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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Side note - weighed in this morning. 10st10 so up 2lbs on last week. Given that I've posted a 4,041 calorific deficit something's a bit fucky there. I know I need to be in deficit to maintain weight as my Fitbit seems to overestimate my calorie burn, and I know that my scales are not all that reliable, but this still seems a little odd. Doesn't really matter, I'm within my comfortable weight range. Be interesting to see what weird results I get next week!
  2. Challenge week one over and done with! Yesterday was reasonably good. Slept in a bit but got up in time to have a bowl of cereal, do some Duolingo in front of the TV and hit the gym. My shoulder was really hurting so had to drop some bits from my session; I tried to do them differently and at lower weight but it wasn't having it. Think I'm going to have to be careful to rest it properly for the next few weeks unfortunately. Anyway, here's what did do: 1km Row warm-up Cable lat pull downs - 75lbs x 3 x 8 (going to increase this next time) Cable chest fly - 35lbs x 3 x 8 Inverted Rows - 4 x 10 Barbel lunges - 30kg x 4 x 12 After that went over to my parents to get some washing done (hoping to get a new machine next weekend) and have a nice roast lamb lunch. Followed by a bit of chocolate cake as we didn't have it on Dad's birthday. No dinner as lunch was really late and I didn't have time, but still working through the easter chocolate, and that at work in the evening had a clementine, a bowl of olives and a salami snack thing. Got home and decided at 23:45 to do the PVP, which was 40 tuck jumps. Got to 30, woke the Mrs up, got shouted at and decided for my future safety it was best not to complete the final 10. Challenge goals so far: Swim: 3/3 for week Hiking: 1/2 for month French: 424/350 XP for week Teeth: 7/7 for week Keep track: I'm here! No compromises: 1 gym session missed - week one Calories: 2,903 in vs 3,915 out = 994 defecit Exercise: Gym - 42mins
  3. Congratulations on your weight loss, and on Mr Wizard's and your daughters too! Sorry to hear about the house, but it sounds like it's making you appreciate your current place more which is cool.
  4. Just caught up on your challenge. Sometimes life get's in the way, but looks like you've set a great foundation for the rest of the month, congrats!
  5. Sorry about your bull man, that really sucks. Good luck at the gym tomorrow though.
  6. So I got to 30 jumps, got shouted at by the Mrs for waking her up with all the noise and promptly gave up. Definitely could have done the last 10 for the EC, but never mind. My own fault for not doing them earlier in the day. Judo push ups tomorrow look fun, as long as my shoulder lets me do it.
  7. Awesome job on week one, and the OCR. Following!
  8. I definitely eat when I'm bored, it's not good! Maybe try to find something else to do when you get that urge; turn the boredom into something productive? Well done on the myriad of things you've done so far.
  9. I hear you. My worst when I was at college. Get in, grab a soda. Couple more with lunch. A couple in break to get me through my last lesson. Then I'd get home, go down the local and drink soda all night. At one point I was on 3.5l per day! Starting getting heart palpitations from all the caffeine, which was enough of an incentive to stop thankfully! Hope the run went well. The health pots are a good idea too; hope they go well.
  10. Same here. Did something to my shoulder last week and got really sharp pain trying to do the taps. Will try and get in the jumps late tonight.
  11. Ours is the fury! Second push up workout completed drunkenly last night. Possibly due to the beer failure on the final set was only 11 reps, but a success House Baratheon nonetheless.
  12. Thanks for the support guys. Tried to quote your replies and respond directly but I'm having a fight with my laptop at the moment. Anyway, feeling better about it now, and went to the gym today so at least I still manage twice this week . Also got my first of my two hikes in yesterday, which felt good.
  13. Yesterday was reasonably productive. Slept in which wasn't great, and just a bowl of cereal for breakfast, but then went over to my friend's house to plan our Dartmoor hiking trip. Got a route planned and drawn on the map, and he'd also got me a water bladder to take with me. Got home around 3pm and decided I definitely had time to do one of my hikes for the challenge. Thought I would probably cut it short though, as we had to go out in the evening and I didn't want to be too late. Due to a combination of my poor measurements and my lack of map reading skills I actually ended up doing just over 10 miles. At least, I think I did, my phone stopped tracking at a couple of points. This was most of the route: Discovered a couple of things: I need new boot laces (which it turns out the Mrs had in a draw) I must take a compass with me next time I hike As suspected, I can't do this in jeans. Must buy some sensible trousers. Once I got home it was all a bit of a rush to make dinner and leave the house. I did lamb mince with tomato paste and ras el hanout, served over bulgar wheat with mint, cucumber and feta cheese. Was surprisingly easy and very good. Pub quiz in the evening which the Mrs wrote, and I won (no cheating, honest!). Few beers with that, but given the lack of lunch and the hike I finished the day well into calorific deficit. Finished the day with drunken Duolingo (61XP), and then drunken push-ups for the ranger mini. Tried to do drunken darebee dare as well, but my shoulder's still not right from the gym a week ago and it was agony. Challenge goals so far: Swim: 3/3 for week Hiking: 1/2 for month French: 345/350 XP for week Teeth: 6/7 for week Keep track: I'm here! No compromises: 1 gym session missed - week one Calories: 2,510 in vs 4,241 out = 1,731 defecit Exercise: Hike, 3.5hrs, 10(ish) miles
  14. Can't edit last post for some reason. Anyway, Friday's stats: Challenge goals so far: Swim: 3/3 for week Hiking: 0/2 for month French: 284/350 XP for week (added 74, quite a few of which were after midnight Thursday night) Teeth: 5/7 for week Keep track: I'm here! No compromises: 1 gym session missed Calories: 4,013 in vs 3,776 out = 237 surplus Exercise: No
  15. Yesterday was a bit rubbish really. Woke up too late to go swimming, and missed my gym session after work. For no good reason either; I just stayed late at work without getting much done because I couldn't bring myself to get sorted and leave. Don't really know why, just wasn't feeling up to moving at all. Breakfast was biscuits and fruit again, lunch a ham and cheese sandwich and fruit. Then got really hungry about 4pm so decided to "treat myself" to a double chocolate cookie. The Mrs and her mother made a lovely cottage pie for dinner, which was good. But then I followed it with a couple more chocolate cookies. Then went to the pub and had 5 pints. Then got back and drunkenly decided that I needed a bowl of cereal before bed. Massive sensible eating fail! Pub was good, they had a band on and I met some people I vaguely knew. Going to the pub on my own though; holy social anxiety Batman! Glad I made myself go though. *will edit in stats later when I can get to my computer*
  16. Missed the gym today. Stayed at work late for no reason; didn't really get anything done just couldn't bring myself to get ready and leave. Actually got changed for the gym, then called the Mrs (looking for an excuse not to go) and she asked me to come straight home as she'd started cooking. Properly disappointed in myself.;
  17. @Geek On Fire @RocketbikeNinja @Cataleya I'm really really sorry but I was trying to edit the spreadsheet on my phone and somehow overwrote your scores in the Dares Completed column. I think I have put them back in correctly, but you might want to check. Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry! (Side note: my abs are apparently rubbish. Challenge completed, but it was sets of 10/8/8/8/8/8)
  18. Well don on the running, and the pull-ups. Following along.
  19. Thank you! Will check out your challenge soon! Definitely will do - I'll stick them up here when I'm back. (That one I pinched off Google though, I'll be lucky if the weather's that clear for me!) I don't know if we have them in England to be honest. I'll look into it, thanks
  20. Yesterday was combined rest day and eats loads day. Slept in so didn't go swimming too! Breakfast was biscuits and a banana. For lunch i had the rest of last night's chicken and chorizo pealla, and an apple. Got home from work starving for some reason, so had a couple of bits of bread with butter and pâté. Then did the PvP (80 back kicks with EC). It was my dad's birthday so we went out for a meal at a french restaurant. King prawn starter, steak and chips for the main, fondant aux chocolats for dessert, it was glorious! We also opened a botttle of wine my parents bought in 1988. All of which came (at best guess) to about 1,800 calories. Went to see a band after that, so didn't get in until 23:40. That left it too late for me to hit my daily goal on Duolingo as it rolls over at midnight. I still did plenty, it will just reflect in tomorrow's total as it's easier to track that way (bar the 25XP I got before midnight). Challenge goals so far: Swim: 3/3 for week Hiking: 0/2 for month French: 210/350 XP for week Teeth: 4/7 for week Keep track: I'm here! No compromises: All good Calories: 3,541 in vs 3,443 out = 98 surplus Exercise: No
  21. ...thought I sent that two days ago...wierd... Anyway, hope you're feeling better soon. 2 days for results on the NHS is a minor miracle at least!
  22. It's April, sorry :s Great first day though, will be following along on here.
  23. Done with EC. I felt this more on my ankles than anywhere else. Am I the only on who thought that? Leg raises tomorrow look like hard work. Will stick them on the end of my workout and see how I do!
  24. NA may be an option on the drug side. Or as @Naxius says looking for a route cause, be that escapism, depression, anxiety or something else entirely. Talking to a professional would help, but if you're not ready for that then keep talking about it here. Hopefully you'll get some good advice and we can help you work through it.
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