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KB Girl's journal

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Heya--Sorry to hear about the repeat lockdown. It's hard to swing back and forth through all of this for so long.


Don't be too hard on yourself, though. One person (or one gym-duo) can only do so much. Being comfortable with what you're capable to doing and knowing when what you've done is 'enough' is a hard line to find, but trying to do more than what you can do is a straight-line for burn out and exhaustion.

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On 12/20/2021 at 3:19 PM, KB Girl said:

Thank you three! Really wish I could say I'm alright, but I'm not. Coping by shutting down and playing silly phone games. The lockdown will be for four weeks, which is an unfortunate amount of weeks- if it was just two then with the holidays we could say- guys- we'll see you in the new year, enjoy a break, something like that. And we'd have time off. But right now we have to do all the things again.. so instead of taking it easy this time of year we are extra busy with loaning out equipment, setting up online classes, contacting everyone.. and we're allowed to train groups of 2 outside, which is a real pain because now we have to (and it's good for those that need it for their mental health) but where am I going to find the time to offer everyone a spot for that? Ugh. 


Oh, how unfortunate ☹️ I'm so sorry to hear about the lockdown and that you have to close the gym again.


On 12/20/2021 at 3:19 PM, KB Girl said:

Yesterday we got sushi and today we're having pizza and tomorrow we're going to work and picking up the pieces. Maybe after a good night sleep I'll feel better. Also shark week is currently happening so that's probably not making things any better. There is hope? x) 


How are you coping today?

Let cheese and oxen and mead crowd out our secret desires for power and domination - Harriet the Viking

Just be bold, fluid and unapologetic, not small, hairy and indecisive - Harriet the Artist

You can absorb me! - Harriet the Contextless Guru

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On 12/20/2021 at 4:40 PM, DaemonCorax said:


What is this "good night's sleep" of which you speak?


Sorry to hear about the lockdown. Every blow from this pandemic is getting more and more exhausting.

Hah indeed- for me a good night means only getting up once. Ofcourse just as I need that the 1,5 year old decides to scream her head off every hour or so. 


On 12/20/2021 at 5:26 PM, sylph said:

Heya--Sorry to hear about the repeat lockdown. It's hard to swing back and forth through all of this for so long.


Don't be too hard on yourself, though. One person (or one gym-duo) can only do so much. Being comfortable with what you're capable to doing and knowing when what you've done is 'enough' is a hard line to find, but trying to do more than what you can do is a straight-line for burn out and exhaustion.

Thanks! Your words helped while figuring this out. It's hard to find that 'enough' line, but I think we did a decent job this time. I even got an actual day off, while I normally work 7 days a week :)  


2 hours ago, Harriet said:


Oh, how unfortunate ☹️ I'm so sorry to hear about the lockdown and that you have to close the gym again.


How are you coping today?

It's blargh. Today I was really tired from a bad night of sleep and I guess the emotional toll of the last couple days- but I had naps and I do actually feel lots better. So. We'll be alright :)


KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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So Monday evening after the girls went to bed we finished our schedule for the coming weeks (hopefully just 4, but who knows right). Tuesday we spend the whole day at the gym handing out weights like they're candy. It was nice to see (almost) everyone and wish them good holidays. Wednesday we had some more pickups, but also the first people to train outside and the first online classes. That was also the first day I worked out again since hearing the lockdown news on Saturday.. so things are looking up I suppose?


I cooked on Tuesday and Wednesday and on Tuesday I did some more cleaning up, Wednesday some laundry.. today I'm working on Christmas dinner plans, I'm cooking something fancy for my mom and siblings. Just done with online classes. I don't like them, but it's better than nothing I suppose. Trying to keep a somewhat positive attitude ;)


A little bit of bujo spam since I just filled another page of workout logs and wanted to share the cycle tracker I just made; 





Tagging @UnquietBones  since they've been kind enough to share bujo inspo, returning the favor. 

  • Like 3

KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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It’s Christmas morning. We played games with my brother and girlfriend last night, it was nice. The girls just unwrapped their gifts, socks and a book for both of them, boots for the little one and a cloak for the 5yo. Not just any cloak :) it’s home made by a friend, modelled after those from the ranger books- grey/green with a big hood. She loves it :) I predict she will wear it 24/7 for the coming weeks if not months. We have at least succeeded at turning her into a proper book nerd ?

Feeling happy. 

Next up is dinner at my moms with my siblings, I’ve prepped some of the food, it’s going to be a 7 course ordeal. 

I have work tomorrow, but that’s alright, that’s less time that I have to spend at my in-laws ;) 

  • Like 4

KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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Christmas was excellent! We put the kids in bed first so us adults could just chat, so dinner was very late but also very enjoyable. We made seven courses;


1. salmon cakes with crispy salad

2. Risotto with asparagus and a really good steak

3. Spicy tuna tartar with another salad

4. pumpkin soup

5. meat pie (made with croissant dough) and roasted veggies

6. lemon meringue pie

7. syrupy pears with ice cream 


I don’t quite have @Tanktimus the Encourager’s way with words so I’m including pictures instead.








We also went for a walk. On Sunday we had work first and i did squatmas, then we went for another long walk. We were home for dinner and just watched a movie. 

When the kids were in bed we watched WoT season finale which was…. Very disappointing. Then I read some in atomic habits, more on that later. 

  • Like 3

KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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Been working on my goals.. I made this list split up in categories of 'what kind of person do I want to be'.. and that's going alright... it's just A LOT. 

So once I'm done with it, I will have to pick what to focus on, because I can't do it all at once, no matter how much I would like to. And picking is hard! :( 

And then when I've picked I'll have to work out how to go about it. I already have preliminary plans included for some of it, but that needs more work. 


Here is the list (beware, it's long)


okay I was going to share it, but it's actually 4 pages long in word and I just noticed I wrote in an incomprehensible mix of Dutch and English and copy/pasting here messes up the editing.. 


I'll share the main things I want to be; 

  1. a good mom and a good partner*
    (these are goals like managing our finances and housekeeping and making sure we eat healthy- but also more hugs and dates and reading to my kids and keeping track of our homeschooling and being a good example and taking care of myself too) 
  2. a coach / teacher / writer
    (this includes reflecting on my current effectiveness, professional development, plans for more teaching and writing) 
  3. an entrepreneur 
    (finding good work/home balance, hiring people, building a good team, maybe doing some marketing other than just existing, managing taxes) 
  4. an adventurer
    (walking multiple-day-trails with my family, trying geocaching, learning how to make a fire and shoot a bow)
  5. a good person
    (taking care of my people, being grateful, taking care of the environment, working on gardening and being involved in local politics) 
  6. an athlete
    (maintaining and expanding my current training habits, some tangible goals like competition results, pull-ups, 120kg deadlift..)

*Jaap would say I already am these things, but I want to be better. 


I actually really want to join the next challenge and set it up now! but I gotta pick some things to focus on first x)

  • Like 2

KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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15 hours ago, KB Girl said:

Been working on my goals.. I made this list split up in categories of 'what kind of person do I want to be'.. and that's going alright... it's just A LOT. 

So once I'm done with it, I will have to pick what to focus on, because I can't do it all at once, no matter how much I would like to. And picking is hard! :( 

And then when I've picked I'll have to work out how to go about it. I already have preliminary plans included for some of it, but that needs more work. 

It must be the time of year for it, so many people I know (including myself) are doing this right now! I like your goals, and I think they are not THAT many? You haven't seen my list ?. What are you gravitating most towards to start with?

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5 hours ago, Waanie said:

It must be the time of year for it, so many people I know (including myself) are doing this right now! I like your goals, and I think they are not THAT many? You haven't seen my list ?. What are you gravitating most towards to start with?

this is the full thing; 

also yes! show me yours! :D 


Be a great mom & partner

·      Take care of myself zodat ik beter functioneer

o  Genoeg slapen..

o  Leven iets makkelijker maken

§  Mijn klerenkast weer fatsoenlijk inrichten

§  En zorgen dat ik genoeg fijne kleren heb 

o  Rust vinden (via bujo?)

§  Dagelijks erbij pakken -> zorgen dat het toegankelijk is

§  Maandelijkse reflectie en focus kiezen

§  Kwartaal overzichten van mijzelf en de kids en alles hieronder

o  Leren spelen..

§  Boeken lezen?

·      Zie boeken wish list

§  Met Jaap activiteiten vinden, spelletjes?

§  Hobby’s ontdekken / uitwerken

·      Cooking/baking

·      Tekenen/kleuren

·      Puzzelen

·      Schrijven

·      Tuinieren?

·      Take care of our home

o  Routines bouwen om het basis schoon te houden

§  Bijhouden in bujo, wat gedaan, wat wel en niet werkt

§  Zone werk uitproberen, aanpassen aan ons

·      Overzicht zones + werk in bujo maken

·      Zone+Missies op elke week op ’t whiteboard schrijven

§  Oplossing vinden voor; 

·      Wc boven 

·      Wc beneden

·      Stofzuigen boven

o  Zo’n fancy stofzuiger kopen?

·      Schoon beddengoed

·      Stof en spinnenwebben enzo

·      De auto

o  Home improvement

§  Boekenplankje bij de hoge tafel

§  Gang make-over

§  De zolder opruimen 

§  De voorraadkast 

·      Stay on top of our finances

o  Budget ❇️

§  Update voor 2022 doen

o  Build a system to manage incoming and outgoing 

o  Stop needless spending ❇️

§  Laatste tijd teveel uit potjes geschoven en bijgeboekt- ruimer budgetteren en dan weer even samen streng zijn.

·      Take care of our health

o  Regelmatig vitamin D nemen

o  Gezonde maaltijden koken/voorbereiden

§  Weekmenu’s maken? 

§  Lijst favoriete recepten

§  Lunches prep

§  Standaard ontbijt gezonder zien te maken

o  Minder snoepen en snacken

§  Goeie snacks in huis halen

§  Geen zooi in huis hebben

o  Tanden poetsen regelen

§  Tandarts afspraken

§  Elektrische tandenborstels overwegen

·      Run the homeschooling thing

o  Contact met andere TO-ers en leeftijdgenoten houden

o  Reflecteren

§  Intervisie groepje

§  Kwartaal verslagen

§  Posten op autonoomie?

o  Lezen/luisteren over TO

§  The brave learner lezen

§  Interviews doen?

·      Be a good example

o  Zelf ook verder leren

§  Keer iets met wiskunde doen

§  In hun zicht boeken lezen

§  Brieven en kaarten sturen aan mensen

§  Nog een taal leren

§  Creatieve uiting vinden?

§  Piano?

o  Werken aan presentatie

§  Tanden poetsen

§  Haar doen?

§  Fatsoenlijke eetgewoontes laten zien..

o  Fysieke ontwikkeling? 

o  Emotionele ontwikkeling?

·      Build traditions & community

o  Foto albums maken

§  1 voor elk jaar + aparte voor de oma’s

§  Hier dagelijks wat aan werken? Habit stacking?

o  What to do met feestdagen?

§  Overzicht maken in bujo, wat we hebben gedaan, wat fijn was, wat te herhalen, wat te proberen

·      Tijd voor elkaar, dates en romance

o  Samen met Jaap

§  Om de maand op date?

§  Leuke dingen doen savonds

§  Samen ontwikkelen, plannen trekken

·      Elke maand zitten voor focus?

·      Elk kwartaal samen reflecteren?

·      Onze levensdoelen naast elkaar leggen

o  Samen met Emma & Sophie

§  Op date met 1 van de 2

§  Meer voorlezen

§  Meer knuffels met Emma

§  Tijd maken voor leuke projecten 

·      Koekjes bakken

·      Knutsel dingen

·      Samen een verhaal schrijven/bedenken

·      Samen tekenen


Be a coach, teacher, writer

·      Blijven leren!

o  Boeken lezen, podcasts luisteren

§  Atomic habits

§  Pre & post partum training cursus afmaken

o  Workshops / cursussen

o  Kijkjes in andermans keuken

·      Betere coach worden;

o  Mensen niet van de radar laten vallen

o  Zelf reflectie- op functioneren en methode en efficiëntie

·      Teacher.. 

o  Podcast blijven draaien

o  Blogposts gaan schrijven

o  Mini docu’s? vlogs? 

o  Boek schrijven

o  Cursussen draaien

o  Mentor groepjes doen

·      Writer

o  Hoe ga ik die gewoonte ontwikkelen? 

o  Waar te beginnen?


Be a decent entrepreneur

·      Goeie werk/thuis balans vinden

o  Minstens 1 volle dag vrij zijn

o  Minstens 2 halve dagen samen vrij zijn

·      Een goed team opbouwen

o  Iemand voor een aantal uur aannemen

o  Goeie mensen betrokken houden bij de gym

·      Administratie goed bijhouden ✴️

o  Vaste dagen voor vinden? Misschien 1 uur per week op het rooster?

·      Belastingaangiftes netjes en op tijd doen 

·      Marketing!

o  Wss kiezen waarop te focussen

o  Dingen doen die mond op mond reclame beter maken

o  Leren om marketing niet een vies woord te vinden


Be an adventurer

·      Een 3+ dagen tocht lopen met tent (met of zonder kids)

·      Een huttentocht in de bergen

·      Op wintersport

·      Alle landen en grote steden in Europa bezoeken

·      Geo caching uitproberen

·      Wekelijkse wandelingen

·      Lente/zomer buiten leven

·      Leren boogschieten

·      Stok kata’s leren

·      Vuur leren maken

·      Cursus eetbare planten doen


Be a good person

·      Goed zorgen voor de mensen om mij heen

·      Zo min mogelijk plastic gebruiken

o  Persoonlijke verzorging producten

§  Zeep en shampoo’s enzo 

§  Scheercreme uitproberen

§  Tandpasta proberen

§  Menstruatie ondergoed

o  Schoonmaak spullen

§  Handzeep & afwasmiddel 

§  Wasmiddel

§  Schoonmaakmiddel

o  Levensmiddelen… 

§  Elke week naar de markt gaan?

§  Goeie voorraadkast bouwen

·      Tuin, voedsel verbouwen, composteren… en uit onze tuin groeien

o  Plannen maken met Jaap voor 2022

·      Betrokken bij lokale politiek?


Be an athlete

·      Mijlpalen;

o  120 snatch met 16kg

o  Nog een keer 100 jerks met 16s, daarna 120

o  CMS rank 

o  Een pullup en dan 5

o  5 pushups en dan 10

o  Muscle up 

o  120kg deadlift

o  Bw backsquat x5

·      Basis cardio opbouwen… 

o  5km hardlopen? 

o  2km roeien <10:00? 

o  Werken met lage locomotie of supersetspul?

·      Gewoonte opbouwen, altijd trainen.. 

·      Onderhouds werk doen


I'm thinking that I should start by focusing on sleep, because that will make everything else easier to achieve. Perhaps also some housekeeping improvement.. and I would like to start exploring what would be the most logical steps working towards being ready for losing some weight, if that makes sense. 

I would also like to lift more kettlebells, but that is doomed to fail during this lockdown. 

  • Like 2

KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

Link to comment
14 hours ago, KB Girl said:

this is the full thing; 

also yes! show me yours! :D 

  Reveal hidden contents

Be a great mom & partner

·      Take care of myself zodat ik beter functioneer

o  Genoeg slapen..

o  Leven iets makkelijker maken

§  Mijn klerenkast weer fatsoenlijk inrichten

§  En zorgen dat ik genoeg fijne kleren heb 

o  Rust vinden (via bujo?)

§  Dagelijks erbij pakken -> zorgen dat het toegankelijk is

§  Maandelijkse reflectie en focus kiezen

§  Kwartaal overzichten van mijzelf en de kids en alles hieronder

o  Leren spelen..

§  Boeken lezen?

·      Zie boeken wish list

§  Met Jaap activiteiten vinden, spelletjes?

§  Hobby’s ontdekken / uitwerken

·      Cooking/baking

·      Tekenen/kleuren

·      Puzzelen

·      Schrijven

·      Tuinieren?

·      Take care of our home

o  Routines bouwen om het basis schoon te houden

§  Bijhouden in bujo, wat gedaan, wat wel en niet werkt

§  Zone werk uitproberen, aanpassen aan ons

·      Overzicht zones + werk in bujo maken

·      Zone+Missies op elke week op ’t whiteboard schrijven

§  Oplossing vinden voor; 

·      Wc boven 

·      Wc beneden

·      Stofzuigen boven

o  Zo’n fancy stofzuiger kopen?

·      Schoon beddengoed

·      Stof en spinnenwebben enzo

·      De auto

o  Home improvement

§  Boekenplankje bij de hoge tafel

§  Gang make-over

§  De zolder opruimen 

§  De voorraadkast 

·      Stay on top of our finances

o  Budget ❇️

§  Update voor 2022 doen

o  Build a system to manage incoming and outgoing 

o  Stop needless spending ❇️

§  Laatste tijd teveel uit potjes geschoven en bijgeboekt- ruimer budgetteren en dan weer even samen streng zijn.

·      Take care of our health

o  Regelmatig vitamin D nemen

o  Gezonde maaltijden koken/voorbereiden

§  Weekmenu’s maken? 

§  Lijst favoriete recepten

§  Lunches prep

§  Standaard ontbijt gezonder zien te maken

o  Minder snoepen en snacken

§  Goeie snacks in huis halen

§  Geen zooi in huis hebben

o  Tanden poetsen regelen

§  Tandarts afspraken

§  Elektrische tandenborstels overwegen

·      Run the homeschooling thing

o  Contact met andere TO-ers en leeftijdgenoten houden

o  Reflecteren

§  Intervisie groepje

§  Kwartaal verslagen

§  Posten op autonoomie?

o  Lezen/luisteren over TO

§  The brave learner lezen

§  Interviews doen?

·      Be a good example

o  Zelf ook verder leren

§  Keer iets met wiskunde doen

§  In hun zicht boeken lezen

§  Brieven en kaarten sturen aan mensen

§  Nog een taal leren

§  Creatieve uiting vinden?

§  Piano?

o  Werken aan presentatie

§  Tanden poetsen

§  Haar doen?

§  Fatsoenlijke eetgewoontes laten zien..

o  Fysieke ontwikkeling? 

o  Emotionele ontwikkeling?

·      Build traditions & community

o  Foto albums maken

§  1 voor elk jaar + aparte voor de oma’s

§  Hier dagelijks wat aan werken? Habit stacking?

o  What to do met feestdagen?

§  Overzicht maken in bujo, wat we hebben gedaan, wat fijn was, wat te herhalen, wat te proberen

·      Tijd voor elkaar, dates en romance

o  Samen met Jaap

§  Om de maand op date?

§  Leuke dingen doen savonds

§  Samen ontwikkelen, plannen trekken

·      Elke maand zitten voor focus?

·      Elk kwartaal samen reflecteren?

·      Onze levensdoelen naast elkaar leggen

o  Samen met Emma & Sophie

§  Op date met 1 van de 2

§  Meer voorlezen

§  Meer knuffels met Emma

§  Tijd maken voor leuke projecten 

·      Koekjes bakken

·      Knutsel dingen

·      Samen een verhaal schrijven/bedenken

·      Samen tekenen


Be a coach, teacher, writer

·      Blijven leren!

o  Boeken lezen, podcasts luisteren

§  Atomic habits

§  Pre & post partum training cursus afmaken

o  Workshops / cursussen

o  Kijkjes in andermans keuken

·      Betere coach worden;

o  Mensen niet van de radar laten vallen

o  Zelf reflectie- op functioneren en methode en efficiëntie

·      Teacher.. 

o  Podcast blijven draaien

o  Blogposts gaan schrijven

o  Mini docu’s? vlogs? 

o  Boek schrijven

o  Cursussen draaien

o  Mentor groepjes doen

·      Writer

o  Hoe ga ik die gewoonte ontwikkelen? 

o  Waar te beginnen?


Be a decent entrepreneur

·      Goeie werk/thuis balans vinden

o  Minstens 1 volle dag vrij zijn

o  Minstens 2 halve dagen samen vrij zijn

·      Een goed team opbouwen

o  Iemand voor een aantal uur aannemen

o  Goeie mensen betrokken houden bij de gym

·      Administratie goed bijhouden ✴️

o  Vaste dagen voor vinden? Misschien 1 uur per week op het rooster?

·      Belastingaangiftes netjes en op tijd doen 

·      Marketing!

o  Wss kiezen waarop te focussen

o  Dingen doen die mond op mond reclame beter maken

o  Leren om marketing niet een vies woord te vinden


Be an adventurer

·      Een 3+ dagen tocht lopen met tent (met of zonder kids)

·      Een huttentocht in de bergen

·      Op wintersport

·      Alle landen en grote steden in Europa bezoeken

·      Geo caching uitproberen

·      Wekelijkse wandelingen

·      Lente/zomer buiten leven

·      Leren boogschieten

·      Stok kata’s leren

·      Vuur leren maken

·      Cursus eetbare planten doen


Be a good person

·      Goed zorgen voor de mensen om mij heen

·      Zo min mogelijk plastic gebruiken

o  Persoonlijke verzorging producten

§  Zeep en shampoo’s enzo 

§  Scheercreme uitproberen

§  Tandpasta proberen

§  Menstruatie ondergoed

o  Schoonmaak spullen

§  Handzeep & afwasmiddel 

§  Wasmiddel

§  Schoonmaakmiddel

o  Levensmiddelen… 

§  Elke week naar de markt gaan?

§  Goeie voorraadkast bouwen

·      Tuin, voedsel verbouwen, composteren… en uit onze tuin groeien

o  Plannen maken met Jaap voor 2022

·      Betrokken bij lokale politiek?


Be an athlete

·      Mijlpalen;

o  120 snatch met 16kg

o  Nog een keer 100 jerks met 16s, daarna 120

o  CMS rank 

o  Een pullup en dan 5

o  5 pushups en dan 10

o  Muscle up 

o  120kg deadlift

o  Bw backsquat x5

·      Basis cardio opbouwen… 

o  5km hardlopen? 

o  2km roeien <10:00? 

o  Werken met lage locomotie of supersetspul?

·      Gewoonte opbouwen, altijd trainen.. 

·      Onderhouds werk doen


I'm thinking that I should start by focusing on sleep, because that will make everything else easier to achieve. Perhaps also some housekeeping improvement.. and I would like to start exploring what would be the most logical steps working towards being ready for losing some weight, if that makes sense. 

I would also like to lift more kettlebells, but that is doomed to fail during this lockdown. 

Oof, that's a loooong list! I haven't typed mine out yet, but that's actually a great plan. I will start a document that keeps track of all my "I wanna be X"-goals and the stuff that belongs to it. I will try it out, see if mine is as long as yours ;).


As for the book "Atomic Habits", the Dutch translation is pretty good and available at the online library as audiobook. I'm still considering to buy a physical copy (currently reading it at a trial period of Kobo+), but it is repetitive enough that the audiobook during long walks conveyed the message. Do you have any favourite podcasts? I'm often looking for something to listen to during walks, but I'm overwhelmed with the choice and the first few choices were not that interesting.


14 hours ago, KB Girl said:

I'm thinking that I should start by focusing on sleep, because that will make everything else easier to achieve. Perhaps also some housekeeping improvement.. and I would like to start exploring what would be the most logical steps working towards being ready for losing some weight, if that makes sense. 

I would also like to lift more kettlebells, but that is doomed to fail during this lockdown. 

I absolutely hate the "on again, off again" effect of our lockdowns, it makes it so hard to build a routine and to set goals :(. For you it must be even harder, since your gym has to close. Sleep is always good to improve, although I find that my sleep improves more from fixing my other habits than from doing the "standard" stuff.


In what sense are you not ready for losing weight? Don't you have the mental space to start on it? Are you attached to your current soft body? Will the clothes become a problem? For me it's the mental space and analysis paralysis, so I decided on making a snack-box in the morning instead of grabbing cookies during the day. It's probably not enough to lose any real weight, but it feels empowering and as a small win every morning that I do it. Can you also start with something tiny to get you into a good mindset?

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First version of I wanna be X person:



I want to be …

  1. An energetic person
    (not stressed, happy, active, many hobbies)

  2. A productive person
    (get things done in general)

  3. A person who eats well
    (balanced and vegetarian, tasty meals, limited junk food or alcohol)

  4. A hygienic person
    (even when staying at home that day)

  5. A social person
    (meet up/call friends, be nice to others)

  6. An athletic person
    (strong, decent cardio, and good mobility)

  7. A tidy person
    (clean house, tidy garden)

  8. A musical person
    (playing the clarinet)

  9. A good programmer
    (solving programming puzzles, learning new things)

I haven't gotten as far as habits yet, and this list might not be complete or have some overlap. It's funny to see how are focus seems completely different, yet we have many the same goals :).

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4 hours ago, Waanie said:

First version of I wanna be X person:


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I want to be …

  1. An energetic person
    (not stressed, happy, active, many hobbies)

  2. A productive person
    (get things done in general)

  3. A person who eats well
    (balanced and vegetarian, tasty meals, limited junk food or alcohol)

  4. A hygienic person
    (even when staying at home that day)

  5. A social person
    (meet up/call friends, be nice to others)

  6. An athletic person
    (strong, decent cardio, and good mobility)

  7. A tidy person
    (clean house, tidy garden)

  8. A musical person
    (playing the clarinet)

  9. A good programmer
    (solving programming puzzles, learning new things)

I haven't gotten as far as habits yet, and this list might not be complete or have some overlap. It's funny to see how are focus seems completely different, yet we have many the same goals :).

Oh great start! thanks for sharing :) I like to see these things. The overlap is actually very useful, because it means you've got extra strong 'whys' for those goals and they may give you the most reward for the effort. 

I think there is also just something in the human condition that means that many of the same things work well for all of us. 


9 hours ago, Waanie said:

As for the book "Atomic Habits", the Dutch translation is pretty good and available at the online library as audiobook. I'm still considering to buy a physical copy (currently reading it at a trial period of Kobo+), but it is repetitive enough that the audiobook during long walks conveyed the message. Do you have any favourite podcasts? I'm often looking for something to listen to during walks, but I'm overwhelmed with the choice and the first few choices were not that interesting.


I dislike reading in dutch! but I actually have a hardback English copy that someone gave me a while back :)


9 hours ago, Waanie said:

I absolutely hate the "on again, off again" effect of our lockdowns, it makes it so hard to build a routine and to set goals :(. For you it must be even harder, since your gym has to close. Sleep is always good to improve, although I find that my sleep improves more from fixing my other habits than from doing the "standard" stuff.


For me it's definitely a going to bed on time thing with sleep.. I'm tired enough that I'll sleep quite easily once I hit the pillow. 

But yes.. having our routines uprooted again and again is really f*cking tiring. 


9 hours ago, Waanie said:

In what sense are you not ready for losing weight? Don't you have the mental space to start on it? Are you attached to your current soft body? Will the clothes become a problem? For me it's the mental space and analysis paralysis, so I decided on making a snack-box in the morning instead of grabbing cookies during the day. It's probably not enough to lose any real weight, but it feels empowering and as a small win every morning that I do it. Can you also start with something tiny to get you into a good mindset?

I am annoyed by my current soft body :P

It's just that not wanting to lose weight has been such a great decision- it improved my eating habits, made my weight super stable in general, improved my mental health, probably made me a better coach. I don't want to ruin that. 

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KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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43 minutes ago, KB Girl said:

It's just that not wanting to lose weight has been such a great decision- it improved my eating habits, made my weight super stable in general, improved my mental health, probably made me a better coach. I don't want to ruin that. 

Fair enough! Can you maybe ease into it? You probably have more tools for this than I have, but something like experimenting with breakfast once a week? Or make a plan for 3 days of dinner, twice a week, letting your girls choose the main vegetable one day each? (These are examples I took from your list above, but scaled down :tongue:) Realistically, you're not going to coach too much in-person in the next few weeks, it should not do too much for your weight yet and hopefully it's small enough to not impact your mental health too much. On the exercise side, you could maybe build in a daily walk of 15-30 minutes with Emma and Sophie; again, it won't work wonders for your weight immediately, but it's about developing the habit.


55 minutes ago, KB Girl said:

For me it's definitely a going to bed on time thing with sleep.. I'm tired enough that I'll sleep quite easily once I hit the pillow. 

That's good to hear :).

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14 hours ago, Waanie said:

Fair enough! Can you maybe ease into it? You probably have more tools for this than I have, but something like experimenting with breakfast once a week? Or make a plan for 3 days of dinner, twice a week, letting your girls choose the main vegetable one day each? (These are examples I took from your list above, but scaled down :tongue:) Realistically, you're not going to coach too much in-person in the next few weeks, it should not do too much for your weight yet and hopefully it's small enough to not impact your mental health too much. On the exercise side, you could maybe build in a daily walk of 15-30 minutes with Emma and Sophie; again, it won't work wonders for your weight immediately, but it's about developing the habit.


That's good to hear :).

The irony is perhaps that I’m already doing all of those things…

I lift weights 3-5 days a week, we go on daily walks and at least one weekly longer hike. We generally eat pretty healthy, plenty of vegetables. We get take out maybe twice a month which seems reasonable and it’s usually sushi anyway. 
I just eat too much of it all, plus I don’t skip on the cookies or anything like that. And I think it’s trying to not do things that effects my mental health the most.. never seems like a small thing. 

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KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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I love seeing those lists!


On 12/30/2021 at 10:21 PM, KB Girl said:

It's just that not wanting to lose weight has been such a great decision- it improved my eating habits, made my weight super stable in general, improved my mental health, probably made me a better coach. I don't want to ruin that. 

Think about this way - you'd be an even better coach if you could find a way to lose weight without going bonkers. ;) But I feel you, and I'm in the same boat. 

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On 1/1/2022 at 10:09 AM, Mad Hatter said:

Think about this way - you'd be an even better coach if you could find a way to lose weight without going bonkers. ;) But I feel you, and I'm in the same boat. 

Truth! that is perhaps my biggest motivation to give it a try after all instead of maintaining this comfy status quo. 

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KB Quest: becoming a decent kettlebell lifter and an excellent coach

2023 goals tracker; cycling: 1047,7/5000km & reading to my kids: 58/365 days (updated may 1st)

my instagram - my gym's instagram

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