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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Love how you've managed to fit your goals into a narrative, following along!
  2. By the sounds of everyone else I'm glad I missed the lunges now! Back extensions done with EC. After deadlifts this morning this hurt so good!
  3. Well I shall do my best to keep it up for you! (not like that ) Jolly good to have you old chap. Glad to have you --- So having decided to be positive this challenge, the universe has decided it would be fun to really test my commitment! Trains tonight are fucked, and I'm looking at getting home an hour late, and then tomorrow morning is even more fucked so no idea when I'll get in. It does mean I've had a load of time to catch up on here though . And tomorrow the fucked trains mean I'm forced to go to work really early. This either means a run before work or negotiating going home early to compensate; either way it's no bad thing . Workout this morning was good, though I ran it a bit late to get the full thing done. Definitely facing the possibility of getting up even earlier for work in the near future. Squat's now up to 60 kg (back on a full plate again!), bench on 35kg, and deadlift on 77.5kg (which is about my body weight .
  4. I'm already blown away by this man; that's one hell of a goal you've set yourself. Glad to have you home with the ranger corps, it's gonna be a good month
  5. Excellent, will check it out now. Also, awesome Arnie pic man!
  6. Woo! Let's Go! Cheers man, good to have you here. Have you started a new challenge thread yet? Also, I can't see your picture for some reason
  7. Same here actually; I just have a month spread and then do daily logging all month.
  8. Love the challenge, great balance of goals. You've totally got this.
  9. Mr Positivity Says: "Today is the start of a new challenge, and I'm genuinely excited for it! I'm sat on the train now on my way to the gym, and I can't wait to get started on crushing my goals. Not to mention watching my fellow rebels, whose excitement has got me feeling like this, do the same!"
  10. Starpuck! I was just thinking this morning I needed to seek out your new thread, and here you are!
  11. I love your theme so much, I have to stick around for this! I also must re-read Hogfather this month! Not sure what to suggest for unseasonal grumpiness, although I think you're right that it may be linked with your sleep levels.
  12. I wouldn't worry about getting a lot of points if I we're you, I find these vary from surprisingly easy to completely impossible! If you enjoy doing them and you get to try out a few new things along the way then just stick with it and have fun
  13. Nice start man, good stuff going into this challenge with full health
  14. I love that in less than a week you've gone from a throwaway one-liner about writing dino-porn to publishing erotica in less than a week . Also congrats on the dispatcher test man. And hope the new gym's good!
  15. Heya Yeti, so glad you decided to stay on here and keep a log. Some inspiring stuff in your intro, and I know you can get through this one step at a time. As always if you need to talk shoot me a message
  16. I know, it's amazing! Good to have you mate. Ahhhhhhh! Yeti! Good to see you! Please, lurk away! Thank you! Yeah, I've been doing that for a while (although I dropped it briefly last challenge) and it seems to help me get my goals in order pretty well.
  17. I've been forgetting.about this; hopefully will be better with the main challenges starting now. Anyway, butt-ups done with EC. I didn't watch the video until after I'd done them, and turns out I made it much harder than it needs to be!
  18. Oh my god that's awesome! Where can I do this? I need this in my life!
  19. Thank you, very glad to have you! I've just watched that whole thing, and I can honestly say, it is glorious! Thank you!
  20. Ok that's just fucking lame; won't be listening to that! ^exactly this.
  21. Ok, that's stupid. What did he do for the line "I've been an awful good girl"?
  22. In that case I shall definitely check it out! I keep seeing gifs of it so it's probably about time I got some context anyway
  23. And now you're on 5005. I've got a screenshot of that if you want it . Really? That's a shit substitution. Not even sure why you'd need to change that line actually.
  24. Why thank you Thank you! I never knew there was a Mr Positive, but I was thinking of that Mr Strong when I wrote that too! Thank you very much. And I'm sorry to hear that you've had to deal with that. I've never seen Inside Out, is it worth checking out? Who could forget Mr Motivator! (OK so I mainly remember him because he was on before Power Rangers). I have no idea what I would do for that goal, but if you can think of something I will totally add a Mr Motivator challenge
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