, I don't really know why, but she did a great job at just being so understanding and trying to help me. I am very lucky to have her.
  17. Sorry to disappoint guys, but it's not from HIMYM! He was captain of a pool team I was in years back and it just kind of stuck. Hopalong, slightly cruelly, is because he broke his ankle a couple of months ago! Cheers, it's getting better I think! And haha, really? What have I been saying that sounds so British? Will do! Yeah, it's pretty awkward but I seem to be getting through it at the moment. My train homes yesterday was only about 15 minutes late in which is pretty good, and I even got a seat for the last bit!
  18. Ah, well in that case I retract my previous comment - that's just rude.
  19. Oh that sucks man. I think I'd be telling people I did it running from a tiger that had escaped from the zoo or something!
  20. Ok, so if I was Roommate's Friend and I was going to ask that question that's probably exactly how I'd do it. Because weird as this is I wouldn't want my friend to feel uncomfortable with having to say flat no to me, so instead I find an excuse why the British probably can't stay, and then build that excuse into my question so my friend has a "get out of jail free" card if they don't want me to come but don't want to give me a flat no either. Does that make any sense? Ok, on re-reading that it's totally irrational; why am I preparing other people's excuses for them? And what's so wrong with a flat no anyway, do I actually need a reason? Anyway, stupid as it is I do do that so maybe that's what's going on here? Also agree; if you can get $8k for renting out your room do it and get the hell out of there!
  21. Your answer is right there . Good stuff with stepping up and doing the teaching stuff, that's really cool!
  22. Butterfly dips done with EC. Possible TMI question, and I can't spoiler on mobile, so please ignore this quote box if you want:
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