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On 3/27/2018 at 12:44 PM, Kishi said:

I gave the paper a look, and though I didn't really get the time to look too in-depth into it, it does look like I'm doing a lot of what they'd say to do in terms of getting the blood numbers back down. I'll have to look into it further to see what's going on there.

I'm no doctor, but I agree.  Chipotle once a week should not do this.  What do you mean by chai as your primary water intake?  Like regular tea chai or powdered tea chai?  I am assuming regular tea bag chai because you are too smart and quick about your diet to go for the sugary stuff.  

Your diet sounds HELLA solid, fwiw.  That's pretty identical to the low-carb/low-fat model for "dieting" (Treva doth hateth this word).  If you're getting plenty of fresh veggies and legumes, tracking your exact fiber intake isn't maybe So Dramatically Important, because you are definitely getting lots.  I'm on team Genetics Not Kishi's Fault.  If you went into a doctor without your numbers and told them that was your diet, it's so good they may not believe you the first time.  


On 3/27/2018 at 12:44 PM, Kishi said:

I want to link it here but the work computer won't let me. Um, if you go looking for Ripped Body whey protein articles you should be able to find it. I'll link it here when I get the opportunity.


Edit: Opportunity! https://rippedbody.com/bcaa-vs-whey/

KISHI YOU GIVE ME LIFE thank.  Precall treva is so frickin excited to read this.


1 hour ago, Kishi said:

Today was a day for celebrating our unit personnel which I was put in charge of. Weighed and measured myself this morning - weight and gut measurements are up. Body y u do dis.


Looking at the original protocol, I noticed that the nutritional advice was given in the context of someone who strength-trains three times per week along hypertrophy protocols. Um. That's not me.


Fortunately, though, I've got a small tweak in mind, basically to up the protein and to rebalance the energy macros in favor of a more even split. I've had good results with that before, and it won't necessitate a cut. It does mean upping my fats a bit, but if I get those from unsaturated fats, the research doesn't seem to suggest that it should negatively impact my blood numbers when I go back.

Bodies are dumb sometimes.  Body y u do.


I like your tweaks!  unsaturated fats are Decent Things, and it is a clever work around to rebalance for what you're doing and what your body needs.  


1 hour ago, Kishi said:

Wednesday went sideways. I had a friend who needed some emotional support, so I elected to be there for her, and while I did get to go do push ups (and achieved progression standards!), I ultimately finished too late for it to be worthwhile to go to dojo.

You are such a good friend!!!  Go Kishi Go.  I'm glad you were there to be emotional support, it is a good human person thing of you to do.  Very kind.


I am also on team rice; I make big batches of brown rice sometimes and throw them in with veggie stews.  If you are on Team Slowcooker, a rice cooker may also be ver helpful for you?




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Battle Log

Breathe deep.  Seek peace.  Bring a sword.  ---Kishi

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20 hours ago, RisenPhoenix said:

You're over thinking this, man.  Prep food at night, cook in morning, eat following night.


It's what I do. I'm just trying to figure out how to best manage All The Things. I appreciate your patience as I do, though.


19 hours ago, Urgan said:

I'm on Team Keep Rice On Hand. Toss it in after the rest is cooked, boom done. 


19 hours ago, Teirin said:

Rice on Hand is a lifestyle.  Seriously.


You know, there is an argument to be made for that. Also, holy crow, but I could make a lot of rice with the IP.


19 hours ago, Treva said:

I'm no doctor, but I agree.  Chipotle once a week should not do this.  What do you mean by chai as your primary water intake?  Like regular tea chai or powdered tea chai?  I am assuming regular tea bag chai because you are too smart and quick about your diet to go for the sugary stuff.


Hey, I'll take your advice regardless. You are a Knower of Things.


Anyway, Chai as in regular tea. I don't like the sugary stuff, but I do like the scent, and I can get enough sweetness out of stevia. I tend to alternate between that, green tea, and yerba mate.


19 hours ago, Treva said:

Your diet sounds HELLA solid, fwiw.  That's pretty identical to the low-carb/low-fat model for "dieting" (Treva doth hateth this word).  If you're getting plenty of fresh veggies and legumes, tracking your exact fiber intake isn't maybe So Dramatically Important, because you are definitely getting lots.  I'm on team Genetics Not Kishi's Fault.  If you went into a doctor without your numbers and told them that was your diet, it's so good they may not believe you the first time.


Thanks! It's actually not that different from what it was before - the big difference being that I'd gone low carb and gone high on saturated fats, out of a belief that the research indicated good outcomes rather than bad. But then, there's also research being done to suggest that perhaps there is no ideal way to do things and that in fact what might be healthy for one may not be healthy for another. So, who knows?


Also, FWIW, I don't think the doc quite believed me when I told her how I eat. She definitely didn't believe me when I told her my training schedule. So now the goal is to get my numbers so low in the next couple of months that she can't have any option but to believe what I tell her. Although, I must admit, having read the supplied research more thoroughly, I suspect that I might have set my expectations a little high. Or low. YKWIM. But whatever!


19 hours ago, Treva said:

KISHI YOU GIVE ME LIFE thank.  Precall treva is so frickin excited to read this.


:D Happy to help! Although, I'm kind of annoyed that there aren't any citations in there - it's pretty much an adaptation based on the original idea that you should do BCAAs when doing fasted training. Morgan observed that the traditional recs would essentially take you out of the fasted state using a hecking expensive supplement that only gave a few essential AAs, so he figured trainees should use whey on the basis that it's fast-acting protein that supplies more AAs and is cheaper. I do not mind paying less money for an equally effective result. :)


19 hours ago, Treva said:

I like your tweaks!  unsaturated fats are Decent Things, and it is a clever work around to rebalance for what you're doing and what your body needs.


Thanks! I'm really glad to hear that - helps me feel better about what I'm trying to do.


19 hours ago, Treva said:

You are such a good friend!!!  Go Kishi Go.  I'm glad you were there to be emotional support, it is a good human person thing of you to do.  Very kind.


I do try. Although I wonder if I was actually using her need as an excuse for me to stay off the mats a little longer to heal. But to hell with it. She was having a hard time, and she's an old friend of mine from way back when. No regrets.


20 hours ago, Treva said:

I am also on team rice; I make big batches of brown rice sometimes and throw them in with veggie stews.  If you are on Team Slowcooker, a rice cooker may also be ver helpful for you?


Yes, and, and! I found mine again in the boxes! So I'll have a way to cook it separately, store it separately, and then refrigerate it to get some of those nice resistant starches for the gut biome. That'll be fun.




So, Thursday, hahaha. Thursday was fun. I took care of ordering all the food and everything, and it wound up being a hit. I even did a good speech to thank everyone for being awesome. Did it off the cuff, no warming up or nothing. Being charismatic relative to everyone else is fun. :D


The only downside, though, was that we had some bodies absent, and we couldn't finish it all off, so I wound up going home with a lot of it.


Figured I'd better earn it. So.


Warmed Up


Front Squats





Integrated Mobility: DONE


High Rows: 4x9

Integrated Mobility: DONE


Hollow Body Tuck Holds: 4x36s

Integrated Mobility: DONE


So I tried something different and decided to mix some integrated mobility into the front squats. I used a movement from the Single Leg Squat progression in GST, and it actually felt really good. High Rows felt marginally less good, so I'll be keeping things where they are for a while until the elbow feels normal again.


One thing that's surprised me is that doing the Tuck Holds at this level has been making them easier. I'd always figured that the body needed to spend more time on static holds to make them easier and that shaking toward the end was normal. But instead, keeping it this way, I've found that the body actually settles down and all you're left with is this stillness. I'm pretty comfy advancing this now.


Karate afterward was focused on movement in fighting. Felt good. Sparred some after; had a couple of breakthroughs as far as technique goes. And, one of the rounds of sparring was videotaped, so I shall be mortified at some point. Fun.


Today I have the day off. So. Let's see what I make of it.

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2 minutes ago, Kishi said:

You know, there is an argument to be made for that. Also, holy crow, but I could make a lot of rice with the IP.


Considering how often rice comes up in Food Talk, this is a fortunate thing.


3 minutes ago, Kishi said:

The only downside, though, was that we had some bodies absent, and Fortunately, we couldn't finish it all off, so I wound up going home with a lot of it.




Cut it up, put it in containers. Meal Prep like me.




But no, I get it. Find a way to make it work or toss it with zero regrets. You can't eat it because Frugality then hate yourself because Macros.  Sorry, pick a lane.

  • Haha 1

Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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Wow, I get tired just reading about everything you've been doing the last couple weeks.

2 hours ago, Kishi said:

You know, there is an argument to be made for that. Also, holy crow, but I could make a lot of rice with the IP.


I agree with @Urgan, invest in a bunch of fridge containers and store it in single-serving portions. Some in the fridge for this week and the rest in the freezer for later. Also invest in a roll of freezer tape (looks just like masking tape but stickier) and a Sharpie. Then mark the containers before freezing them. I can attest that the contents will become unrecognizable once frozen.


Having a stash of frozen meal components is a life-saver when you come home exhausted and starving.


2 hours ago, Kishi said:

Thanks! It's actually not that different from what it was before - the big difference being that I'd gone low carb and gone high on saturated fats, out of a belief that the research indicated good outcomes rather than bad. But then, there's also research being done to suggest that perhaps there is no ideal way to do things and that in fact what might be healthy for one may not be healthy for another. So, who knows?


My professional scientific opinion is that there is very little good research on human nutrition. Getting a representative sample size of people to stay on any given eating plan for long enough to make measurable changes is nearly impossible. The best information comes from studies on people in the military and other institutions. People who are fed from a central kitchen and don't have access to other food. Even in that case you will get some of the "I'll trade you my X for your Y". 


Based on my personal observations, I'll bet on Genetics. My grandparents ate the same pretty healthy diet. Grandad always had trouble with high cholesterol and Grandma didn't. He wasn't overweight, but his blood numbers were too high. You should also know that a person can be a vegan and still have high cholesterol. Your body can make cholesterol from scratch if you don't get it from your food. I am curious to see how your experiment turns out. It might be a set-point issue rather than a food composition issue.


2 hours ago, Kishi said:

I do try. Although I wonder if I was actually using her need as an excuse for me to stay off the mats a little longer to heal. But to hell with it. She was having a hard time, and she's an old friend of mine from way back when. No regrets.


Good. Taking care of your friends is Important. Don't feel guilty that spending time with your friend coincided with your recovery goal instead of your training goal.


2 hours ago, Kishi said:

So, Thursday, hahaha. Thursday was fun. I took care of ordering all the food and everything, and it wound up being a hit. I even did a good speech to thank everyone for being awesome. Did it off the cuff, no warming up or nothing. Being charismatic relative to everyone else is fun. :D


YAY!  Go Kishi!



2 hours ago, Kishi said:

Karate afterward was focused on movement in fighting. Felt good. Sparred some after; had a couple of breakthroughs as far as technique goes. And, one of the rounds of sparring was videotaped, so I shall be mortified at some point. Fun.


Progress, so much progress. I hear you on the perils of videotape. I still have videos from old tests that I have never watched. It's getting to be long enough ago that it will be more nostalgic than embarrassing. Of course, it would be more educational to watch and learn from them right away. B) 

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Level 81  Viking paladin

My current challenge  Battle log 

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9 hours ago, Urgan said:

Cut it up, put it in containers. Meal Prep like me.


I mean, there wasn't that much. Just enough for one last meal. Some pulled pork, some coleslaw, some potato salad. Enough to fill a plate, but not much beyond that.


9 hours ago, Urgan said:

But no, I get it. Find a way to make it work or toss it with zero regrets. You can't eat it because Frugality then hate yourself because Macros.  Sorry, pick a lane.


Of course not! There's no hate here. It's like I've said earlier - overage is overage, but how you get there is up to you.


5 hours ago, Mistr said:

Wow, I get tired just reading about everything you've been doing the last couple weeks.


And that's just reading it.


5 hours ago, Mistr said:

I agree with @Urgan, invest in a bunch of fridge containers and store it in single-serving portions. Some in the fridge for this week and the rest in the freezer for later. Also invest in a roll of freezer tape (looks just like masking tape but stickier) and a Sharpie. Then mark the containers before freezing them. I can attest that the contents will become unrecognizable once frozen.


Having a stash of frozen meal components is a life-saver when you come home exhausted and starving.


I can definitely see how it would be, for sure.


6 hours ago, Mistr said:

My professional scientific opinion is that there is very little good research on human nutrition. Getting a representative sample size of people to stay on any given eating plan for long enough to make measurable changes is nearly impossible. The best information comes from studies on people in the military and other institutions. People who are fed from a central kitchen and don't have access to other food. Even in that case you will get some of the "I'll trade you my X for your Y". 


I think I am forced to agree. It is a lesson I am learning at some cost. Truly, n=1 is the only way to go.


6 hours ago, Mistr said:

Based on my personal observations, I'll bet on Genetics. My grandparents ate the same pretty healthy diet. Grandad always had trouble with high cholesterol and Grandma didn't. He wasn't overweight, but his blood numbers were too high. You should also know that a person can be a vegan and still have high cholesterol. Your body can make cholesterol from scratch if you don't get it from your food. I am curious to see how your experiment turns out. It might be a set-point issue rather than a food composition issue.


You know, it's like you read my mind. I've been thinking back constantly to an article by Docs Who Lift where they went vegan for a month and saw statin-like improvements to their bloodwork, but it is as you say. It could be that this is just normal for me and it's a portent of what's to come, but until I get that next data point, I can't really say for sure.


6 hours ago, Mistr said:

Good. Taking care of your friends is Important. Don't feel guilty that spending time with your friend coincided with your recovery goal instead of your training goal.


Yeah. And anyway, part of the reason I feel guilty is that people who started at this dojo after me are getting promoted ahead of me. I don't know why. It's not like their Judo's much better than mine. I get this sense that there's an aspect of self-sacrifice, of going to the tournaments and drinking the Kool-Aid. And, well, I'm sorry if I'm not willing to die on the mats like everyone else. I got shit to do.


6 hours ago, Mistr said:

Progress, so much progress. I hear you on the perils of videotape. I still have videos from old tests that I have never watched. It's getting to be long enough ago that it will be more nostalgic than embarrassing. Of course, it would be more educational to watch and learn from them right away. B) 


I mean, at least you're far enough away from when they were done that you can look and see how far you've come. I do not have this luxury myself. ^_^;




Friday's done.


I didn't do much with the day. It felt awesome.


Did go to train, and while the important bits went right, the unimportant bits didn't do so much. I did my handstand and side lever practices, and they went well. But someone was using the hex bar and going to play with the dumbbells, I found some with thicker bars which were murder on my grip. Then, when I went to go play with the punching bags, I found that they'd been marked as being off-limits except for the fitness boxing class. So, no more access to punching bags there. I went off to shadowbox and work on judo footwork and kali flow, and it was okay, but it wasn't the same.


Rucking afterward went okay, though.


I went to one of the higher-end branches of the gym afterward and found that they do have punching bags, but they don't have hanging bags. But that's okay with me. Given that the place nearby to me has bags that don't actually fit the rack, I reckon this is probably as good as it's going to get. And it's okay. I need to work on spacing and distance anyway; I don't need a hanging bag right now. And worst case, I can go all the way the eff back to Apex if I need to.


Eating was clean today. One thing I've noticed is that beans are way more agreeable now than they used to be. Don't know what to chalk that up to, exactly, but I'm not feeling any worse than I have in a while. It's actually really interesting, now, because it means with the new macros that I've got a substantial amount of 'slow carbs' to go with my regular starches and such. Not to mention it's nice to have another protein source on tap.


Anyway, tired now and I got a big day tomorrow. Lots of fighting movement and maybe boardgames with friends. Maybe.

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16 hours ago, Kishi said:


I think I am forced to agree. It is a lesson I am learning at some cost. Truly, n=1 is the only way to go.


It seems so.  The Right Thing to Do seems to be different for so many people.


16 hours ago, Kishi said:

Yeah. And anyway, part of the reason I feel guilty is that people who started at this dojo after me are getting promoted ahead of me. I don't know why. It's not like their Judo's much better than mine. I get this sense that there's an aspect of self-sacrifice, of going to the tournaments and drinking the Kool-Aid. And, well, I'm sorry if I'm not willing to die on the mats like everyone else. I got shit to do.


That's a definite possibility.  Or it was here.  They want you to commit to EVERYTHING and if you don't, you get delayed.  Also, some clubs count going to a tournament as X classes which advances you faster.


Glad to hear that beans are sitting better for you. 

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Behave yourself, badly if necessary.

Current Challenge

Judo - Shodan

My Character

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On ‎3‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 5:07 PM, Teirin said:

That's a definite possibility.  Or it was here.  They want you to commit to EVERYTHING and if you don't, you get delayed.  Also, some clubs count going to a tournament as X classes which advances you faster.


I see. It's never been clarified to me that way, but it would track with how things have gone. That is annoying.


On ‎3‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 5:07 PM, Teirin said:

Glad to hear that beans are sitting better for you.


Yeah, me too. Makes a lot of what I'm trying to do a lot easier.




Hokay, so let's catch things up.


Saturday, I went off to get my hair cut and did some S&S. Everything went well there.


Did Kali afterward, and it was exciting because we had some more bodies on the mats. Tomahawk guy came back, and we also had a Krav guy show up to practice as well. Both of them were actually pretty cool. I've actually seen video of the Krav guy's school before, and they're willing to go hard and play with effective ground position. Tomahawk guy, on the other hand, sounds like classic LARPer who doesn't understand that he's LARPing. He apparently originally approached Manong with the idea of trying to open up teaching at our dojo (!!!) but learned so much in the couple times he's come here that he no longer feels ready to do so.


I mean, frankly, having watched him move, I don't see how he thought he was prepared to teach anyone anything, but I reckon that as Manong was the point man on this, he probably handled it in a way that I should study and be mindful of.


Anyway. Class was good. Krav guy was pretty pumped about it and said he'd talk to other students at his school about coming over with us. I tried to talk up Shotokan/Kickboxing, and naturally nobody was interested. In Tomahawker's case, he's working shifts, and the Krav guy is pretty invested in Krav as his striking training. And I'm just over here thinking, Maaaaan. K-sensei is gonna be pissed when he figures out Manong's outstripping him in students.


Of course, it's all talk for now. Everyone's excited in the post-stabbing haze; it'll be something else again when they have to draw more people in, and something else again when/if they show up.


It just makes my heart a little heavy for us over in Shotokan, tho.


Cleaned myself up and went to go hang with the Ladies afterward, both of whom surprised me with their interest in knife fighting.


Someone's gonna have to post a "surprised" gif for me because I'm posting from work.


But yeah, they've basically got time on the weekends and they're looking for things that they might enjoy doing. So I talked about it with them for a bit, and then we proceeded to boardgame and drink and it was a good time. I wound up being a Cheap Date, but frankly, I don't see why it's so bad to get buzzed on so little. It means I'm an easy celebrant. :D


Sunday was a day for working on the Lifts.


Warmed Up


Incline Push Ups: 1x9

Integrated Mobility: DONE


Push Ups: 4x6; Tempo: 3-2-1-0

Integrated Mobility: DONE








Sprints: 5x15s


Tuck Ups: 4x15

Integrated Mobility: DONE


Tempo has been recommended by GB as a way to iron out any deficiencies in movement and to really dig in and own something. I've kind of been there with the push ups for a while - they took a while to get better, and it's kind of borderline for them right now in terms of whether I'm solid or not. The order of the tempo is 3 seconds down, 2 second hold, 1 second up, no time spent in top position.


It will either be brilliant, or it will drive me nuts, but it was a challenge in either case and I'm not complaining. I actually feel better having another way to practice this that doesn't involve just banging my head against the sets and reps.


But yeah. Good training. I spent the rest of the day just catching up on my chores and breathing deep.


Monday, the original DM was out, so we finally got a chance to play Blades in the Dark. It lives up to the hype. I'm playing a thief who, among other things, botched an ambush, managed to find the goods we were looking for, managed to save the goods, and sprained an ankle. The job did not go smooth. But we pulled it off anyway, and even the players who typically don't like these kinds of systems (where the players generate the story) had a blast. It was really a lot of fun to play after something so mechanics-heavy as our regular Monday-night game.


After the game was done, went home and stretched.


Today, kettlebells and karate. Good times.

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17 hours ago, Kishi said:

He apparently originally approached Manong with the idea of trying to open up teaching at our dojo (!!!) but learned so much in the couple times he's come here that he no longer feels ready to do so.


I mean, frankly, having watched him move, I don't see how he thought he was prepared to teach anyone anything, but I reckon that as Manong was the point man on this, he probably handled it in a way that I should study and be mindful of.


I mean, as foolish as Tomahawk guy sounds, if he was self-aware enough to acknowledge that he no longer feels prepared for teaching (or even could be relatively easily guided to the point), I see that as a win.  Too many people are so self-absorbed in their "I MUST TEACH BECAUSE I AM AMAZING" thoughts that they won't budge from that even when people try to point out the fact they aren't ready.


Or maybe I've just dealt with too many Goobers in my life.

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RisenPhoenix, the Entish Aikidoka

Challenge: RisenPhoenix Turns to Ash


"The essence of koryu [...is] you offer your loyalty to something that you choose to regard as greater than yourself so that you will, someday, be able to offer service to something that truly is transcendent." ~ Ellis Amdur, Old School

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27 minutes ago, RisenPhoenix said:


I mean, as foolish as Tomahawk guy sounds, if he was self-aware enough to acknowledge that he no longer feels prepared for teaching (or even could be relatively easily guided to the point), I see that as a win.  Too many people are so self-absorbed in their "I MUST TEACH BECAUSE I AM AMAZING" thoughts that they won't budge from that even when people try to point out the fact they aren't ready.


Or maybe I've just dealt with too many Goobers in my life.


No, no, it's not just you. Lots of people seem to come to my school with an ego and a matching chip on their shoulders. I genuinely don't know what to make of it. Typically we set them straight, although sometimes they do not come back.




Tuesday in the bag. Was feeling a little off in my joints and ligaments, so elected to use the 24. Then, for added giggles, I decided to try for the S&S standard - 100 swings in 5 minutes, 10 TGUs in 10 minutes. Still got it with the 24. Might need to make that a thing I do on Tuesday nights, since I don't like how much time it takes to finish it at regular speed.


Karate was an easier class than expected. Worked on flow and movement. Not bad things to work on. No sparring, tho. But, given that the trip to NYC is in a couple of weeks, maybe this is where we begin to downshift.


Oh, and since we're headed up next Thursday, I'm debating whether or not to deload. The work doesn't feel particularly heavy, and the program as it is doesn't seem to reconnoiter on actually taking deloads. Also, it looks like we'll be up there for most of a week, so it's not like I'm going to be hitting the weights particularly hard or anything. OTOH, deloads are important, and I'm not sure if training up to the last second like that would affect my performance up there or not.


Anyway, unless someone else catches me and tries to have me put their lives back together this afternoon, it should be straddle planche work, push ups, and Judo.

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42 minutes ago, Kishi said:

No, no, it's not just you. Lots of people seem to come to my school with an ego and a matching chip on their shoulders. I genuinely don't know what to make of it. Typically we set them straight, although sometimes they do not come back.


It seems an interesting paradox that people come to a dojo, ostensibly to learn, and act like they know all this shit already. WTF? Luckily we have not yet had an obvious example of this manifest, that I can tell. Sheesh, may we never.


44 minutes ago, Kishi said:

Oh, and since we're headed up next Thursday, I'm debating whether or not to deload. The work doesn't feel particularly heavy, and the program as it is doesn't seem to reconnoiter on actually taking deloads. Also, it looks like we'll be up there for most of a week, so it's not like I'm going to be hitting the weights particularly hard or anything. OTOH, deloads are important, and I'm not sure if training up to the last second like that would affect my performance up there or not.


Deloading leading up to the trip, during, or after? If the weights feel good, don't deload until during/after the trip. After you may need a lower intensity week designed to ramp back up to what you were doing pre-NYC. If you can/want to do stuff while up there, that might obviate the need for a true deload entirely.


46 minutes ago, Kishi said:

Anyway, unless someone else catches me and tries to have me put their lives back together this afternoon, it should be straddle planche work, push ups, and Judo.


Friends got Kishi like


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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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1 hour ago, Urgan said:

Deloading leading up to the trip, during, or after? If the weights feel good, don't deload until during/after the trip. After you may need a lower intensity week designed to ramp back up to what you were doing pre-NYC. If you can/want to do stuff while up there, that might obviate the need for a true deload entirely.


Well, I've been steadily upping the weights for the past 5-6 weeks or so. The weights are feeling good, so I guess pre doesn't make sense.


During the trip, K-sensei has it in mind that we'll be spending every spare moment we can on the mats. When not, he intends for us to be visiting museums and taking in culture and such. So on the one hand, there really won't be all that much, but on the other, there's no telling how much they'll put us through when we're up there. So.

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1 minute ago, Kishi said:


Well, I've been steadily upping the weights for the past 5-6 weeks or so. The weights are feeling good, so I guess pre doesn't make sense.


During the trip, K-sensei has it in mind that we'll be spending every spare moment we can on the mats. When not, he intends for us to be visiting museums and taking in culture and such. So on the one hand, there really won't be all that much, but on the other, there's no telling how much they'll put us through when we're up there. So.


Right, no need to drop the weights prematurely, that just invites detraining/conditioning. You may need to account for the week off with the weight selection next time you train, buuuut you might just surprise yourself and feel better. NYC might let you dissipate stress and perform well afterward like peak week days off let you perform well at a lifting competition. You're not exactly gonna be inactive, though, so it's just a possibility if a small one.

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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On ‎4‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 4:02 PM, Urgan said:

Right, no need to drop the weights prematurely, that just invites detraining/conditioning. You may need to account for the week off with the weight selection next time you train, buuuut you might just surprise yourself and feel better.


Right, and of course depending on when the next tourney is.




So! Who wants to guess what happened on Wednesday?


Friggin' claimant happened is what. So I did wind up helping someone put their lives back together. No judo for me. I did resolve, however, to talk to J-sensei and see if I could just come in late - not that I haven't before, but just to get a dispensation for my peace of mind.


In the meantime, I did progress my push ups. Decided to do kneeling in accordance with traditional CC protocols, but even so, man. That tempo makes 'em vicious. I did S&S when I got home and practiced uchikomi as a form of active recovery. It wasn't a bad Wednesday night, but not the night I wanted.


Thursday, I decided to take measurements because we had a food truck coming and I wanted to see if I'd made enough progress to take a break. And, even with everything I've done, even with IF and eating lots of fiber and protein and veggies and keeping my calories just perilously close to that 2000 mark... I lost nothing. And looking back over my notes for the past month, it seems I've completely stalled out.


So, I, uh. I went a little nuts. I dug out one of my books by Lyle MacDonald about proper nutrition for hybrid athletes (people who play in sports/positions/pursuits that aren't fully powerlifting and aren't fully endurance), and he advised eating just all the things. So I tried to do that. I failed, but not for lack of effort.


Mind, I put up some numbers to earn it. I went to the gym, did my Front Squats, High Rows, Hollow Body Tuck Holds, and even did a Gymnastics WOD metcon (50 pike push ups w/ 5 tuck ups at every break, done in 16:37). And I did Karate afterward. But I got way too full afterward, and looking further into MacDonald's work, he's also a staunch advocate of eating lots of meals throughout the day, and buddy I don't have the patience for that right now.


Still, I did wake up the next morning feeling good, which reminded me that I do tend to respond well to tailoring my nutritional needs on a day by day basis.


So, I'm bumping my calories up to maintenance again - because I'm maintaining already anyway, might as well not be miserable about it - with the twist that I'm tailoring a day's intake up or down depending on what I do that day.


Friday, I wound up going back to Apex because nobody else has as good a bag set up as they do, and I figure the amount of money I'd spend on the extra gym membership could be made up in gas. I decided it wasn't a big deal. Forearm stands were fine, side lever practice was fine, and did my loaded carries. Had to put up with watching a couple dudes on the bag for a while who really didn't know what they were doing - they knew how to hit hard but not how to hit through. (There is a difference). I managed to get my practice done after, though.


Saturday, got up, did my S&S, then went to Kali. Found J-sensei there, got my dispensation. Now I go on Wednesday night no matter what time I'm getting there.


The Ladies didn't show to Kali, which I wasn't expecting them to. Krav guy came back, and the other dude came back, the one with the pretty movement whom I may have referred to here before? I don't remember. But we basically just played around, accidentally discovered a disarm, and just had fun. Class takes on a weirdly groovy kind of feel when you have the right people there, ie not that big asshole who hasn't shown his face in months. I like it.


Afterward, I went to the gym, rucked, and engaged in some physical therapy for my pectus. I think I like the idea of trying to do my rucks on Saturday as opposed to trying to fit them in on Friday nights. Also, managed to up the weight to 24 lbs, nice and easy.


Sunday was bright and cold. Cold enough that sprinting would have been a bad idea for my lungs. So, I did my push ups, deadlifted, broke in the middle to go train people, came back, did another gymnastic medcon, and then did my tuck ups nice and slow. It hurts so good.


And, that should catch it all up. Trip to NYC is this week. Hoo boy.

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7 minutes ago, Kishi said:

Friggin' claimant happened is what. So I did wind up helping someone put their lives back together. No judo for me. I did resolve, however, to talk to J-sensei and see if I could just come in late - not that I haven't before, but just to get a dispensation for my peace of mind.


Always good to do when you know you're going to be late and cannot avoid it. Keeps the air nice and clear. 


8 minutes ago, Kishi said:

So, I, uh. I went a little nuts. I dug out one of my books by Lyle MacDonald about proper nutrition for hybrid athletes (people who play in sports/positions/pursuits that aren't fully powerlifting and aren't fully endurance), and he advised eating just all the things. So I tried to do that. I failed, but not for lack of effort.


13 minutes ago, Kishi said:

Still, I did wake up the next morning feeling good, which reminded me that I do tend to respond well to tailoring my nutritional needs on a day by day basis.


So, I'm bumping my calories up to maintenance again - because I'm maintaining already anyway, might as well not be miserable about it - with the twist that I'm tailoring a day's intake up or down depending on what I do that day.


No idea who the man is, but this is something I can get behind lol. Might as well not feel like roadkill.

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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4 minutes ago, Urgan said:

No idea who the man is, but this is something I can get behind lol. Might as well not feel like roadkill.


Yeah! He's one of the bigger research names in the business of body recomposition. He, Alan Aragon, and Brad Schoenfeld seem be the Holy Trinity of Recomp. But yeah, dude would have recommended eating somewhere between 2800-4500 calories for the amount of activity I did on Thursday. 'cept, thing is, I don't think I actually do as much as he thinks, on the basis that I have other people slowing me down in Karate and Kali is more gentle movement than anything else, and Judo's touch and go as to whether it'll be something or not.



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7 minutes ago, Kishi said:


Yeah! He's one of the bigger research names in the business of body recomposition. He, Alan Aragon, and Brad Schoenfeld seem be the Holy Trinity of Recomp. But yeah, dude would have recommended eating somewhere between 2800-4500 calories for the amount of activity I did on Thursday. 'cept, thing is, I don't think I actually do as much as he thinks, on the basis that I have other people slowing me down in Karate and Kali is more gentle movement than anything else, and Judo's touch and go as to whether it'll be something or not.




How much more or less whole food can you manage in a day?

Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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36 minutes ago, Urgan said:


How much more or less whole food can you manage in a day?


I wound up tapping out at about 3000 or so. I could probably manage more if I wasn't trying to fast for my heart, but as it is I wind up getting the majority of my calories at dinner, and that's all whole, high-satiety food. Tough to overload on that stuff.


24 minutes ago, Teirin said:

Good luck on the New York trip!  I hope it is a lot of fun!


Me too! I picked up an Audible copy of Mistborn for the journey, in case we wind up not being talkative. I do not know how he is, in terms of his traveling temperament, so I should be good either way.

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5 minutes ago, Kishi said:

I wound up tapping out at about 3000 or so. I could probably manage more if I wasn't trying to fast for my heart, but as it is I wind up getting the majority of my calories at dinner, and that's all whole, high-satiety food. Tough to overload on that stuff.


2800 - 3000 does not sound crazy in the slightest. Especially given you pulled this off WITH fasting.

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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4 minutes ago, Urgan said:


2800 - 3000 does not sound crazy in the slightest. Especially given you pulled this off WITH fasting.


Yeah, and I mean, in Leangains land, 3K+ is about what you'd want for building muscle.


As it is, I've actually taken the lesson to heart, so on my strength training days, I've budged out about 3120 calories. It's manageable.

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2 hours ago, Kishi said:

So, I, uh. I went a little nuts. I dug out one of my books by Lyle MacDonald about proper nutrition for hybrid athletes (people who play in sports/positions/pursuits that aren't fully powerlifting and aren't fully endurance), and he advised eating just all the things. So I tried to do that. I failed, but not for lack of effort.

Herm.  I think I will have to investigate this fellow.  I don't train nearly as much as you these days, but I'm still perplexed about how much I should be eating.  Partially because aikido isn't THAT strenuous (to me) most of the time, but it does involve something like 9-13 hours of mat time per week in my life... without outside training factored in.  Doesn't help that I'm kind of all over the place with my eating these days, so things get wonky.  


*think think think*

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RisenPhoenix, the Entish Aikidoka

Challenge: RisenPhoenix Turns to Ash


"The essence of koryu [...is] you offer your loyalty to something that you choose to regard as greater than yourself so that you will, someday, be able to offer service to something that truly is transcendent." ~ Ellis Amdur, Old School

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23 hours ago, RisenPhoenix said:

Herm.  I think I will have to investigate this fellow.  I don't train nearly as much as you these days, but I'm still perplexed about how much I should be eating.  Partially because aikido isn't THAT strenuous (to me) most of the time, but it does involve something like 9-13 hours of mat time per week in my life... without outside training factored in.  Doesn't help that I'm kind of all over the place with my eating these days, so things get wonky.  


He's worth looking at. Like I said, I do think that given the variability in training intensity that I'm probably not a good match for his numbers. But that doesn't mean the underlying concepts are bad.




Monday wasn't bad. Spent time gaming and stretching.


I've been so far over on protein lately that I've taken to playing with adding in more veggies as opposed to beans for fiber. It's harder than you might think, but so long as I get my hands on riced cauliflower, I seem to be able to pack a lot in. Packing in more frozen veggies also seems to be working to help preserve them so that they don't overcook too much and get all denatured and such.


Let's see, ooh, also, figured out a solution to a problem on a story project, which was fun. Only problem is, now I need to start writing that story project again. Oh darn.

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25 minutes ago, Kishi said:

I've been so far over on protein lately that I've taken to playing with adding in more veggies as opposed to beans for fiber. It's harder than you might think, but so long as I get my hands on riced cauliflower, I seem to be able to pack a lot in. Packing in more frozen veggies also seems to be working to help preserve them so that they don't overcook too much and get all denatured and such.


What about seeds? Do they count? Dried veggies and fruit help me out a lot FWIW.

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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54 minutes ago, Urgan said:


What about seeds? Do they count? Dried veggies and fruit help me out a lot FWIW.


Nuts and seeds do count! They're just a little harder to fit in on account of macros. OTOH, though, given that I'm trying to fiber up, maybe I should be focused on those as a primary fat source as opposed to adding fats during cooking.

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