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22 minutes ago, Urgan said:




I hope this hurricane doesn't turn out to be as bad as the reports suggest. Also hope no one gets complacent. These things have a way of slamming into places that aren't planning accordingly.


Well, the wind seems to have died down to Cat 2 strength, so the main problem now will be the rain. This will present some hazards for us - the eastern flatlands in the state are covered in hog farms which tend to store their waste in ponds, and there's a risk of flooding. Also coal ash from the power plants. So, you know, potential local environmental catastrophe. Also, the beachfront property is probably going to get rekt, but that's what happens when your state passes laws forbidding policy changes based on climate science. 


Speaking closer to home, some parts of town are definitely going to flood, but I don't live in any of 'em and I'm specifically at the top of a good-size hill. So. Not much else to do but to wait and see what comes.

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11 minutes ago, Kishi said:

Speaking closer to home, some parts of town are definitely going to flood, but I don't live in any of 'em and I'm specifically at the top of a good-size hill. So. Not much else to do but to wait and see what comes.


Whew, I'm glad to hear your place is not likely to flood. Make sure your car is parked on high ground too. The footage of flooding here last month showed dozens of cars drowning in parking lots.


While I'm sure it was not fun to do, good that you were able to get your hours in early. That gives you one less thing to worry about if your office has to close for bad weather or loss of power. You have handstands, S&S and all sorts of gymnastic stuff you can work on at home, so you won't just be reading trashy novels and eating junk food while the rain beats against the windows. :P 


All kidding aside, stay safe. Flash floods are scary dangerous.

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Level 81  Viking paladin

My current challenge  Battle log 

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1 minute ago, Mistr said:

You have handstands, S&S and all sorts of gymnastic stuff you can work on at home, so you won't just be reading trashy novels and eating junk food while the rain beats against the windows. :P 


Point of order - writing trashy novels, TYVM. :D


2 minutes ago, Mistr said:

Make sure your car is parked on high ground too. The footage of flooding here last month showed dozens of cars drowning in parking lots.


Yup. I live near the top of a hill that has two crests below and ends in a garden down at the very bottom. It kind of reminds me of a collection pond, so I reckon if the flooding is bad enough that it gets to me, it'll be something Biblical in proportions.


3 minutes ago, Mistr said:

All kidding aside, stay safe. Flash floods are scary dangerous.


Thank you. I hope it's clear, I'm not attempting to be needlessly cavalier about this. I've been assessing the risk all week, and I was doing my best to prepare for something worse than what it appears we're getting. I'll have to do some getting around yet tomorrow - volunteered for the ARC - but I'll be careful.

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And here I thought beaches tend to get wrecked because they are the point of first contact with the storm with nothing to stop winds and flooding.....

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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22 hours ago, Treva said:

hey, just checking in to see how you're weathering the storm.  Hope you are safe.


21 hours ago, Teirin said:


I just checked in with him on FB.  He's fine and volunteering with the ARC shelter.


21 hours ago, Treva said:

Great, thank you so much for letting me know.  I was Having Several Concerns.


Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. :)


On ‎9‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 12:29 PM, Urgan said:

And here I thought beaches tend to get wrecked because they are the point of first contact with the storm with nothing to stop winds and flooding.....


Well, they do, but the reason it matters isn't necessarily because of accelerated erosion but because of what we build in places where that flooding and wind can do some major damage. There's actually a lot that's being discussed right now. Back in 2012, we had climate data projecting rising water levels that would require lots of rezoning rebuilding to keep residents in places where they wanted to be. In response, and due to lobbying by real-estate interests, the state government passed a law saying that these projections couldn't be used. They said it was wildly irresponsible and would cost hundreds of millions of dollars.


Of course, now we're looking at a projected $170B in repair costs as a result of our failure to prepare, and oh yeah, one of the coal ash ponds flooded, so we're gonna get waste in our drinking water again.


So, you know. There's a lot at stake with this kind of stuff.




Right. So, let's catch it up.


What I had said was that I had plans to clean and write and just kind of bide my time and wait the storm out.


That is not what happened.


Before you worry, no, there's not been any flooding near me. I'm exceedingly fortunate for this, but it appears to be happening in the predicted way. Some parts of town flooded; mine was not one. Lost power the first day, but got it back, albeit with some occasional browning as they reconnected parts of the grid.


The reason I've not been here is that, as I said to @Mistr, a call went out for volunteers w/ the ARC. I answered that call. And, via a series of errors and miscommunications, I learned that as a State employee - as opposed to county - I was slated to be there for a 12 hour shift, from 0700 to 1900. I worked 12 hours Friday and Saturday as a runner, basically working as a "jack of all trades" between posts to get things done for about 280 people. Sunday I had off; I spent that day gymming and followed it up with helping some friends move. My hamstring is not happy with me about that.


It's been a busy few days is what I'm saying.


And it doesn't look like it's going to be getting any lighter either. Work opened up today, so I'm doing that, and I'm slated for another 12-hour shift tomorrow, so I'm noping out of gaming because I have no time for the DM to treat my need for sleep like a soft dismissal at 2100 tonight (so he can keep me later for the game to go nowhere). I have no idea how long that's going to last. We'd originally projected for 5 days, but I've got a sinking feeling that this is going to carry on way over deadline, and further I have a feeling that they're going to need people for these 12-hour shifts.


Or not? Because apparently, these people are being moved to a stadium in Winston-Salem, which is like an hour and some change west of here, and nobody told me about it? So I have to check with my people back here and see what's going on.


So, yeah. No communication, no organization, just lots of people trying to do the best they can while everyone talks past each other.


I do apologize if I seem terse. I don't mean to; I'm just rather terribly focused on "what needs to be done" right now.


It's not like it's all been doom and gloom, though. I've kept up with my training, and I didn't lose power, although I've been eating like an asshole and that really needs to stop. I've switched back to fasting and it feels better, and I'm going back to the original macros that seemed to favor my T. I'm feeling better as a human being for that.


So. Onward.

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4 minutes ago, Kishi said:

Well, they do, but the reason it matters isn't necessarily because of accelerated erosion but because of what we build in places where that flooding and wind can do some major damage. There's actually a lot that's being discussed right now. Back in 2012, we had climate data projecting rising water levels that would require lots of rezoning rebuilding to keep residents in places where they wanted to be. In response, and due to lobbying by real-estate interests, the state government passed a law saying that these projections couldn't be used. They said it was wildly irresponsible and would cost hundreds of millions of dollars.


Of course, now we're looking at a projected $170B in repair costs as a result of our failure to prepare, and oh yeah, one of the coal ash ponds flooded, so we're gonna get waste in our drinking water again.


So, you know. There's a lot at stake with this kind of stuff.


It might help if we didn't subsidize building things right on top of places that routinely flood and/or are blown down by weather phenomena in the case of private structures. As for the public ones, I don't have any faith in any given department or institution's competency when the risk to reward conversation has been done away with entirely. Obviously there is a lot of money to be made by lobbyist-regulator "relations" so fat chance of common sense having a seat at the table. It isn't a good hurricane without sewage or other waste ending up in the water supply. Or scattering snakes all over the place. We each do things our own way.


I have had the opportunity to observe houses right by Orange Beach years after some of our favorite hurricanes came through and it's a hit parade of building-corpses. Talk about your hit vacation destination....to this day I'm not sure why this "tour" happened, because it basically amounted a showcase of devastation where I spent most of the time trying to guess if the next house down was inhabited or not. Even elevated structures are not immune from that post-apocalyptic abandonment feel. My in-laws are wannabe/part-time beach dwellers and I cannot identify less, having lived through both Ivan and Katrina in a much less indefensible position almost an hour's drive inland and y'all that was not a good August for anybody around the Gulf Coast. Perhaps they were looking past the busted-up buildings to stare at the shoreline? People have the right to make unintelligent decisions like building houses on sand, but they better not expect to avoid the consequences because they're sitting right there next door, so to speak. In fact, there's a little pile of sand a few miles long called Dauphin Island that is essentially a glorified sandbar. Every time a storm of any size comes through it changes the actual shape of the "island," you know? People live there. I don't know why, but they do. There is no preparing for the ground under you disappearing.

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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1 hour ago, Urgan said:


It might help if we didn't subsidize building things right on top of places that routinely flood and/or are blown down by weather phenomena in the case of private structures. As for the public ones, I don't have any faith in any given department or institution's competency when the risk to reward conversation has been done away with entirely. Obviously there is a lot of money to be made by lobbyist-regulator "relations" so fat chance of common sense having a seat at the table. It isn't a good hurricane without sewage or other waste ending up in the water supply. Or scattering snakes all over the place. We each do things our own way. 


I have had the opportunity to observe houses right by Orange Beach years after some of our favorite hurricanes came through and it's a hit parade of building-corpses. Talk about your hit vacation destination....to this day I'm not sure why this "tour" happened, because it basically amounted a showcase of devastation where I spent most of the time trying to guess if the next house down was inhabited or not. Even elevated structures are not immune from that post-apocalyptic abandonment feel. My in-laws are wannabe/part-time beach dwellers and I cannot identify less, having lived through both Ivan and Katrina in a much less indefensible position almost an hour's drive inland and y'all that was not a good August for anybody around the Gulf Coast. Perhaps they were looking past the busted-up buildings to stare at the shoreline? People have the right to make unintelligent decisions like building houses on sand, but they better not expect to avoid the consequences because they're sitting right there next door, so to speak. In fact, there's a little pile of sand a few miles long called Dauphin Island that is essentially a glorified sandbar. Every time a storm of any size comes through it changes the actual shape of the "island," you know? People live there. I don't know why, but they do. There is no preparing for the ground under you disappearing.


Hey, preaching to the choir on this one. It's just that in this case, the decision to subsidize was completely informed by the lobbies and not as a result of an effective data-based policy. Or so it seems from here.




So. I will not be going to Winston. The Powers That Be are saying that they have no further need of my services. So I shall not provide them. And it looks like I'll be compensated one way or the other for my time which is pretty groovy.


And in further news, it looks like they opened up the building for OT again this week. So I'll be working 12-hour shifts all week. Again.


Sick paycheck will be siiiiiick.

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2 minutes ago, Kishi said:

Hey, preaching to the choir on this one. It's just that in this nearly every case, the decision to subsidize was completely informed by the lobbies and not as a result of an effective data-based policy. Or so it seems from here.




And I am being extremely charitable with "nearly".....money funneling > kickback.


8 minutes ago, Kishi said:

So. I will not be going to Winston. The Powers That Be are saying that they have no further need of my services. So I shall not provide them. And it looks like I'll be compensated one way or the other for my time which is pretty groovy.


And in further news, it looks like they opened up the building for OT again this week. So I'll be working 12-hour shifts all week. Again.


Sick paycheck will be siiiiiick.


Sounds like maybe them car repairs will be happening soon-ish??

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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Just now, Kishi said:


Well, one way or the other; what's affected now is the degree to which I'll starve. It looks like maybe not at all???



  • Like 2

Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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12 hours ago, Teirin said:

Not starving is def. excellent!  I am very much in favour.  Make sure you take care of your head while you're working more 12 hour days.


Absolutely. That's something I need to be reminded about, so thank you.




So, Monday was a quiet day. With the office being open as late as it was, I didn't go off to game.


Instead, I went home and bought into GB unlimited. They have a "Restore" series of stretches which includes lots of lower body stuff including hamstrings. Which is what I did last night, and, y'all, that shit is sorcery. I'd been massaging with a LAX ball on and off throughout the day but I was still stiff; seven minutes of those stretches later and it was like nothing had happened. I had my active ROM back - I could raise my leg out straight in front of me and it felt fine, and it still felt fine this morning.




So, you know, that's a good investment I think.


Otherwise, shadowboxed, ate, wrote. Drabbled a bit and had fun playing with the magic system. I ended up retooling it one more time, and it feels like Dresden Files: The Anime now. I don't really know another way to describe it, but it feels right to me and it was fun to work with last night.


No karate tonight. K-sensei won't like that, but I have problems to solve. Will do kettlebells for mental health, though. :)

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Glad to hear that you came through the storm in good shape. Getting extra overtime is a nice way to trade time stress for financial stress. "Sorry, I have to work" is a valid reason for missing both gaming and martial arts. Nice that the GB stretches solved your hamstring problems. Totally worth it.


I agree completely about building on flood plains. I'm about as far from the ocean as a person can get, but we get plenty of river flooding. There is an island in the Mississippi across from downtown St. Paul that used to have housing until it was flooded out in the 50's. The buildings were all taken down and the city refused to let anyone rebuild. The land was a park for years. Anyone could tell by looking that it was only a few feet above the river. Then in the late 90's the economy got better and St. Paul started growing. There was pressure from real estate people to put housing on the island again. The fact that it would flood every 10-20 years didn't bother them at all. I think the city caved in to the money.


I just wish there was some way to make the developers financially responsible when they pull this kind of stunt. Like make them pay for the disaster insurance. Sadly, the insurance companies are our best shot at control for this kind of stupidity.

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Level 81  Viking paladin

My current challenge  Battle log 

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2 hours ago, Mistr said:

Glad to hear that you came through the storm in good shape. Getting extra overtime is a nice way to trade time stress for financial stress. "Sorry, I have to work" is a valid reason for missing both gaming and martial arts. Nice that the GB stretches solved your hamstring problems. Totally worth it.


Yeah! Storm was no big deal around here. And time stress is a good exchange for financial, at least at the moment. And it's better to take advantage now. Once the fiscal year is up, they'll close paid OT to people at my level ("Well, you don't know they'll do that." "But they've done it each time for the past two years"), so I really need to make sure that I take advantage when I can.


2 hours ago, Mistr said:

I agree completely about building on flood plains. I'm about as far from the ocean as a person can get, but we get plenty of river flooding. There is an island in the Mississippi across from downtown St. Paul that used to have housing until it was flooded out in the 50's. The buildings were all taken down and the city refused to let anyone rebuild. The land was a park for years. Anyone could tell by looking that it was only a few feet above the river. Then in the late 90's the economy got better and St. Paul started growing. There was pressure from real estate people to put housing on the island again. The fact that it would flood every 10-20 years didn't bother them at all. I think the city caved in to the money.


I just wish there was some way to make the developers financially responsible when they pull this kind of stunt. Like make them pay for the disaster insurance. Sadly, the insurance companies are our best shot at control for this kind of stupidity.


Yeah. The worst part is, those subsidies are typically lobbied for by the developers, so they basically get all the reward with a really mitigated risk. Of course, an obvious solution would be to cut the subsidies and cause the risk to outweigh the reward, but "government is the shadow cast by business over society" and all that.

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Welp, another day down. No martial arts, but did do kettlebells and shadowbox. Had a minor ache in the hamstring, which hasn't persisted to today, but seems like a reasonable sign to forestall adding more weight onto the swings just yet. Frustrating, but it's not like I'm getting weaker.


Otherwise, yeah. Not much to report. Shadowboxed with judo steps - I guess air uchikomi is the right term for this? - and worked on some more Restore protocols. The impression I get of these is that it's kind of a remedial stretch program for a bunch of ranges of motion, which I'm humbled to say is probably way more my speed in some ways than the formal stretch programs. So far, the hamstring one is right; I'm kind of borderline on the ankle/knee program, but I'd really rather not be borderline so I guess I gotta work on that too. Hips, OTOH, are quite open. :D


Anyway, today's docket is leg work. Gonna do the slated work as opposed to practicing at home, just for fun and also because I've been preparing dinner late anyway and home practice ain't gonna change that. Might as well get strong.

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I'm also glad you made it through the storm, and that you helped others too.  You were not terse, you were helping people and I'm glad you were there and doing The Right Thing and in general Being a Positive Force for Change.  


I don't know much about development or the politics therein, but I am all for not putting anyone, especially the disenfranchised or otherwise vulnerable, in flood plains.  They're called, you know, flood plains.  That used to mean something in this town.


I am really curious about your GB program, I am so glad you found something that works for you and I would like to learn more about it!


Do the work!! Achieve the points!  you got this and we are all rooting for you!


And may I say again, I am really glad you're okay.

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Current Challenge

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Breathe deep.  Seek peace.  Bring a sword.  ---Kishi

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16 hours ago, Treva said:

I'm also glad you made it through the storm, and that you helped others too.  You were not terse, you were helping people and I'm glad you were there and doing The Right Thing and in general Being a Positive Force for Change.


Thanks! Yeah, just. Couldn't come up with a reason not to go. I'm not skilled labor when it comes to stuff like this, but they didn't ask for skillz. :D


16 hours ago, Treva said:

I don't know much about development or the politics therein, but I am all for not putting anyone, especially the disenfranchised or otherwise vulnerable, in flood plains.  They're called, you know, flood plains.  That used to mean something in this town.


Yeah. You wanna think it's not a big deal, but then One Rainy Girl comes through and suddenly 10,000 people are sheltering in a stadium and one of the larger towns in the state is cut off from land. It's relevant now.


16 hours ago, Treva said:

I am really curious about your GB program, I am so glad you found something that works for you and I would like to learn more about it!


GB is short for Gymnastic Bodies, a bodyweight training curriculum put together by Coach Chris Sommer, who's some kind of authority for the US Olympic Gymnastics team in Colorado. It's basically a general physical prep program - the meat and potatoes of it is strength training, but it's integrated with a lot of different mobility with the goal of creating a well-rounded, autonomous athlete.


That's about the easiest version of it I know to describe, because there's a lot going on and it's growing and developing all the time. The core of it is based around training for seven different gymnastics feats - hollow back press, rope climb, straddle planche, front lever, side lever, manna, and single leg squat. But there's also additional stuff like training for handstands and eventually gaining the strength to train on rings, and also stretch programs as well, and none of it can be separated from the mobility work, which I think is what really makes this stand out from everything else.


Best way to learn more is through the website. If you decide you want to invest in the programs, they ain't cheap. You'll get what you pay for, and I think it's worth it, but the initial price points can be pretty hefty. That being said, I do think this program is what's keeping my strength and conditioning up while I rehab my hamstring. I do think that this and S&S can work well together as one of Sommer's big ideas is about doing what has to be done, but no more than that. Sessions seem to go about 10-30 minutes or so, which I'd be leery about except that they're building toward things as opposed to just an AMRAP program. So it has that in common with S&S, and they seem to feed each other virtuously, which is awesome.


So, in case it isn't clear, I like it. I like that I don't have to spend a ton of time to develop my strength, and I like that the programming is set up in such a way that I can work both my strength and conditioning at the same time. In this training, you do a set of reps, then switch to integrated mobility as a form of active rest, then another set, back and forth. Lots of effort, but no wasted time. The sets and reps are pre-programmed, but if those leaps are too big, you also have the flexibility to microload or adjust your training as you see fit, so there's plenty of room to play and customize for yourself.


This is probably more than you wanted to know. :D


17 hours ago, Treva said:

Do the work!! Achieve the points!  you got this and we are all rooting for you!


And may I say again, I am really glad you're okay.


:) Thank you.




Another day, another 12 hour shift. I'm not burnt out, I'm burnt out. Wait.


No judo, but did do my legwork.


Assisted Squats: 1x21

Integrated Mobility: DONE


Half Squats: 1x15

Integrated Mobility: DONE


Full Squats: 1x9

Integrated Mobility: DONE


Elevated Deck Squats: 3x4

Integrated Mobility: DONE


And that was that. Deck squats are easy at the height I'm doing them, but it's really easy for me to go slack on form, so I'm concentrating a lot harder and I feel like I'm exerting more effort.


I did a little research, and I think that once I hit mastery levels at this elevation, I'm going to cycle again with the goal of getting down to 1 inch elevation. Once I get there, then I will transition to doing full deck squats.


Otherwise, went home, cooked dinner, played with sticks. Really need to clean my place up so that I can have more room to play with sticks. Drabbled some, which was great.


I made the conscious decision to step away from the scale a few weeks back since the data wasn't helping me in terms of knowing what was going on and what I needed to do. It was also giving me license to break my macros, which I've known is counterproductive for me. However, I did decide to measure my gut, as in my cleanings I found one of those little body tape measure doohickeys that does the measurement for you. Relaxed, unflattering, my gut measured 39 inches; today, 20 days later, I'm down to 38.25 and this is on maintenance macros. That's a pleasant surprise, given how little work I'm doing now relative to where I was. Goal is to avoid measurement again until 09/28, which'll be the end of the month.


Today should be handstand prep work. I'm tempted to add some stretching to the end of it, but I'm not sure how wise that is given that I'm in temporary circumstances right now and I don't know if it'll stick once martial arts is back on the docket.


Oh well. No reason not to stretch today.

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Reason not to stretch yesterday - getting out of work late and dragging feet getting dinner and training done.


Didn't say it was a good reason. :P


Wrist Prep: Done.


Tripod: 1x15s

Integrated Mobility: DONE


Headstand: 1x9s

Integrated Mobility: DONE


Forearm Headstand: 3x24s

Integrated Mobility: DONE


Quick and brutal. One thing that surprises me is how easily I can kick up into the stands, though. The original reason I tried to take so much rest was because of the fact that this was hard. It's not so hard now, and I feel like I've got a good bead on what the source of those difficulties was. So, when they come around again - and they will - I should be ready for it.


Also, remember when I said that I bought into the Unlimited in order to get the Restore protocols? Turns out, they weren't kidding. I wound up buying access to everything. For $30/month? That's a damn bargain for me. Rather overwhelming, though, especially since there's a ton of new content now that I'm not leveled for just yet. Of course there's a part of me that's itching to try. That part of me is stupid, and needs to keep its thoughts to itself.


Not much else to say. K-sensei apparently decided to play hooky as I didn't come and the other students were going to be absent as well. I feel guilty about that, although I don't have a good reason for it. Right now, my overarching life choice is work now or starve later. I know what I have to do, and I'm practicing enough that I don't think I'm losing any ground. Still, though.


There's rumor that we're going to have OT again all next week. I'll take it if it is - see overarching life choice - but man, something in me rejects the idea.

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8 hours ago, Kishi said:

Also, remember when I said that I bought into the Unlimited in order to get the Restore protocols? Turns out, they weren't kidding. I wound up buying access to everything. For $30/month? That's a damn bargain for me. Rather overwhelming, though, especially since there's a ton of new content now that I'm not leveled for just yet. Of course there's a part of me that's itching to try. That part of me is stupid, and needs to keep its thoughts to itself.


Quite right. Promise that part of your brain a new-program-cookie after you achieve your next goal.


8 hours ago, Kishi said:

Not much else to say. K-sensei apparently decided to play hooky as I didn't come and the other students were going to be absent as well. I feel guilty about that, although I don't have a good reason for it. Right now, my overarching life choice is work now or starve later. I know what I have to do, and I'm practicing enough that I don't think I'm losing any ground. Still, though.


There's rumor that we're going to have OT again all next week. I'll take it if it is - see overarching life choice - but man, something in me rejects the idea.


You are making a smart choice, but it still sucks to have your life eaten by work. No surprise you have real doubts about that.

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Level 81  Viking paladin

My current challenge  Battle log 

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10 hours ago, Kishi said:

There's rumor that we're going to have OT again all next week. I'll take it if it is - see overarching life choice - but man, something in me rejects the idea.


10 hours ago, Kishi said:

Not much else to say. K-sensei apparently decided to play hooky as I didn't come and the other students were going to be absent as well. I feel guilty about that, although I don't have a good reason for it. Right now, my overarching life choice is work now or starve later. I know what I have to do, and I'm practicing enough that I don't think I'm losing any ground. Still, though.


Do the financials add up such that you need OT to make the bills? Then good on you for manning up and doing the thing. Else apply more nuance to give yourself a breather in there. You are doing the right thing for your safety and sanity, darnit. You can't Martial Arts if you've starved to death lol.

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Level 13 Shape-shifting Warrior Monk

STR:45 | DEX:18 | STA:10 | CON:37 | WIS:37 | CHA:27

The stronger the body the more it obeys, the weaker the body the more it commands. -- Siegmund Klein

Battle Log : MFP : Instagram : Challenges - 1, 23456789101112

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17 hours ago, Mistr said:

Quite right. Promise that part of your brain a new-program-cookie after you achieve your next goal.


Yup. At this point, it looks like a lot of this stuff involves movements that are farther on the progression path than I am right now. So I need to withhold myself and not get involved with that stuff just yet. It's like grinding to unlock something in an MMO.


17 hours ago, Mistr said:

You are making a smart choice, but it still sucks to have your life eaten by work. No surprise you have real doubts about that.


Yeah. Part of me is like "ugggggh this place, man" and the other part is like, "uggggggh your bills, man."


15 hours ago, Urgan said:

Do the financials add up such that you need OT to make the bills? Then good on you for manning up and doing the thing. Else apply more nuance to give yourself a breather in there. You are doing the right thing for your safety and sanity, darnit. You can't Martial Arts if you've starved to death lol.


Be great for a cut, tho. :D


But in all seriousness, I do need OT to make these bills work. It's not the month by month stuff - it always gets a little rough at the end of the month, but I've been okay for that. But throw ~$1K in car repairs on top, plus registration fees and all that other stuff? No way. So I need this OT.


OTOH, I will be taking off early Tuesday to take in a film, so that'll be a rest. Good times.




Friday down. No class to teach, so stayed late and worked. Then went home and did GB upper body.


Incline Push Ups: 1x9

Integrated Mobility: DONE


Push Ups: 5x6

Integrated Mobility: DONE

  • Bit of a custom microload on this one, which is totally in programming parameters. Goal is to get to 5x15; will add a rep each week until I do get there. OTOH, hey, at least the reps I had here were easier than last week.

High Rows: 1x9

Integrated Mobility: DONE


Less High Rows: 4x6

Integrated Mobility: DONE

  • Custom microload again. I thought I'd be able to just adjust my height and keep the reps about the same, but something about last week made that way too hard. (of course, I'd spent all day on my feet for the ARC, so that might have had something to do with it? Or it could also be the specific dose as well, as I'd played around with this some before arriving at the present course). But I hit these reps, got some good from them. No complaints there.

Scap Push Ups: 1x15

Integrated Mobility: DONE


Plank: 1x9s

Integrated Mobility: DONE


Scap Plank: 3x24s

Integrated Mobility: DONE

  • So, both planks were done with shoulder protraction, but this latest iteration is up on the hands as opposed to the elbows.

Not much else to report than that. I checked into the GB programs, and it looks like the Unlimited has also added even more new content, but this stuff looks like it's geared for noobs, which may mean I could use it. So even though it looks like it's a monthly charge, it also looks like they're trying to add value for that too, and that makes me feel better about the investment.


Anyway, Kali and Kettlebells on the docket for today. It'll be weird stepping back onto the mats.

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On 9/20/2018 at 1:38 PM, Kishi said:

So, in case it isn't clear, I like it. I like that I don't have to spend a ton of time to develop my strength, and I like that the programming is set up in such a way that I can work both my strength and conditioning at the same time. In this training, you do a set of reps, then switch to integrated mobility as a form of active rest, then another set, back and forth. Lots of effort, but no wasted time. The sets and reps are pre-programmed, but if those leaps are too big, you also have the flexibility to microload or adjust your training as you see fit, so there's plenty of room to play and customize for yourself.


This is probably more than you wanted to know. :D

This sounds super neat, and I'm glad that it's something you can do while you're rehabing.  I haven't looked at the price points yet, but given the fact that you call them hefty means I'm not sure I'll jump to them until I can work myself to more basic fitness feats.  but they seem very practical, and you know I of course like that it would blend with S&S.  Which, of course, I will swear by until I die.


NOT more than I wanted to know, exactly what I wanted to know.  thank you for the discourse.  It was useful, educational, and I am grateful.


Yowch on the having to take over time.  I am glad you have a way period to make your bills work, but I am sorry it comes at the cost of, you know, having a life. 


I am curious about this new program cookie.


Also I have done enough reading to understand your program now finally I think. GO YOU DO ALL THE PLANKS ALSO THE PAINFUL PUSHUPS.

(I Hate pushups, I admire you for doing two different kinds of sets)

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