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"What’s wrong with females having muscular bodies?"


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LOL I admit I kinda dig 90's small. Granted I was graduated high school in '96 so I may be biased.

Lean is WAY WAY way better than toned. I am going for "strong like a man, sexy like a girly girly" and so far no one has said BOO about my goals in RL. Though, I envision a day when I have a strong defined back and can wear those super cute shirts from Deb's that have the shredded style backs. I have a friend who just posted to her FB that she did 400 curl reps with 2 pounders and I just wanted to scream at her. If you cant even help move your own futon what good is doing 400 reps with air? Does she get called to help people move? NO. does she get to go to all the post moving after parties? NO!

This thread is one of the reasons I love NF. I don't understand "normal" people logic and Girly logic is unfathomable to me.

*** please place your autograph on the line _____ ; so I can sell it on EBAY when you are famous ***

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If he's 6' tall he's WAY bigger than 150 lb, heck he's in the 200 lb area or more if 6'. He's bigger than I am by a decent margin and I'm 190 @ 6'1".

Whoops, I was referring to a comment someone else made saying he was. But after re-reading I realized he was talking about someone else :P Nevermind carry on.

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Guest Snake McClain

Bradley Cooper was People's Sexiest Man Alive last year.


I fail to see what is unhealthy about this look, nor would I consider him "small". I consider this to be pretty close to the ideal male body as portrayed by the media as well, he certainly is not an outlier.

I agree. He's muscular but flexible and mobile. seems like an all around good goal. also i have to side with him because people keep telling me he's my celebrity look alike. so..yeah.

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90's small is pretty much anyone in 'decent' shape strength-wise but extremely low BF%. Brad Pitt in fight club would be a good example. Look at the pictures and notice how his abs don't 'pop'. That pic of Bradley Cooper would be 90's small + about 15lbs of muscle I would guess, but you can clearly see that there is more beef in those abs than Brad Pitt had.

Ah, gotcha.

I agree. He's muscular but flexible and mobile. seems like an all around good goal. also i have to side with him because people keep telling me he's my celebrity look alike. so..yeah.

I can see it.

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If you cant even help move your own futon what good is doing 400 reps with air? Does she get called to help people move? NO. does she get to go to all the post moving after parties? NO!


This. When we moved, we had lots of offers from husband's buddies to help us move the heavy stuff. He told them "wife and I can handle it, no problem" and was really proud to say that. Also, we get called to my in-laws a lot if something heavy has to be lifted, since his father can't quite move like he used to.

just keep on trucking...

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If you cant even help move your own futon what good is doing 400 reps with air? Does she get called to help people move? NO. does she get to go to all the post moving after parties? NO!


This. When we moved, we had lots of offers from husband's buddies to help us move the heavy stuff. He told them "wife and I can handle it, no problem" and was really proud to say that. Also, we get called to my in-laws a lot if something heavy has to be lifted, since his father can't quite move like he used to.

We do this too. My husband has gotten to the point where he sort of expects me to be able to help him with the physical stuff, so that's motivation to stay in shape.

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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I really don't see what is wrong with the media's idea of a perfect male body. While it pushes an unhealthy body image for most women, that isn't the case for men at all.

I have less issue with the picture but the notion of a single perfect body type at all, and how people relate to that feeling of imperfection. Your body is you, it's the physical embodiment of you in the world. To decide that you are imperfect by looking at a picture or being less than 200lbs as an adult male seems a bit weird. Then what do you do with that feeling of imperfection? Feel ashamed? Hate yourself? or calmly accept it and exercise for you?

And what would you do with a perfect body that you don't do now?

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I get that "firming and toning" are generally useless buzzwords, but c'mon, toned is a thing. It shouldn't be a problem to classify muscular definition that's not due to emaciation or "getting jacked, brah" as toned.

I totally agree with you. When I hear toned, I think of someone who looks fit, is fairly healthy, has some muscle definition. Someone who actually has put at least some effort into getting to a healthy place.

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There is no such thing as “firming and toning.” There is only stronger and weaker.

From Practical Programming:

The modern fitness industry’s concept of “toning” muscles is specious—it might sound cool, but it lacks any tangible and definable meaning. The term “muscle tone” or tonus describes an electrophysiological phenomenon, a measure of ionic flow across muscle cell membranes. It can be thought of as the muscle’s readiness to do anaerobic work. The more fit the muscle, the more electrophysiological activity it exhibits at rest. Lack of exercise leads to poor tone, aerobic exercise improves tone a little bit, low-intensity weight training improves tone more, and high-intensity training improves tone the fastest. [...]

As a test, go poke the traps or quads of an elite weightlifter at rest, if she’ll let you. They’ll be hard as rock. The same muscles of an elite road cyclist at rest will be firm, but not hard. Then compare the athletes’ muscle tone to that of a sedentary person. The results will he quite enlightening. Most exercise programs that claim to improve muscle tone are actually lower-intensity hypertrophy programs and are only moderately effective for improving muscle tone. If “tone” is the goal, strength is the method.

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I get that "firming and toning" are generally useless buzzwords, but c'mon, toned is a thing. It shouldn't be a problem to classify muscular definition that's not due to emaciation or "getting jacked, brah" as toned.
I totally agree with you. When I hear toned, I think of someone who looks fit, is fairly healthy, has some muscle definition. Someone who actually has put at least some effort into getting to a healthy place.
I'll buy that. Toned = moderately lean with moderate muscle definition. Yea let it be made so.

So what it sounds like everybody's saying, is that "toned" is no different from "muscular". But for some reason, nobody wants to use the term "muscular", so it's watered down to "toned."



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So what it sounds like everybody's saying, is that "toned" is no different from "muscular". But for some reason, nobody wants to use the term "muscular", so it's watered down to "toned."

Pretty much. Because society says women shouldn't be muscular because muscular=masculine but it's okay to be toned, even if these terms refer to the same look.

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Pretty much. Because society says women shouldn't be muscular because muscular=masculine but it's okay to be toned, even if these terms refer to the same look.

Screw society and what they say...I'M A WOMAN, AND I WANNA BE MUSCULAR! RAWR!!

The old believe everything; the middle aged suspect everything: the young know everything.

~Oscar Wilde

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Nothing's wrong with muscular women. Although I do have a problem with female bodybuilders. But that's because I have an issue with bodybuilders in general. Something about them just makes me want to avert my eyes. Not saying they're ugly or anything. I really have no idea why.

"You don't life for be sad, no?"

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So what it sounds like everybody's saying, is that "toned" is no different from "muscular". But for some reason, nobody wants to use the term "muscular", so it's watered down to "toned."

So what it sounds like you want to say is that "muscular" is no different from "toned." But for some reason, nobody wants to use the term "toned," so it's inflated to "muscular."

It's pointless to exclude a word just because it's been latched on to by watered down fitness gurus. Nobody is shunning "cardio" or "core" are they?

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On the subject of toned: Many women want to be feminine, and they have issues with the idea of muscular because they see this: http://www.frsa.com/pixfemuscle/SusanMyers2.jpg

I want muscles, I want to be muscular, but I do tend to use the word toned as most people outside the healthy/fitness world don't seem to know what I mean when I say muscular.

Nothing's wrong with muscular women. Although I do have a problem with female bodybuilders. But that's because I have an issue with bodybuilders in general. Something about them just makes me want to avert my eyes. Not saying they're ugly or anything. I really have no idea why.

I have the same issue.... I LOVE the look of muscular women, but female and male Body Builders make me avert my eyes.... Because they frighten me. The amount of time, commitment and money that have to go into it is insane. My cousin is a body builder, and he looks amazing, but yeah, still want to avert my eyes.


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