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So who is thinking about the next challenge? Anyone already have some goals figured out?

I have way too many ideas for goals at the moment. I need to remember that its one small step at a time, not a giant leap.


Shapeshifting Rebel

It is the job that is never started that takes longest to finish. - J.R.R. Tolkien

tonic's taking it back


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This challenge will also be my first one, still a little confused as to how these things work so I'm reading up on it. Don't the goals have to somewhat fit within the storyline or am I mistaken?

Assassin: Rank: 6 (Disciple) STR: 10 DEX: 20 STA: 7 CON: 6 WIS: 6 CHA: 5
"Though one may conquer a thousand times a thousand men in battle, yet he indeed is the noblest victor who conquers himself." - Buddha
Height: 5'9" Weight: 215lbs Age: 34
|RW's Chronicle(log)| RW's Introduction|Fitocracy|Challenge|

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No you pick 3ish goals about fitness and a life goal. It all depends on what you want to accomplish. I am trying to lose weight and get fitter. So my goals are usually about eating healthy and workouts per week. Say if you want to get stronger, you might have goals like, get 10 pull ups, squat xnumber of pounds. Life goals are even better, say you need to clean you house or tackle clutter, they can be goals. Or your life goal could be something from you eqic quest, aka bucket list.



Shapeshifting Rebel

It is the job that is never started that takes longest to finish. - J.R.R. Tolkien

tonic's taking it back


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This challenge will also be my first one, still a little confused as to how these things work so I'm reading up on it. Don't the goals have to somewhat fit within the storyline or am I mistaken?

This past challenge, as far as I know of, was the first one to have a storyline. The mini-quest challenges related to said storyline have no effect on your goals for the actual challenge itself. Basically, pick 3 health/fitness goals (cut sodas, do 20 pullups, get down to 15% bodyfat, etc.) and 1 life goal (can be anything that you feel needs to be improved in your life, usually not health/fitness related, such as paying off debt, decluttering, reading more often, learning a new skill, etc.)

So who is thinking about the next challenge? Anyone already have some goals figured out?

Actually, I have figured out most of my goals. I've been thinking long and hard about them.

Since this past challenge landed me a

and a
. I will be working on a corkscrew
, for +3 DEX.

Also, being back down to 15-ish percent body fat (was shooting for 10, but it was a lofty goal), thanks to my going completely paleo, I feel way more epic than I did when I started the challenge. I will be helping my new roommate get into the shape he wants to, mainly by adding some muscle to his 6'4", 160 lb frame, meaning I will be doing some heavy lifting. For the next challenge, I will learn to do the clean and press, and the snatch, for +3 STR.

Swimming has always been a trouble spot for me. I can swim, sort of. It would be more accurately described as "flailing". So, I have two swimming objectives. 1) Swim 10 consecutive laps with near-perfect form, and 2) hold my breath under water for 2 minutes. This shall net me +3 STA and +2 CON.

My life goal will be to learn a new skill. I've always like playing music. In fact, I played trombone, baritone, and tuba for 7 years. However, since this is to learn a NEW skill, I will learn the harmonica. It's small, easily portable, and it's freaking cool, and will give me +2 WIS and +2 CHA.

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[TD=align: center]LEVEL II




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This will be my first challenge.

My fitness goals will be:

1) Run 7 miles without stopping, for STA +5

2) Complete Stages 1 and 2 of The New Rules of Lifting for Women, for STR +4

3) Get my mile time down from 8:45 to 8:15 for DEX +3 (this is my super-duper lofty goal)

My personal goals will be:

1) Organize my schedule so that I have 60-80 hours allocated for school, and 2-3 runs/wk, 1-2 sword classes/wk, and 2-3 lifts/wk , plus time for shenanigans; implement starting on Labour Day; for WIS +1

2) When classes start, pack lunch for work/school EVERY DAY for CON +1

3) One-week mini-challenge: prepare a week's worth of food (not necessarily every meal; at least 1 meal/day, though) over one weekend. See how it pans out. Record results and see if you can tweak it to make it a viable process. WIS +1

I know the goals are really health/fitness heavy, but because I'm starting a new program, I want to go into it guns blazing, making sure I don't fall off the wagon ust as soon as I got on it! :P


Wannabe Aiel Ranger

Level 2 - Second Challenge in Progress

.: STR: 3 .:. DEX: 3.5 .:. STA: 7 .:. CON: 2.75 .:. WIS: 4.5 .:. CHA: 6 :.

.:Donate to my Down and Dirty Run :.

τὸ χρεὼν ἐπήρτηται· ἕως ζῇς, ἕως ἔξεστιν, ἀγαθὸς γενοῦ.

Death hangs over thee: whilst yet thou livest, whilst thou mayest, be good.

"Hey, at least you are going out there pooping on elevated surfaces and giving your best! That's what matters right?" - Elefevers the Wise

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but because I'm starting a new program, I want to go into it guns blazing, making sure I don't fall off the wagon ust as soon as I got on it! :P

Guns blazing is the only way to go! Your goals are measured, specific, and as long as you stick to 'em, very doable! I also like the organizational goals. Organization is something I lack.

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[TD=align: center]LEVEL II




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Ok after reading the challange rules and looking over my already stated goals.. one was 6 mile run(10k) by September 1st, so I think that will be in there for 5 Stamina. Another will be to become adept at the basic parkour roll(3 Agility) and another basic move like the precision jump or Climb Up( 3 agil 2 st)

since I am a gamer and a fantasy/rpg nerd, I will definitly be making this into an rpg and working with the attribute points..

Assassin: Rank: 6 (Disciple) STR: 10 DEX: 20 STA: 7 CON: 6 WIS: 6 CHA: 5
"Though one may conquer a thousand times a thousand men in battle, yet he indeed is the noblest victor who conquers himself." - Buddha
Height: 5'9" Weight: 215lbs Age: 34
|RW's Chronicle(log)| RW's Introduction|Fitocracy|Challenge|

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So far, this is what I am thinking for goals. The running goal is something I've been wanting to do for awhile...now that the obstacle race is over, I have two regular road races I'm signed up for this fall (5k and 10k), so I want to work on distance/endurance. I just achieved a 60-second plank, and by the end of the 6weeks I'd like to be able to extend that to a minute and a half. I've been interested in paleo for awhile, and figured a good way to get a sense of what it's like to build paleo into my current life situation would be to try it out for a whole day a few times to see how it is; I plan to try different days of the week and scenarios (i.e. weekends, office workdays, on the road workdays, etc). The life goal is my baby. Ironman, my new red scooter, just got here and the only thing I need yet is the permit and then I need to get practicing and learn how to ride. This will be a ginormous step for me in terms of independence and putting myself out there and doing things in my community. I even have a list started of places I want to go and things I want to do that I can't do right now because of lack of transport. I'm wicked stoked for this challenge! :)


--Run 1 mile without stopping or walking (currently at .25mi without stop/walk bread) STA +3 DEX +1

Method: Gradual increase in run distance on both treadmill and trail

--Perform a 90-second plank with good form (currently at 60-sec) STR +3

Method: Gradually add seconds to plank, several days/wk

--Eat true paleo all day, one day each week (currently paleo 1 meal, 1-3x/wk) CON +2 CHA +1

Method: Seek new recipes for ideas; eat paleo-approved foods only from wake-up to bedtime and drink 12 cups of water throughout the day.


--Get my motorcycle permit and put 100 miles on my new scooter WIS +3 CHA +2

Method: Attend the MMSEC permit course (1 day); then grab my helmet and get out there.

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This will be my first challenge as well, although subject to change potentially, I think I know what I'll be doing for my goals (gonna write them out here so I don't forget them by the 6th)

Fitness related:

Do 20 proper form pushups

Do a 2 minute plank

Run 5k barefoot without stopping

Life related:

Complete Codecademy's javascript fundamentals course

Complete PHP & MySQL from novice to ninja book

Become gainfully employed

It says one life one, but my first two life ones tie directly into my third one I think, and will be simple to complete if I don't meet my third one, and tougher to do if I do. My fitness ones are a starting point for now since I'm just really getting into it, and I'm sure I can come up with more interesting and challenging goals after 6 weeks of understanding working out better.

This too, shall pass.

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This will be my first challenge as well, although subject to change potentially, I think I know what I'll be doing for my goals (gonna write them out here so I don't forget them by the 6th)

Fitness related:

Do 20 proper form pushups

Do a 2 minute plank

Run 5k barefoot without stopping

Life related:

Complete Codecademy's javascript fundamentals course

Complete PHP & MySQL from novice to ninja book

Become gainfully employed

It says one life one, but my first two life ones tie directly into my third one I think, and will be simple to complete if I don't meet my third one, and tougher to do if I do. My fitness ones are a starting point for now since I'm just really getting into it, and I'm sure I can come up with more interesting and challenging goals after 6 weeks of understanding working out better.

I just did my first 6k barefoot(real bf, not vibrams) this weekend, it worked out great, I wish you luck on that one!

Assassin: Rank: 6 (Disciple) STR: 10 DEX: 20 STA: 7 CON: 6 WIS: 6 CHA: 5
"Though one may conquer a thousand times a thousand men in battle, yet he indeed is the noblest victor who conquers himself." - Buddha
Height: 5'9" Weight: 215lbs Age: 34
|RW's Chronicle(log)| RW's Introduction|Fitocracy|Challenge|

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Fitness related:

Do 20 proper form pushups

Do a 2 minute plank

Run 5k barefoot without stopping

Ah, 20 pushups...an excellent goal! I am jealous, as pushups are one of my overall goals and so far I'm working toward doing just 2. In a row. :) And props on the plank goal too, I feel you there, planks are such a great challenge. :) Best of luck to you on your goals! (p.s. have you decided on your class yet?)

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Barefoot runs are awesome, I've had my vibrams for a few months now and love them, though it took a long time to break my legs in. I haven't done real barefoot yet and will probably hold off for a while on that for a while since I live in the big city and there's no nice ground to run on.

Sambie - Not yet, but I definitely have some ideas on where I want to go.

This too, shall pass.

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My goals in next challenge are going to be split into 3 week segments since I seem to lose motivation halfway through and I'm trying to find something I really enjoy doing.


1. I think I'm going to look into getting a kettlebell and start with them (first/second 3 weeks)

2. I just got a new 10 pound slegehammer and am going to start
(1st 3 weeks, more if I like it)

3. Check out the martial art/MMA places around and I'm going to see about joining one, if any interest me (check them 1st 3 weeks, if I find one to join, keep it up second 3 weeks)

4. And I need one more exercise goal to do the second 3 weeks. I do not have access to a gym or free weights, so I can't lift big. Running is out as a major goal (will still occasionally do barefoot running though). And I don't want to do crossfit. Anyone have any ideas for this one?


Whole30, possibly extended to all 42 days


Not too sure, probably don't lose motivation (keep everything up all 6 weeks)

Level 1 Woodwose

STR 5 | DEX 2 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 4

WAR 0 | RNG 0 | SCT 0 | ASN 0 | MON 0 | DRU 0 | ADV 1

Current Challenge: Specialization is for Insects

Previous Chapters: 1


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This will be my first challenge as well! I am very excited! Here are my goals that I have been thinking over the last few days:

1. Run/walk a 5k in under 45 minutes.

2. Do 20 pushups without my knees! I am not too worried about getting really deep, more concerned with doing them all in one go!

3. Lose 10 pounds. This one might be tough, but I don't want to undercut myself! I think 8 might be more realistic, but 12 is possible, too...

Lifestyle Goal: Stick to my schedule for 6 weeks! This includes menu planning, getting my kids prepped for the week, doing all my exercise routines, and keeping my volunteer work squared away. I might also throw in keeping to my budget... I have a notebook that I keep track of all the things I need to do in a week. I am going to update that and I will be set for next week's challenge!

I have personal rewards for myself for completing these goals. And the rewards include my husband so he is more likely to keep me motivated!

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1. Walk 2-3 miles without stopping (right now I can do just about one mile before I have to take a breather). I might add a time limit in there for this one.

2. Go to the gym twice a week for the full six weeks. I haven't been in over two months, and it's been a pain!

3. Get back under 500 pounds. This isn't going to be too difficult, since most of it is going to be water weight.

Lifestyle goal: Not really sure! I could work on procrastinating (I'm horrible at it), but I'm not quite sure how I'd measure it. I'll probably think of something else to replace it.

The game starts now.

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My goals in next challenge are going to be split into 3 week segments since I seem to lose motivation halfway through and I'm trying to find something I really enjoy doing.


1. I think I'm going to look into getting a kettlebell and start with them (first/second 3 weeks)

2. I just got a new 10 pound slegehammer and am going to start
(1st 3 weeks, more if I like it)

3. Check out the martial art/MMA places around and I'm going to see about joining one, if any interest me (check them 1st 3 weeks, if I find one to join, keep it up second 3 weeks)

4. And I need one more exercise goal to do the second 3 weeks. I do not have access to a gym or free weights, so I can't lift big. Running is out as a major goal (will still occasionally do barefoot running though). And I don't want to do crossfit. Anyone have any ideas for this one?


Whole30, possibly extended to all 42 days


Not too sure, probably don't lose motivation (keep everything up all 6 weeks)

I like the 3 week segmentation. That's a really good idea, I might have to steal that, especially if some of my goals over lap.

For your next exercise what about jump roping, you cang et a rope for really cheap and its a great workout. I just finally broke 50 straight jumps and am thinking of heading to 100 for one of my goals. After I get my measurements from this last challenge, I think it will be easier to decide on goals.

1. Walk 2-3 miles without stopping (right now I can do just about one mile before I have to take a breather). I might add a time limit in there for this one.

2. Go to the gym twice a week for the full six weeks. I haven't been in over two months, and it's been a pain!

3. Get back under 500 pounds. This isn't going to be too difficult, since most of it is going to be water weight.

Lifestyle goal: Not really sure! I could work on procrastinating (I'm horrible at it), but I'm not quite sure how I'd measure it. I'll probably think of something else to replace it.

Hey Jeff, an easy way to measure procrastination is to create a to do list and you need to cross so many items off it. I do one at the end of each night for the next day.


Shapeshifting Rebel

It is the job that is never started that takes longest to finish. - J.R.R. Tolkien

tonic's taking it back


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I like the 3 week segmentation. That's a really good idea, I might have to steal that, especially if some of my goals over lap.

For your next exercise what about jump roping, you cang et a rope for really cheap and its a great workout. I just finally broke 50 straight jumps and am thinking of heading to 100 for one of my goals. After I get my measurements from this last challenge, I think it will be easier to decide on goals.

Jump roping is a good idea. I might look into getting one of those too. It would help with my lack of coordination and work on my endurance (if I can get good enough coordination to challenge my endurance that is). Thanks Tonic

Level 1 Woodwose

STR 5 | DEX 2 | STA 1 | CON 2 | WIS 5 | CHA 4

WAR 0 | RNG 0 | SCT 0 | ASN 0 | MON 0 | DRU 0 | ADV 1

Current Challenge: Specialization is for Insects

Previous Chapters: 1


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this is will also be my first challenge :)

1. I've just starting karate again after 10 years so I want to go to one session a week, shifts permitting

2. Get up to 15 full push ups in a row

3. Get up to 20 sec planks

For the life challenge I want to keep the house tidier and cleaner


complete c25k podcasts: 2.66

do 10 full push ups: 4/10

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Fitness Goals (I injured my rotator cuff, so these specific goals will be limited):

-lose ten pounds

-take one long walk each day, around two to three miles

-try to drink only water--if it has to be something else, for whatever reason, it cannot be soda

Other life goals:

-read LOTR (I've read The Hobbit, but for some reason never got around to reading this)

-spend more time with my family

-fix my sleep schedule

-beat Arkham City. I know, not very meaningful haha

This will be my first challenge. Really looking forward to it, good luck to all!

"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you."

-Jean-Paul Sartre

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I have my three health/fitness goals which are:

run a sub 15 2.4k, I am at 15:57(?) now but it has taken me a while to get this far, and I am finding the closer I get the less I improve both how often and by how much

limit my soft drinking to one drink a week, this is to turn my 1 drink a day because "I have to have a drink before 12pm or I can't have one" into having one to enjoy it

Complete modified stage 1 workout of new rules of liftings for women, I say modified because I have changed one or two exercises for others that I can do with what I have.

Just got an idea for my life goal - do x hours of study each week - x yet to be worked out

STR – 24.45, DEX – 13.50, STA – 23.50, CON – 21.40, WIS – 27.65, CHA – 4.50
When the sun comes up, you better start running - Thomas Friedmen
Epic Quest - Current Challenge - Twitter - Goodreads - Fitbit - blog

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I know what you mean, haha. I think it's because fitness goals, self-improvement goals in general, can sometimes be contradictory to nerdy goals. For instance, beating a game like skyrim can really get in the way of setting a PR for a mile run.

Good luck to you, too!

"Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you."

-Jean-Paul Sartre

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