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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Good solid goals for the month, will be following you back.
  2. Thanks for following along all. Got up this morning, brushed my teeth and went swimming. Lets do this!
  3. Nice lie in yesterday, then up and off to the gym. Was going really well until something went in my shoulder. Nothing too serious but I ended up with a massive knot of muscle and had to cut out my last exercise. Actually tried to do it, was supposed to be bastards, but went down the do the first one and my arm collapsed under me. Anyway, routine as best I can remember it was: 1km row warm-up Inverted rows - 4 x 10 (finally getting the hang of these) Barbell lunges - 30kg x 4 x 12 Cable chest fly (total weight) - 35lbs x 2 x 8, 25lbs x 1 x 8 Barbell row/twist/shoulder press - 17.5kg x 2 x 8, 17.5kg x 4 x 4 Went over to my parents for a Sunday roast after that, then on to my bar job. After a couple of hours umming and arring I decided I would do the Darebee PvP (seagulls) as my shoulder was starting to feel better. I think they actually helped the shoulder a bit. Snack food for dinner as I was working (although nothing too silly). Ended up staying up until 1am by the time I'd got myself sorted, come on here for a bit, driven back to my parents to pick up washing I stupidly left there (our machine is broken), made lunch for tomorrow and gone to bed. Calories: 2,214 in vs 3,671 out = 1,457 deficit Exercise: Gym x 50 mins Other Productivity: No
  4. Thought I was already following this. Why wasn't I following this? Anyway, loving the story, good luck on your goals and with the house!
  5. Gave it a few hours and tried the seagulls. Took me 3 sets but my shoulder actually feels a little better for it
  6. Your challenge concept is seriously cool. Will be following along
  7. Starting with the Baratheon push up challenge, ouch! So I'm going for this two days this week: Diamond push-ups x10 Clap push-ups x 10 Spidermans (spidermen?) x 10 Wide push-ups x 10 Standard push-ups to failure (at least 10) I know for a fact that I can't do 10 diamonds without a break, so it might take a while!
  8. Given myself a huge knot in my shoulder at the gym today, so doubt I'm gonna make today's dare! Oh well, onwards and upwards.
  9. Ok, out and about today so just a quick round-up. Woke up yesterday with a horrible hangover (obviously). Beautiful weather so spent most of the day inside playing snooker. Then home, cooked honey mustard chicken avec veg and watched Jumangi with the Mrs and a few beers. Also got in my first Darebee daily dare for the PvP. Calories: 3,036 in vs 3,806 out = 770 deficit Excercise: No, other than a few hours wandering around a snooker table Other productivity: No
  10. Hi all, first challenge with the Rangers. Excited to be here! Had a bit of a mixed bag last month (link in my signature if you're interested) so doing some more of the same, and a couple of new bits as well. My Quest To be fitter, stonger, healthier and to look better naked. Challenges Swim More, Swim Better (15XP) - Did exactly this in the last challenge and failed miserably. Also haven't been swimming since the last challenge. So I'm upping the XP and trying again. Swim at least 3 mornings per week before work, with at least one drill day (bonus 5XP for 5 times a week on at least two weeks). Get Hiking (10XP) Going for a hike across Dartmoor on the last weekend of the month so I want to get back in hiking practice. Two long walks over the course of the challenge (10 miles plus) Parle plus en français (15XP) - Didn't do badly on this last month, but I want to get it perfect this month. Switching to a weekly goal rather than a daily goal to give myself some leeway in case fate intercedes with my progress. 350XP on Duolingo each week. Take care of your teeth! (10XP) - It seems ridiculous as a 27 year old man that I can't do this reliably, but for some reason I avoid brushing my teeth all too often. Simply brush teeth twice per day every day for this challenge. Does not have to be morning and night; can be any time (but must be a meal or sleep between each time). Keep track (10XP) - I ran into a few problems with the last challenge in not remembering if I had completed things, so this challenge is to complete my battle log every day for the duration of the challenge. Exception allowed for end of month hike if I can't get on the internet. No compromises (10XP) - I have the above challenges, the ranger mini-challenge and a PVP to do this month. These must be done in addition to my normal Gym routine (at least 2x per week) and badminton routine (as often as it can be booked in with my partner), and not at expense of them. The hike at the end of the month will be day 1 of this: http://www.carfreewalks.org/walks/75/dartmoor_north_to_south, and then we're thinking of heading east to Haytor and getting picked up from there as we're staying in that area afterwards. Also, Haytor is awesome, and I want to climb it again: Still quite new to this, so comments, criticisms and advice always welcome.
  11. Horribly busy and stressful day at work yesterday, and didn't feel that productive. Still, hopefully resolved some issues so I can have a better week next week. Breakfast was breakfast biscuits. Will make breakfast omelettes tomorrow for next week. Took in a pâté sandwich now I finally had bread, and had some fruit with it. Then went straight over to a friends house for the first barbecue of the year. Had a really great time with a good group of close friends, tons of food and a lot of beer. Calorie tracking is a bit of a guess on the food side, lots of meat, some bread and a lot of pesto potatoes were consumed and I've come to a best guess. Beer I know I had 6x650ml bottles of larger, and a can of bitter to finish off the night, so that tracking's accurate at least. Didn't feel too bright today after all that I must say! Calories: 5,316 in vs 3,1280 out = 2,036 surplus Exercise: No! Other Productivity: No, but I did have a really fun night.
  12. Thank you Sometimes I wake up and fall back to sleep. Then again sometimes the Mrs tells me I have, but I do sleep talk and sleep walk so it's sometimes hard to tell! At the moment I'm trying a radio alarm, but I'm just lying in bed listening to the radio now... Awesome mug btw
  13. Lunge step-ups done with EC. I'm glad I started on a leg one; I can do legs
  14. Still no challenge up yet, trying to make a final decision on my goals! Will definitely put it up tomorrow. Yesterday was a more of the same for the week really. Breakfast biscuits for breakfast, because I still haven't made omelette muffins (this must be done over the weekend), baguette from the sandwich van for lunch because still no bread (plus some fruit). Badminton after work, which felt a lot better than last time. Still lost 3-1, but felt I played a more to my ability and came close to winning two of the ones I lost on. After work I went shopping, so I finally have bread and milk! Also a few other grocery bits so that was useful at least. Came home and made a rather good cottage pie, followed by more easter chocolate (hoping I run out soon to be honest!). Then spent the rest of my evening catching up with things on here which was nice. Signed up for a PvP and the Rangers mini-challenge too to make sure I'm really busy this month :). Also made a sandwich for today's lunch. Calories: 2,113 in vs 3,118 out = 1,005 deficit Exercise: Badminton x 50 mins Other Productivity: Managed to get some groceries on the way home
  15. Wow, that looks awesome, and also like something I'd never manage. I'd say go for it if you're happy with where you are when you join the strongman gym!
  16. Good Omens totally counts! One of my favourite books. Time I re-read it I think... If you're looking to read any more Pratchett you could go in release order, but I would recommend skipping to Guards Guards! and reading the city watch stories - they're possibly the best of the Discworld IMHO.
  17. Awesome theme, not a big comic reader but loved 1960s TV series Batgirl. Really impressed with your positivity and goals, looks like you've set yourself up to be on for a winner.
  18. Cool, I'm in! Will aim for Silver as the thought of more that that's a bit scary for me. Will start on Saturday, to give myself a one day headstart before the main challenge.
  19. Like the challenge, looks like you've got a lot on your plate with it (metaphorically)! Looking forward to following along, and congrats on your 750words stuff so far. New to following you (that's an odd sentence...) and new to Ranger, so icebreaker: I'm Jarric, and my goal is to feel fitter and stronger, and to look better naked. Would love to look like Stephen Amell in Arrow, though I suspect that's years off at best! My main struggles are motivation and building momentum, hindered by super villains Dr Sofa and Count Bed. I like reading fantasy (Sir Terry Pratchett's my favourite author), playing a mix of computer games, with a lot of retro games as I'm a bit behind the curve on a lot of them, walking, seeing bands (all sorts, but particularly rock and metal), drinking with friends and watching Marvel movies with my other half. And, of course, I love my cat. Wow, your cat sounds a lot smarter than mine! Our little moron has just about managed the word "food". He did learn to play fetch for a while, but it was short lived. Gonna head over and check out this Darebee challenge now.
  20. I pledge my colours to houses Lannister, Baratheon, Tully and Martell! Lannister - 2 hours solo snooker practice over the course of the week (personal competition, plus snooker really seems like a game that a Lannister would play). Baratheon - Some kind of push-up challenge, focusing on different types of push-ups, twice this week on non-gym days. If anyone can recommend one please do, if not I will make one up. Tully - 400m Butterfly every time I go swimming this week. I used to be able to do this stroke but I suck at it now, so would be good to try it again. Martell - Yoga practice twice this week. Will do a video at home; any recommendations would be helpful.
  21. Also, trying to figure out what to do for my next quest. I'm thinking along the lines of: Swim goal again, because I failed miserably last month (and am doing so this week) Walking goal, maybe two long walks over the month. At the end of the month I'm going on a hike across Dartmoor so a bit of training and getting used to walking in boots again would be good. More French learning. Wasn't going to as I thought I'd got into the habit, but haven't managed it at all this week so maybe it's better to call this a break and get back up with it next week. Could do with a waking up goal, as sleep goals aren't really helping, but that may have to wait until I can think of something (any ideas anyone?) Something else? Dental hygiene maybe? No idea. All suggestions highly welcome!
  22. So, yesterday was a mixed bag. Breakfast biscuits for (you guessed it) breakfast, as I still hadn't made a batch of omelette muffins. Bought a baguette from the van for lunch as I still hadn't bought bread (plus some fruit). Got invited to a friend's house Friday night, so having already missed Monday at the gym I decided to sack off my normal snooker practice and go last night instead. Was a good 50 odd minute session. I leave my log book at the gym but believe it went something like this (new weights in blue): 1km row warm-up Barbell row/turn/shoulder press - 17.5kg x 3 x 8, 15kg x 1 x 8 Barbell lunges - 30kg x 4 x 12 Cable chest fly (total weight) - 25lbs x 3 x 8 Cable lat pulldown - 65lbs x 3 x 8 Bastards - 3 x 11 Sorry for the mixed measurements, but I'm English and we still don't now if we should be using metric or imperial yet. I'm just going with the weight written on things rather than bothering to convert. Maybe at some point I'll still everything in one or the other. After that Mrs Jarric made a lovely butternut squash risotto for dinner, which I obviously followed up with more easter chocolate. Calories: 2,155 in vs 3,123 out = 968 deficit Exercise: Gym x 50 mins Other Productivity: Started my battle log on here, does that count?
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