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2 minutes ago, Urgan said:


Between the fact that I am a skeptical human and the whole Only One Bomber makes it to the finish line thing, it stretches my suspension of disbelief to the snapping point. So many miracles. So many. You know when Only One Makes It, they're going to do the thing no matter what. To be fair, I'm not actually demanding/expecting any Star Wars movie to cater to my POV because it's pretty much assuming you are a fan so you'll nod and roll with a bunch of stuff, right? I did not heavily invest my emotions into this particular one being great, so in the grand scheme it can do how it wants (although the pointless antagonism reminded me of my workplace hurt my brain at the time). 


Well, see, that was actually the point. Star Wars has always been big on Only One Making It, all the way back to IV, but it's never mattered before. They get it here in this film, and it turns out, holy crap, that's actually a huge freaking problem. That's part of Poe's character arc, where he has to learn to let go of theatrical tactics like that in favor of something more practical.


It happens over and over again in the film, too: they keep needing that One Chance, and it always blows up, and when they finally get a break, it's never quite what they need and it always comes at a price.


(but yeah that pointless antagonism, like what, dudes, you were setting out to get rid of Ford, Hamill, and Fisher, why would you do this)

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8 minutes ago, Kishi said:

Well, see, that was actually the point. Star Wars has always been big on Only One Making It, all the way back to IV, but it's never mattered before. They get it here in this film, and it turns out, holy crap, that's actually a huge freaking problem. That's part of Poe's character arc, where he has to learn to let go of theatrical tactics like that in favor of something more practical.


It happens over and over again in the film, too: they keep needing that One Chance, and it always blows up, and when they finally get a break, it's never quite what they need and it always comes at a price.


That was pretty much the theme for the movie, yeah. What I was trying to get at was the opening act felt cartoony to me? The one bomber thing didn't feel dramatic and it seemed like they were trying to go for drama. Whether that's something to fault it for depends on the beholder or whether you're judging it against the prior entries or not. I'm not really fit to do that so I won't. Then again, the struggle of the human inside the bomber felt vaguely compelling against the ridiculousness that was the battle at large, so that's a thing I'll give it as tying back to the theme of Just Not Quite Good Enough.


14 minutes ago, Kishi said:

(but yeah that pointless antagonism, like what, dudes, you were setting out to get rid of Ford, Hamill, and Fisher, why would you do this)


It also made me sad to see them go, which I have to give TLJ credit for. I am sentimental even on characters I am not tightly attached to. Knowing they aren't coming back is sad. Even if I had no plans to watch. I'm not sure what to make of that one.

Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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6 minutes ago, Urgan said:

That was pretty much the theme for the movie, yeah. What I was trying to get at was the opening act felt cartoony to me? The one bomber thing didn't feel dramatic and it seemed like they were trying to go for drama. Whether that's something to fault it for depends on the beholder or whether you're judging it against the prior entries or not. I'm not really fit to do that so I won't. Then again, the struggle of the human inside the bomber felt vaguely compelling against the ridiculousness that was the battle at large, so that's a thing I'll give it as tying back to the theme of Just Not Quite Good Enough.


Yeah, that's fair. They were doing that to set up for Rose, but TBH I think she could have been enough without the extra set up. Maybe introduce her as a hacker, which would have directly tied her into the underlying theme of underdogs using underhanded means and methods.

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1 minute ago, Kishi said:


Yeah, that's fair. They were doing that to set up for Rose, but TBH I think she could have been enough without the extra set up. Maybe introduce her as a hacker, which would have directly tied her into the underlying theme of underdogs using underhanded means and methods.


Agreed. Would have been nice to see her at her real job vs escape pod guard. You know, the thought has crossed my mind that I might like reading books from this universe, but due to the like, 300 book backlog I haven't explored that much yet.

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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15 minutes ago, Urgan said:


Agreed. Would have been nice to see her at her real job vs escape pod guard. You know, the thought has crossed my mind that I might like reading books from this universe, but due to the like, 300 book backlog I haven't explored that much yet.


Well, if it helps any, the original EU isn't canon anymore, so most of that library is no longer required reading. :D


Also, you have rekindled in me one of my more destructive hobbies: moping about how I could have done Star Wars better if they'd let me. @Urgan y u do dis

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Ooookay, so, let's see. Friday was when we last left off, yeah?


Friday I skipped out on doing tempo work in favor of getting the reps done quick. The other thing I did was that I bumped the difficulty on my forearm stands. Y'all might remember, I was having some troubles with the legs being extended, so I'd modified downward doing them with my legs curled downward. Friday, I decided to drop the times back down and extend my legs out. And it worked! They went up nice and smooth and easy. Side plank twists were also easy, and if everything goes like I think it will I'll be ready to advance this week.


Dinner afterward with friends. We watched a double feature of Black Panther and Thor: Ragnarok; a good movie night. Junk food dinner was junk food and delicious.


Saturday was S&S and Kali. Would have been judo, but my gi needed to be washed and I wasn't going to roll with people like that. Because that's foul. Fortunately, I still have my S&S, and Kali afterward was good, mostly working on stabbing and flowing out to the side. We're also apparently going to be practicing with some local Krav guys in a couple of weeks, which is exciting.


Saturday night was more good food at a decent Mexican joint in the shopping center near where I live. Food was tasty; haven't had a bad meal there yet. Said my good-byes to my friend and reminded him that I now have an excuse to visit Charleston. Now he just needs to get a working couch for crashing on.


Sunday, things were changed up a bit. We now game in the mornings, because Brother is now streaming a D&D game on Twitch with some friends of his. So we did our game in the AM to make room for that. There were tasty breakfast victuals, which made training afterward kind of unfun, but that's what happens when you spoil yourself with food for a few days straight. I managed my sets and reps, although push ups continue to be a bear. Annoying, but. Just means I need to keep practicing.


Monday was my first day where I didn't have any social obligations with junk food. So I fasted all day, finished up writing a short story, and then went to game with friends. We're continuing the FFXIV D&D 5e campaign; there is a fond hope that the other GMs will be available next week, but it's good to practice with the 5e mechanics and get the hang of them, especially as I'm playing another flavor of monk and it'd be good to get the mechanics ironed out.


Today should just be S&S and karate. I have to admit, it's been nice to be with friends for the past few days. But now it's time to settle back down and focus. In Dojo news, it appears that our landlord is a bag of dicks, as they've decided to set a hard limit on due date for the rent on the building. I got an email last night saying, "Well, on 05/31, it'll either be class as normal, or it'll be a going-away party." I got my funds in, although between that and the car stuff having to get resolved, I'm pretty much tapped. Which is annoying. But this happens from time to time. But payday will be in a couple of days and I can take a breath then.


Work in the meantime.

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"Now, I bet you're wondering how I got to this point."


Tuesday went well. S&S went fine and Karate afterward was also fine. K-sensei really wants me to focus on gyaku zuki, the reverse punch which is the Alpha and the Omega of everything we do in Shotokan. He specifically was thinking of the test, and he said that he really underestimated my cardio when he told me to pace myself. Next time, he wants me to go nuts, and he wants me to be confident with this technique, which admittedly I am not.


It's a new habit I have to work on. In addition to the other ones. I swear, there's a reason it takes 4.5 years between ranks with this guy.


OTOH, though, got a compliment in that we were talking about Dojo stuffs afterward. He asked about the Kali demo and whether or not it had been rehearsed or not. I told him no, and furthermore that I wish we had, just so I'd have known what we were doing. But he said that it looked really good and that I looked like I knew my way around this. That made me happy. :)


Wednesday's plan was push ups and judo. Or judo and push ups. Doesn't matter because neither one happened. One of the Monday DMs, the sickly disabled one, needed help moving. And I was under the impression that it would be easy, quick work. That did not happen. Instead, we had to make junkyard runs which meant finding a junkyard that was actually open off-hours, and we did poorly enough that we only managed one load before we had to call it quits. We got back to his place, loaded up the pick up with more junk, which wound up being like a household's worth and it took hours to get done because I'm just one dude, and he moves badly enough to be useless (his words, not mine). We hung out and got dinner together afterward, which was my first meal of the day so it was a long fast, which I'm pleased to say wasn't a problem for me.


He's going to need me again for another junkyard run after work, and TBH I don't really know what to commit to beyond that because I know for a fact that he's got more to move than just that truckload's worth. He says he's going to let the landlord sort it, but I just have no faith in that outcome. I'm perfectly willing to believe that something more complicated is coming.


Speaking of that, I'm driving with expired tags and I can't get my car to pass inspection without that $1K repair I mentioned some months ago. Yes, even the second opinion agrees. Which honestly doesn't bother me as much as the thought of driving around on expired tags. It's one thing to live lean for a month, but I've had the plate stripped from my car for that before while I was on the road, so. Had a cop pull up behind me on Tuesday and man. Felt like my heart was gonna explode.


Repairs are scheduled for 06/12, and the dude says he'll move me up if he can.


The worse part about that for me is that this is going to get in the way of the heart supplements I was taking. Which honestly not might have done anything for me in terms of being effective but, you know. Principle of the thing and all that.


Of course, if the frigging job would have given me overtime sooner, I could have got the money sooner and got the repair done sooner and avoided this whole damn thing. So that's how I'm doing, thanks for asking.


I dunno what I'm doing tonight. I said I'd help my friend; I don't know how long it'll take and I don't even know if I'll get off in time to do anything beyond fixing dinner. But I can't worry about that situation until it's done, so.

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Ew.  Car repairs.  The worst.


If it makes you feel better, I went over a year with expired tags for inspection and only got a single ticket?





(Granted, I wasn't driving frequently and I hid my car in my driveway, but, um, yea.  Totally did that.)

RisenPhoenix, the Entish Aikidoka

Challenge: RisenPhoenix Turns to Ash


"The essence of koryu [...is] you offer your loyalty to something that you choose to regard as greater than yourself so that you will, someday, be able to offer service to something that truly is transcendent." ~ Ellis Amdur, Old School

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24 minutes ago, Urgan said:

If only you had a side business opportunity that seems to fall in your lap like every month.....


Honestly, I should charge people for my services. I feel guilty, though, because they're my friends, and it's not exactly like *everyone* needs my services. It's not consistent enough to be a thing.


Like this poor bastard I'm helping out now. He can't even afford to pay me. He's been getting by on disability checks and help from his mom, and he's moving out of a house into someone's basement who's charging him a pittance. He didn't even buy dinner for us - that was his roommate, and she's an hourly employee over at an ice cream parlor. It's not like the #FightFor15 has been won and the reason she's not there to help now is because she lost a bunch of hours getting this done and couldn't afford any more time off. These are people for whom $35 is a huge deal; incidentally, that's about how much I'd charge for the services rendered. So.


36 minutes ago, RisenPhoenix said:

Ew.  Car repairs.  The worst.


If it makes you feel better, I went over a year with expired tags for inspection and only got a single ticket?





(Granted, I wasn't driving frequently and I hid my car in my driveway, but, um, yea.  Totally did that.)


Yeah, well, it's been like this for months due to my ignorance and negligence, so what's one more? And anyway, the cop who pulled up behind me definitely got an eyeful of my plates and then proceeded to do nothing about it. Mostly, I suspect, because I'm on file as having paid the fines once I understood my situation. I think, as long as I can explain the situation to them, the worst that'll happen is that I get a citation or something. I hope.

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4 minutes ago, Kishi said:

Honestly, I should charge people for my services. I feel guilty, though, because they're my friends, and it's not exactly like *everyone* needs my services. It's not consistent enough to be a thing.


Like this poor bastard I'm helping out now. He can't even afford to pay me. He's been getting by on disability checks and help from his mom, and he's moving out of a house into someone's basement who's charging him a pittance. He didn't even buy dinner for us - that was his roommate, and she's an hourly employee over at an ice cream parlor. It's not like the #FightFor15 has been won and the reason she's not there to help now is because she lost a bunch of hours getting this done and couldn't afford any more time off. These are people for whom $35 is a huge deal; incidentally, that's about how much I'd charge for the services rendered. So.


Incidentally, $15/hr was about what I was making as a masters grad at that tech support job, so I have some thoughts and feelings about that right there. But that aside, your time has to be worth something and if the people can compensate you, they should. Simply because it might force them to have a more accurate assessment of how long the task will take. Not to screw over the impoverished, you dig?

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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18 hours ago, Urgan said:

Incidentally, $15/hr was about what I was making as a masters grad at that tech support job, so I have some thoughts and feelings about that right there.


Hey, I'm right there with you. $15/hour in today's dollars is a subsistence wage; as a masters grad working in tech you deserved way more than that.


18 hours ago, Urgan said:

But that aside, your time has to be worth something and if the people can compensate you, they should. Simply because it might force them to have a more accurate assessment of how long the task will take. Not to screw over the impoverished, you dig?


Well, generally the people who ask for my help are the impoverished, so. Typically, it's been my finding that if people can afford help to move, they buy help and skip out on friends completely.




So, Thursday night was supposed to just be a junk run. And it was. But it got complicated, mostly because the friend I went to help got caught up in running errands for his roommate, who got sick and wasn't able to work. And the only junkyard open was on the far side of town. So, by the time everything was said and done, there was no way to make Karate last night.


I returned home and did my strength work from there. Deck Squats continue to be a challenge since it seems like the balance point on my body is very, very small. I can almost find it, but then I pop out of the pocket and find myself stumbling back to catch myself. It's really annoying, but this is what I signed up for. I'm trying to learn to slow down and feel that place, and I think it's helping. Time will tell.


Blasted through my high rows afterward without much pain to speak of. I was glad to just get through all sets and reps without rest. It's good.


Tuck rocks are fun, although I think I might be doing them wrong. The movement as demonstrated seems to work on a long, smooth curve of back; I seem to have a tendency to pop my hips even when I'm going, which breaks the line. I've felt it done right before, but I think I need to stay at these sets and reps for a bit to get the feeling right.


In other news, my mom texted me last night and let me know that one of the cats is being put down on Saturday. He stopped eating a while ago and lost a lot of weight; when they took him to the vet, they found a fast-growing tumor in his lung and it's got to the point where there's no treating it. Mom can't bear the thought of him starving, dehydrating, or asphyxiating to death, so she sees putting him down as the most humane option.


I called her last night and she admitted that she's okay by turns and not okay by turns, but I seemed to catch her at an okay point. Brother said he's going to go home and visit with her tonight; I'm debating whether or not I should do the same. Kind of leaning yes at this point, just because there's no judo tomorrow on account of shiai down in SC, which I can't go to now because of the tags and the repairs. So I could get all that shit done tomorrow morning if I needed to, or even do it tonight and stay up, since there's nothing to get up for tomorrow morning (I mean, beyond life, which is worth living).


So. Yeah. That's where we are right now.

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1 minute ago, Kishi said:

Well, generally the people who ask for my help are the impoverished, so. Typically, it's been my finding that if people can afford help to move, they buy help and skip out on friends completely.


There has to be a middle ground. Poverty doesn't mean taking advantage of other people and failing to consider the actual size of the job, either just from not thinking or knowing damn well it's a week long project but not just out and saying so. You're not a forklift.


4 minutes ago, Kishi said:

In other news, my mom texted me last night and let me know that one of the cats is being put down on Saturday. He stopped eating a while ago and lost a lot of weight; when they took him to the vet, they found a fast-growing tumor in his lung and it's got to the point where there's no treating it. Mom can't bear the thought of him starving, dehydrating, or asphyxiating to death, so she sees putting him down as the most humane option.


I called her last night and she admitted that she's okay by turns and not okay by turns, but I seemed to catch her at an okay point. Brother said he's going to go home and visit with her tonight; I'm debating whether or not I should do the same. Kind of leaning yes at this point, just because there's no judo tomorrow on account of shiai down in SC, which I can't go to now because of the tags and the repairs. So I could get all that shit done tomorrow morning if I needed to, or even do it tonight and stay up, since there's nothing to get up for tomorrow morning (I mean, beyond life, which is worth living).


Sorry to hear your family is losing a pet, it is really hard. Beware the post-euthanasia blues. Damn cancer.

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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27 minutes ago, Urgan said:

There has to be a middle ground. Poverty doesn't mean taking advantage of other people and failing to consider the actual size of the job, either just from not thinking or knowing damn well it's a week long project but not just out and saying so. You're not a forklift.


No. Poverty means knowing all of those things, knowing that your friends are not forklifts, and needing their help anyway without being able to pay for it.


Look, I'm not trying to be obtuse with you here for the sake of it. I've been thinking through all these times I helped people and I can think of maybe 2 times where they probably had the money to do something. In both those cases, they had me and a bunch of free labor on top of me. I just can't see how charging them would have done me any good beyond giving me an excuse to not go and also alienate some people in the process ("what? He wants to charge me? While I have all this free labor over here? Who does he think he is?").


1 hour ago, Urgan said:

Sorry to hear your family is losing a pet, it is really hard. Beware the post-euthanasia blues. Damn cancer.


Yeah. I'm trying to arrange a pleasant surprise for her to help with that. Hope it works.

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Welp, quick one today before heading out for the stabbings.


Last night I did go to see my Mom and my bro. It was good that I went - Mom was pretty melancholic, but she seemed to be in as good spirits as we might be able to ask.


I asked a bunch of my friends on FB to offer some kind words to her today, just as a way to show support. It's occurring to me now that this may have been a tall ask - one, because FB curates content in such a way that you can't post on people's walls if you aren't friends, and two, because nobody actually knows my mother over there. I worry that I might have asked this and set it up in such a way that people couldn't actually accede to my request; I can't see now whether or not people have actually reached out to say anything.


And buddy, if you think that hasn't been hard on my mindspace and hit me in my insecurities, then lemme tell you.


But I have done what I can, and I have no choice but to trust that my friends are being my friends and reaching out in a time when I need them to.


In the meantime, I've kept up with my training. And, in flabbergasting news, I've realized that regular deloads are actually a part of the program in GB. #MindBlown. But no joke, I was trawling the forums and I found someone who's been having the same push up problems and everyone was like "you deload?" and he was like "lol no" and they were like "lol you should." And I was like




So, uh, I'll hit it hard tomorrow and then deload starting on Monday. I'll try to make it a regular part of my training going forward - I'm thinking just doing so as a last week of the month thing. Maybe do it again when I have time or opportunity to hit up a shiai/OCR and need to conserve myself for it.


Although! In the meantime, I did progression standard for this step in side lever work, so it's not like it's been all bad.

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1 hour ago, Kishi said:

I asked a bunch of my friends on FB to offer some kind words to her today, just as a way to show support. It's occurring to me now that this may have been a tall ask - one, because FB curates content in such a way that you can't post on people's walls if you aren't friends, and two, because nobody actually knows my mother over there. I worry that I might have asked this and set it up in such a way that people couldn't actually accede to my request; I can't see now whether or not people have actually reached out to say anything.


And buddy, if you think that hasn't been hard on my mindspace and hit me in my insecurities, then lemme tell you.


But I have done what I can, and I have no choice but to trust that my friends are being my friends and reaching out in a time when I need them to.


When the tool has a large probability of burying the very thing it is designed to accurately convey.....a poor gauge of performance it is. That is a lacking argument for your feelings, though. I'm sure your friends have experienced this kind of loss and have sympathy for your mom. Don't know her from Eve myself, but if on FB I would send my condolences. FWIW.


Re: deloads, it's an intuition thing? If you need one, take one. Otherwise it might set you back if the deload is too aggressive. I do have a monthly cycle that could be converted into a deload in a strategic time, but it wouldn't be a true deload as written. GB might have this figured out, just saying.

Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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21 hours ago, Urgan said:

When the tool has a large probability of burying the very thing it is designed to accurately convey.....a poor gauge of performance it is. That is a lacking argument for your feelings, though. I'm sure your friends have experienced this kind of loss and have sympathy for your mom. Don't know her from Eve myself, but if on FB I would send my condolences. FWIW.


Well, in the end, only one person actually did anything. I was pretty frustrated about it, but in the end I realized that it was my fault. I didn't set this up in such a way that it would have been easy for people to do - I could have just made a wall post, tagged my Mom, and asked for condolences. That would have been a way better use of the tool. I just wanted to surprise her with some encouragement, but even that one person made a difference, and it sounds like she's been surrounded by love and support despite my failure. I'll have to do better next time.


21 hours ago, Urgan said:

Re: deloads, it's an intuition thing? If you need one, take one. Otherwise it might set you back if the deload is too aggressive. I do have a monthly cycle that could be converted into a deload in a strategic time, but it wouldn't be a true deload as written. GB might have this figured out, just saying.


Oh yeah, I know. The SOP for GB is supposed to be three weeks on, one week off, and that off week your reps are at 50%. Just a short term rest.




Saturday done. Went out, stabbed people. Got stabbed. Played around with some flow drills that I was 1) surprised I remembered and 2) was actually better at than when I'd done them before.


Today, hollow back press work, manna work, and sprinting. I might go for a walk afterward as well.

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Sunday down. I didn't have to go train anyone, so I pretty much just ambled about and did my own thing at my own pace. It was nice.


Warmed Up


Incline Push Ups: 1x9

Integrated Mobility: DONE


Push Ups: 4x9

Integrated Mobility: DONE

  • These finally, finally went well today. Just in time for deload. I'm trying to think of it as "something to grow on."

Tuck Ups: 1x9

Integrated Mobility: DONE


Straddle Tuck Ups: 4x6

Integrated Mobility: DONE

  • Integrated mobility went great, but man this move is hard on my left leg. Not sure if it's a quad thing or a flexor thing.

Sprints: 10x40m

  • Yeah, just sprinted today. I don't think I'm getting enough out of the 1-2-3s to justify them; I think that those benefits could actually be found via dance which I still want to get into. Somehow. Somewhere.

Ruck: 25 lbs, 3.7 mph, average 3% incline.

  • Felt good to get back under the straps on this one.

Afterward, spent my time watching anime and doing chores back at the house. Last week wound up being a long-ass week somehow with everything that happened, but it was an opportunity for me to sit and realize that I've really let the apartment go to crap. I have far more boxes than I'd like to have still, and my table/counter surfaces are a wreck. Ironically, the kitchen is the cleanest place. Go figure on that.


But, yeah, really want to dig into getting things cleaned up this week.


Also, I wrote enough to earn myself another Sanderson lecture on Youtube, and I really should have taken yesterday for that. Oh well. Guess I'll have to keep writing instead. Oh no. :rolleyes:


I'm also looking at changing up my fasting pattern. I seem to have stumbled across some newer research indicating that the 16:8 pattern can in some individuals result in rebound weight gain and intraabdominal fat gain... which would track with the way my numbers have gone in the past week. 16:8 also doesn't seem to have a strong correlation with reducing cardiovascular stuff. So, tweaking a bit to go do a one-day fast and return to a breakfast habit. Hard to say whether that one day will be 24 or 36 hours; still working on that.


Anyway. Restful day today. Shouldn't be anything beyond gaming today.

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36 minutes ago, Teirin said:

Nice :-)  What do you like for breakfast?


Generally, I'm a protein and fats kind of guy. It gets all the benefits of breakfast without the huge spike in insulin that stalls out fat burning. (obviously, you're going to make some insulin when you digest and store energy, and it breaks the fast because, you know. It's breakfast. But that dosage seems to suit me well).


38 minutes ago, Teirin said:

Any particular fav anime shows right now?


Right off the top of my head-

  • My Hero Academia is really good. Lotta heart, lotta action, very smart, absolutely do watch.
  • Gun Gale Online has been a pleasant surprise. It's an SAO spin off written by someone who actually seems interested in how online life impacts offline life. As opposed to building harems and nerfing MC-chan.
  • Megalobox. It's awesome. It's apparently a remake of an old boxing anime from a long time ago. But there's a degree and level of craft in this show that you just don't see anymore. It's a throwback to the late 90s/early 00s shows. It's not perfect - these athletes box like crap, and the fight animation is kind of janky - but it's definitely worth the sleeper hit hype it's gotten.
  • Shokugeki No Soma. It's a cooking battling anime. First time I think I ever seen something like that. Of course, everyone knows it because of the reaction shots, where people eat the food and it's so great that it causes their clothes to explode off in ecstasy; the only defense I can offer of that is that it's equal opportunity and it is not always fan-service. It's still borderline ecchi sometimes, but it has characters that actually grow and develop over time, and it actually becomes this transparent examination of class' interaction with culture, specifically how the upper classes define culture for the lower classes. Also, it's fun to see a battling anime where the merchandise is stuff I'm buying already being used in different ways.
  • Fullmetal Panic. A starter anime from the 00s that has new life for some reason. I'm getting back into it specifically to push the market to give more love to the older titles; as for how I'd sell it, just imagine a gender-inverted Chuck. Only, you know. Good.
  • Ancient Magus Bride. It's not as funny as it likes to pretend it is, but MC-chan's character arc is really moving to watch and the world-building is insane. Kind of has a Ghibli feel in some ways.
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Ooooh good stuff.  MHA is fantastic, and I love the heart in it.  I used to watch FMP back in the day!  Fumoffu was especially funny.  I've also read quite a lot of the manga and I think I know which storyline they're adapting.  Should be excellent, but I haven't started the new series yet.  The clips I've seen of Food Wars and Ancient Magus Bride are great. The later especially has been positively reviewed by a lot of friends.  I hope you're enjoying them all!  Also, new Voltron in a few weeks :-)

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43 minutes ago, Teirin said:

Ooooh good stuff.  MHA is fantastic, and I love the heart in it.  I used to watch FMP back in the day!  Fumoffu was especially funny.  I've also read quite a lot of the manga and I think I know which storyline they're adapting.  Should be excellent, but I haven't started the new series yet.  The clips I've seen of Food Wars and Ancient Magus Bride are great. The later especially has been positively reviewed by a lot of friends.  I hope you're enjoying them all!  Also, new Voltron in a few weeks :-)


YUS. 06/15; that's when the new Queer Eye eps drop too, which I'll watch because it's like watching the Rebellion in action.


I forgot to ask! Have you been watching any anime recently? Any recs?

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49 minutes ago, Kishi said:


YUS. 06/15; that's when the new Queer Eye eps drop too, which I'll watch because it's like watching the Rebellion in action.


I forgot to ask! Have you been watching any anime recently? Any recs?


I haven't watched that one, but you make it sound good.  


Not a lot.  MHA is one we're current with.  AggRetsuko on Netflix is remarkably hilarious.  We finished Dennou Coil a bit ago.  It had a slow start but was a really good mystery anime about augmented reality.   Much better than it seemed at first.  YuruCamp/Laid-Back Camp is lovely for relaxing.  Other than that, we finally finished watching the Punisher (Excellent) and just started The Expanse (looking fantastic).  

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17 hours ago, Teirin said:

MHA is one we're current with.  AggRetsuko on Netflix is remarkably hilarious.  We finished Dennou Coil a bit ago.  It had a slow start but was a really good mystery anime about augmented reality.   Much better than it seemed at first.  YuruCamp/Laid-Back Camp is lovely for relaxing.  Other than that, we finally finished watching the Punisher (Excellent) and just started The Expanse (looking fantastic).  


Oh yeah, those are some good ones too, or so I've heard. I really want to make time for AggRetsuko; I keep up with a few anime YouTubers and it's universally recommended. Also, I think I might get more out of it now that I have an office job.


I've heard good things about Yuru Camp and Dennou Coil sounds interesting. Marvel's TVU is one thing that I really regret not getting into. The Expanse is awesome; a part of me is disappointed that it's not Firefly because some part of me is always going to be looking for it, but it's really good on its own and I'm thrilled that Amazon picked it up.




Monday was slated as a quiet day... and a quiet day it remained. Our regular DM is back but we were down one of our key players for where we are in the game, so it was a character creation kind of night. I rolled up a Barbarian woman who has a fear of crossing bridges and is also a sex maniac, which is like the second time I've rolled that one. Should be interesting if we end up having to play her.


S&S and Karate on the docket tonight. Should be an easy night, so, I'll be doing Shadow Swings and Paused Get Ups, or at least as many of those as I'll have time for.

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10 minutes ago, Kishi said:

I really want to make time for AggRetsuko; I keep up with a few anime YouTubers and it's universally recommended. Also, I think I might get more out of it now that I have an office job.


If it helps, it's 12 eps at 15 min each.  Very small bites.  Also, yes you will.


11 minutes ago, Kishi said:

I rolled up a Barbarian woman who has a fear of crossing bridges and is also a sex maniac, which is like the second time I've rolled that one. Should be interesting if we end up having to play her.


Huh, what are you rolling these in?  You have a table for characteristics?  Just curious!  It sounds like fun.

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