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Nerd #12916 signing in

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Hey, everyone. I assume I'm the 12,916th person to register here (which is awesome!) due to my profile URL. :)


I'm a 29 year-old dude, married to the lovely marybelle, and I have always been a nerd. My preferred nerdy hobbies are probably wargames (particularly Warmachine/Hordes), board games (Neuroshima Hex!) and card games (started with Magic, but I'm also a fan of Dominion, Ascension, and looking to try the LotR card game). I also play a fair bit of PC games (Blizzard's trinity and Portal lately).


As for the fitness side of Nerd Fitness, I was a couch potato for most of my life. Whenever I could get away with it, I'd sit on the bleachers in PE with my friends and either play games or talk about games. I dreaded the yearly mile run for the fitness test and wound up just walking it fairly often. This lifestyle suited me until I graduated college. Then, for reasons still unknown to me, I decided I wanted to do something to get in shape. In hindsight, it's probably because I had graduated college and wasn't happy with my job, so I wanted to see improvement somewhere. I decided to run. With the help of resources on another large forum, I managed to stumble my way across the awesome Couch to 5k plan and, after a few repeated weeks, complete it. In this time, I read Born to Run and the concept of minimalistic running really clicked with me, so I snagged a pair of VFF KSOs as my first running shoe. To celebrate completing the program, I signed up for a local 5k, not realizing it was a mountain trail around a lake. Man, those hills were brutal compared to my relatively flat street that I trained on. But I managed to do it!


By this time I had found that I enjoyed running, so I did the logical thing--I signed up for a marathon. Looking back, it'd probably make more sense for me to have done a few more 5ks, 10ks, and a half-marathon first... but oh well! I completed my marathon on November 2011. Having completed that goal, I then... stopped. I took a month off to recover, and never really resumed. Sure, I started a few things (lifting plans, running plans), but I'd only stick with it for a week or two and then lapse. Last November, I realized it had been a year since I had really done anything productive physically and it started to bother me. I poked around online and found a link to Nerd Fitness from one of the running blogs I had been following. "Hey," I thought, "this is a great way to approach fitness!"


Since finding NF, I have started up the beginner body weight routine, picked up some new shoes and resumed my running, and have started giving the Paleo diet a try.


Oh yeah, I also joined the US Army. So now that I'm posting here, I guess I'm a member of two armies!


I was unhappy with where my career path was (not) taking me, and I wanted a radical change. I managed to get a spot in intelligence working on all the cool toys they use, so I'm kind of looking at it as an ideal blend of the new me--techy nerd stuff plus an emphasis on physical fitness. 


Short Term Goals: Be able to score above the minimum standards (a 60) for the Army personal fitness test. This means 39 push ups in 2 minutes, 45 sit ups in 2 minutes, and a 2 mile run in 17 minutes. I'm pretty sure these are doable, so I might bump the target up to a 70 (49 push ups, 54 sit ups, 2 miles in 16:06). 

Be able to do 10 perfect form pull ups in a row. Right now I can do about 5.

Stick with paleo until I leave for basic training in April. I realize once I'm there, my diet will not be as flexible and that's fine. I just want to see how paleo works for me in the meantime.


Long Term Goals: Before the end of the year, I'd really like to run another marathon. Before the end of 2014, I want to have ran a 50k.

A much less ambitious goal, but I'd like to be able to do one-legged squats. They look so easy, but daaaang. 


My goals are mostly running related because that's what I've done the most of. I also have a strong desire to do some strength work, but nailing down some specific goals for that are a little harder for me since I don't have the experience. I'm unsure about target numbers, but I'm eager to begin proper barbell workouts. I'm mostly interested in seeing how high I can get my deadlift, squat, pull up, bench press, and military press weights (woo for compound exercises!).


That was a lot of words, and if someone actually reads it all then I applaud you. :)


TL;DR: Hi, Nerd Fitness!

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Hello Aranan :)

Quite nice to sign up here with you wife. Looks like you got a clear plan ahead of yourself of what you want to do, and when you want to accomplish it. That is great! I wish you the best of luck in reaching your goals!


Welcome to the Rebellion!

Level 4 Human Ranger

The only Way to accomplish greatness is to set your goals even higher.

STR: 15 || DEX: 9 || STA: 10

CON: 12 || WIS: 9 || CHA: 6

Check out my challange Thread (4)

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Thanks for the welcome, you two. It's been a weird week with family issues cropping up and I skipped a workout (boo), but things are back on track. Gotta say that paleo is working great for me so far. This is way better than my brief attempt at vegetarianism! :)


Now if only I could kick this sugar monkey off my back and stop craving candy...

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Great work with the diet and workouts so far. :) The sugar cravings will get less over time, and you'll end up wondering why you wanted it in the first place. I find it gets better for me after about a week or so cold turkey from sweet things. Just keep going and don't give up!


I certainly hope so. Between soda, sweet tea, and candy, I can really pack away the sugar. I've gotten a lot better about the drinks, but I'm still struggling with cravings for Skittles, etc. Doesn't help that where I work we have a big ol' candy jar that's always full. Argh. :)

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