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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. I get not wanting to be negative all the time, but I hope you stick around at least in the general threads because a. we'd miss you and b. we want to know how you're getting on. Sorry that life's throwing so much at you at the moment. If there's anything I can do, or if you want to talk, please do drop me a line. *many hugs*
  2. Stats at Tue W4D2 Don't drink like a dickhead: Drank 9, Dickhead 2 Workout: 10/12 Skills: 4/12 Journal: 23/28 Jesus, how is it week 4 already? This challenge has completely flown by. Also, I still have no idea what to do for the next one (actually, I have thousands of ideas for goals, but no idea which I'll actually do). So Monday I went to the gym in the morning. My train got in late and the gym was packed so it ended up not being much, just a light OHP, some heavy lunges and a minor increase on my Deadlift. I'd fallen asleep on the train where I was so knackered/hungover from Sunday night's gig, so that didn't help matters. Still ended up pleasantly sore afterwards. Work was work and I was very tired, but nothing remarkable to report. Snooker in the evening and somehow I found a great deal of focus and control over my body, and I thrashed the bloke! Now to work out how to find that again... Yesterday (Tuesday) I finally got up for a run (think this is the first one on a weekday since I started work in London?). Only did 2 miles, but it was very dark running across muddy fields and the wind was blowing a gale, so it was fairly hard work. Each mile was done in 9'44" - not bad but I'm really just impressed that they were both the same! Work was again fairly unremarkable; I hit a wall of tiredness mid-afternoon but got through it. Went home to a chilled evening and an early night. --- Today is going to be busy. I have to miss my gym session as I'm at a conference all day, and I have to get there early to set up. I may have to do consecutive workouts to make up for this which isn't ideal but I'm so close to hitting that goal! Anyway, after that I have to trapse across town with a load of conference stuff to the office and drop it off, find something or other to eat, and then go to a charity quiz organised by the company. Much drinking (*ahem* "networking", sorry) will be done, so care and discretion will be necessary. And then after tonight's late night tomorrow will be up early again for the gym, rinse and repeat. To be honest all I want to do now is sleep, but such is life!
  3. If your main goal is weight loss, then basically the larger the deficit then the quicker weight will come off, so I wouldn't eat extra*. If your main goal is to improve at the exercise and/or increase strength then I would probably eat more and accept that the weight loss will be slower, so your body is better fuelled to adapt to the stressors you are putting on it. *Clearly don't make yourself ill doing this, if you feel you really need more food after exercise listen to your body and play it safe.
  4. Yeah, I've never really done it. I'm sure it's a mistake I'll make again though! Thanks. It was the first hold, so not that impressive unfortunately! It's a weird one where you have to start with both hands on the same hold, but it's the lowest hold and only about 2' off the floor so you kind of have to stand on it crouched down and hold it too. I've done it a few times before, but I was getting tired and feeling cocky this time - not a great combination!
  5. I need to write this down somewhere to show myself when I get stressed! Glad your cold's clearing up and you're back to lifting
  6. That's an excellent revelation you've had there, and I think you really can design your own plan to get exactly what you want out of your body. And I look forward to seeing it!
  7. Thank you! I certainly feel like it was owed anyway . --- Stats at End of Week 3Don't drink like a dickhead: Drank 9, Dickhead 2Workout: 9/12Skills: 4/12Journal: 21/28 --- Friday W3D5 Workout/work stuff mentioned above. Went out in the evening with a mate, played some snooker and drank some beers. Drinking out was fine, but I entered borderline dickhead mode when I bought beers on the way home and had them in front of the TV. I went back and forth on whether to mark myself down on that for ages, but honestly I just chilled in front of the TV, didn't drink that much, and then fell asleep on the sofa. Not ideal, but actually quite a nice way to finish a very long day. --- Saturday W3D6 Up at 08:00 to take Mrs to work, and then skipped Parkrun in favour of going bouldering. Had a really good session and tackled some climbs I've not done before, up to Font 5C grade which probably makes them the hardest routes I've ever done. When my friend left I wanted to keep climbing as I was enjoying it so much. About 15 minutes later though I slipped off a climb and crushed my hand between a rock and a hard place a hold and my shin. I also ripped a scab off my shin so I thought for a terrifying moment I'd opened up my thumb completely! Not too serious in the end (although I felt really dizzy and sick and faint at the time), but I have got a lovely big bruise on my shin and even a small bruise on my palm to show for it. That afternoon I went over to hopalong's place to look after him for the evening. We played CoD, drank beer and ate crap for many many hours, and to be honest that's exactly what a lad's night in should be! --- Sunday W3D7 McDonald's for breakfast (massive fail!) due to intense lazyness on mine and Mrs' parts. Went to a christening around midday, which was kinda nice to support my friend in the evening if nothing else. In the evening I went out to see The Dead Daisies and The Answer in a co-headline show. If you haven't heard of these guys and you have time definitely check them out. The Dead Daisies are a mix of old rockers from massive bands like Whitesnake, Thin Lizzy, Motley Crue, Dio etc. The Answer are an Irish rock band that just play some really great stuff. The support band were also good, but I can't for the life of me remember their name. On my Dad's advice I had a couple of beers before the gig as the prices at the venue are silly high. I'm not sure it actually saved me any money, in fact I probably just drank more and made my hangover worse for Monday, but the intent was good! In any event, I had a great time and even made a new friend we met in the queue who is going to a lot of awesome gigs this year.
  8. Wow, I forgot how many things you seem to do! This should not be a surprise to me by now, but apparently it is. Random thoughts: • I like soup, but I can't really think of it as a meal; it's a drink (unless it's really hearty as you say). • If you find you feel better after eating more carbs, maybe the answer is to eat more carbs generally? I know a lot of people feel great on low carb diets, but everyone's different and it sounds like slightly more carbs might be what works for you? • Cooking with a shower cap? Ehwhat? • Your big challenge sounds exciting! Also, then you can end the year with a bang and start next year with your single goal focus (if I've counted my challenge weeks correctly?) • Good job going to class even when you weren't feeling well • Making your decisions based on what you think is cool sounds like an excellent thing to do. I might actually have to take that up
  9. ^Saw these guys last night, and this song made me think of your thread.
  10. Thanks . And yes, that would be excellent, actual stats you can really level up. In the meantime I guess it's just watching the numbers go up on the lifts and hopefully up a lot slower on the scale! http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/332/e/0/timey_wimey_stuff_by_samanthamuscaria-d5mf63d.jpg <Fuck this phone! Please imagine that that pic embedded> I mean I'm not saying I'm a time lord buuut... --- The weekend happened, and I rather enjoyed it . I'll give a proper update tomorrow when I'm not on my phone, but basically drinking is fine-ish, skill work desperately needs to be done, and I have kept my journal reasonably up to date.
  11. Stats at Thu W3D4Don't drink like a dickhead: Drank 6, Dickhead 2Workout: 8/12Skills: 4/12Journal: 18/28 So I did get to snooker in the end on Wednesday night. Well, after getting home and grabbing a takeaway pizza because it was late and neither me or Mrs wanted to cook. Had a couple of beers out in the evening, but nothing much and certainly not like a dickhead. Not much to report on Thursday really. Went to a friend's house in the evening and chilled out - he broke his leg recently so we'll call him Hopalong. Mrs Hopalong has been doing all the cooking and cleaning and stuff whilst he's injured so my Mrs made a cottage pie in the day and we took that over to have with them. Was a lovely evening, but ended up getting back really late and I was dead on my feet. I don't know how I got my train on time this morning. I wake up 29 minutes before the train leaves, which is tight as it is, but then this morning in my half asleep state I hit snooze! Somehow managed to get up, dressed, out the door and to the station in time for my train inside 20 minutes! Workout this morning was good. Worked up to sets of: Squat: 52.5kg x 3 x 5 Bench: 30kg x 3 x 5 Deadlift: 70kg x 1 x 5 Tonight out with friends, tomorrow I'm skipping Parkrun in favour of bouldering and then in the evening I'm having a night in with/looking after Hopalong. Bring on the weekend
  12. That's interesting, in the UK a rasher of bacon just means a piece of bacon.
  13. Fair enough man. I'm on a train at the moment so I'm not getting much video quality on my phone (will definitely watch it later), but it still doesn't look like you've got that much fat to me. Either way you look hench in that photo man! I'm in good company then . On both counts in fact! --- Went for a couple of beers after work with a colleague and an insurer contact. Was really nice to spend a little social time with someone I (now) work with,; he seems a decent chap and we had a good laugh. Actually feeling really positive about work right now thanks to that. Snooker tonight if this train ever gets me home!
  14. Sorry to hear you've not been feeling great. From what you've said though your goals sound like they're not going too badly. If you rephrase your last post: You are stretching daily You're part of the way there with the batch cooking, so you have a foundation to build on You have dedicated time to learning every week. Out of interest, how much time do the evening classes take up, compared to the 3.5 hours per week you were planning? Due to injury running has been temporarily put on hold. Evening classes sound like fun anyway, what are you studying?
  15. You should feel proud man; if it weren't for you and Def recommending that book I would probably still be smoking! Thank you very much. I'm feeling up and down depending on the day, but I'm glad the challenge as a whole seems to be coming together well. I know! It's just that when I get in the gym I get excited/pumped/proud and want to make bigger jumps! Need to be stricter with myself so I can keep making steady progress. Well that makes me feel a lot better, thanks man. I might go back at some point in the future to see what direction that number has headed in, but I shall try not to stress about it too much. My suit trousers are now too loose around the waist and too tight around my quads and calves, which is a nice problem to have! I guess that means I'm ok! I'm surprised at your guesstimate though mate. From what I've seen of you in the pics and videos you've shared here I would have thought you would be lower!
  16. Stats at Tue W3D2 Don't drink like a dickhead: Drank 5, Dickhead 2 Workout: 7/12 Skills: 4/12 Journal: 16/28 Last night I went to my gym for a free "body composition assessment", which basically involved me telling them my height (which we converted into metric incorrectly) and then standing on some bioelectrical impedance scales. The results were not great: • 76kg (~167# or 11stone13). I knew I was putting on weight as I eat more, drink more milk and focus on lifting, but that has shot up. • 19% body fat. Quite a bit higher than I would like, although I don't know how accurate these machines are as this really doesn't correspond with what I see in the mirror. As a positive though if I have fat to lose then that's something I can burn to bring on more muscle gain. May need to make the eating a bit more sensible though... • 7% visceral fat. So I hadn't heard of visceral fat until yesterday, and I have absolutely no idea whether that number is good or bad. The bloke who gave me the test said he would want to get it down to 5%, but see below for my thoughts on him! I've been reading up on visceral fat though and thanks to the wonders of the internet I'm convinced I'm going to due from all the illnesses it causes! The bloke who gave me this test didn't really seem to understand what I was talking about with my current training, and didn't really seem to care either. I got the distinct impression he was just there to try and sell me personal training and nutritionist sessions, so I'm going to try to take all of the above with a pinch of salt! Otherwise an unremarkable day - didn't workout (although I should have run I chose to sleep in), didn't do any skill work (need to keep remembering; it only takes 5 minutes!), didn't drink. --- Got in the gym again this morning . Worked up to: Squat: 50kg x 3 x 5 - definitely need to start loading at 2.5kg increments OHP: 27.5kg x 3 x 5 - this feels heavy already! Deadlift: 67.5kg x 3 x 5 Was a good session, though my left ankle and knee are both protesting a bit now. Will watch that over the next couple of days.
  17. Wow, I knew your workout streak was going well but that's actually incredible. Well done!
  18. Not much I can add here; I think the recommendation to speak to a professional is an excellent one. And whilst you are sorting this out, and you will sort it out, remember that you're rocking hockey and scoring goals, getting stronger and running faster and just generally being totally awesome. And that's pretty cool.
  19. Hope you had an awesome, cool, swanky birthday dude! I made sure to complete your list
  20. Yeah, fair point, it could always be worse! No idea what I did eat that night but I'm fairly sure it wasn't pizza! And I'm glad I sound good! I do worry that I'm being a bit whiny on here at the moment, so I'm very happy you don't think so --- Stats at end of Week 2 Don't drink like a dickhead: Drank 5, Dickhead 2 Workout: 6/12 Skills: 4/12 Journal: 14/28 After my last update I managed to do some L-sit practice while we had no customers in the club. After Saturday's lifting and Sunday's climbing it was a bit bloody hard to be useful, but it still counts! Journaling is still going strong. Will probably have to keep this going for at least the rest of the year to see if it really makes my life easier though. --- Stats at Mon W3D1 Don't drink like a dickhead: Drank 5, Dickhead 2 Workout: 7/12 Skills: 4/12 Journal: 15/28 Workout was good yesterday, still PRing my deadlift and working my squat and bench back up. Going to need to start going up in increments of 2.5kg (5.5#) on everything now as it's getting heavy! Had a seminar during the day which was actually very interesting and a nice break from work. Snooker in the evening to round off a pretty good day overall (even though I lost!).
  21. Oo, glad you are ok. Hope you've been able to get back into your building.
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