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LGBTQA and Ally Safe Space

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I think the reason for the questions may be purely statistical. Since there are protection hiring laws and college acceptance regulations for civil rights groups (and the growing number of groups it involves), I believe the government then requires businesses and colleges to send in the numbers so someone? can decide if we are indeed hiring and admitting protected groups. Of course how that information gets used isn't protected so employers, deans, and the government can peek, judge, and 'lose' the information we provide. I don't know if it helps or hinders, but I imagine both.

The Way

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Better Now than Later On

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I just really hate cowards and people who hide behind "God"

Today after work my brother found a note on his car.

"I know God created man and woman. That gender is given by God, we are born as male or female.

I know that homosexuality is a sin. I know that God's law's never change.

People change his laws, so they can justify committing sin."

This is word for word and if I knew how to post it on here from my iPad I would.

Fucking coward, my biggest problem is if someone of questionable morals had found this note on his car ( which is parked all day at one of the major shopping centres in Perth ) and thought, let's have a bit of fun and hung around waiting for him to come out from work. What if he came out from work and someone had seen the note and decided to slash his tyres or break his windows, fucking coward.

I am so angry right now!

Fuck people.

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Wait! What............?

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This one does, we are hoping whomever is responsible was caught, I guess we will have to wait and see.

I only hope this time his employers do something about it, he has been to HR a few times over the years due to workplace discrimination and bullying due to sexuality, each time he was told it came down to a "they said, you said" situation. This time they left evidence, so hoping it all gets sorted.

Wait! What............?

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Well, "they" is a little ambiguous unless the note was signed. It kinda seems like one of those mass flyers that the proseltyzers like to dump around every so often. But hopefully your bro can find a way to quell the discrimination at his work!

It's the moose on the inside that counts.

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People like that give the rest of Christians a bad name. I wish I would say I can't believe someone would do that but so many people have their head so far up the church's ass they aren't getting enough oxygen for higher brain functions. I'm starting to wonder if decent Christians is a rarity now.

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Goal weight: 135 lbs (61.2 kg), Starting weight: 200 lbs (90.7 kg)

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The chronicles of my journey through mental illness.

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I know bagging on Fundie religious Jerk bags is fun and all, (it is one of my favorite pass times...), however lets not forget that there are also decent folk - folk maybe even on this thread - that may be religious and *not* a fundie jerkbag. 

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    ColoQ  ||   Level: 0
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Welcome! Glad to have you. 

    ColoQ  ||   Level: 0
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I know bagging on Fundie religious Jerk bags is fun and all, (it is one of my favorite pass times...), however lets not forget that there are also decent folk - folk maybe even on this thread - that may be religious and *not* a fundie jerkbag. 


I hope to count myself as one of those non-"fundie jerk bag" types.

But a lot of people are asking for the bagging.

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Goal weight: 135 lbs (61.2 kg), Starting weight: 200 lbs (90.7 kg)

Current Weight: 196.6 lbs (89.2 kg)


Battle Log | Challenge

The chronicles of my journey through mental illness.

The Stories Not Told

Break the silence. Fight the stigmas. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Level 2 Half-Elf

|STR| 4 |DEX| |STA| |CON| |WIS| |CHA| 5

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But a lot of people are asking for the bagging.


everyones asking for a bagging in one way or another. i think the key is in being specific about your targets. shooting from the hip at generalized groups just makes you look like an asshole, but pointing out the discriminatory actions of a specific person or small group actually helps.

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It's the moose on the inside that counts.

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The centre management won't do anything about the incident unless they have a police report, the police are not going to seriously file a report because there is no actual threat to my brother. His employers won't do anything because it is not directly related to their store, moral of the story, fuck all is going to be done about it.

As far as Christians go, I don't care if you are or not, if you are gay, I don't care if you are or not, are you coloured or come from a different culture than me, I don't care if you do or not, but just don't preach to me, don't try to force me to think like you, don't call me racist because I am white.

Each to their own, just let me be to be who I am in the world I live in.

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Wait! What............?

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The centre management won't do anything about the incident unless they have a police report, the police are not going to seriously file a report because there is no actual threat to my brother. His employers won't do anything because it is not directly related to their store, moral of the story, fuck all is going to be done about it.


Wasn't there property damage? Isn't that enough to file a police report over? WTF? :(

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Brother is off to HR today, so we'll see if this just gets put in his file along with all the other instances of bullying and harassment and left unread.

I just really feel bad, like most on this forum, he has had abuse levelled at him from all corners of his work, co-workers, sectional managers and even store superintendents, he has filed against all of it and nothing ever comes of it.

Federal Law, against discrimination of sexuality and gender.....................whatever. :(

Wait! What............?

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Sorry about your brother, Seven. I can't imagine how he must feel. I've gotten abuse from work before, but never to that degree and from all those angles! Damn. He must feel really lonely. I feel for him. Tell him he has nerds who love him and want him to be safe, happy, and respected!

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The Way

Better Now than Back Then

Better Now than Later On

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Queer here.


I don't know, that note struck me as fairly mild... but that's probably because of desensitization involving heteronormative perspectives.


Parking lots can be scary places because the surroundings are not secured unless there is a security force that watches it and even then, the security force can only do so much if they notice something suspicious. I've had friends whose cars got vandalized because of their sexuality. For a short time, had some antagonistic lot-stalkers since I used to run a GSA back in da ol' days of 2005-8, who'd liked to yell homophobic slurs at those who were out-of-the-closet as we went to our car(s). We didn't really give them the time of day beyond making fun of them really loudly about how pathetic they were. They eventually got bored and went away, so there wasn't any escalation and no one really complained because we became used to those kinds of interactions during our activism work through the GSA (it was the first one in the county).


It's like they say; It gets better... but only the queer-veterans seem to notice... which might be what keeps the forward movement of change and constant expanding boundaries of acceptance going. Hm.

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