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Salinger's seventieth challenge!

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On 10/11/2024 at 12:52 PM, Harriet said:


I cannot believe this is your starting bench. ? You've got really good upper body strength already. WOW ENVYYYYYY



Good luck with the meeting and the alcohol free art shows. ❤️ 


Thanks haha!! It is really good fun and also hard but also a great feeling.


I want to be more conscious of nutrition and stretching... but also don't want to do everything at once or I get scared and stop it all.




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Hey yesterday was good.


The meeting was brilliant. Very inspired and we really got along well :)


She is to become a board member woooooo


I then drove to my friends house and had pre drinks.


Which for me was a cup of tea ? how times have changed. No lines of cocaine anymore!


Went to the art opening was really great. Tried a new alcohol free beer which was lovely.


Met lots of our friends who also had gone Which was nice!


Went to another couple of bars then I drove my friend home around 11.30pm and then I went home.


Roxy had a cuppa made for me and I lazed on the sofa drinking it and catching up on the day with her.


This morning woke after a lie in. And no hangover or guilt ??


We went to a mega cool warehouse which is full of vintage stuff. Spent 90 mins looking round and then some time in the record store.


Home, made sausage butties, took Bronze to the park for a kick about together. Then she went to her friends to babysit the kid whilst they went for a meal.


She's staying over so I'm home alone. Had a bath, watched some more episodes of the Sopranos, and now maybe I'll read and have a tea.



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Hi Sal! I totally lost the thread of your challenge (of most people's, tbh) but I love hearing about your lifting. And way to go having all the AF fun with no guilt or hangovers.


16 minutes ago, Salinger said:

Home, made sausage butties, took Bronze to the park for a kick about together. Then she went to her friends to babysit the kid whilst they went for a meal.

I definitely read this as Bronze going over to babysit. I buy it, she seems totally responsible and trustworthy.

  • Haha 1

"For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline". - 2 Timothy 1:7

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." -Gandalf

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Hey all. Yesterday was nice. I had a lie in, went on a walk with Bronze, and in the evening I went to my friends for dinner. Was really lovely to see her and her boyfriend, she made a veggie chillie which was so good. and we watched the England match and her boyfriend showed me some new books he found in a charity shop. 


He is learning russian, and also speaks about 6 languages already haha 


He is brilliant, love them both loads. This is the friend who had the mental health crisis, and I went to help out. She was totally in a psychotic state and it was very upsetting. Its so crazy that we can be totally 'gone' with our mental health, like, she was just not there..... but with care and love and hard work and good services.... we can come back. She is now doing a course at college and just much more settled. ❤️


Monday now. 11am Bronze will be heading out with her friends in about 30 mins. 

Roxy is off today but at her mums till later on. Family meal. 


I have loads of work on but i actually cant get into the headspace to begin. So i am feeling anxious and overwhelemd. x

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Spent 5 hours without a drink or food or movement. Just working, head in laptop


Stopped at 5pm.


Spent the last hour trying not to cry.


Got in the bath and checked instagram messages. Then a video of people burning alive in Gaza popped up and it tipped me over.


Just sobbing.


I feel awful. I hate bipolar.

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3 hours ago, Artemis Prime said:

Oooh, I like a clean-looking tracker. I find it very helpful to have everything listed out so I don't have to keep it all in my head. Here's hoping it is beneficial for you.


THANKS! Ive printed it, will add in the dates in the square boxes etc


I dont have to do every one of them every day, but I will pop a star against the water, meds, food focus as daily ones defo needed. 


The others are things to remember make me feel better. Lets see if it helps. x

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Hey all... its 4am. Been a while since i have been up at this time....


I slept till 2.30 but since I have been tossing and turning :( so i have just got up. 


I will work on a clients website. Want to get it finished so i can get paid. I have some bills upcoming. 


I do actually have a busy day today but ill prob just nap in a few hours. I then go for a meeting with the city council (!!!) and then i have weightlifting. Today instead of Thursday as Thursday this week i have a 3 hour meeting booked in. 


Leave at 10.30am

Meeting at 11.30am

Lifting at 2pm

Home by 4pm

Visit friends to give birthday pressie (leave at) 6.30pm





OH, i finished my painting last night!


My latest painting titled: 'If I don't know, I don't know.'


Exploring my ego, looking down on myself, but being quite content at being knocked down.


Since I got sober my thoughts towards art has shifted slightly. That ego, the ego that battled with my chronic self doubt and lack of confidence (resulting in years of worsening depression) well the ego is less.


In the ring it knocked out my calm self, but I am looking at it without that dread or fear.


Reading The Divided Self by RD Laing, this quote jumped out at me. 'The false self is one way of not being oneself'


© ???? ?????

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I love the thought you put into your art, and that everything has an idea behind it. I also love the chart! I hope it helps. And I try not to watch the news because it's sickeningly awful and there's almost nothing I can do about the things I see.

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Let cheese and oxen and mead crowd out our secret desires for power and domination - Harriet the Viking

Just be bold, fluid and unapologetic, not small, hairy and indecisive - Harriet the Artist

You can absorb me! - Harriet the Contextless Guru

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9 minutes ago, Harriet said:

I love the thought you put into your art, and that everything has an idea behind it. I also love the chart! I hope it helps. And I try not to watch the news because it's sickeningly awful and there's almost nothing I can do about the things I see.


Thank you so much Harriet that means a lot!


I Hope it helps too :)


Yeah its really really awful. It's horrid feeling so helpless. Xx


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Sal you darling bean, I love your face!


How did the potential board member meeting go? That is so exciting!


Hoping you made it through the shows with less anxiety and no hangovers. ;) You have got this, Rock Star. ❤️ 

Past Challenges: #1, #2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#10#11#12#13#14#15#16

Current Challenge: #17


“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

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2 hours ago, Sovalis said:

Sal you darling bean, I love your face!


How did the potential board member meeting go? That is so exciting!


Hoping you made it through the shows with less anxiety and no hangovers. ;) You have got this, Rock Star. ❤️ 


Hey Sov! Have missed you!


It went very well....she's originally from Athens, moved to London in 2016 to study and moved to Liverpool 3 years ago.


She was great, alot of our ideas overlap and also she has new ideas and new thoughts and exciting ideas!


Today has been long.


Took Bronze out reluctantly as it was pouring down. Absolutely pouring down and we both got drenched.


So we had showers then I responded to some emails then went to Manchester.


Big meeting with 6 others - the marketing job I got, it was meeting the team and discussing the project.


Pretty exciting stuff. Happy to be part of the project defo.


Plus they will pay 25% of the fee up front so 2k will help a lot!!


Now I'm just about to drive to the pub. It's a friend's birthday eve out.


It's 7pm and I would honestly love to go home and have a bath and relax.


Oh well.



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