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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Tried plank rotations yesterday; shoulder was not up to it. Managed the cross crunches right at the end of the day. Not sure how far you are supposed to lift yourself for them but think I got it right? No EC anyway.
  2. Still alive! Actually got to the gym as well yesterday somehow. Looking forward to a week with less drink involved though. A combination of a social and corporate drinking is really starting to take its toll this week.
  3. [wrote this on the train on the way home tonight - just got in in time though] Not sure if I'm going to get to post this on time, so thought I would at least write it (will explain the busy day tomorrow). If I get through it I'm counting it as keeping track though... Yesterday was ok considering. Considering I got less than 4 hours sleep after Thursday's shenanigans, and considering the 8 pints, some wine and some whiskey that is. Food stuff: Breakfast was pain au chocolat, lunch was a cheese and ham baguette from the van plus fruit. Dinner was chicken and chorizo jumbalaya made by the Mrs. I've never had jumbalaya, but it was awesome and I definitely will again. Also, throw in some Easter chocolate (it's bloody endless!) for good measure. Didn't get up to swim, obviously. Wasn't going to anyway as I needed a lift in (left the car at work). Did go to the gym afterwards though. Went something like this: Row warm-up x 1km Cable lat pull downs - 85lbs x 2 x 8, 75lbs x 1 x 8 Cable chest fly - 35lbs x 3 x 8 Barbell lunges - 30kg x 4 x 12 Barbell row/twist/press - 10kg x 4 x 8 Bastards x 2 x 11 Gave up on the bastards as my shoulder started to hurt. Tried plank rotations for the Darebee PvP but that was far worse and really hurt. Other than that a quiet day. Duolingo was done, teeth were done, no compromises, no swim or hike planned, and here I am keeping track! [this I'm adding since I got home] Challenge goals so far: Swim: 3/3 for week 2 Hiking: 1/2 for month French: 286/350 XP for week 2 (73 done today) Teeth: 5/7 for week 2 Keep track: I'm here! (just barely today) No compromises: All clear for week 2 Calories: 3,076 in vs 3,276 out = 200 deficit Exercise: Gym 52mins
  4. CORRECTION (can't edit the last post). I forgot the starter and desert from yesterday's dinner (Jacobs ladder, and espresso mousse with dark chocolate and sorbet). So my very rough calorie tracking should read as follows: Calories: 6,428 in vs 3,974 out = 2,454 surplus
  5. Well done everyone! Sorry I've been absent; really busy few days (I know, excuses excuses). Back fists didn't happen (got back late and forgot), low kicks didn't happen (just forgot - really annoyed as I'm sure I can do those). Will do the plank rotations at the end of my gym session tonight.
  6. Liquid strength! Yes, that sounds like a plan. May need to try this tonight as I've had less that 4 hours sleep and I drank a not inconsiderable amount of beer yesterday! I'll certainly try to!
  7. Yesterday was really fun. No very productive challenge wise, but really fun. Left work early to go on a night out with some underwriters we deal with. Got the pub at half 3 and drank copious amounts of ale and porter all day, including the Dark Star pub, North Laine Brewery pub and Brew Dog pub. Went to a steakhouse for a very expensive, massive steak (400g, or ~14oz) with mac 'n' cheese, chips and garlic mushrooms. Then more drinking and saw a blues performer. Was a great day and the guys are really awesome so it was good to catch up with them. The one bit of productivity I did get done was to go swimming in the morning, so that's all my swims for week 3! Got up late again so wasn't a long one, but at least 'm getting in the habit. 400m x breaststroke 300m x freestyle 200m x fist swimming (for some reason my finger was hurting during freestyle, so I decided to throw this drill in) Total 900m over 25 minutes Duolingo, Darebee and any exercise had to miss out. Cleaned my teeth though (doing surprisingly well on that goal) which is good, because I particularly sruggle with doing it when I'm drunk (and after 8 or so pints and some wine and some whiskey I was drunk!). Le petit-dejuner était pain au chocolat et une clémentine. Lunch was risotto with capers and black olives (the Mrs' leftovers from Wednesday night). Challenge goals so far: Swim: 3/3 for week 2 Hiking: 1/2 for month French: 213/350 XP for week 2 Teeth: 4/7 for week 2 Keep track: I'm here! No compromises: All clear for week 2 Calories: 5,330 in vs 3,974 out = 1,356 surplus Exercise: Swim 25mins
  8. Rest day yesterday, which I think I needed. Not entirely intentional as I meant to get up and go swimming, but overslept :s. Biscuits for breakfast. Cheese and onion sandwich for lunch, plus grapes. You know the drill. Did a little bit of grocery shopping on the way home, which was much needed as we were out of milk, cheese, fruit, sandwich fillings... Had a few After Eights when I got in. Attempted to make dinner. It was supposed to be "Dukkah-Rolled Middle Eastern Eggs", served with freekeh and spicy tomatoes. Massive cock up all round including: Undercooked the eggs (who under-boils an egg?) Tried to drain the freekah and poured the whole pan into a sink full of dirty dishwater Tried to make couscous in place of the lost freekah, which I welded to the bottom of the pan At this point I got in a strop and stormed off. So not great on that front. Went to the club for some snooker afterwards. By the time I got there it was too late to give anyone again, so got in an hour of solo practice towards the two hours I need for the ranger mini this week. Plus a couple of beers. Duolingo was done (61XP). Darebee was not done (I forgot until it was too late), but I think my shoulder will thank me for not forcing 2 minutes of backfists on it. Stayed up late watching trash TV with a Lemmy, stupidly went to bed about 2! Challenge goals so far: Swim: 2/3 for week 2 Hiking: 1/2 for month French: 213/350 XP for week 2 Teeth: 3/7 for week 2 Keep track: I'm here! No compromises: All clear for week 2 Calories: 2,924 in vs 3,396 out = 472 deficit Exercise: No
  9. Got my third swim for the week in today, two weeks running now! That's already considerably better than last month's attempt, as as I know I can't go tomorrow I'm happy with that. Teeth are on track. I'm actually surprised at how easy it is with just the motivation of being accountable on here. Apart from the wobble last week it's going really well so far.
  10. Tried to tack the v-ups onto the end of my workout. Failed around like an idiot rocking back and forth briefly. Gave up and went home. This challenge is definitely teaching me that I need to work on my abs some more. May have to incorporate that into the next challenge. Will try and do the backfists tonight, shoulder permitting.
  11. Battle kitten armoured for battle: Good luck with the presentation!
  12. Not a bad day yesterday, a bit gluttonous perhaps, and I held back a bit because of my shoulder. Got up and went swimming. Shoulder was sore after I re-buggered it up on the judo press-ups, so I took it really easy. It was drill day so I tried to stick to kicking drills, but apparently my legs were in rebellion too after the walk on Saturday! Still building the habit of getting up and going to the pool, but that's the best thing I can say about this really. 200m x breaststroke 200m x 2 kick breast 100m x side kick 200m x breaststroke Total 700m over 28 minutes Breakfast was biscuits and fruit. Bought a baguette and some houmous for lunch, plus some fruit. My colleague's wife came in mid-afternoon with ice creams for us all, which was lovely of her. Gym after work. Taking it really easy to try and get my shoulder feeling better, but it's so frustrating to see myself doing less exercises and less weight! I know I have to, but it just feels like a huge step backwards. 1km rowing machine warm-up Barbell row/twist/shoulder press - 10kg x 4 x 8 Barbell lunges - 30kg x 4 x 12 Chest press machine - 60lbs x 3 x 15 Inverted row - 4 x 10 (attempted v-ups for the PVP, failed around rockin back and forth like an idiot and promptly gave up. Need to work out how to do these in the future). Went out in the evening to catch up with a mate over a few (5) beers and a fry-up (egg, sausage, bacon, beans and chips). Didn't have much time to do Duolingo before or after but got a tiny bit (26 XP) in, much of it whilst a bit drunk. Challenge goals so far: Swim: 2/3 for week 2 Hiking: 1/2 for month French: 152/350 XP for week 2 Teeth: 2/7 for week 2 Keep track: I'm here! No compromises: All clear for week 2 Calories: 3,887 in vs 3,3848out = 39 surplus Exercise: Swim 28 mins, gym 40 mins
  13. Woo! Great attitude! Really inspires me. After all, how could you be a superhero if you didn't have obstacles to overcome?
  14. Good day exercise wise for most of the day yesterday. Got up a little late and took my swim easy to try and help my shoulder recover, and had lots of breaks for stretching, but glad I got up and went. Found front crawl hard so it was mostly a breast stroke day (*unmanly giggle*). Also tried backstoke, which was a mistake with the shoulder. 450m breast stroke 200m freestyle 50m back stroke 200m breast stroke Total 900m over 26 mins After that my shoulder felt much better and really solid. Work was good, reasonably quiet, then on to badminton. Felt I played ok, although I lost 3-1. Went home and after dinner did the Darebee daily dare of 25 judo push-ups. That felt fine to start with, but by the end I had worked my shoulder too hard. Should have stopped, but once I was half way through I really wanted to finish. Regretting it now though as it messed with my swim today and I'm worried it'll affect me at the gym later. Food wise I ate quite a bit, and unfortunately too many liquid calories via fruit juice. Breakfast was biscuits and a clementine, Lunch was leftovers (leftover cottage pie, followed by leftover pâté with leftover baguette) and fruit. Then decided I couldn't resist a large chocolate chip shortbread an hour later. Made fishcakes for dinner (I've never made my own before, but they were really good). Served with kale and curried mayo. Then had to keep working through my easter chocolate, obviously! Got a lot of Duolingo done; I actually couldn't stop once I started which makes a nice change! 126XP already, which gives me a day off later in the week if I need it, Decided to get an early night. Unfortunately the TV and laptop had other ideas; was in bed about 00:40. Challenge goals so far: Swim: 1/3 for week 2 Hiking: 1/2 for month French: 126/350 XP for week 2 Teeth: 1/7 for week 2 Keep track: I'm here! No compromises: All clear for week 2 Calories: 2,887 in vs 3,355 out = 468 defecit Exercise: Swim 26 mins, badminton 55 mins
  15. Lannisters Unite! Hear Me Roar! (very quietly, because I'll be alone in a snooker room and roaring may be frowned upon). My goal is 2 hours of solo snooker practice this week; hope I find time to fit it in.
  16. Sounds like week one went well! Good job on the to-do list, I may have to add something like that to a future challenge to help me adult.
  17. That sucks, glad you're ok though! Always go through the insurance. These things have a way of coming back to bite you in the future if you try and sort them out privately.
  18. Cool knife. Looking forward to seeing your future blacksmithing projects.
  19. Judo push-ups done. No EC though; those things were hard!
  20. Today is a good day! Well done sir on taking care of yourself and still having a good first week. Rock on for week 2!
  21. Yes, let's do this! Thank you So last week wasn't too bad in the end. Managed to get in two gym sessions still, didn't have any badminton planned so I couldn't miss any, plus one of my hikes for the month is sorted. Overall I've done reasonably well on my goals - just that Friday evening/Saturday morning mental slump really got to me. I also twanged my shoulder on the last day of week zero, so I've been having to work round that and by the looks of it will have to for a couple more weeks. Also completed my goal for the ranger mini, and I'm getting on ok with the Darebee PvP. Challenge goals so far: Swim: 3/3 for week 1 Hiking: 1/2 for month French: 424/350 XP for week 1 Teeth: 7/7 for week 1 Keep track: Updated the battle log every day. No compromises: 1 gym session missed in week 1
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