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Tattoo thoughts


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Up until now, I've never thought much of tattoos, at least, not regarding putting them on myself. I always thought they looked cool on other people though, as long as they were well-done. But for myself, I could never think of anything I would want on my body FOREVER. You know?

For no reason in particular, I have changed my mind. I think. Actually it's more like a switch has been flipped in my head, and I suddenly WANT ONE SO BAD. The words sparked this feeling?

This too shall pass.

I think it could serve as a good reminder for me, with the depression dealings and all. And also as a reminder to appreciate the things I have TODAY because...well, they won't always necessarily be there (NOT trying to be morbid or anything! Just the way it is, ya know?).

I need to get it somewhere I can easily cover it up for work. I was thinking heart, hip, ribs, under boob, something like that. I was thinking a smallish font...I don't want to spend a LOT of money. But then I got thinking about how it might be cool to like do a Celtic design with it...again, just small. I don't want something that takes up my entire side or something.

What do you guys think, in general? Pros and cons of designing it yourself vs. having the artist design it? Do they actually take their time with you until you find something you like, if they design it? How do you choose a good, clean place to do it? And what kind of cost range am I looking at here (just a rough ballpark)?

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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I worked with an artist. I highly recommend it. One really important note: most lovely design work can't be tiny. There's no way even some basic pieces of my tat could have been small. So an artist will tell you - yeah, you can have a 2" x 2" cross but no way are you getting a celtic knot b/c can't do the design that small.

As for covering it at work, I initially thought that way but decided my tat was body jewelry so I don't really care too much who sees it. Then again, I'm old and have a long resume and wouldn't have to worry about a first job. BUT on the flip side, I do work in a really conservative environment and people here are dealing with it. Mostly the people with an issue just ignore it and don't say anything.

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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I have a full back that I designed myself (easy since it's just words). If I were going to do something artsy, I'd work with an artist.

I'm very "pro-tattoo," though I think that you should only get one if it means something to you. I got my full back after I decided that my (now wife) girlfriend was the one that I wanted to spend the rest of my days with.

As to cost, mine took about six hours total to do over 2 days and set me back $350.00. I'm sure that my next few will be cheaper, but more expensive per hour.

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I suggest working with an artist that has an extensive portfolio and years of experience in custom work.

I've decided that after I reach my goals I'm getting a Nerd Fitness Logo on my body somewhere, where EVERYONE will see it!!!

That'll be awesome, and it'll go nicely with the Tough Mudder completion tattoo that I'm going to earn one day!

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Up until now, I've never thought much of tattoos, at least, not regarding putting them on myself. I always thought they looked cool on other people though, as long as they were well-done. But for myself, I could never think of anything I would want on my body FOREVER. You know?

Lol, I'm still in this camp. As for artists - check out Andy Kurth at Electric Chair Tattoo (he works in Clio, but I'm pretty sure he does guest work all over the place - I know he's up at Spash of Color in EL every once in a while). He's my college roommate's brother, but he is an amazing tattoo artist - huge portfolio. Also, great to work with. He drew up a bunch of stuff for me years ago when I was considering a tattoo (even though I ultimately ended up not getting one).

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I'm of the mindset described in your first 3 sentences. However, if I were to get one, it would probably have something to do with my kids once I have them. One thing you might want to consider for placement is your pain tolerance. I have a friend with quite a few tattoos. She got a trail of stars down her spine, but couldn't stand to get them filled in because of the pain. I know someone else who couldn't finish a tattoo on his chest because of the pain (by finish I mean get anything done past the giant eagle). It's just something to consider because some places hurt more than others.

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I'm thinking of starting a sleeve in January, and then adding to it once a year. I have a friend who wants to be a tattoo artist, so I've asked her to design something for me to get me started.

The most important thing is to keep it personal, and to spend at least a month or two mulling over any potential ideas; if you get one on a whim and hate it a week later that's a recipe for suck :P Good luck with it, keep us posted on what you decide, hope you find something awesome!

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For the design part, I wasn't thinking anything super intricate, but I see your point about not being able to make it tiny...and that's ok. I'm just not sure I want it huge. (Especially since my husband is not on board with it, but that's another story..haha).

Here are 2 that I liked...





Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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Love the phrase choice, one of my faves and something I recite to myself when I'm feeling overwhelmed. Few hints and tips. Best way to pick an artist is to browse, online or actually go to the shop, have a look at the portfolios of as many artists as you can and try to find one who's style you like, even better if you can find someone who has done a similar piece to what you want in a style you like. NEVER pick an artist soley on price, as the saying goes 'good tattoos aren't cheap and cheap tattoos aren't good'. A decent artist should be able to work with any designs you do and at the end of the day it is up to you, there's no reason you couldn't see what they can do and then decide to stick with your original design. The advantage of the artist doing it is that some things will not translate well from drawings to tattoo and obviously they will know if something you design won't work as a tattoo.

It's easy enough to check the place is clean, just go check it out. On the day just make sure you insist on seeing the needles being taken fresh out of the package. If they don't or you are concerned about hygenie there's no reason you can't walk away.

In terms of size the things I'd say to be aware of are 1) there will be a minimum price for all designs that covers the ink and stuff so don't think you will necessarily be able to get it much cheaper for having it small 2) tattoos can stretch and leak mildly over time, on larger tattoos it isn't noticeable but if it's too small then the design may blur and become unreadable (a good artist should be able to tell you if it's too small) 3) once you have it you may very well love it so much that you wish you'd done it bigger, one of the reasons I don't have more tattoos (besides the cost) is that I know if I go and get something small done I'll just end up wishing I'd used the space for something bigger.

As for location I quite like just under the breast or across the heart. I like ribs as well but I think you might need a longer piece of text to make it work. Across the chest can be cool but it will quite a bit bigger. Inside bicep could be another option depending on how easy you think it would be to cover. I think with something like the phrase you're getting you definitely want to put it somewhere easily visible to you so it acts as a reminder, no point putting it on your back where you can't see it. Wrist/forearm would be ideal but obviously they're hard to cover



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Research, research, research. Finding your artist is, in my opinion, more important than what you have done. Once you've got the right person, the rest will fall into place.

I think that cline is totally right about size too.

p.s. Under boob/ribs is a painful place to get it done. Take a couple of Ibuprofen and smile. Also, a little warning, getting tattooed can be addictive ;)

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I'm getting my 7th in the next week or so... I have two dolphins, a paw print, Gir from Invader Zim (my favorite!), "Born This Way", and a cat. Here's the thing... they are very random, but they all mean something to me. IMHO, it does not matter what the art is, as long as it speaks to you. Definitely work with an artist and recognize that you get what you pay for. Good tattoos aren't cheap, and cheap tattoos aren't good. Period.

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Loving this topic! I've always wanted a tattoo, but have never taken the plunge because I can't decide on what I want. I want something fairly generic, but means something to me. I'm currently planning on looking into getting one once I meet my current body appearance goals. It'll be a nice little reward for that milestone.

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Lessons I have learned from the 8 miscellaneous tats I have all over my body:

  • Feet and hips hurt. a lot.
  • Detailed tats will cost more than just scripts. So will color and bigger sizes.
  • Get something meaningful to you.
  • Read reviews and ask around before chosing your tattoo artist. I once got a tattoo from a man named Papa Joe in New Orleans. Half way through my 5.5 hour tattoo, he decided to tell me his whole life story and how he had just gotten off meth a few months prior. :ambivalence:
  • If you want to get more than one tattoo, and the tattoos are small/won't take a lot of time, talk to your artist about getting two in one day. I did this and received a discount. Probably because he didn't have to open a new needle (I've heard that the needle itself costs the most money).
  • Don't forget to tip your artist!

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Another thought: I have a lot of color, design and a big "wow" factor (it's my whole left calf). It's intentional. I like the bright colors a lot. I didn't want a tat that looked like I copied it from a book or off an album cover or something that was too generic. It cost a lot of money. Maybe $600-$700 all together (done over 3 sessions total) but I'm in a big city, so is more $$. You'll want to think about color, generic-ness, etc. My husband picked his stupidly and they mean absolutely nothing to him. Luckily they are really small. They were more about a group bonding experience with his friends. Now he's stuck. Ha ha ha

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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Loving this topic! I've always wanted a tattoo, but have never taken the plunge because I can't decide on what I want. I want something fairly generic, but means something to me. I'm currently planning on looking into getting one once I meet my current body appearance goals. It'll be a nice little reward for that milestone.

I'm in the same camp as you with knowing I want one but not knowing what I want. I like the idea of having something important to me tattooed on me. The boyfriend isn't totally on board anyway, so I'm waiting until I'm at my goal size and then I'll convince him.

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And, I'm old and therefore crabby - It's your body. Do what you wish. Others have to deal. Don't ever make changes or not makes changes based on the opinions of someone else. and Yes, I really struggle with this too. But I did not consult my husband about my tattoo. Is it his taste? No - man he's midwestern conservative guy. Does he live with it? Of course. Does he really care in the long run? Not at all. If he really cared, he'd be living back in the midwest all alone.

End of crabby rant.

I AM going the distance


'Cause all I wanna do is go the distance. Nobody's ever gone the distance with Creed, and if I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood.

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Cline, I totally agree...and I don't think he's as concerned about the tat itself as what it means...OMG all these changes! The lifting weights (instead of running)! The clean diet! OMG she must be cheating on me! Or something.

Anyway I was thinking black with maybe just a little bit of color for pop if I do a design along with the phrase. I did see an under-boob one that I kind of liked...and it would be visible to me.

At first I was thinking over the heart possibly, but I think it's kind of corny and also, it would most likely be partially visible with work clothes.

Centurion, thanks for the tips! I hadn't considered that they can "bleed."

Level ? Half-Dwarf/Half-Amazon Warrior

STR:21.25 STA:15 DEX: 10.95 CON: 14 WIS:15.5 CHA:17


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I've had my fair share of work :) My suggestions:

- Go big or go home. I've never met anyone who wishes they got that tattoo just a bit smaller... Usually it's the opposite. Also, if you go too small you lose detail and run the risk of having everything smush together over time.

- You get what you pay for. Do your research and don't be afraid to spend a few bucks more per hour if you find a really great artist. Also, tip them if the do a great job.

- I've done both in terms of design in that I've worked with the artist by providing a concept and letting them go nuts AND in other instances provided a 99% complete design that just needs some flourishes. There are pros and cons to both approaches. I find that in the former, you tend to get more involvement from the artist because they always prefer to tattoo their own drawings, but you get less control over the final design. It's vice versa in the latter: more control over the design, but maybe the artist isn't as stoked/invested.

- If you find it on the web or in a book of tattoo flash, don't put it on your body. Invest the time in coming up with something that's 100% unique.

All that said, I think that the text you've chosen is awesome. I put some of my reminder tats on my wrist, so that I can just pull up my sleeve and see them when necessary. I also have a huge full chest panel that bears the message "never stop growing", so really wherever feels right.

Good luck and keep us posted!

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it's cool, until you have kids, and your boobs become not your favourite body part, and you have to lift your boob waaaaay up and fold it over to see your tattoo.

I have had 4 kids, the boobs are not as perky as they once were, but I'd still totally get one there- it's sexy.

I've got 14 bumper stickers on this Ferrari!

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