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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. They are great books, but I actually think my favorite is Night Watch (although in a way I guess it's more of a Vimes book than a Watch book?)
  2. Calf raises with EC. Think I could have done a lot more than a minute. Not sure if I'll get today's punches in though, depends if I get home before midnight!
  3. Stats at W3D1 Mr Positivity 12/28 Mr Strong 6/12 Mr Sleepy 10/26 Mr Writer 15/28 Daily Dare score: 23 Snooker was good last night (more on that in a sec). Got home at midnight 15, in bed before half past. Lie in this morning until half 6 so I don't feel too bad. Also just remembered I'm supposed to be reporting if I don't complete my to-do lists. Basically I've rescheduled just about everything until January now so I can worry about it then (including renewing that damn passport!). -- Mr Positivity says (tl;dr in bold at end): Great snooker match last night. Played 2 frames back to back as the home leg had been postponed earlier in the season. First frame I held him down to the end and he made a last minute mistake that I leapt on. Second frame he had me all the way, and took me to 21 points behind with 22 left available. At that point I took a breath, focused, and ground him down to steal the frame. I'm really proud of the way I can grind out a win through being boringly determined, particularly against a more talented player. I think I can use this attitude more in my day to day life.
  4. @deftona beat me to it, but yeah I read "The EASYWAY to Stop Smoking" by Allen Carr (on recommendation from Deffy and Mr Willes) and it's worked for me thus far . Also, I know I said in the guildhall, but really good to see you back around these parts. Are you doing another challenge? Yeah, it's going well, thanks man. Still nothing since I stopped in September.
  5. And we're up to date! Week 3, day 1 in progress. Mr Positivity says: "I've noticed recently that I'm getting much better at getting up in the mornings. I don't know why that is, but it's certainly a useful thing. It might be to do with me quitting smoking, which was a win in itself. Mrs also says that I snore a lot less since I quit smoking, which is cool." Got up this morning at 05:30 (hence Mr Positivity was a little bit rambly), and got an early train to have more time in the gym. Worked up to 75kg on the squat (this feels really heavy - I sense failed reps in my future), totally failed to get 32.5kg up on my OHP, and managed 32.5kg on power cleans. Not exactly a stellar session, but every on is another step forward. Snooker tonight, so doubt I'll get to bed before midnight, long day!
  6. ... Good use of the Power Rangers gif though
  7. Stats for Week 2 Mr Positivity 11/28 Mr Strong 5/12 Mr Sleepy 9/26 Mr Writer 14/28 Daily Dare score: 21 So Mr Positivity's going ok. I did miss this on Saturday, I was running around Christmas shopping for Mrs and then out all afternoon and evening with friends playing snooker, eating ribs and getting drunk (it was awesome). Anyway, completely forgot about the goal then. Here's Sunday's entry though: "Only one week to Christmas. Presents are bought, I am very excited, and I have a packed and fun week coming up!" Missed a lifting session this week (boo!). It's annoying that a snap decision to stay in bed on Monday morning and move my lifting days to my days off could have a knock on effect all week. I did Parkrun Saturday and climb Sunday though, so it's not like I was totally sedentry (sp?) for the weekend. Sleep is still hit and miss, and I'm getting more technical passes than good night's sleep. I have a lot of Christmas parties and things this week, so I think I'm just going to have to suck it up and sleep more after Christmas! Journaling is perfect, although only because I'm allowing myself to write about a day on the following day if I miss it. Still, definitely not a bad week, and this one's starting well!
  8. Wow, where did that weekend go? Sorry for not responding guys! "We're off to do some lifting, Some heavy lifting like a boss, because, because, because, because of the wonderful things that it does." Not half bad I'd say. I'm stuck there though! Anyway, thank you mate, I'm glad to spread some joy as it were. That gif is perfect; I can feel your excitement! Keep thinking, we'll write this song between us! And thank you! I've got a couple more to post when I get the chance too
  9. Five-a-day every day sounds a good shout. You could consider something along the lines of mindfulness/agreeing with your future self when deciding what to eat every day. Then again that's a bit less easy to track than the 5-a-day thing. Edit: Windows Phone users unite!
  10. Sorry to hear you are going through this man. You are not your father though, and even if you are diagnosed with bipolar it still doesn't mean you will have the same experiences that he had. Diagnosis is ultimately a better thing than leaving a condition to continue unchecked, so although it is scary you are definitely doing the right thing getting it looked into. Just take what comes as it comes.
  11. Congratulations on the job stuff, really happy for you!
  12. Squat hold side bends done, but I really wasn't feeling pushing for EC last night. Done in 3 sets.
  13. Definite life win; well done! Also handy, because Darebee sure do like their core exercises! Raised legs with EC for me also.
  14. Welcome back T2SC! I'll be looking out for the new thread
  15. Dub Pistols and Rogue One, sounds like a good couple of days man. Hope the family visit goes well for you chap.
  16. Looks like you could still technically pass all of your goals this week. I feel you on the work stress and being overloaded at the moment, but you can still push through. Also,
  17. Good man! Let us know how you get on.
  18. Interesting you say that. I meant to mention in my post that I usually run on an empty stomach first thing, but I have found that that is a lot more pleasant late in the evening after dinner. I wasn't sure if that was just a being awake thing but it probably is because I've eaten more recently. Unfortunately I can't find enough time in my mornings to have breakfast before a run!
  19. Sorry to hear work's rough for you at the moment. Remember, if you need to rest then rest. One missed gym session will not break your progress, just be honest with yourself about whether you need it and don't let it become 2 in a row.
  20. Morning all! Mr Positivity says: "To the tune of "We're off to see the wizard" from Wizard of Oz: We're off to do some lifting Some wonderful lifting of... Ok, wait. What rhymes with Oz? Dogs? Cogs? Logs? Well logs would work at a strongman gym I guess. Sorry, that one got away from me. Point is timing looks good to get some lifting in before work, and that makes me feel like singing."
  21. Awesome, I may have to start describing all of my workouts like this... Oo, you've given me a challenge theme idea!
  22. Hey Wolfman, hope week 2's going well for you and your earning lots of sweet overtime cash!
  23. Oo, hope the shoulder heals up quickly. I hear you on life flying by; I think it's just that time of the year with so much going on at once. I hope you're getting some time for yourself though
  24. Ouch, working out in a warehouse at below freezing, no thank you! Sorry you had a crappy Wednesday. That sounds like a fun day though. Hope it went well!
  25. Really sorry to hear you're going through that, I hope that your mood comes around soon. In the meantime it looks like you have a great plan to tackle it.
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