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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Sorry to hear about the post-con depression. Glad you're moving forward now though. Great attitude there, just keep pushing on
  2. Have fun on your trip; see you when you get back!
  3. Great attitude; today is always another day! For the 30 mins elevated heart rate are you trying to do it all at once? If not 10 minutes in the morning could be a good way to start the day, and makes the afternoon workout that much easier when you need it to be.
  4. Yeah, I reckon that should work. I'd probably mash it and bake it in the oven so it goes a bit crispy I think... Sorry to hear you're ill, hope it clears up soon
  5. Awesome that you get to do wall sits again! I love them actually; must be a masochist!
  6. 2 yoga sessions were done this week for team Iron Man. Bonus goal also completed. I think I'm now following someone in every guild (@DarK_RaideR send Steve my way in that Captain Planet suit once you've seen him!). This week felt a loss less weird, purely because the people I was following were posting things so it was easy to just respond. Still feels forced responding just for the sake of responding though - I am not a natural leader of conversation (irl or online apparently!) So two more points for us. Rock on everyone else supporting Team Iron Man!
  7. ^^ This! Done with EC . EDIT: Just hit Silver Also, well done @Grayspeed for hitting silver. Every time I look on the spreadsheet we're neck and neck for third place.
  8. Friday - W2D5 continued Felt pretty good overall yesterday, which was nice. Definitely not as lethargic as the previous couple of days; maybe the swim helped? Gym after work was hard though, muscles were knackered fairly early on. Went something like this: 5min row warm-up - 1,174m Cable chest fly - 35lbs x 3 x 8 might add another set to this soon at this weight BB lunges - 35kg x 2 x 12, 30kg x 2 x 12 New weight with the 35kg! Had trouble getting in on my shoulder though. I'll either have to give in and use the squat rack for it at higher weights, or just give up going any higher BB row/rotate/press - 12.5kg x 4 x 8 Still not ready to put this up again, although the above didn't help, which is frustrating as I got to 20kg before I hurt my shoulder doing it Inverted row - 4 x 10 Bastards Wussed out on these - all the mats were busy and I was looking for an excuse to stop to be honest. After that went home, did single leg pulse squats for Darebee PvP, cooked "cheaty chicken kievs" (that's what the recipe called them; it's just breaded chicken breast with homemade garlic butter served on the side) with sweet potato and parsnip chips. Also watched some NCIS. Smoking wise I was one ahead of where I should have been all day, which made the evening difficult. I ended up eating a load of extra food I didn't need (wholegrain buscuits and toast, nothing too bad just dead carbs) just to keep me from smoking until last thing before bed. Did keep it to 8/8 though. At 10:20 decided I should do my Duolingo before bed. Promptly changed my mind and decided to do late night yoga for the Ranger mini instead. I was either doing it wrong or at the wrong time, because it hurt more than expected, but I'm fine now so no harm done. It's also part of a 30 day challenge series on YouTube, so now I'm considering trying to do the whole lot! Up to bed at 10:55, which is a small miracle for a Friday. Teeth were sonic'd and flossed, and in bed about 11. W2 stats Poison Resistance: 5/7 Grinding: Gym 3/2, Badminton 1 Swim 3/3 Learn a New Skill: Duolingo: 199/350XP, Articles Read: 0/1 Full Health: Teeth 10/14, Sonic & Floss 5/7 Bedtime 4/7 Save Your Progress: Here I am Saturday W2D6 Got up early today (for a Saturday) at 8am! Has been reasonably productive; checklist now looks like this: Mow the back lawn Strim the front lawn More weeding on the garden path Finished the whole thing! Put the washing away Do more washing and hang to dry - one load done, second load to be done tomorrow Clean kitchen Clean bathroom Hoover upstairs Empty bins Meal prep? (may have to wait until I can bulk buy some more food) Go for a long walk Gym on Sunday Yoga Saturday Yoga Sunday Finish Duolino goal Read French article Watch Castle A lot still to do, but the gardens and weeding took me two hours and the kitchen probably the best part of an hour, so a fairly productive day. Duolingo needs to be done as I need 151XP today and tomorrow, so might go and do some when I'm done on here. Waiting for Mrs to come home before yoga to see if she wants to join in. French article I read was an interview with Marcin Iwinski about The Witcher 3 (and the series in general). Was quite interesting, even though I haven't played the games, and I actually understood quite a lot of it. Walked up to the shop in the rain just now for an excuse to get out of the house. Was getting cabin fever stuck here with just the cat for company. Went to buy Pepsi Max and tobacco, which are not great choices, but going for a walk feels more like being outside than just being in my garden. Anyway, sorry for the long post, on with the rest of the day!
  9. Thank you so much! That's really good to hear, and really good advice actually . I know one of my main reasons excuses for smoking is to get breaks away from my desk at the office. Not quite sure how I'm going to combat that (other than not taking breaks) yet! Having said that I've smoked a lot today at home so I could do with being concious of why I'm doing that. Thank you! I got the idea of writing out weekend plans from one of your challenges, so you better get writing yours!
  10. Hope you're doing ok man, and that you get back on top of life soon
  11. The hike with your son sounds cool! I know what you mean about work; I'd rather be busy than quiet or the day just drags.
  12. Sounds really good. This is what I do for omelette muffins: 6 eggs 8oz minces beef three spring onions 4oz mushroom Fry up mushroom, add beef and onion, fry some more, portion into greased muffin tin, add raw egg on top of each, put in oven for 20mins. Makes 6. Hopefully I've got my measurements right as I'm converting from metric. So if you swap the eggs for something else to bind them that should work.
  13. Done with EC. Pleasantly surprised that I found this fairly easy. Also, well done @Katrin Josephina Morag; looks like you've hit your initial goal already?!
  14. 350 arrivals at 20 mins each? That's only like 117 hours of reading; you'll be fine Also, crock pots are awesome! Definitely a good purchase. May have to slow cook something this weekend. Also also, if you can read tab (and preferably chord charts) you can learn guitar. A lot of professional musicians don't read music and if you're only doing it for fun the musical side doesn't matter too much. I play so if you end up getting one and need some help message me.
  15. Swim times just came through! Total was 1,300m in 35:11 (actual swim time 27:20). Competition time was 500m (freestyle) in 09:52, which puts me 15th of 26 so far. Not as quick as I was hoping but glad I actually got up on a Friday and set a time.
  16. Awesome stuff on the body re-composition! *googles Krav Maga* ...that sounds really cool! Getting into martial arts again is on my list of "at some point in the future" goals, definitely going to consider that if I can find it near me.
  17. Thursday W2D4 continued Yesterday afternoon at work continued on the vain of drained and overwhelmed. I actually left work 10 minutes early in the end because I just couldn't focus any longer. Clearly not a great thin, and it's given me more to do today, but I didn't feel like I could do any more without making a mistake. Got home, did my "power grip" for the PvP, and went straight into a yoga video. Actually felt a bit more alert and alive after the yoga which was nice. Mrs made a dinner involving beef, honey, couscous, raisins, peppers and onion for a nice hot, sweet meal. Quick trip to the supermarket to grab some bits and then much vegging was done until bedtime. Goal wise did ok too; caught up a bit on Duolingo (67XP), smoked 8/8 fags, up to bed at 5 to 11. W2 stats Poison Resistance: 4/7 Grinding: Gym 2/2, Badminton 1 Swim 2/3 Learn a New Skill: Duolingo: 199/350XP, Articles Read: 0/1 Full Health: Teeth 8/14, Sonic & Floss 4/7 Bedtime 3/7 Save Your Progress: Here I am Friday W2D5 Got up nice and early today, do no rushing about and time to go for a swim. The tracker wristband they have at my pool hasn't synced yet, which is really annoying, but I think I did 1,300m in about 35mins. That included trying to set a pace on 500m as the tracker company run a 500m any stroke tournament from Friday to Sunday and I wanted to set a decent time for that. If the tracker doesn't sync though I'll lose my time . I'm currently one cigarette ahead of where I should be, which isn't great news, but otherwise I'm feeling a bit more alive today. We'll see how that goes as the working day rolls on. Tonight is gym again, more yoga, daily dare (50 single leg pulse squats) and Duolingo must be done. Not going out so in bed for 11. Also need a weekend plan so that I actually do something (not that I'll do all of this, but I want to do some of it): Mow the back lawn Strim the front lawn More weeding on the garden path Put the washing away Do more washing and hang to dry Clean kitchen Clean bathroom Hoover upstairs Empty bins Meal prep? (may have to wait until I can bulk buy some more food) Go for a long walk Gym on Sunday Yoga Saturday Yoga Sunday Finish Duolino goal Read French article
  18. Those cookies sounds amazing; may have to investigate that recipe. Also, you are rocking the squats, awesome!
  19. Sounds like you're doing awesome so far. Following!
  20. That's interesting, does it work? Seems really backwards to inhale on the push of the press-up?
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