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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. To jump on @maigahane 's idea, you could swap the walking in c25k, so it's a slow/fast run rather than a walk/run. Alternatively, find yourself a new plan. I know Runkeeper do a couple of free ones, I'm sure other apps/websites must do too.
  2. That's not a bad celebrity spot story, I'd like to have breakfast next to JV! Yeah, snooker's a tough game; takes a hell of a lot of practice to even look halfway reasonable! ----- Stats at Mon W2D1 Don't drink like a dickhead: Drank 3, Dickhead 1 Workout: 3/12 Skills: 1/12 Journal: 8/28 Pretty much everything I'd want to say about yesterday is in my responses to people in my previous post (I love it when you guys do the exposition for me ). Last night ended with me getting home eventually once a train turned up, skipping snooker as it was so late, watching Arrow and The Flash with Mrs and getting to bed shortly after 10. On the train now and actually got up on time, so my first workout at the new gym awaits!
  3. Ouch, that's a big chunk of your budget man! Looks like you're on hard mode for that goal then, so at least it's a proper challenge! Yeah, still fine with the smoking, and I'm rarely even thinking about it now. Cheers for keeping me accountable on this one mate. And yeah, that's a good way of looking at it! More journaling time for me then! Ironically I'm writing this whilst waiting for a delayed train! Cheers man. Definitely going to be stressful, but so far things are going more smoothly than anticipated. I did find a gym actually, took a quick tour and signed up online at lunch time. So the plan is now to go there Tuesday and Thursday this week, then my old gym for the last time on Saturday and then I can keep my 3x per week goal Oh really, where are you commuting in from? I'm trying to keep the journal as basic and as much like the guide on the website as possible, so the minimum of templates if possible! Mostly playing snooker near home and in the Brighton league. Do you play?
  4. Congrats on an epic week 1! Week 2 looks hectic but seriously fun, so get some sleep and get to it
  5. Wow, so I definitely owe you guys an update! Currently sat on the train for my first day in London. Not the train I meant to catch as I got up late, which now means I have time to look at gyms but definitely not actually have a workout. Still hopefully I'll find somewhere I like before work. And this is also a perfect time to catch up on here Wednesday evening was my first night of drinking during this challenge, as I had snooker practice. Whilst I probably could have managed quite happily without pint 5 I am pleased to say I did not drink like a dickhead, and also managed to prep lunch for myself when I got back. Now Thursday, on the other hand, was a very silly day. At work we were trying to get stuff wrapped up because we had no idea what was happening with the move on Friday, and also waiting for our New Boss to show up and tell us what on earth that plan was. When he turned up it was then decided by Old Boss that we should go to the pub to discuss what the plan was going forward. So we went to the pub, a few people who hadn't had lunch already ate, and we talked about nothing to do with work. Basically I had two lunchtime beers I didn't want, lost a load of time working and got not information. Back in the office we eventually got a rough plan out of New Boss, which was basically to not have any work system for the day and try and work entirely off phones, so now I've got a ton of work to catch up on today if everything actually works when I get in. That evening I'm very sorry to say I drank like a dickhead. Not that I got that drunk, but I had the equivalent of 6 pints sat at home, and whilst Mrs had a couple I drank at least the last one completely on my own. On a Thursday night! A complete waste on money and liver function to be honest! Friday morning I woke up to find I'd completely got away with my drinking, and felt totally fine when I got up. Made it to the gym for my first workout 'B' in Starting Strength (3x5 Squat at 35kg, 3x5 OHP at 20kg, 1x5 DL at 40kg). At work we closed up a couple of clients, cleared our desks and left the office for the last time. We were done by lunchtime so I took the Mrs shopping, and we got season 3 of Arrow and season 1 of The Flash on DVD. We're watching them in order of release which is really fun and so that filled our evening. A few beers we're drunk together but not a dickhead. Saturday was Parkrun in the morning - I got round in a not particularly good time (27:something). Went to see a mate afterwards who broke his leg a few weeks ago and sat and played CoD Ghosts with him all day. In the evening Mrs and I watched much, much more Arrow/Flash until 3 in the morning. It was pretty daft staying up that late, but on the plus side no beer was consumed . Sunday [wow this is a long update already], Sunday we went bouldering in the morning, which was fun as always and I got through a couple of new problems. The afternoon was mostly spent on Arrow/Flash again plus cooking roast duck leg for Sunday roast and and a bit of prep for today. The evening was then spent working at the club, feeling horrifically tired and getting to bed about midnight. Week 1 stats (why has bold stopped working on my phone?) Don't drink like a dickhead: Drank 3, Dickhead 1 Workout: 3/12 Skills: 1/12 (must remember about this next week) Journal: 7/28
  6. That's an awesome achievement, well done on coming so far. Looks like you're having a busy weekend; hope it's going well!
  7. Not yet, need to soon! Do we need to have a team name for the OCR so we all get put in the same heat? Also, you've just reminded me to block off the weekend in my calendar before I book something else over it!
  8. Awesome that you've signed up for an OCR, I bet you'll have a blast with it. You certainly picked the right time of year to train for running in mud! Good luck with the finances this month, sounds like you've got a good plan to get through
  9. Very true! And yeah, of course. You're doing awesome though so it's gonna be a nice ride back up there Thank you . It sucks, but it's happening so I best make the most of it!
  10. Dude, finally caught up, looks like your lifting's going awesome. Need to come back and see all your videos when I'm somewhere I can turn the sound on, but subbing for now!
  11. I know exactly what you mean! I only lasted a couple of weeks in c25k and I think this is why. Excellent news, nice one!
  12. Sounds like a fun (if mad) zero week. Good luck for your marathon at the weekend!
  13. I will, don't worry! I'm back on an empty bar for most things, just want to get my form right before working back up to where I was (which to be fair, wasn't that much!).
  14. Stats at Tue W1D2 Keep Lifting - 1/12 Don't drink like a dickhead - 0 days drinking, 0 days a dickhead Skill work - 1/12 Bullet Journaling - 2/28 And today's word, boys and girls, is "Patience". Because who doesn't love a ballad, right? -- Got some wall walk practice in last night (after the wrist warm-up recommended on that NF post) for my skill work goal. It's really tempting to try and go too far with this as I'm nearly vertical anyway! Need to just be patient and make sure I do it properly so I don't end up hurting myself! Was absolutely knackered yesterday evening so after dinner (Mrs did fish with peas and pearl barley, it was ...interesting) I prepped breakfasts for the rest of the week, made today's lunch and got to bed at about 10. -- Gym this morning and my first day of Starting Strength. Here's how it went: Squat: Warm-up: 20kg x 2 x 5 Work sets: 30kg x 3 x 5 Bench: Work sets: 20kg x 3 x 5 Deadlift: Work sets: 30kg x 3 x 5 I was going to do the squats at minimum, but 20kg was too light to bear! The entire workout lasted less than 20 minutes and was pretty boring, but I do need to focus on form and the progression on SS is so fast I'll be hitting PRs on everything by the end of this challenge. Just need a little more patience. Snooker tonight, which will be my first beers of the week and my first challenge on the dickhead goal.
  15. Good to have you here man! Yes, still off the smoking - I haven't made it a goal anymore but I promise I will come here and confess if I do make a stupid choice and smoke! And yeah, I saw you were. My numbers are a lot lower than yours at the moment, but hoping to build up to something sensible in not too long!
  16. Meh, they're fairly close together. And Tower Bridge is much more memorable looking anyway. I'm not sure my memoirs would be that scandalous (or even that interesting)! But yeah, reading's good. I'll have to find some way to use all that time productively. Oo, that's interesting. And Building One's open from 06:30 so I could go before work as well if I wanted to. Further research required I think, thanks for that And that's cool. I think it would be nice to be in a quieter part of London, as long as you've got an easy walk to a café and a pub anyway! Glad I'm not alone! My Mrs can't understand me drinking milk on its own, but I just really like it. I hope you're right about the gainz; it's either that or I'll get really fat!
  17. Stats at Mon W1D1 Keep Lifting - 1/12 Don't drink like a dickhead - all good Skill work - 0/12 Bullet Journaling - 1/28 Rounded off yesterday with snooker after work (I just lost, unfortunately). Got home and to bed about half 11, which wasn't too bad as a result of me skipping meal prep in favour of sleep. This morning I went out for a run, and decided to give Zombies, Run! a go. It was quite interesting; will probably keep it up for a little while with doing the story once per week as I unlock it, and I'll have a play with supply runs and stuff for my other weekly run. Total distance 3.06mi in 29'58", ave pace 09'48"/mi. Splits: NAME PACE CLIMB 1 mi 10:13 -18 2 mi 9:47 18 3 mi 8:56 2 4 mi 19:24 -3 Also, following on with my decision of staring SS, I've also decided I need more calories and protein to get the most out of it. For that reason I'll be aiming for 4 pints of whole milk per day for now on (for those interested, as UK pints are slightly bigger than US pints, this is around 60% of GOMAD. Actually it's almost exactly 60%, which pleases me). I already drink around a pint of whole milk every day anyway and really like it, so hopefully this shouldn't be too challenging. I'm not adding it as a challenge goal yet though, it's just something I'm going to try and do.
  18. Thank you! I'm not entirely sure yet; I think to start it will probably be spent catching up on the forums to be honest, particularly as I don't know whether I'll get on at lunch like I am now. Otherwise not sure; any suggestions? Thanks . I did do it a few years ago but it was a considerably more awkward journey (I was on the isle of dogs) for a much worse job, so hopefully this time will be better. I'll in the City, about 10 minutes north of London Bridge. Whereabouts do you work?
  19. Found you! Following along again man, looks like you're in for a good one!
  20. I skipped over the word "filming" in the previous sentence and was briefly quite alarmed! Glad you had a good weekend anyway.
  21. I got unreasonably excited when I read your challenge title! I was looking for a badass picture to justify that, but instead I found this: Well done on hitting your TEW2016 goal (and so early)!
  22. Following along again; you're going to smash through Indigo Plateau this time round! Also good job on combating the Rangerbrain and letting some things go, it will be worth it in helping you be the best you can be at what you have kept.
  23. Gym this morning was good and bad. On the one hand, I failed a load of lifts and it sucked. On the other, hopefully I can improve some form as a result. First up was squats. I've been noticing a bit of knee pain recently, and after reading up on form online I think it's because I'm allowing my knees to cave inwards rather than pushing them out over my toes. So I worked through my warm-up sets ok, but the change in form meant I couldn't keep my current weight (65kg). I dropped back to 60kg and ground out 4x6, but then that started causing hip pain. So next time I'm going to drop the weight right down and focus on form, and work back slowly from there. Next was DB military press. I should be on 12kg for 5x6, but the 12kg dumbbells were taken so I decided to shoot for 14kg. Got through sets of 6, 6, 4, 5, 4. No big deal on missing reps this time (I reminded myself) as this is an increase in weight. After that I gave up on the rest of the lifts (lunges in particular were not happening with my hip) and decided to foam roll and stretch for the last 10 minutes or so. So given that I'm dropping my weight on squats, and also partly inspired by @Wild Wolf (cheers Wolfman!) I've decided to give Starting Strength a try. I'll be dropping my weight to the minimum on all lifts and focusing on proper form instead. Nervous/excited about this, but with luck hard work by the end of this challenge my squat and bench should be up past where they are now, and I'll have a deadlift and an OHP to show for it to!
  24. Good to have you! And I hope so; I guess time will tell! Thanks. I saw you were BuJo-ing so I'll definitely be seeing if I can see any ideas . And you had to listen to The Smiths as a child? Oh you poor thing, that must have been terrible! Thank you! Glad to have you here!
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