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Hi, all.

My name is Beth, and I am a n00b. I'm 23, from the Midwest, and spend all day at a desk making websites. My username is the one I've had forever, and it is a reference to Skittles, not to schizophrenia. Just thought I'd clear that up. :friendly_wink: Feel free to call me Beth or anything else you feel is appropriate. I am currently an Adventurer, but would like to someday be some sort of Druid Scout.

I have been struggling with my weight for the past 5 years. From elementary school up to halfway through high school, I used to be hardcore into swim team. I could eat whatever I wanted and not think about one bit because I was young and swimming for miles every day. I have also struggled with depression since high school, and when I quit swimming, my eating and depression got worse, and my weight just went up and up and up.

I remember my first year of college when I first saw "200" (I'm about 5'9") on the scale, I cried, but I didn't really do anything about it. A couple of years ago I gave myself a good kick in the ass and stuck with some healthy habits for 8 months and lost 30lbs to get back under 200 again, but the trying to finish college stress and recurrent depression got the best of me again. Now I'm up to 255lbs, and realizing that I'm closer to 300 now than to 200 was a big kick in the gut.

I've spent the past few months getting my depression under control with my doctor, because I knew before I could even start about changing anything, I had to get at least partly out of the big black hole. I know that getting back into exercising and eating healthy will help even more with the depression and low energy levels. It's just funny that when you have no energy and are depressed, people tell you to exercise and eat healthy, and you're like, "Um, did you not hear me? I have no energy!" But, I know what they say is true.

I have a membership to a gym within walking distance of my apartment. When I first got it, of course, I was swimming a few times a week, and it was awesome, but that quickly faded away. Part of my problem with going to the gym is that I'm such an introvert and self-conscious about how out of shape I am. I wish I could make some gym buddies, but I'm bad at starting conversations.

I do have some workout DVD's at home and some games like DDR that can definitely get my heart rate up, but it's just not the same as getting in the pool. I also really like going for walks around the lake that is also within walking distance of my apartment, but it's winter now, so that's not so much of an option anymore. I have also always wished that I could run, but whenever I try my shins start on fire and I can't feel my feet or breathe. But, my doctor just told me that I have exercised-induced-bronchospasm, so I hope after I lose some weight and with the help of the inhaler, that running might be a future possibility for me. I also, also have always wanted to get into yoga. I used to meditate, and would like to start that again, as well.

My mom has recently really gotten into this whole paleo-eating thing, and has been trying to get me on board. I don't know if I can really give up potatoes and rice, but I would definitely like to cut out processed foods and sugars and chemicals and all that gross stuff.

Anyway. This has gotten really long. I have a hard time being succinct. The main points are these: I'm sick of feeling gross and fat. I do want to lose weight, but mainly I just want to have energy and feel lighter and happier. I hope to accomplish this by getting back into swimming, starting yoga, and eating healthy! Yay!

I know I have missed the start for this challenge... But I'm not sure I really know what that even means? Is there something I can be doing in the meantime? I have spent a little time looking over the forum. Hopefully I'll catch up with all you crazy kids soon.

LVL 1 - Human Adventurer - STR 1.0 | DEX 3.0 | STA 2.0 | CON 3.0 | WIS 5.5 | CHA 4.5

Challenge | Intro | The Doctor's Companions | MyFitnessPal

Start: 260lbs (on 05/01/13) | Goals: 220lbs (by 09/30/14), 199lbs (by 12/31/14), 180lbs (by 05/06/15), 160lbs (by 10/31/15) | Current: 232.6lbs | Progress: -27.4lbs

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Hey Beth, welcome!! You can join the challenge whenever you come...it's not an "exclusive" thing. Set 4 goals out that you're hoping to work towards until Dec 24th (the end of this challenge) and set out a plan of getting towards them. If you need help with that, it's available. Try to read some of the other level 1 and maybe some level 2 threads in the current challenge and see what kinds of things people are working on if you need inspiration. Then just post your thread in the Adventurer's guild and get started! Once you get going, I'll think you'll be pleasantly surprised about how much difference just a few weeks can make! I'll look forward to seeing you around.

It's awesome to hear that you are ready to make positive changes in your life, even though you're nervous about it! There is a meet-up section of the forums where (if you're lucky) you might be able to find another NF member in your area to meet up with. If there aren't any threads started for your area, start one...you never know!

Hiraedd the Twice Risen:

Hamadryad; Pilgrim

battle log


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Hi Beth!

Im also new here and very excited to start the challenge in January. Let's try our best to accomplish our goals ^_^

Ive been reading forums posts all day to get more info on stuff and still have a lot more research to do. hehehe

Wish you the best of luck on the next challenge phase ^_^


Lvl 1 Half-Elf Warrior

STR 4 l CON 1 l DEX 2 l WIS 3 l STA 3 l CHA 2

Intoduction - http://www.nerdfitness.com/community/showthread.php?21199-New-guy-introduction-_

Battle Log - http://www.nerdfitness.com/community/showthread.php?21202-Crairedl-s-Battle-Log

Challenge - None at the moment (eager to start this January)

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Welcome aboard, you have found the right place. A lot of us are either where you are or have been there. Look around on the boards and on Steve's blog, there will be a lot of answers. Figure out some small, measurable goals for yourself and then kill them, then move on bit by bit till you get to your main goals. You already have the why of your goals figured out, now you can work on the what and the how.

Current Challenge

"By the Most-Righteous-and-Blessed Beard of Sir Tanktimus the Encourager!" - Jarl Rurik Harrgath

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Welcome!! Im new and starting over AGAIN myself.. Setting reasonable goals and crushing them is where we start!! Best of luck!!

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC][TABLE=width: 500, align: left]


LvL 1 Goat-Ranger STR 4|DEX 1|STA 3|CON 2|WIS 3|CHA 3


The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will...

Vince Lombardi

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Skittles the candy, I assume? I have struggled with depression too. I am really feeling better these days, and I think it has so much to do with my diet and workout changes. Starting out by cutting the processed foods and sugars would be a great goal. Once you've gotten that tackled you can decide what else, if anything you want to cut or change. Little steps. I think I got the biggest mood boost from the strength training (beginner's body weight). Just remember to start easy. A couple of strength training a week, and 3 walks a week and I think you'll really notice a difference in just a few weeks.

The hardest part of the workout is lacing up your shoes'"

1011 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | Current Challenge |

INTJ | MFP | FitBit

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Hi, everyone! Thanks for the welcomes and advice! I will start looking at the challenge threads and hopefully get a few SMART goals for myself written up tonight. :)

Hiraedd - Awesome, thanks for the tips!

crairedl - Hello! Good luck to us! We can do it!

tanktimus - Kill them, I will!

HouseGoat - Good luck to you, too!

Laureleye - Haha, yes, the candy. Thanks for the advice! (I'm an INTJ, too!)

LVL 1 - Human Adventurer - STR 1.0 | DEX 3.0 | STA 2.0 | CON 3.0 | WIS 5.5 | CHA 4.5

Challenge | Intro | The Doctor's Companions | MyFitnessPal

Start: 260lbs (on 05/01/13) | Goals: 220lbs (by 09/30/14), 199lbs (by 12/31/14), 180lbs (by 05/06/15), 160lbs (by 10/31/15) | Current: 232.6lbs | Progress: -27.4lbs

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My mom has recently really gotten into this whole paleo-eating thing, and has been trying to get me on board. I don't know if I can really give up potatoes and rice, but I would definitely like to cut out processed foods and sugars and chemicals and all that gross stuff.

Anyway. This has gotten really long. I have a hard time being succinct. The main points are these: I'm sick of feeling gross and fat. I do want to lose weight, but mainly I just want to have energy and feel lighter and happier. I hope to accomplish this by getting back into swimming, starting yoga, and eating healthy! Yay!

I know I have missed the start for this challenge... But I'm not sure I really know what that even means? Is there something I can be doing in the meantime? I have spent a little time looking over the forum. Hopefully I'll catch up with all you crazy kids soon.

Hi Beth :)

Re: giving up potatoes and rice...you dont HAVE to do anything you dont want to (or cant) do. The whole point is improvement. My mind does really crazy things when I try to do ketogenic versions of Paleo (no carbs from potatoes or even squash..so REALLY low carb and what most people think of as Paleo)

so, in order to keep myself reasonably sane, I eat potatoes, almost every day, and rice if I absolutely feel like I need to, but cut out the rest of the shit (the rice will make you crave the other crap, so limit it if you can)

The challenge: just get your goals ready and jump in when you can, dont let the timing stop you :) Otherwise, good luck and ;we are all here for you !!

Druid Assassin Halfling

:) Druid  :)

Level 16, Current Quest: Bekah Returns



Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

- Jim Rohn



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Re: giving up potatoes and rice...you dont HAVE to do anything you dont want to (or cant) do. The whole point is improvement. My mind does really crazy things when I try to do ketogenic versions of Paleo (no carbs from potatoes or even squash..so REALLY low carb and what most people think of as Paleo)

so, in order to keep myself reasonably sane, I eat potatoes, almost every day, and rice if I absolutely feel like I need to, but cut out the rest of the shit (the rice will make you crave the other crap, so limit it if you can)

Hi, Bekah, nice to meet you :)

Yeah, I love potatoes and squash. I also know I cannot give up starchy veggies like peas and corn and lima beans, or black beans and stuff. Besides, at this point, if I can convince myself to eat anything that's not fast food or processed food, I will consider it a victory.

LVL 1 - Human Adventurer - STR 1.0 | DEX 3.0 | STA 2.0 | CON 3.0 | WIS 5.5 | CHA 4.5

Challenge | Intro | The Doctor's Companions | MyFitnessPal

Start: 260lbs (on 05/01/13) | Goals: 220lbs (by 09/30/14), 199lbs (by 12/31/14), 180lbs (by 05/06/15), 160lbs (by 10/31/15) | Current: 232.6lbs | Progress: -27.4lbs

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