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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Following along for the swanky awesomeness Wolfman, and the Street Level Heroes.
  2. Following along again, I love the idea of you moving on to Operation BEC . For the parking, there are online/mobile phone games which are literally parking challenges. Don't know how much they'd help, but if the physics are right it might give you a different perspective on it?
  3. Jarric

    Xena tries harder

    Following again for more mind-blowing mileage!
  4. Jarric


    Heya, following again. Hope your breathing's better and you managed to eat something .
  5. Following again, looking forward to seeing you sleigh Christmas (see what I did there?). Oh, I like the health bar idea by the way.
  6. No idea what my main challenge is going to be yet, but totally up for coming back to this. And on that note, basic burpees done with EC
  7. New challenge threads already? Where has the last month gone. My usual please barkeep.
  8. Well done on this challenge, really well done on your goals. Even before your do-over next week on the running, that mileage boggles my mind! And it's also still further than your goal last challenge I believe?
  9. I've had this song stuck in my head all day, and then you post it, weird. I'd never seen the video though; it's terrifying! I'd try uninstalling AdBlock and then re-installing if you haven't already. They update it fairly regularly, but often you only get the up to date version by re-installing. Also, love the title, it's extremely you . Following of course, I think this could be a really great challenge.
  10. Excellent job on this challenge mate, particularly with pushing through the past week despite not feeling like it. Looking forward to the next one
  11. Thanks, glad to know it's not just me! Also, thanks! --- Stats at Fri W4D5 Don't drink like a dickhead: Drank 11, Dickhead 2 Workout: 11/12 Skills: 4/12 Journal: 26/28 Went out for a few drinks last night and to see a band with my Dad. Stuck to 5 pints so happy with that. Then decided for some reason to stay up watching telly until 2am, which was fairly fucking stupid! Nevermind, I've done it now! --- Today is a good day (can you tell I've just been reading Tank's thread?). Parkrun this morning, and they had pacers running it so I fought to keep up with the 26 minute runner the whole way round. I could barely breathe, my throat was burning, my legs were screaming, my beard was filling with condensation, but I pulled past him in the final quarter lap. Finishing time was 25:37, smashing my previous best of 26:04 . Then round Hopalong's house for some CoD Ghosts and Halo Anniversary (and Mrs Hopalong made a lovely pasta for lunch). After that I went bouldering with Mrs Hopalong. They've reset the grey routes which are right around my ability (Font 4A-5A) so that was good to get stuck into. Even got a little handstand practice in whilst I had massive crash mats at my disposal. In a mo I'll do some washing up and cook a bolognaise for dinner, then I'm out with friends tonight. A very good day indeed!
  12. Awesome job on the PRs! Woot! For inverted rows, you can do them underneath a table. It's not an ideal solution but it is an option. Mr Kamb, our fearless leader, did a video on it: Also dips are quite good as a bodyweight exercise; off a chair or a bed.
  13. Following along man; I've just finished reading through your last challenge and was reminded how awesome you are, so I had to be here!
  14. Sounds like a rough cycle, but at least you recognise it. That is a really important thing. So the real question is what are you going to do with that knowledge? One disruptive week does not mean you can't get back into your good habits (and it sounds like you've done a good job of doing just that this week).
  15. Happy climbaversary, hope you have fun with it tonight! Good strategy on the Parkrun too, I drive the Mrs to work every Saturday morning to for me to get up for it!
  16. Thanks man, you have a very good point. Also, Willem Dafoe is a truly terrifying looking man! --- Finally got in the gym after work. Pushed my squat up to 55kg, bench up to 32.5kg and deadlift to 75kg. That so nearly (or could actually be) bodyweight on the deadlift . I also made a tit of myself. Went to the bench and it wasn't in use, but was loaded with 152.5kg in total. So I started taking the plates off one side, and when I removed the last one the bar overbalance and made a mad leap for the floor! I've never had that much weight on the bar so had no idea it would do that! Luckily I had the sense not to try and catch it or I might be sending this from A&E . So if anyone else has an embarrassing gym story they would like to share then that would be great... Also also also, my new journal arrived today. A very good thing as my last one's on its final pages.
  17. That lowline stuff looks cool. So what's in your hotel room routine now?
  18. I know what you mean! Smiling should never hurt, it's ridiculous. And you're right, I'm happy that going to the gym was not the right thing to do it that situation, though I can't help thinking that with better planning I could have found another time earlier in the week. I also missed my train this morning and would have only had 15 minutes in the gym by the time I got there, so I'll be going after work instead.
  19. It wasn't too bad amazingly! I was there as an exhibitor, and it was a small affair where I new a lot of the delegates, so it was just standing around making small talk all day basically. Was still socially drained afterwards though, and physically tired from being on my feet all day. --- Stats at Thu W4D4 Don't drink like a dickhead: Drank 10, Dickhead 2 Workout: 10/12 Skills: 4/12 Journal: 25/28 --- So after the conference I had to go to a charity quiz organised by work. It was a major networking event with a lot of the underwriters we use, which meant talking to a lot more people. I also imbibed copious amounts of Guinness, and wines of every colour. Left fairly early to catch my train, but by the time I got home it was still gone 1am. Yesterday when I woke up, after about 4 and a half hours sleep, and decided the best thing to do would be to skip the gym and grab an extra hour's sleep. So that's exactly what I did! That means that after being so careful at the start of the challenge to hit this goal, I'm now going to finish one session short . I do think I made the right decision in that moment, I definitely needed the sleep, but it's still very annoying. Last night however I got over 8 hours sleep, and I'm now off to the gym to get in that 11th session, so life ain't all bad.
  20. Sorry to hear about the vitamin D insufficiency. On the plus side you've been looking for a big reason behind your diet/exercise goals, so maybe this is it? Like, it gives you a reason to do these things rather than "just coz"?
  21. So excited for you that your tourguiding's kicking off man! You get through this plague and kick some arse!
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