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Here's the start of my story...

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Let’s see where do I begin?


My name is Amber and I am a 33 year old, single mother of 2 girls (12 and 9 years old). I try to be as active with my girls as I can, but often times the excuse of “life†gets in the way. Last summer we began geocaching as a way to get out of the house and try to exercise a little…but I wasn’t getting to my ideal look, if anything I was gaining weight.


I have tried every fad diet, weightloss trend, and exercise video or game I could get my hands on. I also hid a lot of these things from my girls because I didn’t want them to have body issues as they got older. As I am typing this now, I realize it even more, that it was a mistake to try all these things because it’s not a healthy way of life if I have to hide it from my girls. A few of my friends tend to subconsciously sabotage my efforts as well. At dinner I would have something healthy like fish and a salad then they would want to get ice-cream and say, just this one time. “Just this one time†would lead on to the next night of getting beer and eating fried foods, then getting fast food the next night, etc.


Finally it was time to stand up to them and recruit a few friends to my side. I also had a couple of conversations with my saboteurs about me committing to 30 days, no exceptions, to Paleo (thank you Nerd Fitness for the advice!). I have currently been eating Paleo for just over 2 weeks and I have no intentions of looking back. The meals have been great and my kids don’t even notice a difference to my cooking. They still have their fruit snacks, yogurt and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches all of which I never have cravings for or ever really want to eat anyway.


Now everyone tends to make resolutions for the New Year, my friends and I have always made predictions or bets. This year I decided to challenge them to a fitness bet. My friends and I are very competitive! The basis of our bet is: we all go to the gym together twice a week (to prove we are actually going); you can focus on whatever your fitness goals are, then you go solo once a week and check in with one of those handy phone apps. If you miss gym time then you owe $10 for each missed day (the money can really add up). The person who goes the most in 6 months will win…which will be me!


What I will really need help with is the encouragement and staying on track, and not letting one slipup lead into a snowball effect.


Sorry my story is so long. If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read it! I hope to continue on with a successful story and encourage others with a similar one to stay the course…

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Hi Amber!

It's great that you found your way here. Everyone here is really supportive and positive. You managed to take the first step in the direction of a healthier life. Paleo diet is awesome, I started eating Paleo about 10 days ago and loving it. 

I wish you the best of luck with winning that juicy pool of coworker money!


Welcome to the Rebellion, Amber!

Level 4 Human Ranger

The only Way to accomplish greatness is to set your goals even higher.

STR: 15 || DEX: 9 || STA: 10

CON: 12 || WIS: 9 || CHA: 6

Check out my challange Thread (4)

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Welcome to the Rebellion, Amber!


Losing money is a HUGE motivator among friends or coworkers, I'm learning. Kudos to you! and welcome aboard. (Also, your story is not too long! Wordiness is an accepted [nerd] trait around here, I promise.) :P

"You're not in it to get Most [Recognized Rebel Ever]. You're not in it to be eligible for prizes. You're in this because you made a promise to yourself and you refuse to let you down. Walk the talk. And even when you don't talk much, make the walk so powerful that it leaves no room for questions - from inside or out." -note to self Str7.5 Dex6 Sta5.7 Con11.8 Wis10.4 Cha2 Intro post~Challenge 1~Challenge 2~Challenge 3~Challenge 4~Battle Log 1 Ranger Level 3


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